Market Structure, Trading, and Liquidity FIN 2340 Dr. Michael Pagano, CFA Adapted from Slides by: Dr. Robert Schwartz © 2004 Baruch College and Wayne Wagner President, Plexus Group Market Structure, Trading, and Liquidity Slide 1 Overview of Key Market Structure Topics (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) Why Study Financial Market Structure? Overview of Market Structures & Trading Simulation From Information to Prices Liquidity Provision in Perfect & Imperfect Markets Strategic Use of Limit and Market Orders Market Intermediaries & the Evolution of Securities Markets Institutional Order Flow Algorithmic Trading and Technical Analysis Trading Performance Measurement Regulation Market Structure, Trading, and Liquidity Slide 2 Topics 1 & 2 Getting a Grip on Trading (1) Customers (Investors & Issuers) (2) Brokers / Dealers (3) Market Centers (Listings / Order Flow / Data) (4) Benefits vs. Costs (Net Returns vs. Transaction Costs) Market Structure, Trading, and Liquidity Slide 3 Fundamental Financing Channels Firm Firm Investor IB / CB Buyer Investor Seller Agent Agent Exchange or Market Maker Market Structure, Trading, and Liquidity Slide 4 The Equity Markets U.S. Equity Market Centers National Markets: NYSE, Nasdaq, Amex Regional Exchanges: Boston, Chicago, National, Pacific, and Philadelphia Over-the-Counter Market (OTC) Alternative Markets (ATSs, ECNs), e.g.: – INET (part of Nasdaq now) – Archipelago (part of NYSE Group now) – POSIT (Investment Technology Group) – Liquidnet – Pipeline Market Structure, Trading, and Liquidity Slide 5 Trading Players • • • • • • • • Investors Asset Exchangers Bluffers Uninformed traders Speculators Dealers Brokers Exchanges Market Structure, Trading, and Liquidity Slide 6 Some Main Points to keep in mind • Traders who seek profit create liquidity and price efficiency. • Keep your eye on who has the information. • All profits ultimately must come from uninformed traders. • Comparative advantages and trading rules determine trader profits in the long run. Market Structure, Trading, and Liquidity Slide 7 Major Trading Issues • Liquidity • Informative Prices • Volatility • Transaction Costs • Trading Profits • Net Investment Returns Market Structure, Trading, and Liquidity Slide 8 The Iceberg of Transaction Costs Commission 5 ¢ (17 bp) Impact 10 ¢ (34 bp) Delay 23 ¢ (77 bp) Missed Trades 9 ¢ (29 bp) Source: Plexus Group, 2003 Market Structure, Trading, and Liquidity Slide 9 Cost Components • Total Cost = Commission + Impact (intra-day) + Delay (inter-day) approx. 157 bps (one-way) 314 bps (round-trip!) • What is the cumulative impact on a 10% annual return over: 1, 5, and 10-year horizons? Market Structure, Trading, and Liquidity Slide 10 Total Cost Total Cost of Trading Basis Points 250 200 150 NASDAQ 100 NYSE 50 0 Giant Cap Large Cap Mid Cap Small Cap Micro Cap NASDAQ 43 71 85 134 230 NYSE 43 56 81 94 138 Market Structure, Trading, and Liquidity Slide 11 Commissions Commission Cost Basis Points 150 125 100 NASDAQ 75 NYSE 50 25 0 Giant Cap Large Cap Mid Cap Small Cap Micro Cap NASDAQ 16 15 22 29 50 NYSE 12 15 20 26 39 Market Structure, Trading, and Liquidity Slide 12 Impact Basis Points Impact Cost 150 125 100 75 50 25 0 NASDAQ NYSE Giant Cap Large Cap Mid Cap Small Cap MicroCap NASDAQ 16 28 33 37 42 NYSE 18 19 25 23 20 Market Structure, Trading, and Liquidity Slide 13 Inter-day Delay Delay Cost Basis Points 150 125 100 NASDAQ 75 50 25 0 NYSE Giant Cap Large Cap Mid Cap Small Cap MicroCa p NASDAQ 10 27 30 67 137 NYSE 13 22 37 46 79 Market Structure, Trading, and Liquidity Slide 14 Getting a Grip on Trading (cont.) • Order Flow & Order Arrival Rates • Trading vs. Investing • Trader Types: Informed / Liquidity / Technical • Trading Simulation: Limit Order Books & Trading “Ecology” • Bid-Ask Spread & Limit vs. Market Orders • Liquidity (Time & Space) & Trading Performance Market Structure, Trading, and Liquidity Slide 15 The Two Sides of the Trading Industry • People and institutions who use market