agroekosistem kentang – produksi ramah lingkungan

Dikoleksi :
Produksi Pertanian
Produksi pertanian
berkelanjutan adalah
kemampuan sistem pertanian
untuk mempertahankan
tingkat produksi yang stabil
dan kualitas yg baik dalam
jangka panjang tanpa
persyaratan meningkatkan
input agro-kimia untuk
mengelola sistem.
Tanah yang sehat santa penting bagi sistem produksi yang
berkelanjutan dan diperlukan dukungan IPTEK tentang fisika
tanah, kimia tanah serta biologi tanah dan interaksi antara akar
tanaman dan tanah.
Pestisida dan Pengelolaan Hama Terpadu
Pengurangan penggunaan pestisida dapat dilakukan melalui
pemuliaan varietas yang tahan terhadap gangguan hama dan
penyakit; mengembangkan strategi manajemen hama terpadu
berdasarkan pengetahuan tentang epidemiologi hama.
Keanekaragaman Hayati.
Praktek agronomi berdampak terhadap sistem pertanian secara
keseluruhan, termasuk keanekaragaman hayati, kesehatan tanah dan
nutrisi, karbon dan nitrogen fluks, polusi, hama dan penyakit dinamika
populasi, hasil dan kualitas tanaman.
Indikator keanekaragaman hayati di atas dan di bawah tanah dapat
digunakan untuk menilai dampak praktek manajemen dan kultivar
terhadap berbagai pola rotasi tanaman.
Keamanan Pangan dan Kualitas.
Kemampuan analitis yang diperlukan untuk menilai berbagai ukuran
kualitas umbi kentang, termasuk komponen gizi dan residu pestisida.
Spesialis diperlukan untuk mempelajari keberadaan patogen di lahan
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Air dan Efisiensi Penggunaan Air.
Akibat dari dampak perubahan iklim, maka prediksi curah hujan kurang
dapat diandalkan di masa depan, sehingga diperlukan pengembangan
tanaman yang sangat efisien dalam penggunaan airnya. Metode, waktu
dan lokasi air irigasi harus ditingkatkan untuk dapat meningkatkan
Pupuk dan Efisiensi Penggunaan Gizi.
Pemupukan optimal bertujuan untuk mengoptimalkan perolehan dan
akumulasi hara , dengan demikian meningkatkan kualitas gizi dan
mengurangi masukan pupuk.
Aktivitas mikroba dan sekresi tanaman di sekitar akar tanaman perlu
dikaji untuk memahami dan meningkatkan penyerapan nutrisi. Hal ini
dilengkapi dengan uji lapangan dan rumah kaca tentang pupuk alternatif
seperti kompos dan bahan limbah.
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Tanah dan persiapan lahan.
Kentang dapat tumbuh pada berbagai jenis tanah, kecuali tanah
salin dan basa. Tentu tanah yang gembur, yang menawarkan
setidaknya resistensi terhadap pembesaran umbi; tanah-tanah
berlempung dan lempung berpasir yang kaya bahan organik,
dengan drainase dan aerasi baik , adalah yang paling cocok. Tanah
dengan kisaran pH 5,2-6,4 dianggap ideal.
Budidaya kentang melibatkan persiapan lahan. Tanah harus diolah
sampai benar-benar bebas dari akar gulma. Dalam kebanyakan
kasus, tiga kali pembajakan, bersama dengan perataan dan
pengguludan, diperlukan sebelum tanah mencapai kondisi yang
cocok, gembur, drainase baik dan aerasi baik.
Penanaman benih.
Tanaman kentang biasanya ditanam bukan dari biji tetapi dari "benih kentang" ,
yaitu umbi kecil atau potongan umbi ditanam hingga kedalaman 5 sampai 10 cm.
Kemurnian kultivar dan umbi bibit yang sehat sangat penting untuk keberhasilan
tanaman. Benih umbi ini harus bebas penyakit, berkecambah dg baik dan
bobotnya 30 sampai 40 g setiap umbi. Penggunaan bibit komersial berkualitas
baik dapat meningkatkan hasil sebesar 30 hingga 50 persen, dibandingkan dengan
bibit petani sendiri, tetapi keuntungan yang diharapkan harus dapat
mengimbangi biaya yang lebih tinggi.
Kepadatan penanaman kentang tergantung pada ukuran umbi yang dipilih,
sedangkan jarak antar baris harus memungkinkan untuk penyiangan tanaman.
Biasanya, sekitar dua ton bibit kentang ditabur per hektar. Untuk produksi lahan
tadah hujan di daerah kering, menanam di bidang olah datar memberikan hasil
yang lebih tinggi, sedangkan tanaman irigasi terutama ditanam dengan sistem
Stages in crop development
1. Planted seed tuber
2. Vegetative growth
3. Tuber initiation
4. Tuber bulking
Perawatan tanaman.
Selama peerkembangan kanopi kentang, yang memakan waktu sekitar empat
minggu, gulma harus dikendalikan untuk memberikan "keunggulan kompetitif“
tanaman. Jika gulma besar, mereka harus dibuang sebelum operasi
pembumbunan (penyiangan) dimulai. Pembumbunan dilakukan untuk
penumpukan tanah pada pangkal batang utama tanaman kentang.
Pembumbunan untuk menjaga tanaman tegak dan menggemburkan tanah,
mencegah gangguan hama seperti ngengat umbi, dan membantu mencegah
pertumbuhan gulma.
