Earth Systems—1/5/12 1-Jones, Solomon 2-Berry, Shelita 3-Cook, Robert 4-Cross, Mikele 5-Day, William 7- Gabe 8-Arbery, Ahmaud 9-Massey, Tyquella 10-Guffey, Devon 11- Pennington, J 12-Whitten, T 13-Dukes, Trevon 14-Ryals, Jordan 15-Soto, J 18-Vance, L 19-Estrada, N 20-Maynard, J 21-Thomas, D 24-Hicks, K 25-Delegal, E *Find your Name, then 26-Pinkum, A use the Number to locate your desk. 27-Lucke,M *Pick up (Table by the door) and 28-Wilson, D fill out the first three lines of the 29-Hicks, H Attendance Sheet 30-Morris, T 31-Singelton, T 32-Stephan,C 33-Floyd, G notebook, paper, pencil(SchooMaterials -Get to know Ms.Sheddy & Mrs. Lofton -Get to know the Rules & Procedures -Get to know the Rules & Procedures (SIS Attn, Cell Phone Policy, Procedure Tardies, Syllabus, NB Setup, Online Book Locations, Website, CEP, Sci Method Rev 3-2-1) -Get to know You—fill out forms/Checkin -Get to learn about……Earth Systems! -Brainstorm…………… Why Earth Science? Earth Systems Do Now 1/06/12 • • Sharpen pencils, in seat before Tardy Bell. Take out “Signed” Syllabus/Rules & Student Info Sheets 1. At the Top of your Paper….. Write down: “The Four Biggies of Earth Systems.” Make an educated guess of what you think the major areas of Earth Science is. 2. Draw a picture of the Earth. →notebook, paper, pencil Pretest The 4 Biggies of ES & Discussion on “Earth Sys Intro” INQUIRE/EXPERIMENT—Density of Water Earth Science Article--Insurance Nebular Hypothesis, p2-5 Why Earth Science? Earth Systems Do Now 1/9/12 • • 1. 2. Take out “DO NOW” Handout from FRIDAY. Take out “Signed” Syllabus/Rules & have on your desk. What is the Density of Water? 1ml = 1 gram, so if you have 100ml of water, how many grams of water would you have? TOD 1/6/12: Look back at the Branches of Earth Science, what do you “think” the density of water has to do with the branches of Earth Science? →notebook, paper, pencil Finish Lesson Intro to ES Earth Science Article--Insurance CH 1.1 p3-5 Nebular Hypothesis Assignment: Earth Systems Do Now 1/10/12 • Take out “DO NOW” Handout from FRIDAY. • Take out “Signed” Syllabus/Rules & have on your desk. 1. P23-24, Complete the Venn Diagram. Compare and contrast Hypothesis & Theory →notebook, paper, pencil Additional Vocabulary Nebular Hypothesis Assignment, CH 1.1 p3-5, & Lesson “Earth’s Place in the Universe” p6 Star Formation Earth Systems Do Now 1/11/12 1. In one sentence, what is the Nebular Hypothesis about? 2. Is the Nebular Hypothesis true? Explain why or why not. →notebook, paper, pencil “How Big Are You?” ppt & Powers of 10 “Predicting”p7-10 Layers of the Earth & How AMAZING it is!!! Pp11-15 **Vocab Quiz on Friday Directed Reading: Predicting p7 • • • • • • • Hydrosphere Atomosphere Geosphere Biosphere Core Mantle Crust a. _________ b. ___________ c. _________ d. __________ e. _________ f. ___________ g. _________ h. ___________ i. __________ J. ___________ k. __________ l. ___________ m.__________ n. ___________ “Discipline is Remembering what you want.” Ticket out the Door! • What is your significance here on earth and in the universe? Explain. • What makes you “unique” or significant in the grand scheme of things? • Who are you? How do you define yourself? What kind of “mark” will you leave behind? Earth Systems Do Now 1/12/12 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Turn to p29, Do #1-2. What happens to meteors in the Mesosphere? Give 2 Facts about the Stratosphere Which “sphere” do we live in? The Space shuttle orbits the earth in the Thermosphere, what else occurs here? ***Take out your Layers of the Earth Handout From yesterday →notebook, paper, pencil Layers of the Earth—finish Latitude/Longitude Lesson & Practice Latitude/Longitude Lab Directed Reading Pp11-17; Vocabulary….. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Additional Chapter 1 Vocab Lithosphere Hydrosphere Atmosphere Biosphere Geosphere Core Mantle Crust Astronomy Geology Meteorology 12. Oceanography 25. System 13. Hypothesis 14. Law 15. Theory 16. Inner Core 17. Outer Core 18. Troposphere 19. Stratosphere 20. Mesosphere 21. Thermosphere 22. Latitude 23. Longitude 24. Topographic Map Earth Systems Do Now 1/13/12 • Use Notes from the “Layers of the Earth” 1. Starting with the Core of the Earth, name the layers of the Earth & the Layers of the Atmosphere from 1-10; provide a fact for each. 2. Take out your Latitude & Longitude Notes/HW. →notebook, paper, pencil Longitude & Time Latitude & Longitude Lab Read Pp11-17, #1-10 answer using CS; Safari “What we learn about the Earth from Space” Earth Systems Do Now 1/13/12 • Use Notes from the “Layers of the Earth” 1. Starting with the Core of the Earth, name the layers of the Earth & the Layers of the Atmosphere from 1-10. →notebook, paper, pencil Maps: Advantages & Disadvantages Classroom Map Activity Topography Lesson/ Discovery: “Mapping the Earth” Read Pp11-17, #1-10 answer using CS; on p30, Safari “What we learn about the Earth from Space”, Finish.. Do Now 1/17/12 • • • • • • • • • • I ________________ O _______________ M_______________ C ________________ T ________________ S ________________ M _______________ I _________________ T ________________ E ________________ • Using the 1st letter for the Layers of the Earth & Atm, create a pneumonic device. →notebook, paper, pencil Plotting Hurricane Irene Topography Lesson/ Discovery: “Mapping the Earth” Calculating Gradient Maps: Advantages & Disadvantages Read Pp11-17, #1-10 answer using CS; on p30, #31-33; p31, #4-7 Safari “What we learn about the Earth from Space”, Finish.. **Vocabulary Quiz tomorrow** Earth Systems Do Now 1/18/12 1. What is a Topographic Map, & who uses them? 2. What are contour lines? Hachured lines? 3. What is the formula to calculate the Gradient? →notebook, paper, pencil Vocabulary Activity Study Quiz Calculating Gradients Practice Maps: Advantages & Disadvantages Read Pp11-17, #1-10 answer using CS; on p30, #31-33; p31, #4-7 Safari “What we learn about the Earth from Space”, Finish.. Earth Systems Do Now 1/19/12 1. P 30, Map Skills, Answer #31-33. Do not copy the questions. →notebook, paper, pencil Maps: Advantages & Disadvantages Read Pp11-17, #1-10 answer using CS; P 30, #23-26 ; p31, #4-7 Safari “What we learn about the Earth from Space”, Finish.. Media Ctr Lab—Google Earth Maps: Advantages & Disadvantages-p12-13 MAP TYPE Mercator Projection Robinson Projection Conic Projection Gnomonic Projection ADVANTAGES DISADVANTAGES Earth Systems Do Now 1/20/12 1. What are the 3 main parts of the geosphere? 2. The plate tectonics theory helps Scientists explain…………………. 3. What sort of energy allows the tectonic plates to move? →notebook, paper, pencil Classroom Map Activity Reading Assignment pp Safari “What we learn about the Earth from Space”, Finish.. **Google Earth—Extra Credit Due Monday Independent Work • Read pp18-22, p22, #1-8; (write answers with Complete Sentences) • P29, #1-22 • P30, #26,34 Turn in after you are done. Work on Classroom Map Activity if you did not finish it. Turn in before you leave. Earth Systems Do Now 1/23/12 P16-17 1. What is GPS? What do the letters GPS stand for? 2. What do you think GIS stands for? Do you think it is similar to GPS? Why or Why not? GPS Aviation →notebook, paper, pencil GIS Flash Video Review “Greatest Discoveries” /13/captured-new-york-city-fromabove/2331/ sons/uoh_dig_mapping_less1/Lesson1Supp_L ower_Manhattan_1916.pdf • Africa • Manhattan 1916 Map -Direction, Scale, Legend, & Source of Information Earth Systems Do Now 1/24/12 Turn to pp18-22 1. Why do scientists study Earth as a System? 2. If a system is a collection of interacting parts, what happens when one of the parts is changed? 3. What are the 2 sources of energy that power Earth’s systems? 4. List 3 ways that humans affect Earth’s systems. →notebook, paper, pencil CH 1: Intro to Earth Science Test United: “Greatest Discoveries” (Get out 20 Facts) Energy Vocab Earth Systems Do Now 1/25/12 Turn to p4831. What is “Heat”? 2. What is “Temperature”? 3. How are heat & temperature different? 