services are on the buy-side. • Those who provide market services are on the sellside. • Both are customers of exchanges / markets. • These sides have nothing to do with whether you are a buyer or seller of a specific security. Market Structure, Trading, and Liquidity Slide 16 Buy-Side Players • Individuals • Corporate pension fund sponsors • Charitable trusts • Legal trusts • Endowments Market Structure, Trading, and Liquidity • Investment managers • Corporate investment funds • Insurance reserve funds • Governmental funds Slide 17 Sell-Side Players • Dealers trade for their own accounts. – Day Traders – Scalpers – “Locals” • Brokers trade for other people’s accounts. – Retail and institutional – Full-service and discount • Broker-dealers do both. – Specialists – Wire houses Market Structure, Trading, and Liquidity Slide 18 Sell-Side Trade Facilitators • Market Centers provide systems that help traders arrange their trades. – Note that market centers and brokers often compete with each other. • Clearing houses help settle trades and guarantee that traders will perform (NSCC). • Depositories and custodians hold securities (DTC). Market Structure, Trading, and Liquidity Slide 19 Goal of a Trading System Bring customer orders together to make trades: At reasonable cost In a timely fashion At reasonable prices Success depends on quality of a market’s structure: The systems, rules and protocols that determine how orders are handled and transformed into trades Market Structure, Trading, and Liquidity Slide 20 What Drives a Market? 3 Sources of Orders Liquidity Order Flow Informed P* Quotes, Prices, Volume Is p*>offer or p*<bid? Technical Trading Is there a trend/ pattern? Trading Mechanism Market Structure, Trading, and Liquidity Slide 21 The Big Problem Enabling Buyers and Sellers, Large and Small, to Find Each Other Two Dimensions Place Time Market Structure, Trading, and Liquidity Slide 22 Order Driven Market Public Seller 10:50 Public Buyer 10:55 Places a Buy Limit Order Market Structure, Trading, and Liquidity Limit Order Executes 11:00 The limit order book brings buyer& seller together Slide 23 The Limit Order Book BIDS Bid – Ask Spread (10.95 - 11.10) PRICE OFFERS 11.30 91 11.25 0 11.20 52 11.15 24 11.10 7 Air Pocket 11.05 11.00 35 10.95 70 10.90 0 10.85 20 10.80 67 10.75 39 10.70 46 10.65 Air Pocket Market Structure, Trading, and Liquidity Slide 24 P* and Best Bid and Offer Quotes $28.00 $27.00 $26.00 $25.00 $24.00 $23.00 P* Ask $22.00 $21.00 Bid Day 1 Market Structure, Trading, and Liquidity Day 2 Slide 25 Topics 3 & 4 All About Liquidity • Gross vs. Net Investment Returns ($1100 vs. $1067) • Frictionless CAPM vs. Real-world Frictions • Info Types: – Market vs. Fundamental – Public vs. Private vs. Insider • Divergent Expectations and Adaptive Valuations • Liquidity: Depth / Breadth / Resiliency / Speed Market Structure, Trading, and Liquidity Slide 26 All About Liquidity (cont.) • Transaction Costs: Explicit vs. Implicit • Explicit: Commissions / Exchange Fees / Taxes • Implicit: – Bid-Ask Spread – Total Trading Cost = Delay + Impact + Opportunity Cost • Illiquidity & Transaction Costs affect: – – – – Price Volatility (via bid-ask “bounce”) Price Discovery Quantity Discovery Reduced portfolio net returns Market Structure, Trading, and Liquidity Slide 27 All About Liquidity (cont.) • Market Structure Types: – – – – – Continuous Order-Driven Periodic Order-Driven Call Auctions Continuous Quote-Driven (aka “Dealer markets”) Negotiated Markets (e.g., ECN / ATS / block trader) Hybrid Markets • Random Walk vs. Illiquid Market “Symptoms”: – Serial Return Correlation (Positive vs. Negative) – Time Scaling of Variance (e.g., Variance Ratio analysis) – Serial Cross-Return Correlation Market Structure, Trading, and Liquidity Slide 28 What Do the Following Have in Common? Without Gas, Neither Will Run Market Structure, Trading, and Liquidity Slide 29 Order Flow is Gas For a Market Order Flow = Liquidity An excellent system will not operate if it does