Setelah pembumbunan, gulma antara tanaman yang tumbuh dan pada bagian
atas guludan diambil secara mekanis atau menggunakan herbisida.
Pembumbunan harus dilakukan dua atau tiga kali pada interval 15 sampai 20
hari. Pembumbunan pertama harus dilakukan saat tanaman tinggi sekitar 15-25
cm, yang pembumbunan ke dua sering dilakukan untuk menutupi umbi yang
Tanaman kentang tumbuh terbaik di iklim yang
sejuk, di tanah yang berdrainase baik dan kaya
Bibit kentang berupa umbi atau potongan umbi,
masing-masing berisi satu atau dua mata tunas.
Potongan-potongan yang ditanam 30 sampai 45
cm jarak dalam barisan, dan 60 sampai 90 cm
jarak di antara barisan.
Umbi ketang terbentuk pada umur 40 sampai 50
hari setelah tanam dan matang setelah 90 sampai
120 hari.
Kentang dipanen pada akhir musim tanamnya.
Umbi kentang dapat disimpan selama beberapa
bulan sebelum pemasaran.
Pola pertumbuhan tanaman kentang
Pola pertumbuhan tanaman kentang
Teknik irigasi ini dikenal sebagai pengeringan
zona akar secara parsial (PRD), yang merupakan
proses irigasi yang terbukti meningkatkan
efisiensi penggunaan air tanpa pengurangan
hasil umbi yang signifikan. Teknik ini pada
dasarnya terdiri dari mengairi sekitar setengah
dari sistem akar tanaman sementara separuh
lainnya dibiarkan kering. Setelah periode waktu
tertentu, setengah zone kering dari sistem akar
di airi dan setengah zone basah dibiarkan
Teori ini menyatakan bahwa pada tahap awal
stres air , hormon (Asam Abscisic = ABA)
disintesis dalam akar di zone kering. ABA
diangkut ke daun untuk mengurangi kehilangan
air dengan menginduksi penutupan stomata dan
mengurangi kehilangan air melalui transpirasi.
Hal ini diterjemahkan bahwa sistem akar
tanaman pada awalnya “dilaparkan” dalam
rangka untuk melatih tanaman menjadi lebih
efisien air yang terbatas, sehingga
memperpanjang aktivitas fotosintetik.
NYS IPM Publication No. 138 v2.
Abby Seaman (Cornell University, New York State Agricultural Experiment Station, New York State IPM
Bacterial Soft Rot, Erwinia spp.
Time for concern: At planting, and between harvesting and marketing. Wet, anaerobic soils favor the disease.
This bacterial pathogen can cause soft rot of infected tubers, resulting in seed piece decay and reduced yield and quality at
harvest. Erwinia infection can also produce symptoms known as „black leg‟: stunted, yellow stems that become black and
rotted at ground level. Tubers are infected through wounds or lenticels, and develop tan or water-soaked areas on the tuber
surface. Advanced infections will be seen as soft rot of the tuber flesh. The amount of damage depends on the population of
the bacteria on and in the seed, seed storage and handling practices, and variety susceptibility.
Relative risk: Reduce risk to this wound pathogen by avoiding injuries and providing conditions favorable to wound healing
at planting and harvest.
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NYS IPM Publication No. 138 v2.
Abby Seaman (Cornell University, New York State Agricultural Experiment Station, New York State IPM
Fusarium Dry Rot primarily Fusarium sambucinum, but also F. coeruleum and F. graminearum
Time for concern: During planting, harvest, and postharvest, if soil is cold and pathogen is present.
Fusarium spp. fungi cause dry rot in stored tubers and seed piece decay. Symptoms include sunken and shriveled areas on the
surface of the tubers. The rot may extend to the center of the tuber and contain a fungal growth that is pink, white, or yellow.
Soft rot bacteria can colonize dry rot lesions, making diagnosis difficult. The fungus originates in contaminated seed or
infested soil.
Relative risk: Dry rot occurs annually and is perhaps the most important cause of post harvest potato losses.
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White mold or Sclerotinia stem rot in potatoes
Willie Kirk and Jay Hao, Published June 22, 2011
Michigan State University Extension, Department of Plant Pathology
Sclerotinia stem rot (White Mold of Potato)
White mold, also called Sclerotinia stem rot, is fast
becoming an important disease in Michigan potato
fields. The disease favors very moist conditions and
is especially common in fields with overheadirrigation such as by means of a center pivot.
Agricultural practices that promote extensive canopy
growth, keep relative humidity, free moisture in the
crop canopy for extended periods of time and reduce
wind movement to favor disease development.
White mold is caused by the soil-borne fungus
Sclerotinia sclerotiorum. The pathogen causes disease
in more than 400 different plant species. Host plants
in Michigan include alfalfa, dry beans, soybeans,
peppers and tomatoes, as well as some common
weeds associated with potato production like
lambsquarters, pigweed and nightshade.
Sclerotiniasclerotiorum overwinters from one
growing season to the next as sclerotia, but sclerotia
can also survive in the soil for several years. Sclerotia
require a conditioning period of cool temperatures
before they can germinate, but these chilling
requirements are easily met during winters.
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NYS IPM Publication No. 138 v2.
Abby Seaman (Cornell University, New York State Agricultural Experiment Station, New York State IPM
White Mold, Sclerotinia sclerotiorum
Time for concern: Mid-season to harvest. Favored by wet or humid plant canopy and poor air circulation.
The fungus is soil borne and generally infects stems at the soil line, but the infection may occur on any part of the plant.