4. Look at Figure 9, describe in 3-4 sentences what is happening in the picture & what each term means… →notebook, paper, pencil United: “Greatest Discoveries” (Get out 20 Facts) Energy Vocab Energy Lesson/Review/Vocab Heat Transfer Lab Energy Vocabulary Quiz—Friday…Be prepared! LAB REPORT: Heat Transfer Lab • MATERIALS: • PURPOSE: • PROCEDURE: (Step by Step Process of what was done) • ANALYSIS & CONCLUSIONS: 1.What are the 3 Types of Heat Transfer that was observed in the Lab? 2.Describe the 3 Types of Heat Transfer & tell where you saw each take place during the lab and how you know it was that particular type. ***Read pp483-487, p487 #1-6, CS Earth Systems 1/26/12 Take out your Energy Notes from yesterday & turn to p483-487 1. What is the difference between Kinetic & Potential Energy? 2. List 3 ways heat can be transferred & describe each. 3. What is the source of Electromagnetic waves? 4. Read and paraphrase the 4 Laws of Radiation. →notebook, paper, pencil Energy Vocab Temperature & Heat Lesson Get out “Heat Transfer Lab”--Read pp483-487, p487 #1-6, CS Energy Vocabulary Handout Energy Vocabulary Quiz—Friday, 1/27/11, Study….. Energy Vocabulary 1-Condensation 12-Evaporation 2-Conduction 13-Melting 3-Convection 14-Freezing 4-Radiation 15-sublimation 5-Refraction 6-Temperature 7-Heat -After defining words; read pp483-487 8-Reflection 9-Scattering 10-Greenhouse Effect 11-Electromagnetic Spectrum Earth Systems 1/27/12 Take out your HW: Energy Vocabulary & keep out the BINGO Sheet Take out your Energy Notes from yesterday & ESRT Folder 1. Why does Water heat up and cool down slower on land? 2. What happens at Absolute Zero? 3. Name the three temperature Scales, & what is the temperature for freezing for each of the scales above. →notebook, paper, pencil Energy & Chapter 1 Bingo Energy Vocabulary Quiz Temperature Reading Assignment…pp488-493; 504-509 Energy Bingo Pick 24 Words and write them in the boxes of your Bingo Card. 1-Condensation 12-Evaporation 2-Conduction 13-Melting 3-Convection 14-Freezing 4-Radiation 15-sublimation 5-Refraction 16- solidification 6-Temperature 17-Specific heat 7-Heat 18-Absolute Zero 8-Reflection 19-Potential Energy 9-Scattering 20-Kinetic Energy 10-Greenhouse Effect 21-Precipitation 11-Electromagnetic Spectrum 22-geology 23-Geosphere 24-Hydrosphere 25-Meteorology 26-Hypothesis 27-Theory 28-1g/ml 29-Astronomy Earth Systems 1/30/12 Read the Article on pp494. 1- Write a 1-2 sentence summary for EACH of the headings below: a. “Earth Atmosphere b. O2 from Photosynthesis c. Atmosphere from Space d. O2 Cycle e. Fertile Land Take out your “Heat Transfer Lab” from Thursday & Energy Vocabulary.. →notebook, paper, pencil Temperature Changes-Evap/Cond Activity Read pp483-487, p487 #1-6, CS Temperature Reading Assignment…pp488-493; 504-509 LAB REPORT: Heat Transfer Lab • MATERIALS: • PURPOSE: • PROCEDURE: (Step by Step Process of what was done) • ANALYSIS & CONCLUSIONS: 1.What are the 3 Types of Heat Transfer that was observed in the Lab? 2.Describe the 3 Types of Heat Transfer & tell where you saw each take place during the lab and how you know it was that particular type. ***Read pp483-487, p487 #1-6, CS Earth Systems 1/31/12 Finish reading the Article on pp495-. 1- Write a 1-2 sentence summary for EACH of the headings below: a. Size of Ozone Hole b. Ozone Hole c. Yearly changes in O. Hole d. Volcanic Gases →notebook, paper, pencil Temperature Reading Assignment…pp488-493; 504-509 Katrina ppt Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Scale/Update on Irene Clips “A Storm that drowned a City” NOVA Earth Systems 2/1/12 • Turn to p496, #1, 3, 5 (use complete sentences where appropriate) →notebook, paper, pencil Katrina ppt Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Scale/Update on Irene Clips “A Storm that drowned a City” NOVA Tomorrow… Earth Systems 2/2/12 • • • • Find your assigned seat, Log on, & Open up the internet browser Take out the List of Hurricanes from yesterday Type in Pick at least 2 games and play them →notebook, paper, pencil Hurricane Powerpoint Project “A Storm that drowned a City” NOVA Test Earth Systems 2/3/12 Turn to p575-576 in your book (Write down the statements) 1. Hurricanes in other parts of the world are called……… 2. List 3 facts about Hurricane Katrina’s devastation 3. Hurricane Katrina is the ______ & ________ in the US since 1928. 4. Explain how hurricanes are becoming more & more of a threat to people? 5. Where do most hurricanes form on the Earth? →notebook, paper, pencil Hand back Ch 1 Test Finish NOVA “A Storm that Drowned a City” Hurricane Powerpoint Details… Weather Vocabulary Hurricane Powerpoint Project Earth Systems 2/6/12 Turn to p578 in your book. Read the article over “Wind & Storms” 1. After reading… write a 2 sentence summary, explaining what you read for the following: a. “Wind & Storms” c. Thunderstorms b. Monsoons d. Lightning & Thunder →notebook, paper, pencil Finish NOVA “A Storm that Drowned a City” Weather Vocabulary & Directed Reading Hurricane Powerpoint Details… Hurricane Powerpoint Project Earth Systems--2/7/12 Turn to p579 in your book. Read the article over “Wind & Storms” 1. After reading… write a 2 sentence summary, explaining what you read for the following: a. Tornadoes c. “How Tropical Storms Develop” b. Blizzards d. “Impact of Tropical Storms” →notebook, paper, pencil “Development of Hurricanes” pp 575-577 Weather Vocabulary & Directed Reading Hurricane Powerpoint Project Weather Vocabulary 14. Coriolis effect 15. Jet Stream 16. Cyclone 17. Anticyclone 18. Trade winds 19. Westerlies 20. Polar easterlies 21. Prevailing Wind 22. Anemometer 23. El Nino 24. Air mass 25. Warm Front 26. Cold front 27. Stationary front 28. Occluded front Weather Vocabulary 1. Precipitation 2. Humidity 3. Saturated 4. Relative humidity 5. Dew point 6. Hygrometer/psychrometer 7. Dry adiabatic rate 8. Wet adiabatic rate 9. Orographic lifting 10. Front 11. Air pressure 12. Barometer 13. Pressure gradient 14. Coriolis effect 15. Jet Stream 16. Cyclone 17. Anticyclone 18. Trade winds 19. Westerlies 20. Polar easterlies 21. Prevailing Wind 22. Anemometer 23. El Nino 24. Air mass 25. Warm Front 26. Cold front 27.Stationary Front 28. Occluded Front Earth Systems--2/8/12 Turn to p579 in your book. Answer questions #1, 3,4. Use complete sentences →notebook, paper, pencil “Weather Forecasting” Activator Meteorology How important is weather? Basic Weather Notes & Practice—Quasi Meterologist… Finish Weather Vocabulary Hurricane Powerpoint Presentations DO NOW 2/9/12 Take out Weather Notes & ESRT Folders p 13 For A – F, tell what each letter represents on the STATION MODEL and answer the question if there is one. (USE your ESRT Folder or NOTES A F 76 Current Weather .. 115 +30\ 45 E D Is the Barometric Trend rising or falling? Read pp504-509 B What is the Wind Direction & Speed? C What is the value for the Barometric pressure? Earth Systems--2/10/12 Take out last nights HW: Dewpoint & Relative Humidity Charts 1. P 506-What is humidity? Name 2 ways Meteorologists express the water-vapor content of the air? 2. Explain at what point is air said to be “saturated?” 3. What is relative humidity and what does it indicate? 4. What are the 2 ways relative humidity can be changed? 5. What is dewpoint? Read the first paragraph on p508 “Dew Point,” Describe what happens to the “parcel of air” when it is cooled further….and then what occurs during the evening hours… After DoNOW--Work on the chart from yesterday… →notebook, paper, pencil HW…..Finish Weather Vocabulary Hurricane Powerpoint Presentations Hurricane Lab Earth Systems--2/13/12 Complete DoNOw from Friday 2/10 continued 3. P506-508,What is relative humidity and what does it indicate? 4. What are the 2 ways relative humidity can be changed? 5. What is dewpoint? Read the first paragraph on p508 “Dew Point,” Describe what happens to the “parcel of air” when it is cooled further….and then what occurs during the evening hours… Read pp504-509… →notebook, paper, pencil Hurricane Powerpoint Presentations Finish Weather Vocabulary Hurricane Lab Hurricane Online Lab--2/10,13/12 1. 2. 3. 4. Log on & go to the GOOGLE search engine Search: Hurricane Online Lab Click on the first link Read the Article links to answer the questions on the handouts provided….you do not need to print anything 5. Part 1 and Part 3 must be completed 6. You may choose 2 more out of the 5 parts ***Note: if you choose to do ALL 5 parts….you will receive extra credit. Write on the top EXTRA CREDIT for the one you desire this to be…. Earth Systems 2/14/12 Turn to P504-507 , answer the following questions. 1. What is the most important gas for understanding atmospheric processes? 2. What happens to heat energy during a change of state? 