not receive Critical Mass Order Flow “Order flow attracts order flow” Market Structure, Trading, and Liquidity Slide 30 Liquidity Attributes of a liquid asset Breadth: orders on the book exist at an array of prices in the close neighborhood above and below the price at which shares are currently trading. Depth: orders are of large size. Resiliency: price changes due to temporary order imbalances quickly attract new orders to the market, thereby restoring reasonable share values. Frequent trading (at high speed). Market Structure, Trading, and Liquidity Slide 31 Price & Quantity Discovery The most important objective of any market is to foster accurate price and quantity discovery Much demand is latent – participants do not readily reveal their desires to buy or to sell Traders instinctively know the price discovery problem. That is why technical analysis is widely used Market Structure, Trading, and Liquidity Slide 32 Price Discovery is Difficult Because Investors Cannot assess share values with precision Have divergent expectations Have adaptive valuations Do analysts ever agree? Market Structure, Trading, and Liquidity Slide 33 Difficulty of Assessing Share Valuations With Precision Can a stock analyst say with precision that the expected growth rate for XYZ is: 7.00%, not 7.55%? Market Structure, Trading, and Liquidity Slide 34 Analyst Evaluation of XYZ Dividend one year from now = $1.35 Appropriate cost of eq. cap. = 10% (1) Growth rate (g) = 7.00% (2) Growth rate (g) Share price if g =7.00% Share price if g =7.55% = 7.55% = $45 = $55 Market Structure, Trading, and Liquidity Slide 35 Price Determination V(H) = $55: The Bulls k percent What price(s) will prevail on the market? V (L) = $45: The Bears Market Structure, Trading, and Liquidity 1-k percent Slide 36 Order Driven Market Public Seller 10:50 Public Buyer 10:55 Places a Buy Limit Order Market Structure, Trading, and Liquidity Limit Order Executes 11:00 The limit order book brings buyer& seller together Slide 37 The Limit Order Book BIDS Bid – Ask Spread (10.95 - 11.10) PRICE OFFERS 11.30 91 11.25 0 11.20 52 11.15 24 11.10 7 Air Pocket 11.05 11.00 35 10.95 70 10.90 0 10.85 20 10.80 67 10.75 39 10.70 46 10.65 Air Pocket Market Structure, Trading, and Liquidity Slide 38 Dealer Intermediation Dealer Sells Public Seller 10:50 10:55 Public Buyer Market Structure, Trading, and Liquidity Dealer Buys 11:00 Dealer provision of immediacy brings buyer & seller together Slide 39 View From a Market Maker’s Desk Dealer Bid Dealer Ask COD 26.00 CAT 26.20 DOG 26.00 COD 26.30 TUNA 25.90 DOG 26.30 CAT 24.80 TUNA 26.30 Market Structure, Trading, and Liquidity Slide 40 Order Driven Market Best Ask 100 shs @ $20.00 <Last sale $15 Best Bid 200 shs @ $10.00 Market Structure, Trading, and Liquidity Slide 41 Thin Order Book Best Public Ask 100 shs @ $20.00 <Last sale $15 < Mkt order: Sell 100 < Sold @ $10 < # @$% * ** Best Public Bid 200 shs @ $10.00 Market Structure, Trading, and Liquidity Slide 42 Dealer/Specialist “Makes” the Market Best Public Ask 100 shs @ $20.00 Specialist Ask 100 shs @ $15.05 <Last sale $15 Specialist Bid 100 shs @ $14.95 Best Public Bid 200 shs @ $10.00 Market Structure, Trading, and Liquidity Slide 43 Public Trades with Dealer Best Public Ask 100 shs @ $20.00 Specialist Ask 100 shs @ $15.05 < Mkt order: Sell 100 <Last sale $15 Specialist Bid 100 shs @ $14.95 < Sold @ $14.95 < Best Public Bid 200 shs @ $10.00 Market Structure, Trading, and Liquidity Slide 44 Dealer Is Long 100 Shares Best Public Ask 100 shs @ $20.00 Specialist Ask 100 shs @ $15.05 Specialist Bid 100 shs @ $14.95 $14.90 Best Public Bid 200 shs @ $10.00 Market Structure, Trading, and Liquidity Slide 45 A Call Auction Public Seller 10:50 Public Buyer Market Structure, Trading, and Liquidity 10:55 11:00 A meeting point in time can bring multiple buyers & sellers together Slide 46 The Electronic Call Auction Orders that could otherwise be matched and executed are held for a big, multilateral clearing. Clearings are held at pre-determined points in time (i.e., once an hour). All crossing orders are executed at a single price: – Buy orders at that price and higher execute – Sell orders at that price and lower execute Market Structure, Trading, and Liquidity Slide 47 The Batching of Customer Orders Price 52 O 51 O 50 49 48 47 • •• •O •O • 1 2 Market Structure, Trading, and Liquidity O Offer Bid • O Question How should these limit orders be integrated to produce a good price? 