Symptoms include dense, cottony, white growth and the production of hard, black, irregularly shaped sclerotia on infected
tissue. This disease is not common on potatoes.
Relative risk: White mold is a risk if soil is infested with sclerotia, in wet seasons and with excessive irrigation.
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Rhizoctonia stem canker and black scurf of potato
Phillip Wharton1, William Kirk1, Devan Berry1 and Sieglinde Snapp2
1Department of Plant Pathology, 2Department of Crop & Soil Sciences, Michigan State University
Rhizoctonia diseases of potato are caused by
the fungus Rhizoctonia solani Kühn
(teleomorph Thanatephorus cucumeris (A. B.
Frank) Donk) and can be found on all
underground parts of the plant at different
times during the growing season.
The symptoms of the disease are found on
both above and below ground portions of the
plant. Black scurf , is the most conspicuous
sign of Rhizoctonia disease.
Rhizoctonia diseases are initiated by
seedborne or soilborne inoculum. The
pathogen overwinters as sclerotia and
mycelium on infected tubers, in plant residue,
or in infested soils. When infected seed tubers
are planted in the spring, the fungus grows
from the seed surface to the developing sprout
and infection of root primordia, stolon
primordia and leaf primordia can occur. Seed
inoculum is particularly effective in causing
disease because of its close proximity to
developing sprouts and stolons.
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NYS IPM Publication No. 138 v2.
Abby Seaman (Cornell University, New York State Agricultural Experiment Station, New York State IPM
Canker and Black Scurf, Rhizoctonia solani
Time for concern: Growing season. Cool wet soils favor disease development.
This fungus causes a variety of symptoms on tubers including cracking, malformation, and russeting. The „black scurf
symptom found on infected tubers appears as numerous dark, hard reproductive structures, called sclerotia. The sclerotia may
be flat and superficial or large, irregular, and lumpy. Sclerotia on stored tubers do not cause damage or spread the disease in
storage. However, sclerotia in soil or on seed pieces can germinate and infect young, susceptible sprouts and stolons, causing
lesions, or cankers. In cool wet soils, when plants are growing slowly, disease can progress rapidly, causing reduced stands
and stunted plants.
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NYS IPM Publication No. 138 v2.
Abby Seaman (Cornell University, New York State Agricultural Experiment Station, New York State IPM
Silver Scurf, Helminthosporium solani
Time for concern: At planting, through growing season, post harvest and storage. Warm, wet soil favors sporulation and
disease spread in the field. Post harvest handling and first weeks of storage are the primary times of infection and spread of
silver scurf. Warm pulp temperatures and high relative humidity greatly favor spread of silver scurf in storage
This seed and soil borne fungus infects only the skin of the potato. Symptoms appear at the stolon end as small, pale, brown
spots. Severe browning of the surface layers of tubers may occur, followed by sloughing-off of the outer layers of the
periderm. Lesions are circular. The silvery appearance of older lesions is most obvious when the tubers are wet.
Relative risk: This disease occurs annually and is especially noticeable on red, blue and purple-skinned varieties.
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Penyakit bercak kering
Early Blight of Potato
Penyebab: jamur
Alternaria solani. Jamur
hidup disisa tanaman sakit
dan berkembang di daerah
Gejala: daun berbercak
kecil tersebar tidak teratur,
warna coklat tua, meluas
ke daun muda. Permukaan
kulit umbi berbercak gelap
tidak beraturan, kering,
berkerut dan keras.
Pengendalian: pergiliran
tanaman. Pencegahan :
Natural Glio sebelum/awal
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NYS IPM Publication No. 138 v2.
Abby Seaman (Cornell University, New York State Agricultural Experiment Station, New York State IPM Program)
Early Blight, primarily Alternaria solani
Time for concern: Early to mid-July through harvest in warm and humid weather.
This fungus causes leaf lesions that are dark brown and appear leathery with faint, concentric rings giving a “target-spot” effect. Spots
grow to 1/2 inch. Under prolonged warm and humid conditions, spots may enlarge or coalesce, causing leaf yellowing and early
senescence. Severe defoliation will reduce yields. Tuber infections appear as small, irregular, brownish black spots that are usually
sunken. The rotted tuber tissue is firm, hard, and somewhat corky. Tuber infection is much less common than foliar infection. Early
blight overwinters in infected plant debris and potato tubers.
Relative Risk: Prevalent in most growing seasons, but in comparison with late blight, this disease is less serious. There is a high risk for
significant defoliation and yield reduction when susceptible varieties are grown in a warm, wet year.
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Cultural control: Penyakit bercak kering (Early Blight)
One of the most important approaches to black dot control is to reduce the amount of
inoculum in soil through the use of cultural practices such as crop rotation, removal of crop
debris, volunteer and cull potatoes from the field, and eradication of weed hosts. Since black
dot microsclerotia can persist in the field for up to 2 years, a 3 to 4 year rotation with nonhost crops (e.g. small grains, soy bean or corn) is often recommended to reduce the amount
of inoculum in the soil. The following cultural practices are also suggested to prevent and
reduce the incidence of black dot.
1. Use certified disease free seed.
2. Treat cut seed with a seed treatment (e.g. Maxim MZ). Although seed treatments may
provide limited control of black dot, they improve plant stand and crop vigor, reducing
plant stress which increases susceptibility to black dot.
3. Avoid planting in poorly draining soil if possible.
4. Use good crop production practices, such as timely irrigation and adequate fertilization
to reduce crop stress.