3. How does temperature of air influence its ability to hold water? →notebook, paper, pencil Finish Hurricane Powerpoint Presentations Finish Weather Vocabulary & Practice “Hurricane!” Weather Vocabulary 1. Precipitation 2. Humidity 3. Saturated 4. Relative humidity 5. Dew point 6. Hygrometer/psychrometer 7. Dry adiabatic rate 8. Wet adiabatic rate 9. Orographic lifting 10. Front 11. Air pressure 12. Barometer 13. Pressure gradient 14. Coriolis effect 15. Jet Stream 16. Cyclone 17. Anticyclone 18. Trade winds 19. Westerlies 20. Polar easterlies 21. Prevailing Wind 22. Anemometer 23. El Nino 24. Air mass 25. Warm Front 26. Cold front 27.Stationary Front 28. Occluded Front Directed Reading • Read pp504-509; #1-6 Answer using CS DO NOW 2/15/12 Take out Weather Notes & ESRT Folders p 13 For A – F tell what each letter represents on the STATION MODEL and answer the question if there is one. (USE your ESRT Folder or NOTES D 76 Current Weather .. 515 -20\ What is the Wind Direction & Speed? 19 C B Is the Barometric Trend rising or falling? A What is the value for the Barometric pressure? E-What do you use to help find out the information in the “Station Model”? F-Why do you think the temperature is not cold outside today? Why do you think the weather continues to fluctuate or change so much? Read pp504- Are we on the same page? • Transpiration-a process in plants that releases water vapor from their leaves into an area which can affect both the temperature & precipitation for an area • Psychrometer-an instrument used to measure __________ _________ • Isobar- lines on a map that connect places of equal air pressure. The spacing of isobars indicates the amount of pressure change over a given distance. Earth Systems 2/16/12 Pp5061. What does relative humidity describe about air? 2. List 2 ways that relative humidity can be changed. 3. What does a low dew point indicate about the moisture content of air? Take out your “Weather Basics Notes” →notebook, paper, pencil Pressure & Wind Lesson Pressure/Can Demonstration & practice Hurricane Parts 1-5, finish & turn in… **Weather Vocab Quiz….tomorrow…..STUDY…. Earth Systems 2/17/12 Turn to Pp532- & use your Notes… 1. Read the first paragraph on p532. How is Air pressure important to weather forecasting? 2. Describe air pressure. 3. Pass back & Read “Crush the Can” handout… →notebook, paper, pencil Pressure/Can Demonstration & practice Weather Vocabulary Activity Weather Vocab Quiz Planet Wind! Earth Systems 2/22/12 Turn to Pp532- & use your Notes… 1. What is the average air pressure at sea level? 2. When air pressure _________, the mercury in the tube _______. When air pressure __________, the __________ in the tube _____________. 3. If the mercury in a barometer is decreasing, what is happening to the air pressure? 4. Why don’t objects such as a table collapse under the weight of air above them? 5. What is the ultimate energy source for most wind? How does the occur? What is happening? 6. Wind is the result of ___________ differences in air pressure. ______ flows from areas of ______pressure to areas of ______ pressure. →notebook, paper, pencil Planet Wind! Earth Systems--2/23/12 Turn to Pp534—(Try to figure out the answers….) ***Remember Winds blow from areas of High pressure to areas of Low Pressure 1. What was the lowest barometric pressure ever recorded on the earth’s surface? When did this happen? 2. Look at Figure 3, to answer the following: a. What do Isobars show? b. What symbol indicates calm air? Where is this symbol on the map? c. Which pressure cell, high or low, has the fastest wind speeds. Explain your answer. 3. Closely spaced Isobars indicate a _________ pressure ________ and _______ winds. _______ spaced ________ indicate a _______ pressure ________ and ________ _________. →notebook, paper, pencil Isobar Lesson & Practice Building a Weather Station Weather Station Project Group leaders Instrument: 1-Anemometer 2-Wind Vane 3-Barometer 4-Rain Gauge 5-thermometer 6-Psychrometer Group 1 Willie Mikele Caleb Will Eddie Tre’von Group 2 Harris Apichat Justice Norma Darr Jonathan S. Earth Systems 2/24/12 Turn to Pp535 1. What is the Coriolis Effect? 2. Describe the reason for the deflection in Figure 4. 3. What is the difference in the deflection in the Northern or Southern Hemisphere? 4. What are the 4 reasons in the shift in wind direction due to the Coriolis effect? 5. What are 3 factors combined to control the wind? →notebook, paper, pencil Building a Weather Station—Due Monday… Work on Weather projects Isotherms…. Earth Systems 2/27/12 Turn to Pp535 1. How does the Coriolis effect influence motion of free-moving objects? 2. Why do jet streams flow parallel to isobars? P492-493 3. What are Isotherms? What colors are near the equator? Near the poles? What do these colors represent for each area? 4. Isotherms generally trend ______ & ______ and show a ________ in temperatures from the _______ to the _______. 5. What does this map emphasize? →notebook, paper, pencil Work on Weather projects & Presentations… Isotherm, Isobar & Isotherm Lab Earth Systems 2/28/12 1. 2. 3. p 516, #1-3; Complete sentences What is the difference between an Isobar and an Isotherm? Get out your Isobar Notes/Practice →notebook, paper, pencil Finish presenting Weather projects & instruments Isotherm Practice; Isobar & Isotherm Lab Earth Systems 2/29/12 1-p 516, #4-6; Complete sentences 2-Take out “Isotherm” Homework from yesterday. →notebook, paper, pencil Isobar & Isotherm Lab “Planet Weather—Wet” Earth Systems 3/1/12 • • Read p 523… Write a 2 sentence summary for each of the 5 paragraphs. (You should have a least 10 sentences total). • Take out “Isobar & Isotherm Lab,” Homework from yesterday. →notebook, paper, pencil Isotherm Quick Quiz— “Planet Weather—Wet” Earth Systems 3/2/12 1-Read the first paragraph on p517, about “CLOUDS”. 2-How are Clouds described? 3-Why do meteorologist find them interesting and how can you recognize them? **Take out “Planet Weather Wet” Facts →notebook, paper, pencil, Isotherm Finish Planet Weather--Wet Cloud & Precipitation Activity Earth Systems 3/2/12 1-Read the first paragraph on p517, about “CLOUDS”. 2-How are Clouds described? 3-Why do meteorologist find them interesting and how can you recognize them? **Take out “Planet Weather Wet” Facts →notebook, paper, pencil, ESRT Notebook Freaky Clouds Cloud & Precipitation Activity Earth Systems--10/12/11 P5651. Compare & Contrast Warm & Cold Fronts 2. What was the cause of all the rain over the last few days? DERECHO!? →pencil, Weather Notes Weather Balloons Front Lesson Earth Systems--10/12/11 P5651. Compare & Contrast Warm & Cold Fronts 2. What was the cause of all the rain over the last few days? DERECHO!? →pencil, Weather Notes Weather Balloons Front Lesson Earth Systems--10/13/11 1. Turn to page 14 in your Weather Notes 2. Use P573-577 to complete “Hazardous Weather & Safety” DERECHO!? →pencil, Weather Notes Planet Wet Weather Tic Tac Toe Earth Systems--10/14/11 1. 2. Take out “TicTacToe” CW/HW Describe this past weeks weather into today’s. What has been happening? Use vocabulary: types of air masses, fronts, & pressure systems. Try… (looking for 2-3 well-developed sentences) DERECHO!? →pencil, Weather Notes Meteorology Unit Test Part 1 Weather Tic Tac Toe—Finish A/B & C. Planet Cold 1st block: Federal Impact Forms are due Monday Earth Systems 2/28/12 Turn to Pp535 →notebook, paper, pencil Work on Weather projects & Presentations… Isobar & Isotherm Lab Earth Systems 2/16/12 2-p510-11, Read & summarize these two pages; discussing how air is compressed and expands. (You should have @ least 5 or more sentences) 3-Take out Notes, “Station Model Tutorial”(Handout from Friday), & ESRT Notebook →notebook, paper, pencil Discovery: “Engineering Nature: Engineering Hurricanes” Hurricane Powerpoint Project • • • • • • • • What is a Hurricane? What area did it affect Category? How Strong? Damage/Cost/Death Toll How to prepare/precautions Clean up? Environmental impact/Health Issues Life after the hurricane (How did they recover? What did people do afterwards?) • FEMA--What is it? How do they help? • Is there a cause for the storms being so devastating? • An increase? Earth Systems 2/13/12 Finish reading the Article on pp495-. 1- Write a 1-2 sentence summary for EACH of the headings below: a. Size of Ozone Hole b. Ozone Hole c. Yearly changes in O. Hole d. Volcanic Gases →notebook, paper, pencil Discovery: “Engineering Nature: Engineering Hurricanes” Earth Systems Do Now 8/26/11 • Sharpen pencils, in seat before Tardy Bell. 1. 