3 4 5 6 No. Orders Slide 48 Cumulate The Buy Orders • Individual buy order Price 52 51 •• (1) • 50 49 • 48 • 47 • 1 Cumulated buy orders at the price or better • • (1+2=3) • (3+1=4) • (4+1+5) • (5+1=6) 2 3 Market Structure, Trading, and Liquidity 4 5 6 No. Orders Slide 49 Cumulate The Sell Orders Price 52 • 51 • 50 49 • 48 • (1) O O (5) O (4) O (3) • O (2) • Individual sell order O Cumulative sell orders 47 at the price or better 1 2 Market Structure, Trading, and Liquidity 3 4 5 6 Orders Slide 50 Match Cumulated Buy & Sell Orders Price 52 51 P* = CUMULATED O SELL ORDERS • • O 50 49 48 O O • O • 47 1 2 Market Structure, Trading, and Liquidity 3 4 5 • CUMULATED BUY ORDERS 6 Orders Slide 51 Trading Costs 1. Explicit costs commissions taxes etc. 2. Execution Costs (the implicit costs of trading) Bid-ask spread Market impact Delay/Opportunity cost Market Structure, Trading, and Liquidity Slide 52 Trading Costs and Volatility 1. 2. 3. 4. The bid-ask spread Market impact Momentum trading Imperfect price discovery Trading costs cause prices to bounce between higher and lower values Market Structure, Trading, and Liquidity Slide 53 Trading Costs & Volatility C = Implicit transaction cost of buy or sell = Transaction price (triggered by buy order) = Transaction price (triggered by sell order) = Magnitude of C P* = Unobserved, costless trading price Price P* Time Market Structure, Trading, and Liquidity Slide 54 Trading Costs & Volatility C = Implicit transaction cost of buy or sell = Observed price of buy-triggered trade = Observed price of sell-triggered trade =C P* = Unobserved, costless trading price Price P* Time Market Structure, Trading, and Liquidity Slide 55 Trading Costs & Returns Price P T Time Market Structure, Trading, and Liquidity Slide 56 Trading Costs & Volatility Which is more volatile: P* or the transaction price we observe? Price P* Observed Transaction Price Time Market Structure, Trading, and Liquidity Slide 57 The Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH) Existing information cannot be exploited to realize above normal (risk adjusted) trading profits • Weak form • • information = historical market information Semi-strong form information = weak form + publicly available info Strong form Information Market Structure, Trading, and Liquidity = semi-strong form + private info = the complete information set Slide 58 Random Walk If the EMH holds Security price changes (returns) are not serially correlated Ri,t ≠ f(ri,t-1) Market Structure, Trading, and Liquidity Slide 59 Liquidity CAPM, the frictionless environment 2 dimensions: risk and return Liquidity is perfect and a stock can be traded immediately at its equilibrium value (P*) Actual markets 3 dimensions: risk, return, and liquidity Market Structure, Trading, and Liquidity Slide 60 Liquidity & Random Walk Positive Intertemporal Correlation Sequential information arrival The limit order book Market maker intervention Inaccurate price discovery Negative Intertemporal Correlation Bid-ask spread Market impact effects Inaccurate price discovery Serial Cross-Correlation Market Structure, Trading, and Liquidity Slide 61 Market Structure, Trading, and Liquidity 30 00 30 00 30 00 3: 30 -4 :0 0 3: 00 -3 :3 0 2: 30 -3 :0 0 2: 00 -2 :3 0 1: 30 -2 :0 0 1: 00 -1 :3 0 12 :3 01: 00 12 :0 012 : 11 :3 012 : 11 :0 011 : 10 :3 011 : 10 :0 010 : 9: 30 -1 0: Half-Hour Volatility INTRADAY VOLATILITY NYSE October - December 1999 1.60% The First 1/2 Hour 1.20% 0.80% 0.40% 0.00% Slide 62 8: 00 -8 :3 0 8: 30 -9 :0 0 9: 00 -9 :3 9: 0 30 -1 0: 00 10 :0 010 :3 10 0 :3 011 :0 11 0 :0 011 :3 11 0 :3 012 :0 12 0 :0 012 :3 12 0 :3 01: 00 1: 00 -1 :3 0 1: 30 -2 :0 0 2: 00 -2 :3 0 20 :3 03: 00 3: 00 -3 :3 0 3: 30 -4 :0 0 4: 00 -4 :3 0 Half-Hour Volatility INTRADAY VOLATILITY LONDON STOCK EXCHANGE January - May 2000 3 Market Structure, Trading, and Liquidity The First 1/2 Hour 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 Slide 63 Prices (P) P0 , P1 , P2 , … , PT Time P0 P1 Market Structure, Trading, and Liquidity P2 PT Slide 64 Arithmetic Returns (P) P0,1 = P1 – P0 P1,2 = P2 – P1 PT-1,T = PT – PT-1 Market Structure, Trading, and Liquidity Slide 65 Percentage Returns (r) r0,1 = ( P1 – P0 ) / P0 = P0,1 / P0 r1,2 = ( P2 – P1 ) / P1 = P1,2 / P1 rT-1,T = ( PT – PT-1 ) / PT-1 = PT-1,T / PT-1 Market Structure, Trading, and Liquidity Slide 66 Price Relatives (PR) PR0,1 = P1 / P0 = ( P0 + P0,1 ) / P0 = 1 + r0,1 PR1,2 = P2 / P1 = ( P1 + P1,2 ) / P1 = 1 + r1,2 PRT-1,T = PT / PT-1 = ( PT-1 + PT-1,T ) / PT-1 = 1 + rT-1,T PR0,T = PT / P0 = (P1 / P0) * (P2 / P1) *…* (PT / PT-1) Market Structure, Trading, and Liquidity Slide 67 Log Returns (R) R = ln(1+r) = ln(price relative) R0,1 = ln(P1/P0) = ln(P1) – ln(P0) = ln(1+r0,1) R1,2 = ln(P2/P1) = ln(P2) – ln(P1) = ln(1+r1,2) RT-1,T = ln(PT) – ln(PT-1) = ln(1+rT-1,T) PR0,T = PT / P0 = (P1 / P0) * (P2 / P1) *…* (PT / PT-1) R0,T = R0,1 + R1,2 +…+ RT-1,T = Ri-1,i = ln(PT) – ln(P0) Market Structure, Trading, and Liquidity Slide 68 Question: Which of the following may be normally distributed? P r PR R Market Structure, Trading, and Liquidity Slide 69 Two Period Log Returns P2 = P0 ( 1 + r0,2 ) P2 = P0 ( 1 + r0,1 ) ( 1 + r1,2 ) 1 + r0,2 = P2 / P0 = ( P1 / P0 ) * ( P2 / P1 ) = = ( 1 + r0,1 ) ( 1 + r1,2 ) R0,2 = R0,1 + R1,2 Market Structure, Trading, and Liquidity Slide 70 Log Returns: Two Period Mean Assume constant Mean: E(R0,1) = E(R1,2) E(R0,2) = E(R0,1) + E(R1,2) E(R0,2) = 2E(R0,1) Market Structure, Trading, and Liquidity Slide 71 Log Returns: Two Period Variance Var(R0,2)=Var(R0,1)+Var(R1,2)+2Cov(R0,1,R1,2) Assume constant Variance: Var(R0,1) = Var(R1,2) For Cov(R0,1,R1,2) = 0 Var (R0,2) = 2 Var(R0,1) What if Cov(R0,1,R1,2) < 0 ? Market Structure, Trading, and Liquidity Slide 72 Key Statistical Measures Mean Return (via ln of Price Relative) Variance and S.D. of Returns Market Model Beta, R2, and Residual Variance. Variance Ratio = Var (R0,2) / [2 * Var (R0,1)] Volume-Weighted Average Price = VWAP0,T = t=1,T wt * Pt where, wt = Sharest / t=1,T Sharest Market Structure, Trading, and Liquidity Slide 73 Additional Measures • • • • Quoted Spread = (Ask – Bid) Effective Spread = 2 * (B/S) * (Pt – Quote Midpointt) Quote Midpoint = (Ask + Bid) / 2 Realized Spread = 2 * (B/S) * (Pt – QMPt+n) • Tot. Trans. Cost = Delay + Impact + Missed Trades • Implementation Shortfall = Beginning Portfolio Value – Ending Portfolio Value Market Structure, Trading, and Liquidity Slide 74 Topic 5 How to use Limit and Market Orders • Limit Order Books / Market Makers / Hybrids • Key Order Types: – Limit orders: “make” liquidity / “patient” – Market orders: “take” liquidity / “impatient” – Stop Loss & Stop Limits: manage risk • Limit Orders: ↓ Impact vs. ↑ Delay • Limit Order Risks: Execution Risk and “Bagging” • Price & Time Priority Rules reduce risk somewhat Market Structure, Trading, and Liquidity Slide 75 How to use Limit and Market Orders (cont.) • Break-even Probability of Limit vs. Market Orders ProbB-E = (Preserve - Pmarket) / (Preserve - Plimit) • Expected Gain = Probactual * (Preserve - Plimit) • Equilibrium B-A spread size is determined by “Gravitational Pull” concept of limit vs. market • Option Value of a Limit Order: – Bid Limit order = “short Put” (must buy from a seller) – Ask Limit order = “short Call” (must sell to a buyer) – The “Premium” received from these sales = B-A spread Market Structure, Trading, and Liquidity Slide 76 Ecology of a Pure Order Driven Market Participants meet to establish prices and trade. This requires: Limit orders be posted Market orders be