5. Use tillage practices such as fall plowing that bury plant refuse and encourage
6. Harvest tubers as soon as possible after vine kill.
7. Control temperature and humidity in storage. High temperatures and condensation on the
tuber surface promotes disease.
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Penyakit karena virus
Virus yang menyerang adalah:
(1) Potato Leaf Roll Virus (PLRV) menyebabkan daun menggulung; (2) Potato Virus X (PVX) menyebabkan
mosaik laten pada daun; (3) Potato Virus Y (PVY) menyebabkan mosaik atau nekrosis lokal; (4) Potato
Virus A (PVA) menyebabkan mosaik lunak; (5) Potato Virus M (PVM) menyebabkan mosaik
menggulung; (6) Potato Virus S (PVS) menyebabkan mosaik lemas.
Gejala: akibat serangan, tanaman tumbuh kerdil, lurus dan pucat dengan umbi kecil-kecil/tidak menghasilkan
sama sekali; daun menguning dan jaringan mati.
Penyebaran virus dilakukan oleh peralatan pertanian, kutu daun Aphis spiraecola, A. gossypii dan Myzus
persicae, kumbang Epilachna dan Coccinella dan nematoda.
Pengendalian: tidak ada pestisida untuk mengendalikan virus, pencegahan dan pengendalian dilakukan
dengan menanam bibit bebas virus, membersihkan peralatan, memangkas dan membakar tanaman sakit,
mengendalikan vektor dengan Pestona atau BVR dan melakukan pergiliran tanaman.
Catatan : Jika pengendalian hama penyakit dengan menggunakan pestisida alami belum mengatasi dapat
dipergunakan pestisida kimia yang dianjurkan. Agar penyemprotan pestisida kimia lebih merata dan tidak
mudah hilang oleh air hujan tambahkan Perekat Perata AERO 810, dosis + 5 ml (1/2 tutup)/tangki.
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NYS IPM Publication No. 138 v2.
Abby Seaman (Cornell University, New York State Agricultural Experiment Station, New York State IPM
Viruses of Potatoes
Time for Concern: Throughout the growing season and into storage
Key Characteristics: Virus infections can cause distorted growth, stunting, distortions in leaf coloration, yield reductions,
external and
internal tuber necrosis and small misshapen tubers.
Relative risk: The PVY group is now considered one of the most prevalent and important viruses in potatoes.
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NYS IPM Publication No. 138 v2.
Abby Seaman (Cornell University, New York State Agricultural Experiment Station, New York State IPM
Virus Diseases of Potatoes.
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NYS IPM Publication No. 138 v2.
Abby Seaman (Cornell University, New York State Agricultural Experiment Station, New York State IPM
Northern Root-Knot (Meloidogyne hapla) and Root-Lesion (Pratylenchus spp.)
Time for concern: Before and during planting. Long-term planning is required for sustainable management.
The populations and damage of lesion nematodes has steadily increased in recent years, probably due to the increased use of
grains as cover and rotational crops to improve soil quality and health. Potato serves as a good host for both nematodes and
will tend to increase populations when planted in infested fields. Plants heavily infested with either nematode do not exhibit
diagnostic above ground symptoms, but only general stunting and uneven growth. However, diagnostic symptoms are found
on roots as galls and brown - black, narrow lesions caused by the root-knot and lesion nematodes, respectively. The presence
of nematodes in roots or in soil around roots is the only definitive evidence of their involvement.
Risk assessment: Both the root-knot nematode and the lesion nematode are widespread in New York soils and at high
populations can cause significant yield losses for potatoes. Lesion nematode even at low soil population levels interacts with
Verticillium dahliae to cause early dying disease.
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NYS IPM Publication No. 138 v2.
Abby Seaman (Cornell University, New York State Agricultural Experiment Station, New York State IPM
Northern Root-Knot (Meloidogyne hapla) and Root-Lesion (Pratylenchus spp.)
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NYS IPM Publication No. 138 v2.
Abby Seaman (Cornell University, New York State Agricultural Experiment Station, New York State IPM
Golden nematode, Globodera rostochiensis
Time for concern: Throughout the growing season
Key characteristics: This is a regulated pest, which means the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Services (APHIS)
recognize it as having the potential to cause serious economic and environmental damage and movement of any material that
might harbor this pest is tightly monitored. New York is the only state to have golden nematode.
Nematode damage will result in reduced yield, but more importantly presence of golden nematode results in farm quarantine,
severely limiting marketing options. Symptoms are similar to early dying disease showing necrosis of foliage and dieback
under severe infestations. Populations build up slowly over years.
Risk assessment: If detected, farm will be under quarantine restrictions.
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NYS IPM Publication No. 138 v2.
Abby Seaman (Cornell University, New York State Agricultural Experiment Station, New York State IPM
Environmental factors can cause symptoms that appear to be diseases but are actually not caused by a
pathogen or insect.
Nonpathogenic disorders:
Sumber: ….. Diunduh 20//3/2012
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Panen Umbi Kentang
Umur panen pada tanaman kentang berkisar antara 90-180 hari, tergantung varietas tanaman.
Secara fisik tanaman kentang sudah dapat dipanen jika daunnya telah berwarna kekuningkuningan yang bukan disebabkan serangan penyakit; batang tanaman telah berwarna
kekuningan (agak mengering) dan kulit umbi akan lekat sekali dengan daging umbi, kulit
tidak cepat mengelupas bila digosok dengan jari.
kentang siap
siap panen
Panen umbi:
Penjualan umbi / Sistem
Pengumpulan dan
sortasi umbi kentang
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Harvesting Potatoes
Your first early potatoes will be ready to harvest between 8 and 12 weeks from planting. These are your
'new potatoes' to be just cleaned and boiled for a special treat at the start of summer.