2. 3. Take out Hurricane Irene Data & Tracking Charts Also, take out The IRENE data from yesterday w/the Category/Storm Plot the New Coordinates: 8/26 Lat: 29.3⁰N Long: 77.6⁰W 110mph Category? →notebook, paper, pencil Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Scale/Update on Irene Clips Katrina ppt “Development of Hurricanes” p576 Complete & turn in “Hurricane Online Lab” -don’t forget to tell what Category Storm on Irene Data for your Do Now. Earth Systems Do Now 8/31/11 • Sharpen pencils, in seat before Tardy Bell. 1. Take out Hurricane Irene Data & Tracking Charts 2. Also, take out The IRENE data from yesterday w/the Category/Storm 3. Plot the New Coordinates: 8/30 Lat: 12.3⁰N Long: 33.4⁰W 45mph 1003mb Category? 8/31 Lat: 13.9⁰N Long: 39.4⁰W 65mph 994mb Category? →notebook, paper, pencil Energy Lesson/Review/Vocab Finish: NOVA “A Storm that Drowned a City” Energy Vocabulary Quiz—Thurs/Friday…Be prepared! Earth Systems Do Now 8/22/11 • Sharpen pencils, in seat before Tardy Bell. 1. p30, Answer #24-25. (Do not copy the questions, but give thoughtful answers) Discovery: “Mapping the Earth” →notebook, paper, pencil Independent Work “Greatest Discoveries” Classroom Map Activity HW: Complete Google Map for Extra Credit Earth Systems Do Now 8/24/11 • Sharpen pencils, in seat before Tardy Bell. 1. Pass back Hurricane Irene Data & Tracking Charts 2. Orient yourself with the Chart & begin plotting the data for Irene. →notebook, paper, pencil Plot Hurricane Irene—Previous & Current Locations Hurricane Online Lab -during the Lab, Use Part 3 to….. Georgia Bight Plotting Hurricane Irene Data 1-Use the “Tracking Chart” provided 2-Using internet, to do a search to find out about how the Categories of Hurricanes are determined. 3-Fill in the “Category/Storm Type” in your data chart for each coordinate given. 4-On the back of your Tracking Chart, 5- What does GMT stand for? Earth Systems Do Now 8/25/11 • Sharpen pencils, in seat before Tardy Bell. 1. 2. 3. Take out Hurricane Irene Data & Tracking Charts Also, take out The IRENE data from yesterday w/the Category/Storm Plot the New Coordinates: 8/25 Lat: 24.6⁰N Long: 76.2⁰W 115mph Category? 4. Take out a clean sheet of paper. Title it “Greatest Discoveries” →notebook, paper, pencil “Greatest Discoveries” Complete & turn in “Hurricane Online Lab” -don’t forget to tell what Category Storm on Hurricane data. Georgia Bight/Continential Shelf Earth Systems Do Now 8/26/11 • Sharpen pencils, in seat before Tardy Bell. 1. 2. 3. Take out Hurricane Irene Data & Tracking Charts Also, take out The IRENE data from yesterday w/the Category/Storm Plot the New Coordinates: 8/26 Lat: 29.3⁰N Long: 77.6⁰W 110mph Category? →notebook, paper, pencil Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Scale/Update on Irene Clips Katrina ppt “Development of Hurricanes” p576 Complete & turn in “Hurricane Online Lab” -don’t forget to tell what Category Storm on Irene Data for your Do Now. Earth Systems Do Now 8/29/11 • Sharpen pencils, in seat before Tardy Bell. 1. Take out Hurricane Irene Data & Tracking Charts 2. Also, take out The IRENE data from yesterday w/the Category/Storm 3. Plot the New Coordinates: 8/27 Lat: 32.3⁰N Long: 65.7⁰W 40mph 1008mb Category? 8/28 Lat: 42.2⁰N Long: 73.2⁰W 60mph 970mb Category? 4. Take out “Hurricane Online Lab” to turn in. →notebook, paper, pencil “Development of Hurricanes” p576 NOVA “A Storm that Drowned a City” Earth Systems Do Now 8/30/11 • Sharpen pencils, in seat before Tardy Bell. 1. Using your book, What is a tornado and how is it different from a hurricane? Answer using complete sentences. →notebook, paper, pencil Finish: NOVA “A Storm that Drowned a City” Hurricane ppt Project = Earth Systems Do Now 9/1/11 • Sharpen pencils, in seat before Tardy Bell. 1. Take out Hurricane Tracking Charts 2. Copy & Plot the New Coordinates: 8/30 Lat: 12.3⁰N Long: 33.4⁰W 45mph 1003mb Category? 8/31 Lat: 13.9⁰N Long: 39.4⁰W 65mph 994mb Category? 9/1 Lat: 15.2⁰N Long: 45.9⁰W 75mph 987mb Category? 3. Take out “Energy Vocabulary” →notebook, paper, pencil Demo/Lab: “Conduction, Convection, Radiation” Media Center Lab—Hurricane Ppt Energy Vocabulary Quiz—Thurs/Friday…Be prepared! Hurricane ppt due today & Presentations tomorrow. DoNow 9/2/01: Finish Energy Vocabulary 1-Condensation 2-Conduction -After defining words, raise hand to get 3-Convection receive credit 4-Radiation -Study the Vocabulary-Quiz Tuesday 5-Refraction - Read pp483-487 6-Temperature 7-Heat 8-Reflection 9-Scattering 10-Greenhouse Effect 11-Electromagnetic Spectrum Earth Systems 9/2/11 1-Complete Energy Vocabulary handout 2-Copy & Plot the New Coordinates: 9/2 Lat: 17.0⁰N Long: 51.8⁰W 70mph 994mb Category? →notebook, paper, pencil Hurricane Ppt Project Presentations Read pp483-487, p487 #1-6 Energy Vocabulary Quiz Tuesday Discovery: “Engineering Nature: Engineering Hurricanes” Earth Systems 9/6/11 1-Complete Energy Vocabulary handout 2-Copy & Plot the New Coordinates for Katia: 9/6 Lat: 26.5⁰N Long: 65.1⁰W 125mph 950mb Category? 3-Get ready for Hurricane Presentations…. →notebook, paper, pencil Hurricane Ppt Project Presentations Read pp483-487, p487 #1-6 Energy Vocabulary Quiz Wednesday Discovery: “Engineering Nature: Engineering Hurricanes” Earth Systems 9/6/11 1-Copy & Plot the New Coordinates: 9/6 Lat: 26.5⁰N Long: 65.1⁰W 125mph 950mb Category? 2-Take out “Energy Vocabulary handout” from Friday. Study/Review 3-Get ready for Hurricane Presentations…. →notebook, paper, pencil Hurricane Ppt Project Presentations Read pp483-487, p487 #1-6 Energy Vocabulary Quiz Wednesday Discovery: “Engineering Nature: Engineering Hurricanes” Earth Systems 9/7/11 1-Copy & Plot the New Coordinates for Katia: 9/6 9/7 Lat: 26.5⁰N Long: 65.1⁰W 125mph Lat: 28.7⁰N Long: 67.9⁰W 90mph 950mb Category? 973mb Category? 2-Take out “Energy Vocabulary handout” from Yesterday. Study………….Easy “A”…. 3-Take out “Energy Transfer” Notes from last week. (Conduction, Convection, Radiation) →notebook, paper, pencil Temperature & Heat Lesson Read pp483-487, p487 #1-6, CS Temperature Changes-Evap/Cond Activity Energy Vocabulary Quiz Earth Systems 9/8/11 1-Copy & Plot the New Coordinates for Katia: 9/6 9/7 9/8 Lat: 26.5⁰N Long: 65.1⁰W 125mph Lat: 28.7⁰N Long: 67.9⁰W 90mph Lat: 32.0⁰N Long: 70.2⁰W 90mph 950mb Category? 973mb Category? 970mb Category? 2-Take out Section 17-2 Assessment p487, #1-6 from yesterday. Complete it. →notebook, paper, pencil Hulu: “Owning the Weather” -Using the questions and any info collected while viewing the movie to write a summary about weather, what it affects, & it’s importance….. Earth Systems 9/9/11 1-Copy & Plot the New Coordinates for Katia: 9/8 Lat: 32.0⁰N Long: 70.2⁰W 90mph 970mb Category? 9/9 Lat: 37.6⁰N Long: 67.5⁰W 85mph 967mb Category? 2-Copy & Plot Coordinates for NATE (pick a different color to plot & Label) 9/9 Lat: 19.9⁰N Long: 92.3⁰W 65mph 998mb Category? 3-Copy & Plot the New Coordinates for MARIA (another color & label Maria) 9/9 Lat: 13.8⁰N Long: 56⁰W 40mph 1003mb Category? 4-Take out Section 17-2 Assessment p487, #1-6 from yesterday. Complete it. →notebook, paper, pencil Weather Vocab Fun!!! Woohoo!!! Evap/Condensation… Finish “Owning the Weather” & turn in 1-2 paragraph about it. Earth Systems 9/12/11 1-Copy & Plot Coordinates for NATE (pick a different color to plot & Label) 9/9 Lat: 19.9⁰N Long: 92.3⁰W 65mph 998mb Category? 9/11 Lat: 20.6° N Long: 97.6° W 65mph 1010mb Category? What happened to Nate? 2-Copy & Plot the New Coordinates for MARIA (another color & label Maria) 9/9 Lat: 13.8⁰N Long: 56⁰W 40mph 1003mb Category? 9/11 Lat: 19.8° N Long: 65.2° W 60mph 1005mb Category? 9/12 Lat: 20.8° N Long: 66.3° W 60mph 1005mb Category? →notebook, paper, pencil “Owning the Weather” & 2-3 Paragraph Summary Evap/Condensation Activity Weather Vocab & handouts Earth Systems 9/13/11 1-Copy & Plot the New Coordinates for MARIA (another color & label Maria) 9/9 Lat: 13.8⁰N Long: 56⁰W 40mph 1003mb Category? 9/11 Lat: 19.8° N Long: 65.2° W 60mph 1005mb Category? 9/12 Lat: 20.8° N Long: 66.3° W 60mph 1005mb Category? 9/123 Lat: 21.6° N Long: 67.7° W 50mph 1006mb Category? 2-Finish “Weather Vocabulary” CH 18- (I’ll be coming around) →notebook, paper, pencil “Where is Tornado Alley?” 