INVITATION TO TENDER FOR BID WRITING SERVICES FOR THE WISE GROUP APPLICATION TO BIG/ESF BUILDING BETTER OPPORTUNITIES TYNE AND WEAR TRANCHE 1 STAGE 2 BID (REFERENCE NE/1/3) 1. SUMMARY Value: £9,000 including expenses and including VAT Deadline for Submission: Wednesday 20 January 2016 at 1700hrs Contract Start Date: Monday 25 January 2016 Contract End Date: Sunday 15 May 2016 2. INTRODUCTION The Wise Group has been invited to submit a Stage 2 bid for Tyne and Wear (NE/1/3) to the Big Lottery Fund Building Better Opportunities (BBO) programme, a programme funded by Big Lottery Fund and the European Social Fund, which is part of the European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF) Growth Programme 2014 to 2020. The Wise Group will be submitting the BBO Stage 2 bid in mid May 2016 but it will need to be finished by the end of April. As part of the preparation to submit this bid the Wise Group wishes to commission consultancy services to support the writing of the bid. We are also commissioning research and mapping services to inform the design of the final delivery solution of the bid and provide content within the bid. This is commissioned separately, within the same timeframe. The BBO specification to which the Wise Group are responding is BBO NE/1/3 and is found here: t%20outlines%20oct15/BBO%20NELEP%20Project%203%20of%204%20Tyne%20a nd%20Wear%20Multiple%20FINAL.pdf There is more information about BBO here: The Wise Group is the lead organisation for this BBO Stage 2 bid, but would deliver the BBO programme in Tyne and Wear in close collaboration with partners who applied to the Wise Group through an EOI stage and who were named in the Wise Group Stage 1 application. The Wise Group Stage 1 bid will be made available on the award of this consultancy contract but cannot be made available at this stage as there is still a competitive process in place. Page 1 of 6 The funding for this consultancy contract is paid for through a Big Lottery Fund BBO Stage 2 Development Grant. The contract for services and invoicing will be between the Wise Group and the consultancy services provider and will be in the form of a contract. 3. SPECIFICATION – BID WRITING The Wise Group wishes to contract external consultants as a bid writer to support the drafting and finalising of the BBO Stage 2 bid. The external bid writer will work closely with the internal team including Cherri Blissett (Director) who will provide overall management of the bid, John Halliday (Policy and Development Manager) who will provide day to day management, help develop the delivery solution and support bid writing, and a new internal bid writer (to be appointed in January) who will support bid writing. We estimate that the external consultant bid writer will represent around half the bid writing time. The guidance in part three of this document may help you understand the requirement for this bid: 20Stage%202%20materials/Guide%20to%20stage%20two.pdf Please outline in your proposal: Which parts of the writing process for this bid you believe will be your main strengths. Please note that the Wise Group has issued a separate ITT for research and mapping alongside this ITT, therefore research and mapping is not required within this commission. There will be short term deadlines set throughout February, March and April. Please set out the overall number of days and level of flexibility you will be able to provide in your methodology section. Please allow for a two hour inception meeting in the week commencing Monday 25 January 2016 which will take place in Newcastle. As part of the wider bid writing and delivery solution development there will be partner events and events with potential customers to discuss the design of the programme. Each event will be in Newcastle and last around two hours and they will be spread between early February and early April (dates not yet confirmed). Please allow two days in your proposal for you to attend some of these events – this will be agreed at the inception meeting. Due to the short timescale and inflexibility of the deadlines, it is important that the proposed approach is sufficiently flexible to enable delivery even if the start date is delayed by up to one month and the end date by brought forward by two weeks. Page 2 of 6 4. SUBMISSION GUIDANCE The closing date for submission of proposals is Wednesday 20 January at 1700hrs. Proposals should be submitted by email to No proposals submitted after this time will be considered. Please submit a proposal containing the following sections: Contact details and introduction (page limit one page) Technical section (page limit five pages) o Understanding the requirement including understanding of bid writing best practice o Approach/methodology including your strengths on bid writing o Risk assessment including deadline management o Timescales and flexibility Expertise section including CVs Pricing section, including day rates and expenses Confirmation of insurances Please supply contact details of references for two similar pieces of work. The technical section has a page limit of five pages. Where a page limit has been set, any words beyond the limit will be disregarded in the assessment process. Tables and diagrams may be included in your submission. All words and figures included in diagrams or tables and in any headings are included in the word count. Please submit using Verdana font size 11 as the main font. Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx) or Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) are the only acceptable formats. No proposals submitted in other formats will be considered. Clarification questions on this invitation to tender may be submitted by email to All questions and responses will be sent to all parties. The closing date for clarification questions is Tuesday 12 January 2016 at 1700hrs. No questions submitted after this time will be responded to. 5. EVALUATION OF PROPOSALS A maximum score of 100 points will be available. For the: Technical section evaluation a maximum score of 30 points will be available Expertise section evaluation a maximum score of 40 points will be available Pricing section evaluation a maximum score of 30 points will be available. An eligible tender with the highest score will be accepted and invited to contract. Page 3 of 6 Technical Section Evaluation For the technical section evaluation a maximum score of 30 points will be available. Category Understanding the requirement Approach and methodology Risk assessment including deadline management Timescales and flexibility Maximum Points Available 10 5 5 10 The following scoring criteria will be used for each category in the technical and expertise sections and will consider all sections (eg including the timescales and pricing section). The rating is based on the detail provided and evidence of competency to deliver, will then be multiplied by a weighting to provide a score out of the maximum points available. Rating 0 Rejected 1 Poor 2 Partial 3 Satisfactory 4 Good 5 Excellent Detail No relevant detail Competency To Deliver Unable to assess due to lack of evidence Little relevant detail Little evidence of competency Contains some relevant detail, Some evidence of but incomplete competency Complete but basic Sufficient evidence of competency A good level of detail, which Good evidence of evidences that the organisation competency can meet the needs of the programme An impressive level of explicit Excellent evidence of detail, which clearly evidences competency that the applicant can fulfil the needs of the programme Expertise Section Evaluation For the expertise section evaluation a maximum score of 40 points will be available. This section should include, as a minimum, include CVs for all team members and set out responsibilities and management roles within the team. The scoring will principally consider those team members with key responsibilities or who are shown in the pricing section to have a key role in delivery. Price Section Evaluation For the pricing section evaluation a maximum score of 30 points will be available. The pricing section must show separately the number of days and a day rate for each team member separately. As well as the total number of days offered in your tender. The value of the contract is fixed at £9,000 including expenses and including VAT. Page 4 of 6 The number of days support offered for the fixed sum in your tender will be used to determine the score for the pricing section. The score will be calculated by comparing the number of days offered in the tender to the tender offering the largest number of days support. The following formula will be used to give the score for the pricing section: [Total days offered in tender] divided by [total days offered in tender with highest number of days] multiplied by 30. The funding for this consultancy contract is paid for through a Big Lottery Fund BBO Stage 2 Development Grant. The contract for services and invoicing will be between the Wise Group and the consultancy services provider and will be in the form of a contract. You are responsible for the treatment of VAT but the value of the contract and the number of days of service offered will remain fixed. Insurance & Confirmations This section is not scored but is a requirement before contracting. Please indicate the minimum level of insurance that you will have in place during the contract. We need to see this for each of Employers Liability Insurance, Professional Indemnity Insurance and Public Liability Insurance. The Wise Group will need to be satisfied that the level is proportionate before contracting. Please confirm that you are able to fulfil all the specifications within the timescales and on budget and commit to meeting or exceeding the number of days work set out in the pricing section using the team members set out in this tender. References Please submit contact details for two individuals in two organisations who can provide evidence of your expertise and suitability for these services. Quality Management Please attach your policy for assuring quality to your proposal. Interview The Wise Group reserves the right to interview bidders if necessary. Notes The Wise Group reserves the right not to accept any tenders or to withdraw the invitation to tender at any time. A submitted tender is considered valid until 1 June 2016. By submitting a tender you confirm that you are willing and able to provide these services and the personnel named in the proposal. Page 5 of 6 During delivery of this contract, evidence will be required by the Wise Group to demonstrate that the team members named in the tender are delivering the service and the same number of day’s service as set out in the tender. Any exceptions must be agreed with the Wise Group, in writing, in advance. Consortia are able to bid and subcontracting is permitted, but you must name a lead organisation with responsibility for the entire project and with whom the Wise Group will sign a contract. All team members who will deliver any aspect of the service must be named in the tender. Page 6 of 6