It's worth sacrificing a plant or two before they are really developed and harvesting the small tubers early
for the delicious meal, leaving the other plants to grow on until you are ready for the next treat.
Approach from the side with a fork and lift trying to avoid spearing you crop. You always manage to fork
a few, nature of the beast, I'm afraid. You can get special potato forks with flat tines but an ordinary fork
will do the job.
With the early varieties you will probably want to get them out of the ground to free the space for other
crops. If you leave them in too long the amount of slug damage increases and the risk of blight striking
The maincrop, being the slowest to develop and in the ground for longest are most vulnerable to the
blight. When the haulm, as we call potato foliage, starts to go down it is good idea to cut it down a few
days or a week before you harvest. Any blight spores on the haulm that get onto the tubers (the actual
potato we eat) can cause them to rot in store.
Try and pick a dry sunny day to harvest your potatoes and leave them on the surface for a few hours to
harden the skin. This will help them store better. If they are coming up dirty rinse them in a bucket before
hardening. You don't want them fully washed, just get the thick off.
Do try to get even tiny potatoes out or next year they'll be growing and acting as a reservoir for pests and
You might want to sow a quick green manure after your potatoes - see green manures .
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Evaluation of Potato Production Best Management Practices
Bryan G. Hopkins1*, Donald A. Horneck2, Mark J. Pavek3, Brad D. Geary4, Nora L. Olsen5,
Jason W. Ellsworth5, George D. Newberry6, Jeff S. Miller1, Robert E. Thornton3, and Gale W. Harding
Amer J of Potato Res (2007) 84:19-27
A 2001 survey indicated that many growers are reluctant to adopt research-based recommendations because of a perception that
it is not practical or applicable to their specific farming operation. Other growers, however, appear to adopt these practices
successfully. Highlighting “model” growers is a method that can be used to field-test research findings and facilitate grower
adoption. The objectives of this project were to: 1) establish field demonstrations with potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) growers
who generally follow researchbased best management practices (BMPs); 2) establish plots within each field to compare BMPs
with a high input, maximum yield management (MYM) approach; and 3) enhance grower confidence regarding researchbased
BMPs. Fourteen field trials were conducted in the Pacific Northwest during 2002-2005. Five replicates of BMP and MYM plots
were established in each field. The BMPs consisted of sampling, scouting, and use of prediction models to aid in determining
rate and timing of inputs to maximize returns. In contrast, the MYM approach was based on tradition and calendar timing, with
a near zero tolerance for pest and nutrient limitations.
The MYM plots had 1.7 to 13.2% more fertilizer and pesticide costs than the BMP plots. The MYM treatments resulted in
significant marketable yield increases in three fields and decreases in two fields, with the remaining nine fields and the
combined average of all 14 fields being statistically equivalent. When factoring in estimated costs, only two fields resulted in a
monetary advantage with MYM treatment. In contrast, the BMP treatment resulted in significant increases in net crop value in
five fields, as well as the combined average of all 14 fields ($200 ha-1 or 3.2%). These field demonstrations, along with
associated field days and grower meetings, have resulted in many documented changes in grower practices towards BMPs, with
many more undocumented changes probable.
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Best Management Practices for Fertilizer
Dr. Robert L. Mikkelsen, West Region Director. February 2006
A regional newsletter published by the Potash & Phosphate Institute (PPI) and the Potash & Phosphate Institute of Canada (PPIC)
Best Management Practices for Profitable Fertilization of Potatoes
Potatoes managed for maximum productivity have a high demand on soil nutrients. Significant quantities of nutrients are accumulated
in the tops and are removed from the field in the harvested tubers.
Since potatoes are commonly grown on sandy-textured soils, additional challenges for nutrient management are present.
Typical nutrient accumulation and removal in Russet potatoes in a 500 cwt/A crop (lb/A):
Suggested ranges in nutrient concentrations for the fourth petiole of Russet Burbank potatoes during tuber bulking. (sumber:
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Potatoes grown for processing are valued for yield, size, and also for dry matter content (measured by
specific gravity). As the specific gravity increases, the water content of the potato decreases, improving the
frying properties and flavor. Management factors, including fertility decisions, will influence potato yield,
quality, and storage properties.
Potato growth is classified into four distinct growth phases. The exact timing of these growth phases
depends on many environmental and management factors that vary between locations and cultivars.
However, these distinct stages of growth need to be considered when managing the crop.
Major stages of growth and development of potatoes. The nutrient requirement of the developing
potato changes during the growing season:
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Plant Factors Influencing Nutrient Needs
The maturity class and growing season length are two primary factors determining potato nutrient requirements.
Short-season, early maturing (determinate) potatoes generally have a high and intense nutrient demand during the
vegetative and tuber initiation stages. Long-season potatoes (indeterminate) have a longer period of nutrient uptake.
The specific fertilization strategy must be adjusted for the different varieties and maturity classes or poor results will
Diagrams of Vegetative shoot with petioles (a) and full potato plant with a floral spike (b). The fourth petiole is used in tissue
analysis for determining plant nutrient status.
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Growing healthy potatoes for maximum yield and quality requires that all the essential nutrients be
supplied at the right rate, the right time, and the right place.