17-3, 18-1 Handouts Weather Vocab & handouts **Need empty, uncrushed soda cans—please start bringing in. Earth Systems 9/14/11 1-Copy & Plot the New Coordinates for MARIA (another color & label Maria) 9/9 Lat: 13.8⁰N Long: 56⁰W 40mph 1003mb Category? 9/11 Lat: 19.8° N Long: 65.2° W 60mph 1005mb Category? 9/12 Lat: 20.8° N Long: 66.3° W 60mph 1005mb Category? 9/13 Lat: 21.6° N Long: 67.7° W 50mph 1006mb Category? 9/14 Lat: 24.2° N Long: 68.6° W 60mph 1001mb Category? 2-Begin working on Weather Vocabulary Handout →notebook, paper, pencil Weather Vocab Activity Twister 17-3, 18-1 Handouts **Need empty, uncrushed soda cans—please start bringing in. HW: Study Weather Vocabulary—Quiz Thurs/Friday ***Grades have been updated in IC—check it……up/down… Are we on the same page? • Transpiration-a process in plants that releases water vapor from their leaves into an area which can affect both the temperature & precipitation for an area • Psychrometer-an instrument used to measure __________ _________ • Isobar- lines on a map that connect places of equal air pressure. The spacing of isobars indicates the amount of pressure change over a given distance. Earth Systems 9/15/11 1-Copy & Plot the New Coordinates for MARIA (another color & label Maria) 9/11 Lat: 19.8° N Long: 65.2° W 60mph 1005mb Category? 9/12 Lat: 20.8° N Long: 66.3° W 60mph 1005mb Category? 9/13 Lat: 21.6° N Long: 67.7° W 50mph 1006mb Category? 9/14 Lat: 24.2° N Long: 68.6° W 60mph 1001mb Category? 9/15 Lat: 30.2° N Long: 68.4° W 65mph 999mb Category? 2-Take out Weather Vocabulary Handout from yesterday. Work on messed up Crossword. →notebook, paper, pencil Weather Vocab Activity P496-97 Heating Land & water 17-3, 18-1 Handouts HW: Study Weather Vocabulary—Quiz Friday ***Grades have been updated in IC—check it……up/down… Earth Systems 9/16/11 1-Copy & Plot the New Coordinates for MARIA (another color & label Maria) 9/11 Lat: 19.8° N Long: 65.2° W 60mph 1005mb Category? 9/12 Lat: 20.8° N Long: 66.3° W 60mph 1005mb Category? 9/13 Lat: 21.6° N Long: 67.7° W 50mph 1006mb Category? 9/14 Lat: 24.2° N Long: 68.6° W 60mph 1001mb Category? 9/15 Lat: 30.2° N Long: 68.4° W 65mph 999mb Category? 9/16 Lat: 41.7° N Long: 60.3° W 80mph 979mb Category? 2-Study over Weather Vocabulary— →notebook, paper, pencil Weather Group Project—Media Ctr Weather Vocab Quiz Post Lab “Heating Land & Water” 17-3, 18-1 Handouts ****HW: Start bringing in your materials ***Grades have been updated in IC—check it……up/down… Weather Station Project Group leaders Instrument: 1-Anemometer 2-Wine Vane 3-Barometer 4-Rain Gauge 5-thermometer 6-Psychrometer Group 1 Sierre Toi Clove Natasha David Myron Group 2 Kaylyn Matthew Calob Weather Station Project Group leaders Instrument: 1-Anemometer 2-Wine Vane 3-Barometer 4-Rain Gauge 5-thermometer 6-Psychrometer Group 1 Hayley Mikayla Chelsea Ruby Troy Daniel Group 2 Chris Ashley Rachel Dominique Courtney Lafon Earth Systems 9/19/11 1- 9/19 No active storms at this time. Potential Storms: #1: High, 60% #2: Low, 10% 2-Read pp494-495; Complete #1-5 in “Assessment” (Write answer using Complete Sentences) 3- Get out ESRT Notebook →notebook, paper, pencil Weather Basics Lesson Post Lab “Heating Land & Water” 17-3, 18-1 Handouts Building Weather Instruments ****HW: Start bringing in your materials Earth Systems 9/20/11 1- 9/19 No active storms at this time. Potential Storms: #1: High, 60% #2: Low, 10% 9/20 Potential Storms: #1: High, 70% 2-Turn to p509, Answer #1,3,5 “18-1 Assessment” (Write answer using Complete Sentences) 3- Get out ESRT Notebook & Notes out from yesterday; Turn to p 508 and draw a diagram of a psychrometer and tell what is does. →notebook, paper, pencil Weather Basics Lesson continued/Pressure & Wind Dew Point/Relative Humidity Chart Practice Building Weather Instruments 17-3, 18-1 Handouts ****HW: Building Instruments & Research in Progress—Project Due Friday, 9/23; Presentations Monday, 9/26 1- 9/20 Earth Systems 9/21/11 Potential Storms: #1: High, 70% 9/21 Potential Storms: #1: Low, 0% Copy & Plot the coordinates for Ophelia (Pick a different color) 9/21 Lat: 12.7° N Long: 41.8° W 45mph 1005mb Category? 2-Define Dewpoint and Relative Humidity. How do these they relate to one another? 3- Get out ESRT Notebook & Notes from yesterday →notebook, paper, pencil Weather Basics Lesson continued (1 slide)& Practice with RH & Dewpoint charts/Station Models Wind & Pressure Lesson Building Weather Instruments 17-3, 18-1 Handouts ****Due: Weather Instruments built & project complete Friday, 9/23; Present Monday, 9/26 1- Ophelia is no longer Earth Systems 9/22/11 2-Turn to p509, Answer #2,4, “18-1 Assessment” (Write answers using Complete Sentences) 3- Get out ESRT Notebook & Notes from yesterday →notebook, paper, pencil Practice with RH & Dewpoint /Station Models “Understanding Weather” Part ! Building Weather Instruments—Media Ctr Before leaving Media Ctr: 1) 2 copies of ppt-Give one to Ms. Sheddy 2) Instrument checked off 3) ppt. is uploaded in Sheddy Homework folder—Click & Drag ****Due: Weather Instruments built & project complete Thursday, 9/22; Present Friday, 9/23 Earth Systems 9/23/11 1- Copy & Plot the coordinates for Ophelia (Pick a different color) 9/21 Lat: 12.7° N Long: 41.8° W 45mph 1005mb Category? 9/23 Lat: 14.5° N Long: 51.0° W 45mph 1004mb Category? 2-Turn to p509, Answer #6,“18-1 Assessment” (Write answer using Complete Sentences) →notebook, paper, pencil 15-20min to Build Weather Inst & Get ready to Present Weather Instrument Presentations Station Model Practice (ESRT/Notes/Book) “Understanding Weather” Part 2 17-3, 18-1 Handouts ****Due: Weather Instruments Present Friday, 9/23 Earth Systems 9/26/11 1- Copy & Plot the coordinates for Hilary (Pick a different color) 9/26 Lat: 16.9° N Long: 112.2° W 120mph 959mb Category? 2-p510-11, Read & summarize these two pages; discussing how air is compressed and expands. (You should have @ least 5 or more sentences) 3-Take out Notes, “Station Model Tutorial”(Handout from Friday), & ESRT Notebook →notebook, paper, pencil, ESRT Notebook Station Model Practice (ESRT/Notes/Book) Wind & Pressure Lesson “Understanding Weather” Part 2 P516, #1-6 **Notebook check is coming up Earth Systems 9/27/11 1- Copy & Plot the coordinates for Hilary (Pick a different color) 9/26 Lat: 16.9° N Long: 112.2° W 120mph 959mb Category? 9/27 Lat: 16.6° N Long: 115.7° W 115mph 961mb Category? 2-p492-493, Read to answer: What are Isotherms? Where are the hottest temperatures on the map? What five things can be studied from this map? This map emphasizes the importance of Latitude as controlling _________ ______ __________, which does what? Look at the map →notebook, paper, pencil, ESRT Notebook Wind,Pressure, Air Mass Lesson (ESRT/Notes/Book) Air Pressure Lab Vocabulary Review P516, #1-6 “Understanding Weather” Part 2 **Notebook check is coming up Earth Systems 9/28/11 1- Update on Hilary & other storms 2- Take out your “Crush the Can” Lab. Complete the “Review Questions” @ the bottom using your ESRT Sheets—6min only →notebook, paper, pencil, ESRT Notebook Crush the Can—Redo Air Mass Lesson (ESRT/Notes/Book) Vocabulary Review P516, #1-6 Station Model Tutorial--? “Understanding Weather” Part 2 **Notebook check is coming up Earth Systems 9/28/11 1- Update on Hilary & other storms 2- Take out your “Crush the Can” Lab. Complete the “Review Questions” @ the bottom using your ESRT Sheets—6min only →notebook, paper, pencil, ESRT Notebook Air Mass Lesson (ESRT/Notes/Book) Vocabulary Review P516, #1-6 Station Model Tutorial--? “Understanding Weather” Part 2 **Notebook check is coming up Earth Systems 9/29/11 “Vocabulary Sheet” out on desk from yesterday. 1-p 516, #1-3; Complete sentences →notebook, paper, pencil, ESRT Notebook Vocabulary Review Station Model Tutorial--?/ Planet Weather: Wind-- Earth Systems 9/30/11 “Vocabulary Sheet” out on desk from yesterday. 1-p 516, #4,6; Complete sentences →notebook, paper, pencil, ESRT Notebook Go Vocabulary Review Station Model Tutorial/Alternative 20min Isotherm Map Quick Quiz Planet Weather: Wind-- Earth Systems 9/30/11 “Vocabulary Sheet” out on desk from yesterday. 1-p 516, #4-6; Complete sentences →notebook, paper, pencil, ESRT Notebook Go Vocabulary Review Isotherm Map Quick Quiz Planet Weather: Wind-- Earth Systems 9/29/11 1- Take out the “Vocabulary Sheet” from yesterday. 2- Using your Notes from yesterday, Draw the isotherms on the Map in of 10⁰F increments. →notebook, paper, pencil, ESRT Notebook Vocabulary Review Station Model Tutorial--? Planet Weather: Wind-- Earth Systems 10/3/11 1-Read the first paragraph on p517, about “CLOUDS”. 