Why is honesty important?
 In the story At the Beach, Fernando felt
guilty after he had lied. He also would have
been in more trouble if his family had found
out what happened.
 If you said that you were to busy to do your
homework but you were just playing video
games the same thing would happen to you.
Why is honesty important?
What would you do if
you were in
Fernando’s situation?
 Did Fernando make
the right choice?
 Why do you think
honesty is important in
Theme and Setting
The theme is the
dominant idea of the
story.The setting is the
time and place where
the story takes place.
Theme and Setting
The theme and setting are some of the most vital
parts of writing .A theme is used to convey the
underlying meaning of the story. Without a theme
there would be no story.
 The setting is used to explain where the story
takes place.For example Joe walked into the gas
station.The gas station is the setting.Without a
setting readers would not know where the story
takes place.
Theme and Setting
Theme: In At the
Beach, what is the
Setting: In At the
Beach, what is the
Why do we need to think about
theme and setting?
A theme makes a story have meaning.
The setting gives the reader a place to think
about while reading the story.
Why is it important to think about
the theme while you are reading?
If you don’t think about the theme of the
story, there is no point reading. In other
words, the theme gives the story meaning.
Why is it important to think about
If you do not think about the setting then
you won’t have any idea where or when the
story is taking place and you won’t
understand what is going on in the story and
why it is important.
Visualizing means to form pictures in our minds
while we read.
• Some examples of visualizing are ‘On a cold dark
night”… when I read or say this I visualize a dark
night with no moon shinning also very cold and
• Visualizing is used to help you understand what
you are reading. If you don’t visualize the book
won’t make much sense.
An example of when you
would use visualizing is
when you are reading a
book such as “Little
House on the Prairie.”
When you use this
strategy you need to think
about what you are
reading and what the
author is describing.
Do you visualize when you read?
 If you visualize what you read does it make
the story more interesting?
Multiple-meaning words
Multiple-meaning words are words that have two
or more meanings. One example is bass, like the
fish and bass, like the instrument.
 When you are reading and you come upon a
multiple-meaning word, you have to use context
clues to determine the correct meaning.
 This is a vocabulary skill.
Multiple-meaning words
Multiple-meaning words
What are multiple-meaning words?
Can you give an example of a multiplemeaning word?
Complex Sentences
Complex sentences are like a family. The
children are the dependent clauses and the
parents are the independent clauses. The
dependent clauses (children) can’t stand
alone, they need the help of the
independent clauses (parents). Complex
sentences MUST have an independent and
dependent clause.
Compound Sentences
Compound sentences use conjunctions
examples: or, but, and, and also.
compound sentences also use a comma.
Here is an example: She wanted pizza but,
she also wanted a cheeseburger.
Remember to put your comma after your
conjunctions and a space before your next
Compound and Complex
Compound sentences and complex
sentences are in our daily writing but, you
might not notice it. Compound example:
She went to the movies but, didn’t buy
popcorn. Complex example: even though it
was a long trip.
 They each have a dependent clause and an
independent clause.
How to use Compound and
Complex sentences
Both types of sentences are grammar skills.
 You must have an independent clause and
dependent clause
 Compound and Complex sentences are
useful in our writing because they can make
our writing unique.
 These both are great ways to make a
Unfamiliar Words
Unfamiliar words are a reading skill.
 The definition for unfamiliar words are to
1; Not being acquainted; not conversant. 2;
Not within ones knowledge: strange.
 To figure out an unfamiliar words you
break them down to smaller pieces of a
word that you might know.
Unfamiliar words
Context clues help you figure out a word you
don’t understand, for example: if you didn’t know
what responsibilities mean you would break it
down to responsible and if you know what
responsible means you can figure out what
responsibilities means.
 You need to think about if you have ever heard
about an unfamiliar word before, see if you can
figure out what the word means [ it helps to use
context clues] .
Using context clues to figure
out unfamiliar words
When your using context clues you look for
synonyms of your unfamiliar words.
 They will help you figure out the meaning of
your unfamiliar word.
Unfamiliar Words
Can you figure out what mite means from
the definition card?
Unfamiliar words
Unfamiliar Words
So if you have a vocabulary test and you
have to figure out the meaning of multiple,
you would brake down multiple into multiand if you can figure out multi- which
means more than one you can figure out
what multiple means.
Unfamiliar Words
Do you understand how to use and figure out
unfamiliar words ?