For potatoes, either deficient or excessive plant nutrition can reduce tuber bulking and quality.
Nutrient deficiencies may limit the leaf canopy growth and its duration, resulting in reduced
carbohydrate production and tuber growth. Maintaining healthy leaves is a key to producing high
yields. However, excessive nutrient applications may cause nutrient imbalances or over-stimulate
vegetative growth at the expense of tuber production. Some nutrients, such as S, may also have
indirect yield benefits by reducing tuber disease.
Summary of nutrient management practices for potato fertilization:
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Proper N management is one of the most important factors required to obtain high yields of excellent quality potatoes.
An adequate early season N supply is important to support vegetative growth, but excessive soil N later in the season
will suppress tuber initiation, reduce yields, and decrease the specific gravity in some cultivars. Excess soil N late in
the season can delay maturity of the tubers and result in poor skin set, which harms the tuber quality and storage
Potatoes are a shallow-rooted crop, generally growing on sandy, well-drained soils. These soil conditions frequently
make water and N management difficult since nitrate is susceptible to leaching losses. On these sandy soils, it is
recommended that potatoes receive split applications of N during the growing season. This involves applying some of
the total N requirement prior to planting and applying the remainder during the season with side-dress applications or
through the irrigation system. The period of highest N demand varies by potato variety and is related to cultivar
characteristics such as root density and time to maturity.
Use of petiole analysis during the growing season allows producers to determine the N status of the crop and respond
in a timely manner with appropriate nutrients.
There are several N fertilizers suitable for application through an irrigation system. Care should be taken to get
uniform coverage through the field and to minimize runoff. Application of N fertilizer through furrow irrigation
should only be done where a tailwater collection and reuse system is in place (although this method may not result in
uniform application of N).
The use of controlled-release N fertilizers has been successfully tested for potato production, with the goal of reducing
nitrate leaching losses of N between the time of application and plant uptake. The relatively high price of these N
sources has been the main obstacle so far, but with the continuing development of more affordable coating materials,
this barrier may be overcome in the near future.
Planting cover crops to recover residual N during the winter is attractive, but has proven difficult in many potatoproduction areas. The problems associated with latefall establishment of the cover crop, timing the crop-kill in the
spring, and synchronizing the release of nutrients from decomposing residues to the needs of the potato crop are
all challenges that require further work.
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Phosphorus occurs in many forms, depending on factors including pH and chemical composition of the soil. While
only a portion of the total soil P is available to the crop during a given growing season, the supply of available P is
constantly replenished from reserves of less available P in the soil. Some of the available P may come from this year’s
fertilizer application, residual fertilizer, or from the mineralization of organic residues.
Roots absorb phosphate ions only when they are dissolved in the soil water. Phosphorus deficiencies can occur even in
soils with abundant available P if drought, low temperatures, or disease interfere with P diffusion to the root through
the soil solution or otherwise stunt normal root development and function. Proper irrigation management and
scheduling is critical for potato development and utilization of applied nutrients.
Potato plants require an adequate supply of P throughout the growing season to achieve optimum quality and yield.
During the early growth stages, P stimulates the development of a vigorous root system and healthy tops.
Plant demand for P peaks at tuber set and early bulking, and then slows during later bulking—when much of the
nutrient demand of the developing tubers is met by translocating P from the tops of the plants down to the roots.
Distinct P deficiency symptoms are not usually visible in potatoes, even when deficiency slows
growth and greatly reduces yields. Only after P deficiencies have become severe will the crop begin
to develop visible signs of P stress—manifested first by stunted dark green leaves. Later, the edges of
the youngest leaves may begin to fold downwards. Since P deficiency is difficult to visually diagnose
and significant yield losses will have occurred when they become evident, the P status is best
monitored by petiole analysis to avoid yield-robbing deficiencies.
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Phosphorus plays an essential role in plant health and root development, which directly impacts yield and quality.
The P requirement of potatoes is frequently higher than the P required for many field crops due to the high
nutrient demand of potatoes and their relatively shallow root system. Therefore, some fertilizer P is commonly
recommended for potatoes grown in a crop rotation.
The need for P fertilization should be established by a soil sample taken prior to planting. Since P generally
moves very little in soil, it is important to place the P within the root zone to stimulate the early-season growth
required for high yields.
Preplant P applications (broadcast or banded) are generally preferred, but mid-season applications may be useful
when needed. When petiole analysis indicates a risk of P deficiency, a soluble P fertilizer (typically 10-34-0) may
be applied through an irrigation system to provide a mid- or late-season boost. This P fertigation technique is
beneficial only if adequate roots are present near the soil surface, as frequently occurs after the canopy shades the
hill during mid-season.
Commonly available P fertilizer sources are equally useful for potato
nutrition. The selection of a particular P fertilizer is generally based on
grower preference, price, and compatibility with application equipment.
Recent research suggests that modifications to P fertilizer, such as
polymer additives, humic substances and coatings may be beneficial in
improving P uptake and potato production.
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Soil Availability and Plant Uptake
Potassium is primarily supplied to potato roots through diffusion over short distances, so K is generally considered a
relatively immobile nutrient in most soils. However, in sandy-textured soils with a low cation exchange capacity, K
can move as much as several inches per year. Much of the K available to the plant is held on exchange sites on clay or
on the surface of organic matter, which is released to replenish the soil solution as uptake of K occurs. Consequently,
soil K levels do not change rapidly during the growing season, but will steadily decline over time if harvested
nutrients are not replaced.