2-How are Clouds described? 3-Why do meteorologist find them interesting and how can you recognize them? →notebook, paper, pencil, ESRT Notebook Freaky Clouds & Precipitation Activity Planet Wind/Cloud Video Earth Systems 10/4/11 Take out your Notes over “Pressure & Wind” 1-Winds blow from areas of ____ to _____ pressure. 2-What kind of weather is associated with a High pressure system? A low pressure? 3-Look at the pictures for a High & Low pressure system, Describe what is happening for a High Pressure and a Low Pressure System. 4-Turn to p534 →notebook, paper, pencil, ESRT Notebook Clouds & Weather Basics—United Isobar Lesson & Practice Earth Systems 10/4/11 On a separate sheet--Cloud Extra Credit 1-List the types of High, Middle, & Low Clouds and give their meanings 2-Describe how precipitation forms, also include Cold Cloud Precipitation & Warm Cloud Precipation →notebook, paper, pencil, ESRT Notebook Clouds & Weather Basics—United Isobar Lesson & Practice Earth Systems--10/5/11 P535, Read “Coriolis Effect” & answer w/CS 1. What is the “Coriolis Effect? 2. Explain the reason for the “deflection”. 3. Copy down: Areas of High wind speeds correlate to closely spaced isobars on Maps. Get out the “Iso-line” Lab from yesterday. DERECHO!? →notebook, paper, pencil, ESRT Notebook Isoline Lab—Continue to work on (20min) “Observing Wind Patterns” 550-551 CLOUD Observation/Bill Nye? Earth Systems--10/6/11 Use pp537-538 1. Define Cyclone & Anticyclone. 2. Two factors that affect wind are Pressure gradient & __________. 3. Take out your “Isoline Handout” from yesterday. Use Fig 7, p538 and label the Cyclones & Anticyclones for Map C & D. Lightning →pencil, 1 clean sheet Weather Hangman & other activities “Observing Wind Patterns” 550-551 Bill Nye? Earth Systems--10/7/11 1. Look over yesterdays Do Now… 2. Take out Notes “Pressure & Wind,” the “Isoline Handout” from Wednesday. 3. Turn to p550-551, begin reading “Observing Wind Patterns” DERECHO!? →pencil, Book Weather Balloons “Observing Wind Patterns” 550-551 Storm Chaser-- Earth Systems--10/12/11 P5651. Compare & Contrast Warm & Cold Fronts 2. What was the cause of all the rain over the last few days? DERECHO!? →pencil, Weather Notes Weather Balloons Front Lesson Earth Systems--10/13/11 1. Turn to page 14 in your Weather Notes 2. Use P573-577 to complete “Hazardous Weather & Safety” DERECHO!? →pencil, Weather Notes Planet Wet Weather Tic Tac Toe Earth Systems--10/14/11 1. 2. Take out “TicTacToe” CW/HW Describe this past weeks weather into today’s. What has been happening? Use vocabulary: types of air masses, fronts, & pressure systems. Try… (looking for 2-3 well-developed sentences) DERECHO!? →pencil, Weather Notes Meteorology Unit Test Part 1 Weather Tic Tac Toe—Finish A/B & C. Planet Cold 1st block: Federal Impact Forms are due Monday Earth Systems--10/17/11 “TicTacToe” Work out 1. Make 2 columns @ the Top Weather & Climate 2. List all you “Know” about Weather and then do the same for Climate. DERECHO!? →pencil, Weather Notes Finish Weather Tic Tac Toe—20min & turn in Pair Up Climate Change & Ice Key Concepts for Climate Activity 1st block: Federal Impact Forms are due Today Earth Systems--10/18/11 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. p602: What is the Greenhouse Effect? What are the major gases involved in the greenhouse effect? Is the Green house effect necessary for life? Name 6 Factors that affect Climate The higher the elevation, the _____ the climate Three latitude zones are the tropical, temperate, and _______ zones. Vegetation can affect both _________ & precipitation patterns for an area. DERECHO!? →pencil, Weather Notes Quick Quiz Climate Change PPt & Foldable “Day After Tomorrow” Global Warming & Hurricanes Earth Systems--10/19/11 P602-03 1. Give 2 reasons why greenhouse gases have been increasing. 2. What is Global Warming? What is causing the increase in water vapor in the atmosphere? Is this a problem? Why or Why not? DERECHO!? →pencil, Weather Notes Climate Change PPt & Foldable p600 Finish“Day After Tomorrow” Global Warming & Hurricanes Earth Systems--10/20/11 Out sick-DERECHO!? →pencil, Weather Notes Climate Change PPt & Foldable p600 Finish“Day After Tomorrow” Global Warming & Hurricanes Earth Systems--10/21/11 p603 1. How does the melting of sea ice cause an increase in solar energy at the surface? 2. Describe what will happen if sea ice continues to melt DERECHO!? →pencil, Weather Notes Quick Quiz—Review over DoNows 1st block Finish “Day After Tomorrow” Media Ctr “Day After Tomorrow” Handout. Global Warming & Hurricanes Quick Quiz--10/18/11 1. 2. 3. 4. Name 3 Factors that affect Climate The higher the elevation, the _____ the climate Three latitude zones are the _________, temperate, and polar zones. Vegetation can affect both temperature & __________ patterns for an area. Climate Change PPt & Foldable “Day After Tomorrow” Global Warming & Hurricanes Earth Systems--10/21/11 p603 1. How does the melting of sea ice cause an increase in solar energy at the surface? 2. Describe what will happen if sea ice continues to melt DERECHO!? →pencil, Weather Notes Finish “Day After Tomorrow” Media Ctr “Day After Tomorrow” Handout & Questions Global Warming & Hurricanes Earth Systems--10/24/11 1. P600, Name the 5 natural process that cause climate changes. 2. Read pp600-03 DERECHO!? →pencil, notebook, book SAT word Global Warming: What is Causing it? P587 GLobal Warming: EXTREME ICE Earth Systems--10/25/11 1. Write a sentence using our SAT Word Scrupulous. Scrupulous-having or showing a strict regard for what is considered right. Climate Scientist →pencil, notebook, book Complete & submit to H drive: Global Warming: What is Causing it? P587 GLobal Warming: EXTREME ICE Earth Systems--10/26/11 1. What are the trade winds? Where are they located? Where are they located? 2. Make a list of people/events that are or could be considered “SCRUPULOUS”? Or give an example of a not so “Scrupulous” situation. →pencil, 1 Clean sheet of Paper “What’s Up With the Weather?”--Safari Submit Global Warming: What is Causing it? P587 to H drive: Earth Systems--10/26/11 1. What is El Nino and La Nina? (Use your Index) →pencil, book, yesterday’s Notes over Video… El Nino “What’s up with the Weather” Media Ctr—El Nino Activity~ Submit Global Warming: What is Causing it? P587 to H drive or email to : Earth Systems--10/27/11 1. What is El Nino and La Nina? →pencil, notebook, book El Nino Article & El Nino “What’s up with the Weather” Rock & Vocab GLobal Warming: EXTREME ICE Submit Global Warming: What is Causing it? P587 to H drive or email to : Earth Systems--10/28/11 Pass back the articles @ the front of your row 1. Begin reading the “Diamond Article” 2. List 5 Facts about Diamonds →pencil, 1 clean sheet Lab—Setup Mineral & Rock Lesson Vocabulary Mini Lab--1 clean sheet 1. At the Sugar/Salt Station measure 3 heaping teaspoons of your substance. Label your cup as being Sugar or Salt. 2. Use Graduated Cylinder to measure 100ml of water. Put in your Cup & Stir the solution. What type of Solution are you making? 3. Cut enough fishing line to suspend down into the solution after tying it around the popsicle stick. Place the popsicle stick over the cup. 4. After Stirring well, take your cup to the designated area. 5. Record Materials used and your Procedure down. Make a Hypothesis regarding what may or may not occur. 6. Return to your seat continue reading about “Diamonds”… Hmmm…. Earth Systems--10/31/11 1. 2. 3. In your Notes, 6 physical properties of Minerals were given, look on p50-53. What are 2 other physical properties How do these 2 properties help to identify minerals? P52, look at Figure 19. Answer the question in the caption. Remember on the Mohs Hardness Scale from 1-10 which is soft and hard. →pencil, Mineral & Rock Notes p4 Lab—check Results & Make observations Mineral & Rock Lesson Rock Cycle Vocabulary Earth Systems--11/1/11 1. Name the 3 major types of rocks. 2. Describe how Sedimentary rocks are formed. Use the Rock Cycle. →pencil, Mineral & Rock Notes p4 Complete Rock Cycle “Extreme Cave Diving” Vocabulary ***Rock Cycle Quiz---tomorrow?? Study…. Earth Systems--11/2/11 1. 2. 