submitted Market Structure, Trading, and Liquidity Slide 77 Informational Change Assume I have an open, unexecuted buy limit order on the book. If a news event occurs, it’s … "Heads You Win, Tails I Lose” Heads You Win: Bearish news has caused the price of the stock to fall and my limit order executes Tails I Lose: Bullish news has caused the price ofSo theWhy stockDid to rise and my limit order doesn’t I Place That Limit Order? execute Market Structure, Trading, and Liquidity Slide 78 Compensation From a Liquidity Event • • • • A liquidity event that results in a price decline could cause my buy limit order to execute. After being driven down, price would revert back up. I profit as price mean reverts after my order has executed. Sufficient mean reversion can offset the costs that result from informational change. Mean Reversion = Accentuated Volatility They are the same thing! Market Structure, Trading, and Liquidity Slide 79 Bid-Ask Spread Compensation for Risk of adverse informational change Risk of limit order not executing Gravitational Pull Effect Market Structure, Trading, and Liquidity Slide 80 Gravitational Pull Market Ask Potential Buy Order 2 Potential Buy Order 1 Market Bid Market Structure, Trading, and Liquidity Slide 81 Making the Trade (based on Navarro chapters) Market Structure, Trading, and Liquidity Slide 82 The Stock Market and Business Cycles Stock Market is a leading economic indicator Different Sectors shine at various points during the business cycle. Early / Middle / Late Bull Markets: Transportation / Capital Goods / Commodities Early / Middle / Late Bear Markets: Consumer Staples / Utilities / Cons. Cyclicals Market Structure, Trading, and Liquidity Slide 83 The Interest Rate Cycle & Yield Curve Yield Curve can be a Leading indicator of both the Stock Market and Economy. Federal Reserve sets short-term rates but… Long-term rates set by investor expectations of economic growth and inflation. Bonds and Money Market instruments can be competitors to Stocks. Normal / Steep / Inverted / Flat Yield Curves: Middle Bull / New Bull / Bearish / Mixed Market Structure, Trading, and Liquidity Slide 84 Managing Risk 3 Key Risks: Market, Sector, Company. Compute Reward-to-Risk Ratio for your trades / stocks: Ad hoc Rule of Thumb (3:1), Sharpe Ratio, Alpha, Beta. Diversification is very important (e.g., “no more than 20% in one sector”). “Never bet the farm!” “When in doubt, go flat.” Market Structure, Trading, and Liquidity Slide 85 Managing Trade Execution Market vs. Limit Orders Trading Range vs. Trending Markets Intelligent Stop Loss orders: Set “loose stops” Avoid round numbers & technical nodes Use “trailing stops” to lock in gains “Never turn a winner into a loser” “Never average down a loss” “Never churn your own portfolio” Market Structure, Trading, and Liquidity Slide 86 Topics 6 & 7 Market Intermediaries: Nuts & Bolts • Broker vs. Dealer vs. Specialist • Blurring of Lines between: – Sell-side vs. Buy-side – Securities Exchanges vs. ECNs vs. ATSs • NYSE Specialist vs. Nasdaq Mkt Maker vs. ECN / ATS • NYSE Specialist: Positive & Negative Obligations • Nasdaq MM: Proprietary dealers change quotes depending on their inventory position: ↑ B-A if INV < 0 Market Structure, Trading, and Liquidity Slide 87 Market Intermediaries: Nuts & Bolts (cont.) • Institutional Order Flow (Large Peg vs. Small Hole) and Institutional Investors’ responses: – “Slicing and Dicing” – Greater control over order-routing (incl. “preferencing”) – Increased use of ECN and ATS services • Market Maker (MM) Services: Immediacy / Liquidity / Animation / Price Discovery / P & Q Improvement • MM Revenues: B-A spread / Trading Order Flow / Commissions • MM Costs: Inventory Mgmt / Asymmetric Info / Order Processing = f (INV, AI, KL) / Q Market Structure, Trading, and Liquidity Slide 88 The Eye of the Storm The institutions are huge Markets are structured for retail order flow How can the big guys get the liquidity they need? Big Pegs and Tiny Holes Dealer capital