Potatoes require large amounts of soil K, since this nutrient is crucial to metabolic functions such as the movement of
sugars from the leaves to the tubers and the transformation of sugar into potato starch. Potassium deficiencies reduce
the yield, size, and quality of the potato crop. A lack of adequate soil K is also associated with low specific gravity in
Potassium deficiencies impair the crop’s resistance to diseases and its ability to tolerate stresses such as drought and
frost. Tubers adequately supplied with K are more resistant to blackspot bruising or after-cooking discoloration, while
also experiencing less moisture loss and disease during storage.
Deficiency of K typically occurs first in the areas of the field with coarse-textured soil. As K is mobile within the
plant, the lower leaves are first to display symptoms of K deficiency—yellowing of the leaves with scorching around
the leaf margins. Severely deficient plants may take on a coppery appearance. Small dead spots (resembling the
lesions produced by fungal disease) may form on the leaves. Obvious signs of K deficiency become visible only after
potatoes are severely stressed, so the K status should be monitored by tissue testing if deficiencies are suspected.
Applying K fertilizer with a broadcast application prior to planting is most commonly recommended. If the K is
bandapplied, the rates should be kept below 50 lb K2O/A to avoid any salt injury to the developing sprouts. If low soil
K levels require large amounts of K fertilizer, it is best to split this into two or more applications to avoid yield loss.
At typical application rates, there are no significant differences in K fertilizer sources.
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Fertilization of potatoes is a highly refined practice, capable of correcting potential problems before planting and
reacting to changes occurring during the season. This flexibility provides many options for preparing the soil prior to
planting and for addressing potential nutrition problems during the growing season. The plant nutrient status can be
closely monitored and corrective action taken if conditions indicate a loss of yield or quality due to nutrient stress.
Fertilizer application methods for potatoes frequently include a combination of some or all of the following,
depending on equipment and management options:
Pre-plant broadcast application and incorporation.
Broadcast applications made in the fall or the spring are generally incorporated into the surface soil where it
will become available for crop growth. Fall applications of fertilizer should be protected from loss during the
winter. Generally, no more than half of the N should be applied prior to planting, with the remainder added
during the growing season.
Banded fertilizer application at row mark-out or planting Fertilizer can be placed near the seed piece to
provide nutrition during early growth. However, direct contact with the plant can cause injury. Fertilizer applied
during markout is typically placed a few inches to the side and below the seed piece. Applications made at
planting are typically placed 1 to 2 in. above the seed piece for early-season availability.
Sidedress banded application after planting
Additional N is frequently applied later in the growing season as the plants develop. This may be particularly
beneficial in sandy soils that are prone to nitrate leaching. Late-season applications need to consider potential
damage to the crop with field equipment.
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Fertilization of potatoes is a highly refined practice, capable of correcting potential problems before
planting and reacting to changes occurring during the season. This flexibility provides many options
for preparing the soil prior to planting and for addressing potential nutrition problems during the
growing season.
The plant nutrient status can be closely monitored and corrective action taken if conditions indicate a
loss of yield or quality due to nutrient stress.
Fertilizer application methods for potatoes frequently include a combination of some or all of the
following, depending on equipment and management options:
4. Foliar nutrient spray Mid-season correction of nutritional deficiencies can be accomplished
with a variety of foliar sprays. Micronutrients are commonly applied with foliar sprays, but other
nutrients and chemicals may be applied at the same time. Plant foliage can only tolerate relatively
small amounts of nutrients applied in this manner, so this technique is not usually the primary
way of providing most crop nutrients.
5. Fertigation through the irrigation system
Various water-soluble fertilizers are commonly applied through irrigation systems, including N,
P, K, and S. These nutrients are generally applied according to the results of tissue testing that
indicate potential problems. This practice must be done in a way to minimize losses through
leaching or runoff in the irrigation water. The compatibility of any chemical added to irrigation
water should be evaluated before introducing it through an irrigation system.
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Soils Pre-season soil sampling and analysis can provide essential information on the
starting point and residual fertility related to the growing conditions for the potato crop. Inseason soil analysis can also provide information useful for monitoring nutrient availability
along with plant tissue testing.
Factors to consider for getting the best information from
soil analysis:
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TANGKAI DAUN KENTANG: Untuk Analisis Hara Tanaman
Plants Potato petioles are frequently sampled during the growing season to monitor the plant nutrient
status. In potatoes, the fourth leaf from the top of the plant is the most commonly analyzed plant part.
It is important to consistently sample the same plant part during the season because nutrient concentrations
are not uniform throughout the plant and will naturally change as the plant matures. Plant analysis is most
beneficial for establishing trends over the season, and not for making management decisions based on a
single sampling date.
Results from a single petiole analysis can be influenced by the time of day the sample is taken, the climatic
conditions, and various stresses not directly related to plant nutrition.
Petiole analysis can be done for all of the essential nutrients, but nitrate
determination is the most common test.
A petiole is conductive tissue responsible for moving water and nutrients from the
roots to the leaf blade.
A petiole nutrient analysis measures the concentration of elements moving through
the plant at the time of sampling.
The petiole nitrate concentrations will be highest during the early stages of growth
and decrease through the season.
Optimal nitrate concentrations vary depending on varietal and regional (e.g. soil,
climate, season) differences. A local crop consultant should be used for
interpretation of the results of the petiole analysis.
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Petiole P concentrations are also used to measure the P status during the growing season.