3. Most rocks are ________ -mineralic. What are clasts? In what types of rocks are they found? In what type of environment are sedimentary rocks formed? →pencil, Mineral & Rock Notes p4 Complete Rock Cycle Vocabulary & Bingo Extreme Cave Diving ***Rock Cycle Quiz---tomorrow?? Study…. Earth Systems--11/2/11 1. 2. 3. Most rocks are ________ -mineralic. What are clasts? In what types of rocks are they found? In what type of environment are sedimentary rocks formed? →pencil, Mineral & Rock Notes p4 Vocabulary & Bingo Extreme Cave Diving ***Rock Cycle Quiz---tomorrow?? Study RockCycle & Notes Mineral & Rock Vocabulary 1. Mineral 2. Streak 3. Luster 4. Crystal form 5. Hardnes 6. Mohs scale 7. Cleavage 8. Fracture 9. Density 10.Silicate 11.Rock 12.Igneous rock 13.Sedimentary rock 14.Metamorphic rock 15.Rock cycle 16. Magma 17. Lava 18. Weathering 19. Sediments 20. Deposition 21. Cementation 22. Metamorphism 23. Compaction 24. Chemical Weathering 25. Soil 26. Erosion Earth Systems--11/3/11 Add these 3 Definitions to your “Rock” Vocabulary 27. Lichens- plants that “eat” rock through a chemical reaction. 28. Humus- Decayed organic material mixed in with topsoil. 29.Oxidation- Minerals combine with oxygen to form a new substance called rust. →pencil, Mineral & Rock Notes p4 Extreme Cave Diving Vocabulary & Bingo ***Rock Cycle Quiz---tomorrow-- Study RockCycle & Notes Earth Systems--11/4/11 Take out your Mineral & Rock Notes 1. What is the difference between Organic & Inorganic? Is a mineral made of organic or inorganic material? →pencil, Mineral & Rock Notes p7 Rock Cycle & Notes Quiz Extreme Cave Diving Interactive Rock Cycle—Media Ctr Earth Systems--11/7/11 Read the Article on pp56-57 in your book. 1. What is the significance of corundum? 2. What changes the color of a gem? 3. What is the “parent” mineral of over a dozen gems? What do they mean by “parent”? 4. What is the difference in a precious or semiprecious gem? →pencil, Mineral & Rock Notes p7 Igneous Rock Lesson Rock Lab Diamond Factory: Nova Clip • Read pp70-74, • p74 Section 3.2 #1-7 CS • Come in quickly & have a seat • Find your “Interactive Rock Cycle from Friday” • Do Now when we get back. Earth Systems--11/8/11 Read p78 in your book. 1. Describe the four major processes that work together to Form Sedimentary Rocks. 2. P 71-72. How does the rate of cooling of magma or lava affect the texture of igneous rocks? →pencil, Mineral & Rock Notes p7 Media Ctr: Complete & turn in Interactive Rock Lab Igneous Rock Lesson Diamond Factory: Nova Clip TOD: HW: Bring Objects tomorrow to Cast! ES --11/9/11 1- Pick a picture of one of the igneous rocks in the chapter (pp70-74). 2- Write a paragraph explaining how the igneous rock picked was formed. →pencil, Mineral & Rock Notes Casting/aka “Desert Sand Rose” Reading Assignment: Diamond Factory: Nova Clip TOD: Reading Assignment • Read pp80-84; p84, #1-8 CS • P89, #1-22, CS for “Understanding Concepts” Earth Systems--11/10/11 Pp70-71 1. Compare & Contrast intrusive & extrusive igneous rocks. →pencil, Mineral & Rock Notes p10 Media Ctr. Metamorphic Rock Lesson Castings Complete Reading Assignment from yesterday if you have not already. Diamond Factory: Nova Clip **Quiz Monday—Study over Notes & Assignments. Reading Assignment • Read pp80-84; p84, #1-8 CS • P89, #1-22, CS for “Understanding Concepts” ES --11/14/11 1- Explain the 2 main types of weathering: Chemical & Physical Weathering. 2-Distinguish between regional & Contact Metamorphism. 3-Get out the following from last week: -Reading Assignments pp84 &89 -Rock & Mineral Notes -1 Clean Sheet of Paper →pencil, Mineral & Rock Notes Mini-Test:Rock & Mineral Quiz Amazing Planet: Destructive Forces Diamond Factory: Nova Clip ES --11/14/11 1- Explain the 2 main types of weathering: Chemical & Physical Weathering. 2-Distinguish between regional & Contact Metamorphism. 3-Get out the following from last week: -Reading Assignments pp84 &89 -Rock & Mineral Notes -1 Clean Sheet of Paper →pencil, Mineral & Rock Notes Mini-Test:Rock & Mineral Quiz Reading Assignment pp94-117 Diamond Factory: Nova Clip ES --11/15/11 1. 2. Pass back the Article in your Row. Read the Article about “Blood Diamonds” →pencil, Mineral & Rock Notes Circle Map-- Blood Diamonds P179, What Causes Sinkholes? Winter Park, Fl Sink Holes Caves Earthquake Vocab Activity— Diamond Factory: Nova Clip ES --11/16/11 1. 2. 3. Write down the words in a straight line as on the board to the left: Aquifer, recharge, irrigation declines, jeopardy, dryland farming, ecologically, economically Turn to p 180 Read the article “Ogallala Aquifer: How Long Will the Water Last?” →pencil, Ogalla Aquifer & Florida’s Aquifer Life w/o Water? “Blue Gold World Water War Earthquake Vocab Activity— ES --11/17/11 1. 2. 3. Turn to p 208-209, Read “How the Earth Works: Erosion” P209, Answer questions #1-2 NGCSU Clip →pencil EQ: First Word… Earthquake Vocab Activity— ***Vocabulary Quiz—Next Week, Study Diamond Factory: Nova Clip ES --11/18/11 1. 2. p 218, How many Earthquakes occur each year worldwide? How many of these are major earthquakes? When are Earthquakes most devastating? Get out Definitions/Crossword from yesterday →pencil Finish—Earthquake Activity EQ: First Word… Earthquake Shake around! ***Vocabulary Quiz—Next Week, Study Diamond Factory: Nova Clip ES --11/21/11 P 218-19 1. What is a fault? 2. What causes an earthquake? →pencil Plotting Earthquakes Activity EQ: First Word… Earthquake Vocab– Sentence/Depiction ***Vocabulary Quiz—tomorrow first 15 words. Diamond Factory: Nova Clip ES --11/22/11 1. 2. 3. 4. p 218, The point within the Earth where the earthquake starts is the ___________. The energy released by the earthquake traveling in all directions from the focus is called ________ _________. The epicenter is the location on ……… Get out Definitions/Crossword from yesterday →pencil, 1 clean sheet of paper, take out “Plotting EQ” EQ: First Word… ***Vocabulary Quiz— Anatomy of an Earthquake--Safari Diamond Factory: Nova Clip ES --11/28/11 1. 2. 3. p 219, How can the crust move? If it moves vertically, what do geologists call this? What does Figure 2 show? →pencil, 1 clean sheet of paper EQ: First Word… JigSaw pp218-227 Earthquake 101--NAtGeo Diamond Factory: Nova Clip First Word E_______________________ A_______________________ R________________________ T_______________________ H_______________________ Q _______________________ U_______________________ A_______________________ K _______________________ E _______________________ First Word ES --11/29/11 1. 2. p 220, What are 2 ways in which deformation affects rock? What is the rock doing if it is experiencing Elastic Rebound? →pencil, Get out JigSaw paper JigSaw pp218-227 Part 2 Earthquake 101 —NAtGeo “The Science of Earthquakes” Article/Summarizer EQ & Plate Tectonics Vocab cont’d EQ & Plate Tectonics Vocab (cont’d) 1. Outer Core 2. Inner Core 3. Moho 4. Pangaea 5. Wegener (use book) 6. Sonar 7. Deep Ocean Trench 8. Rift Valley 9. Subduction 10. Continental drift 11. Sea-floor spreading 12. Paleomagnetism 13.Ritchter Scale 14.Plate 15. Plate Tectonics 16. Divergent boundary 17. Convergent boundary 18. Transform fault boundary 19. Continental volcanic arc 20. Volcanic Island arc 21. Convection Current ES --11/30/11 1. Take out your vocab from yesterday. Complete & get checked off. →pencil, Get out JigSaw paper NOVA: Deadliest Earthquakes “The Science of Earthquakes” Article/Summarizer ES --12/1/11 1. 2. Read pp 238-39, “Effects of Earthquakes” Complete the “Assessment” p 239, #1b,c,d; 2; 3; 4 →pencil Media Ctr: Volcano Activity EQ & Plate Techtonic Lesson & Practice P & S Wave Practice.. EQ & Plate Tectonics RA ES --12/2/11 1. 2. 3. Draw a Circle on your paper, write Effects of Volcanoes in the middle & draw a Circle around it. P 298-99, Read 4 areas in the Article: “Effects of Volcanoes” List 2 facts about what was read for each of the 4 areas you chose & put them around the center circle. →pencil, Volcano Activity Activator: “Effects of Volcanoes” Volcano Project – -Research & PlanCheck off Poster?s P & S Wave Practice How to Cite Sources Correctly • Book Gorman, Elizabeth. Prairie Women. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1986. • Online Magazine Elliott, Michael. "The Biggest Fish of Them All." Time. 8 March 2003. 11 March 2003. <>. More Examples: Reading Assignment • Read the Section; Answer using CS p237, #1-3 p252, #1-4 p260, #1-5 ES --12/5/11 1. 2. 