
Monday, October 4, 2010
Silent Focus
Listen: Part II of the Harvard class, Justice, as they
discuss cannibalism.
Write: Do you agree with the philosophy that you
should do whatever is best for the greatest
number of people? Why or why not? What about
the lifeboat case? If you were drifting at sea,
would you eat the weakest one among you on the
Word Power Session 6 practice
Conventions ML # 4- Fragments
3rd hr- Take Anthem exam
Reading ML # 7
5th hr- Peer Editing of Childhood Narratives
Read aloud and Reader Response
Peer Review
Trade papers between 2 or 3 people.
Read through each other’s papers and do the following:
• Underline in yellow any dialogue and interior monologue
• Circle character description in orange.
• Circle setting description in green.
• Put a pink star next to figurative language (like similes,
metaphors, and personification
• Highlight examples of blocking in blue or purple
3. Read through the paper again looking for errors in
conventions (spelling and grammar). Using the
“Abbreviations for Technical Errors” worksheet, mark (but do
not correct) the errors in red ink.
4. Write a sticky note message to the author that says:
• 1 positive remark about their paper.
• What you think the truism or lesson is.
• 1 area for improvement
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Silent Focus
Listen/ Follow Along: As Morgan Freeman reads,
« Invictus » by William Earnest Henley. Invictus
means unconquered in Latin.
Write: What is the poem about? 11th Grade- How
does this poem connect to Anthem? What lesson
or theme is this poem trying to teach? Borrow a
line and write your own poem, song, or journal
Word Power Session 7
Conventions ML # 4- Fragments (Part II)
3rd hr- Finish Anthem exam
Reading ML # 7
Read aloud and Reader Response
Closing/ Homework
Reading ML # 7- Good Readers can identify the
inciting incident (and the details that surround
it) in order to identify the conflict
• The inciting incident causes a problem for the
protagonist and creates an emotional or
physical response in the character.
• This event, also known as the kick-off, is what
changes the main character’s existence into
something that creates a story worth reading.
• 11th Grade- When Equality finds the tunnel
• 9th Grade- When Rainsford falls off the boat,
when the Loisels get the invitation to the party,
when the boy tries to steal Mrs. Luella Bates
Washington Jones’ purse
October 6, 2010
Silent Focus
• Listen/ Follow along as I read an opinion ed
piece from the Detroit Free Press.
• Write: What is this article mainly about? Do
you agree with the opinion of the author?
What should we do about this issue (if
anything?) Why?
Reading ML #8- Good readers recognize
the stated or implied feeling (internal
response) of the protagonist in response
to the inciting event.
• In stories, sometimes the author will
state directly how the main character
is feeling in response to the initiating
event, but sometimes, the author will
only imply (hint or suggest) the
• When talking or writing about about
literature, we should directly quote
the example from the text and always
provide the page number. This
provides support and credibility to
our answer, and helps to prove our
Sample Reader Response
Physical and/ or
Quote and pg. #:
(To support
Jinsen and Justin
are asked to work
together on a
class project
Justin doesn’t
want to work
with “Buddha
Boy,” but he
ends up not
having a choice
in the matter.
On pgs. 11-12, Justin doubts
whether working on the board
game project with Jinsen will
be fun. “ Sure,’ I said, hoping
no one was watching us,
wishing he would get out of
my way.” This quote shows
that Justin doesn’t want to be
seen with Buddha Boy, and
doesn’t want anything to do
with the project.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Silent Focus
• Read/ Listen: Brett Dennen’s- Make You Crazy
• Write: What is this song about? Do you think
the video and the song go together? Explain
why or why not. Borrow a line and write your
own poem, song, or journal entry.
Fragment Quiz
2nd / 3rd hr.- Pleasantville
Reading ML # 8
Read aloud and Reader Response
Closing/ Homework
Closing/ Homework
• 9th Grade- final draft of your Childhood
Narrative is due Friday
• Book Reports due by Friday
• Hand Sanitizer/ Kleenex E.C. due by Friday.
• Word Power Quiz on Friday.
Friday, October 8, 2010
Silent Focus
• Friday Free Topic
• Write for five minutes on a topic of your
choice, or study for Word Power for 5
Word Power Quiz
Childhood Narrative Reflection
Silent Reading/ Literary Letter
Turn in all book reports, childhood narratives,
and extra credit
Childhood Narrative Reflection
• In a brief letter to me ( ½ - ¾ of a page), tell me:
• What you liked best about your writing.
• What you found the most difficult or what you liked the least
about your writing.
• What grade you think you deserve and defend it (tell me why
you deserve it)
• Also include a checklist that checks off each of the elements
of fiction that your writing contains:
• ____ Dialogue
_____ Blocking
• ____ Interior Monologue
_____ Figurative Language
• ____ Character Description _____ Truism/ Lesson
• ____ Setting Description
Reader Response
Choose your own adventure Reader
1. Make a storyboard of what’s happening in
Buddha Boy so far
2. Write a character analysis of Jinsen
3. Write a summary of what’s happened so far
including who, what, where, when, and why
Movie Response
• Write one paragraph about similarities
between Anthem and Pleasantville
• Write one paragraph about differences
between Anthem and Pleasantville
• Write one paragraph that explains whether or
not you like the film, and explain why or why
Literary Letter Topic
Major Event
Physical and/ or
Quote, pg. #, and
explanation: (To
support answer)
Jinsen and Justin
are asked to work
together on a
class project
Justin doesn’t
want to work
with “Buddha
Boy,” but he
ends up not
having a choice
in the matter.
On pgs. 11-12, Justin doubts
whether working on the board
game project with Jinsen will
be fun. “ Sure,’ I said, hoping
no one was watching us,
wishing he would get out of
my way.” This quote shows
that Justin doesn’t want to be
seen with Buddha Boy, and
doesn’t want anything to do
with the project.