Petiole sampling for P should begin at tuber initiation and continue regularly during most of
the tuber bulking phase.
By tracking P concentrations, producers can predict if it may become a limiting factor during
the season and corrective action can be taken before yield-robbing deficiencies occur.
Factors to consider for getting the best information from
plant analysis:
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The entire fourth leaf back from the growing
point should be analyzed for total nutrient
The petiole (with the leaflets removed) taken from the fourth
leaf is analyzed for petiole nitrate and P monitoring.
Recommended petiole and soil (0-18 inches) NO3-N concentrations for Russet Burbank potatoes during different
growth stages. (
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BMPs for Potato Fertilizer Management in the West
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Fertilizer Management Practices for Potato Production in the Pacific Northwest
By Robert Mikkelsen and Bryan Hopkins
International Plant Nutrition Institute (IPNI)
3500 Parkway Lane, Suite 550 • Norcross, GA 30092-2806 U.S.A.
The general fertilizer best management practices (BMPs) to help assure that the Right Source of nutrient is applied at
the Right Rate, at the Right Time, and in the Right Place. The term “right” is defined as contributing to the
productivity, profitability, and sustainability of the potato production system – all while minimizing any undesirable
impact on the environment.
An understanding of the nutrient demand of highyielding potatoes through the growing season is crucial to correct
management. Knowing the total seasonal demand and the daily nutrient requirement provides a guide for fertilization
and for mid-season adjustments.
Nutrient uptake is generally most rapid during the time of tuber initiation (GS3) and tuber bulking (GS4), then
tapering off during tuber maturation later in the growing season (GS5).
Examples of nutrient accumulation from the Columbia River Basin in Oregon (Figure 1A) and the Snake River Valley
of Idaho (Figure 1B) show this pattern.
Differences in the two locations are due to weather conditions.
Potassium fertilizer recommendations for Russet Burbank potatoes (
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Fertilizer Management Practices for Potato Production in the Pacific Northwest
By Robert Mikkelsen and Bryan Hopkins
International Plant Nutrition Institute (IPNI)
3500 Parkway Lane, Suite 550 • Norcross, GA 30092-2806 U.S.A.
Total (left axis) and daily rate
(right axis) of N, P, and
K accumulation by Russet
Burbank potatoes grown
with non-limiting nutrition and
water near Hermiston,
(Horneck and Rosen, 2008).
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Fertilizer Management Practices for Potato Production in the Pacific Northwest
By Robert Mikkelsen and Bryan Hopkins
International Plant Nutrition Institute (IPNI)
3500 Parkway Lane, Suite 550 • Norcross, GA 30092-2806 U.S.A.
Total (left axis) and
daily rate (right
axis) of N, P, and K
accumulation by
Russet Burbank
potatoes grown
with non-limiting
nutrition and water
in the Snake River
Valley of Idaho
(Stark and
Westermann, 2008).
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Fertilizer Management Practices for Potato Production in the Pacific Northwest
By Robert Mikkelsen and Bryan Hopkins
International Plant Nutrition Institute (IPNI)
3500 Parkway Lane, Suite 550 • Norcross, GA 30092-2806 U.S.A.
Getting sufficient N to the growing plant is critical in achieving high yields. Proper N management influences almost all of the important
properties related to tuber yield and quality – including size, grade, and storage quality. Both an inadequate and an excessive supply of N
can have deleterious effects. Potatoes acquire N from a variety of sources – all of which should be accounted for in a comprehensive
nutrient management plan. Across the region, between 200 and 320 lb N/A are required for successful
potato production areas.
The N available to the growing potato crop may come from added N fertilizer, organic matter (including animal manure and cover crops),
N in irrigation water, and inorganic N present in the soil prior to planting.
All of these potential N sources should be accounted for when making decisions related to the total fertilizer N requirement.
JOURNAL OF PLANT NUTRITION, 19(I0&11), 1405-1412 (I 996)
Potato Nitrogen Management by Monitoring Petiole Nitrate level
Hailin Zhang, Dan Smeal, R. N. Arnold, and E. J. Gregory.
Petiole nitrate nitrogen (NO3-N) concentrations have been successfully used in Northwestern
New Mexico to make timely nitrogen (N) recommendations for irrigated potatoes. However, a
quick test and consistent sampling time is needed to precisely determine fertigation and to
prevent over fertilization, especially in sandy soils. This study examined the petiole NO3-N
dynamics during the growing season for both chipping and table stock varieties. Readings from a
quick in-field sap N03-N meter were highly correlated with NO3-N indications using the
conventional laboratory method. The sap NO3-N meter can significantly reduce testing
turnaround time and has great potential for potato N management. Results showed that most
consistent NO3-N readings could be obtained by collecting tissue samples between 1100 and
1400 hours of the day.
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JOURNAL OF PLANT NUTRITION, 19(I0&11), 1405-1412 (I 996)
Potato Nitrogen Management by Monitoring Petiole Nitrate level
Hailin Zhang, Dan Smeal, R. N. Arnold, and E. J. Gregory.
Correlation between petiole sap nitrate-N measured with the Cardy Nitrate
Meter and dry-weight based nitrate-N obtained with the conventional laboratory procedures
(A: linear fit, B: quadratic fit)..
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JOURNAL OF PLANT NUTRITION, 19(I0&11), 1405-1412 (I 996)
Potato Nitrogen Management by Monitoring Petiole Nitrate level
Hailin Zhang, Dan Smeal, R. N. Arnold, and E. J. Gregory.
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