3. P 248-50, What did Wegner propose? What does Pangaea mean? Name three evidences that supports Continental Drift. →pencil, Volcano Activity Volcano Project – -Research & PlanCheck off Poster Volcano Activity—Turned in?.... “EQ Information”--P & S Wave Practice-CW/HW ES --12/6/11 1. 2. P 248-52, Name three evidences that supports Continental Drift. Why did scientists reject Wegener’s hypothesis of Continental Drift? →pencil, Volcano Activity Volcano Project – -Poster & questions pp285 & 294—(25 min) Volcano Activity—Turned in?.... Solar System Project “EQ Information”--P & S Wave Practice– HW ES --12/6/11 Take out yesterdays HW: “EQ Information”--P & S Wave Practice– 1. 2. P 248-52, Name three evidences that supports Continental Drift. Why did scientists reject Wegener’s hypothesis of Continental Drift? →pencil, Volcano Activity Volcano Project Poster -Complete p285 & 294 (20 min) Solar System Project “Magnetic Storm: Earth’s Invisible Shield”--Safari ES --12/7/11 1. 2. 3. P 254- 257 , Describe mid-ocean ridges and deep-ocean trenches. Explain what occurs during sea-floor spreading. Get out Earthquake Notes… →pencil, Volcano Activity Plate Tectonic Lesson Mt. St. Helens: Back from the Dead? Nova Solar System Book—Cover Page, TOC setup ES --12/8/11 1. 2. Read Pp 258-259, “Magnetic Strips” & “Earthquake Patterns” After reading, write down 2 questions for each Section read. →pencil, Volcano Activity Solar System Book—Cover Page, TOc Magnetic Storm: Earth’s Invisible Shield– Video Notes… Media Ctr: Solar System Research ES --12/9/11 1. 2. Read Pp 269, “Plate Tectonics into the Future” Write a 3-4 sentence summary about what you read. →pencil, Volcano Activity Eyewitness: Planets Solar System Research ES --12/12/11 1. Read Pp 261. In your own words, briefly explain the theory of plate tectonics. →pencil, Solar System Instructions Solar System Research Contact ES --12/13/11 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. What is a caldera? How does magma form? Most of the active volcanoes on the earth are located in _______ __ _______. What causes the season’s on Earth? Which of the following is NOT a form of Electromagnetic radiation? (radio waves/gravity) Which color of the visible spectrum (rainbow) has the longest wavelength? Gamma rays, xrays, visible light, and radio waves are all types of ___________ radiation. →pencil, Video Notes—label below: Magn Storm Solar System Research Magnetic Storm: Earth’s Invisible Shield– Video Notes… ES --12/14/11 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Round depressions on the moon’s surface are called (craters/meteorites) Which is not a terrestrial planet? Mars or Jupiter What is the Nebular Theory? What does a prism do? a. Separate sunlight in UV and infrared radiation b. Separates visible light into several colors The sun’s surface is made up mostly of (Hydrogen/Oxygen) Why do sunspots appear dark? →pencil Research Solar System Research--Media ctr 2nd half… Get your Pictures…No more than 15/30 ES --12/15/11 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The planet with the greatest temperature extremes is (Earth/Mercury) The atmosphere of Venus is composed primarily of (Hydrogen/Carbon Dioxide) _________ is referred as the “Red Planet”. _________ is second only to the moon in brillance in the night sky. Which planet has the greatest mass? →pencil Solar System Research Contact ES --12/16/11 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Which planet might be described as a large, dirty iceball? (Venus/Pluto) Which planet is the smallest? (Mars/Mercury) What is Jupiter’s Great Red Spot? Why is Pluto not considered to be a planet? What “small, rocky bodies” orbit between Mars & Jupiter? In what direction does a comet’s tail always point? What are the small particles producing a streak of light when it enters the Earth’s atmosphere? The remains of extraterrestrial particles that are found on Earth’s surface are (meteoroids/meteorites) →pencil, Get Notebook in order for Tuesday Contact Solar System Research Solar System Book Due today ES --12/19/11 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. The source of the sun’s energy is (Nuclear fission/Nuclear fusion) The sun will continue to exist in it’s present state for another (5.5 billion yrs/15.5 billion yrs) Most shield volcanoes grown from the ocean floor to form (canyons/islands/tectonic plates) What is an aftershock? Which seismic wave is most destructive ( Pwave/Surface wave)? What is the minimum number of seismic stations needed to determine the location of an earthquake’s epicenter? What is the scale scientist use to measure earthquakes? Why do earthquakes usually cause fires? What did Wegner’s Hypothesis state? The particles produced in volcanic eruptions are (laccoliths/pyroclastic material) →pencil Contact Notebook materials…. For tomorrow… ES --12/20/11 1. 2. The source of the sun’s energy is (Nuclear fission/Nuclear fusion) The sun will continue to exist in it’s present state for another (5.5 billion yrs/15.5 billion yrs) 3. Most shield volcanoes grown from the ocean floor to form (canyons/islands/tectonic plates) 4. What is an aftershock? Which seismic wave is most destructive ( Pwave/Surface wave)? 5. What is the minimum number of seismic stations needed to determine the location of an earthquake’s epicenter? 6. What is the scale scientist use to measure earthquakes? 7. Why do earthquakes usually cause fires? What did Wegner’s Hypothesis state? 8. The particles produced in volcanic eruptions are (laccoliths/pyroclastic material) ***PASS BACK SCAN TRONs and fill out. →pencil Fill out Scan Tron Final Exam ES --12/1/11 1. 2. Read pp 238-39, “Effects of Earthquakes” Complete the “Assessment” p 239, #1b,c,d; 2; 3; 4 →pencil, Get out JigSaw paper Media Ctr: Volcano Activity EQ & Plate Techtonic Lesson & Practice NOVA: Destructive Earthquakes “The Science of Earthquakes” Article/Summarizer EQ & Plate Tectonics Vocab cont’d Reading Assignment Read pp94-117 Complete the following w/CS. • p101, #1-5 CS • P107, #1-6, CS • P112, #1-6 • P116, #1-7 Reading Assignment Read pp94-117 Complete the following w/CS. • p101, #1-5 CS • P107, #1-6, CS • P112, #1-6 • P116, #1-7 • “Understanding Concepts” ES --11/14/11 1- Explain the 2 main types of weathering: Chemical & Physical Weathering. 2-Distinguish between regional & Contact Metamorphism. 3-Get out the following from last week: -Reading Assignments pp84 &89 -Rock & Mineral Notes -1 Clean Sheet of Paper →pencil, Mineral & Rock Notes Mini-Test:Rock & Mineral Quiz Reading Assignment pp94 Diamond Factory: Nova Clip Earth Systems--11/7/11 Take out your Mineral & Rock Notes 1. What is the difference between Organic & Inorganic? Is a mineral made of organic or inorganic material? →pencil, Mineral & Rock Notes p7 Igneous Rock Lesson Rock Cycle & Notes Quiz Extreme Cave Diving Interactive Rock Cycle—Media Ctr Add to Vocabulary Words 27. Lichens- plants that “eat” rock through a chemical reaction. 28. Humus- Decayed organic material mixed in with topsoil. 29.Oxidation- Minerals combine with oxygen to form a new substance called rust. Earth Systems--11/1/11 1. 2. 3. In your Notes, 6 physical properties of Minerals were given, look on p50-53. What are 2 other physical properties How do these 2 properties help to identify minerals? P52, look at Figure 19. Answer the question in the caption. Remember on the Mohs Hardness Scale from 1-10 which is soft and hard. →pencil, Mineral & Rock Notes p4 Complete Rock Cycle Igneous Rock Lesson Vocabulary ***Rock Cycle Quiz---tomorrow?? Mineral & Rock Vocabulary 15.Rock cycle 16. Magma 17. Lava 18. Weathering 19. Sediments Earth Systems--10/25/11 1. P592-What is the Koppen Climate Classification system? 2. What are the characteristics of polar climates? Climate Scientist →pencil, notebook, book Complete & submit to H drive: Global Warming: What is Causing it? P587 GLobal Warming: EXTREME ICE Earth Systems--10/26/11 1. What are the trade winds? Where are they located? 2. What is El Nino and La Nina? DERECHO!? →pencil, Weather Notes Global Warming & Hurricanes • Ggggg links Climate Change & Ice Global Warming & Hurricanes Earth Systems--10/6/11 1. P536, #1, 5 answer w/CS. DERECHO!? →notebook, paper, pencil, ESRT Notebook Weather Hangman & other activities “Observing Wind Patterns” 550-551 Bill Nye? Word wall! • • • • • Precipitation evaporation Condensation deposition Sublimation melting freezing Humidity saturated latent heat Dew point psychrometer