Flower Dissection and Pollination Quiz time! One person per table Dissection Read the procedures first please Dissection Safety! Be careful when you’re cutting Only one person handling the scalpel and the flower at one time Dissection You need Flower Dissection tray Dissecting kit RULER Dissection Come get your supplies now Dissection Make observations of your plant Dissection Dissection Remove the petal Sketch the petals and measure how long Dissection Dissection Rip open the petals and expose the inside Observe the pistil Dissection Dissection Carefully remove one of the stamens and make observations Dissection Dissection Rip off the rest of the petals and stamens Make a cut at the base of the flower MAKE SURE YOU CUT BELOW THE BULGING PART Dissection Dissection Dissection Make a longitudinal cut through the stigma all the way down through the ovary Dissection Dissection Dissection Clean up Work on the questions at the end Pollination Pollen must get from anther to stigma of a flower Transfer of pollen is pollination Pollen on its own stigma is called self-pollination Pollen goes from one flower to another is called cross- pollination Pollination Wind Some plants use wind to pollinate Simple, white flowers No scents or nectar Pollination Insect, Animal, and Bird Plant provide food for pollinators Usually in form of nectar which is a liquid rich in sugar The VECTOR will inadvertently pick up pollen when feeding Goes off to feed on another flower and drop off pollen Pollination BEE Flower has colourful petals Under ultraviolet lights, can see landing pattern for bees Usually have a landing pad for bees to safely land and feed Pollination Bats Bats cannot see Flowers that use bats have no fancy colours Use fruity scents to attract bats THE TEST IS COMING! THE TEST IS COMING! Algae, moss, fern, gymnosperms, angiosperm Algae Characteristics, green, brown, red algae, Ulva life cycle Moss Characteristics, lifecycle Ferns Characteristics Seed Plants Introduction Adaptations of Seed Plants, Seed plants overview THE TEST IS COMING! THE TEST IS COMING! Gymnosperm Life cycle , cell types Angiosperms Monocot vs dicot Parts of angiosperm -> function and label Lifecycle Pollination Plant Diversity Videos HINT: if you’re out of time, study more on gymnosperm and angiosperm