The Legal Position of the Central Bank The Case of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York Thomas C. Baxter, Jr. General Counsel Federal Reserve Bank of New York January 19, 2009 London School of Economics & Political Science Timeline August 9, 2007 – – August 17, 2007 – – Federal Reserve announces Term Securities Lending Facility March 14, 2008 – Federal Reserve announces Term Auction Facility Federal Reserve announces Reciprocal Currency Arrangements March 11, 2008 – Federal Reserve announces Term Discount Window Program December 12, 2007 – BNP Paribas freezes redemptions for three investment funds ECB injects $95 billion into the interbank market Federal Reserve lends $10-15 billion to JPMorgan Chase to lend to Bear Stearns March 16, 2008 – JPMorgan Chase acquires Bear Stearns Timeline (continued) March 17, 2008 – September 7, 2008 – Bank of America buys Merrill Lynch September 15, 2008 – United States bails out Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac September 14, 2008 – Federal Reserve opens Primary Dealer Credit Facility Lehman Bros. declares bankruptcy September 16, 2008 – Federal Reserve lends AIG $85 billion Timeline (continued) September 19, 2008 – September 25, 2008 – Federal Reserve announces Money Market Investing Funding Facility November 26, 2008 – Federal Reserve opens Commercial Paper Funding Facility November 24, 2008 – Washington Mutual seized October 27, 2008 – Federal Reserve announces ABCP Money Market Fund Liquidity Facility Federal Reserve announces Term Asset-Backed Securities Loan Facility February 2009 – Term Asset-Backed Securities Loan Facility expected to go live Section 13(3) of the Federal Reserve Act In unusual and exigent circumstances, the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, by the affirmative vote of not less than five members, may authorize any Federal reserve bank, during such periods as the said board may determine, at rates established in accordance with the provisions of Section 14, subdivision (d), of this Act, to discount for any individual, partnership, or corporation, notes drafts, and bills of exchange when such notes, drafts, and bills of exchange are indorsed or otherwise secured to the satisfaction of the Federal reserve bank: Provided, That before discounting any such note, draft, or bill of exchange for an individual, partnership, or corporation the Federal reserve bank shall obtain evidence that such individual, partnership, or corporation is unable to secure adequate credit accommodations from other banking institutions. All such discounts for individuals, partnerships, or corporations shall be subject to such limitations, restrictions, and regulations as the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System may prescribe. Master Transaction Diagram Maiden Lane LLC State Street BlackRock [Investment Manager] [Custodian/Administrator/ Collateral Agent] Maiden Lane LLC $29.0 bn FRBNY P & I on Tranche A Loan + Residual TRS Fed Senior Tranche A Loan up to $29.0 bn JPMorgan Tranche B Loan $1.0 bn $30 bn Residential Loans Derivatives P & I on Tranche B Loan JPMorgan $1.0 bn $30 bn market value of assets and hedges Commercial Loans Cash Securities Derivatives with Various Counterparties Statement of Condition of All Federal Reserve Banks December 31, 2008 ($ billions) Assets Securities Treasuries notes & bonds bills Federal Agency Repos Conventional Single-tranche 28-day Loans TAF Other Credit (AIG) PDCF PCF/SCF AMLF Maiden Lane LLC Maiden Lane LLC II Maiden Lane LLC III CPFF MMIFF Other Assets Total Assets Aug. 08, 07 Dec. 31, 08 Liabilities Aug. 8, 07 Dec. 31, 08 791 791 514 277 0 461 476 457 18 20 Reserve Balances of Banks Excess Balances Required Op Balances 13 12 2 860 838 22 Federal Reserve Banknotes 777 853 19 19 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 59 80 0 80 644 450 39 37 94 24 27 20 27 334 0 635 Treasury Balances at FRB Treasury SFP Foreign RP Pool Reverse RPs 5 0 30 0 106 259 88 0 Other Deposits Other Liabilities Capital 0 10 34 21 34 42 2263 Total Liabilities & Capital 869 2263 869