Place limit orders Trade negotiation Not held (NH) orders Slice, dice and shred Market Structure, Trading, and Liquidity Slide 89 Remarks from John Phinney* • To a retail investor, the stock exchanges look like a vending machine! • This is not the case for the institutional trader. As we know, the “peg” of institutional trading interest is much larger than the “hole” size of the exchange process. * Remarks made at Baruch Conference, Coping With Institutional Order Flow, NYC, April 29, 2003 Market Structure, Trading, and Liquidity Slide 90 Remarks from John Phinney (cont.) • The “meat grinder” appears clearly in all of our data sampling. • Trading costs seem to be much more related to endogenous market factors, structure, and process, than to exogenous factors derived from investor behavior. Market Structure, Trading, and Liquidity Slide 91 Phinney’s Meat Grinder Example 1.8 Million Buy Order for Oracle, August 15, 2002 Executions Number: Average size: Largest : Smallest: 1000 shares or less 100 shares or less: Time to complete: Market Structure, Trading, and Liquidity 1,000+ 1,700 shares 64,000 shares 13 shares 61% of execs 17% of execs 51 minutes Slide 92 Phinney’s Conclusion It was a DFT It required a 1,000-to-1 reduction of the manager’s intent (and a significant amount of technology) to get trade pieces small enough to be digestible by the market. Market Structure, Trading, and Liquidity Slide 93 Market Maker Services Immediacy Supplemental liquidity Price discovery Animation Market Structure, Trading, and Liquidity Slide 94 Immediacy Market maker practices are designed to facilitate the rapid execution of customer orders However, orders are commonly traded patiently (i.e., without immediacy) Upstairs negotiation of large block trades Breaking up large orders for submission over time Limit orders Market Structure, Trading, and Liquidity Slide 95 Market Maker Costs Inventory cost: Cost of carrying unbalanced inventory Processing cost: Cost of labor, physical capital required to execute trades Information cost: Cost of trading with better informed participant Spread = f (INV, KL, AI) / Q Market Structure, Trading, and Liquidity Slide 96 What Makes a Market Maker Successful? Inventory control Trading the order flow carefully Ability to hide/disguise large positions Knowledge of customers (source of the order flow) is also important in practice Market Structure, Trading, and Liquidity Slide 97 Inventory Control in TraderEx If P* jumps above your offer, your customers will, on net, be buyers and your inventory will fall As your inventory falls, you raise your bid and offer The higher bid attracts sellers and the higher offer discourages buyers What happens to your inventory if your bid is raised above P*? Your inventory is controlled by adjusting your bid and offer relative to the unobserved P* Market Structure, Trading, and Liquidity Slide 98 Transparency As a Market Maker, How Transparent Do You Want the Market To Be? After you acquire a large inventory in the process of servicing a customer, you must work off that position "Shares sold to a market maker are still for sale” You do not want your inventory revealed by a trade publication Market Structure, Trading, and Liquidity Slide 99 So, How Do Market Makers Compete? Knowing their customers Offering an array of services Developing customer relationships; this results in Preferencing Quote matching A market spread that is greater than it would be in an order-driven environment Market Structure, Trading, and Liquidity Slide 100 Topic 8 The Road to Tech. Analysis & Algo Trading • Dynamic Price Discovery due to: – Large, complex information set – Divergent expectations and Adaptive valuations • Quantity Discovery problems due to: – Institutional Order Flow and Bifurcation of P & Q discovery – Bookbuilding problem and Trade Clustering • Technical Analysis to increase trading profits: S-T timing / “Trade the OF” / B-A Bounce vs. Momentum • Algo Trading to reduce trading costs: automates “slicing & dicing”, “VWAP trades”, etc. Market Structure, Trading, and Liquidity Slide 101 Some Observations Trading occurs in bursts (trade clustering). The bursts are commonly 2-sided. But the large orders are not meeting each other efficiently. There is a large latent demand to trade. Market Structure, Trading, and Liquidity Slide 102 Some Conclusions 1. Big Trades Cluster in Time 2. Two-Sided Clusters Are Common for Big Orders This implies that 3. Institutional Orders are Portable in Time 4. Much Institutional Demand is LATENT Market Structure Objective: Bring Hidden Liquidity “In From The Cold” Market Structure, Trading, and Liquidity Slide 103 Some Technical Analysis Techniques • Moving Averages • MACD and Cross-overs • Trendlines and Break-outs • Relative Strength (RSI) • Stochastics / Oscillators • Pattern Recognition (e.g., “head & shoulders”, “pennants”, etc.) • Point and Figure charts • Candlestick charts • Volume and Market Breadth • Money Flow statistics Market Structure, Trading, and Liquidity Slide 104 Algorithmic Trading Background Market Maker Operations Floor Broker Intermediation Algorithmic Trading An electronic intermediary Market Structure, Trading, and Liquidity Slide 105 Which is Smarter? Floor based trading and NH orders Or… Electronic systems and algorithmic trading Kasparov vs. Deep Blue Market Structure, Trading, and Liquidity Slide 106 The Raison d’être of Algorithmic Trading o Dynamic price discovery o The speed with which events can occur o Exploit Market inefficiencies to ↓ costs Market Structure, Trading, and Liquidity Slide 107 Topics 9 & 10 Trading Performance Measurement • Key Measures: P&L / Trading Surplus / Benchmarks (VWAP & Implementation Shortfall) P&L = Cash Position + (Open Position * Bid Price) Trading Surplus = (Preserve - Ptransaction) * Quantity VWAP0,T = t=1,T wt * Pt where, wt = Sharest / t=1,T Sharest IS = (B/S) * [(QMP0 - QMPt) + (Avg. QMPt,T – Avg. Pt,T) + (% Unfilled * (QMP0 - PT))] where, 0 = time of initial request / t = first trade / T = last trade Market Structure, Trading, and Liquidity Slide 108 Trading Performance Measurement (cont.) • Transaction Cost Analysis (TCA) typically focuses on Implementation Shortfall (IS) plus trading commissions to measure Total Trading Costs (TTC). • Risk Management vs. Transaction Costs (e.g., limit orders might lower cost but increase market risk). • Best Execution: – Analyze processes vs. individual trades – Soft Dollars and Agency conflicts – New Regulatory Environment: MiFID in Europe and Reg NMS in the U.S. – Market Centers’ responsibilities in this new environment Market Structure, Trading, and Liquidity Slide 109 Best Execution 1975 Security Acts Amendments Retail vs. institutional order flow Execution price vs Speed Certainty Anonymity Control Etc. An order is multi-dimensional. Market Structure, Trading, and Liquidity Slide 110 What is Best Execution? • A snapshot assessment for a single, no brainer order? – What about orders that are sliced & diced? – Order that are market timed? • Beating a performance benchmark? • Quality of procedures followed? • None of the above? • Best Execution is better thought of as a process. Market Structure, Trading, and Liquidity Slide 111 Impediments to Best Execution • • • • Soft dollar commitments Use of an erroneous benchmark Excessive pressure to trade quickly Imperfect market structure Market Structure, Trading, and Liquidity Slide 112 Heart of the Problem Soft Dollars Outsourcing research, computer systems, and other support services to sell-side with client assets used as payments => Agency Problem! (The costs are hidden) Commission Bundling Market Structure, Trading, and Liquidity Slide 113 Key Regulatory Topics Soft Dollar Commissions and Preferencing Best Execution procedures Reg NMS and the nature of competition Level Playing Field: NYSE, Nasdaq, ECNs Transparency and Market Access Fairness for Retail vs. Institutional Investors Rate of Technological Innovation Market Structure, Trading, and Liquidity Slide 114