July 27, 2014 UNITED HEARTS PRAYER LINE PARISH The number to call for prayer requests, or if you wish to RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION FOR CHILDREN (RCIC) pray with us, is 622-2094. This is a program designed to provide the sacraments of Initiation, Baptism and Eucharist, for those children age 9 or older who have not previously received them. See the website for more information. BUILDING RENOVATION NEWS Once construction begins, all parish activities that normally take place in the church hall will be transferred to the cafeteria, conference room and music room at the school. All groups will be notified. ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION Bishop Peter A. Libasci invites all couples who are celebrating their 25th, 30th, 35th, 40th, 45th, 50th or beyond Wedding Anniversary (anytime during the year 2014), to attend a special Anniversary Mass. This celebration will be held on October 5 at 2 p.m. at Saint Anselm Abbey Church in Manchester. If you are celebrating your milestone year and would like to attend, please contact the parish office by August 13. We will need your last name, first names and mailing address. Please also indicate your special Anniversary year. RED SOX TRIP - UPDATE Attention all friends going to the Red Sox game with us, on July 29. We are only a few weeks away from game day. Please arrange to meet in the St. Catherine parking lot at 4:45 p.m. on July 29, as we will be leaving for Boston at 5 p.m. We will be boarding the bus at the end of the night when the game has finished or by 11 p.m., whichever comes first. This is to ensure that we arrive home at a reasonable hour, and within the time constraints of the bus rental. Also, please note that we are not allowed to bring food or drink on the bus. There will be nearly 70 people from 3 different parishes attending the game, and we are sure that it will be a blast! We look forward to seeing you on game night. God bless and Go Sox! HOLY CROSS FAMILY LEARNING CENTER The Sisters of Holy Cross are seeking retired teachers or anyone who would like to help newly arrived adult refugees and immigrants to learn English. Could you give 2 hours on Mondays and Wednesdays OR, 2 hours on Tuesdays and Thursdays at their center on the west side of Manchester? If interested, call Sr. Jacqueline Verville at 935-8479 for more information. RELIGIOUS ED REGISTRATION 2014-2015 Registration for all Religious Ed classes for the 2014-2015 year has begun. See our website for fees and forms. ST. CATHERINE SCHOOL OFFICE HOURS The school office hours for the summer are Monday through Wednesday from 9:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. If anyone is interested in registering their child for the upcoming school year, or taking a tour of our fantastic school, you may call the office at 622-1711. Please leave your name and contact information. The principal will be happy to return your call. CALLING ALL GOLFERS ~ REGISTER NOW 4TH ANNUAL PURPLE KNIGHTS CLASSIC GOLF TOURNAMENT Friday, September 26 at Green Meadow Golf Course marks our 4th Annual Purple Knights Classic Golf Tournament to benefit St. Catherine of Siena School. Join us for an 8:30 a.m. shotgun start in this 4 person scramble format golf tournament. There are so many ways to participate in this event: come and a play a great round of golf, sponsor a hole, consider a prize or auction donation or come and volunteer for the day. Register today ~ see registration and sponsor information available on the tables at the back and side entrances to the parish. MASSES FOR THE DECEASED It is a Catholic practice to have Masses said for the departed. They have infinite value for the souls of the departed and bring comfort to those who survive their departed loved ones. We have openings at 9 a.m. Monday through Thursday. You may call the rectory office at 622-4966 for a Mass. WOMEN OF MARY / MEN OF ST. JOSEPH JESUS WAS BORN IN A SHELTER We had expected to be able to resume our meetings for the month of August. However, due to a number of factors revolving around the beginning of construction, we will need to postpone our mini-retreats one more month; resuming in September. We thank you for your patience and flexibility as we ease into collaboration with our school, who will temporarily host the Women of Mary and Men of St. Joseph meetings. The box at the main entrance of the church is to collect items for those who live in shelters in Manchester. The needs for August are: kitchen-sized trash bags, tissues, feminine hygiene products, cleaning products and sunscreen. Thank you for your continued generosity. LITURGICAL MINISTRY OPPORTUNITIES We are currently in the process of organizing training opportunities for our Liturgical Ministers. Anyone not currently serving as a Liturgical Minister who is interested in serving at Mass may contact Derek McDonald, our Evangelist, or Fr. Paul for more information. We are particularly in need of additional male Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion. Other Liturgical Ministry volunteer positions available include: Lector, Altar Server, Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion, Ushers/Greeters, etc. SATURDAY 4:00 SUNDAY 7:30 9:00 11:00 DON & EDIE MCDONOUGH by the family ANNE VIGNEAU by Anne Baumeister JULY 27 MSGR. THOMAS HANNIGAN ERNEST ROBERT, SR. by the family JEAN LAMBERT by the family (11th Anniv.) JULES TRUDEL by his wife & children CATHERINE MORAN by Virginia & Daniel Knight MONDAY-THURSDAY Morning Prayer 8:30 a.m. MONDAY JULY 28 9:00 NEW ARRIVALS JULY 26 TUESDAY FR. ALFRED DANISZEWSKI JULY 29 SAINT MARTHA We have many new CD titles located in kiosks at the main entrance and in the parish hall. Take a moment to browse through and choose something that interests you in a challenging way. The cost is $3 each or 2 for $5. WEDNESDAY JULY 30 WORLDWIDE MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER THURSDAY “The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure buried in a field, which a person finds and hides again, and out of joy goes and sells all that he has and buys that field.” Find again the treasure of your early marriage. The next Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekends are, September 19 - 21, 2014 and October 17 - 19, 2014. For more information call Jim and Elaine Richard at 1-800710-WWME or visit our webpage at www.wwme.org WEBSITE OVERHAUL Our website provider, eCatholic, is offering a significant upgrade/redesign to our website. There may be some down time between now and when the revamped website is running. We are very excited about this update, so please bear with us as we transition to what should be a much more user-friendly and attractive website. ST. CATHERINE PARISH WEB STORE If you are looking to purchase anything Catholic throughout the year, including gifts and rosaries, purchase your merchandise through our Parish Web Store. You will find the Web Store Banner on the home page of our website. Just click the banner, browse and make your purchase. Most items ship free and St. Catherine receives 12% back from every order. 9:00 JOHN CRESTA by Margaret Cresta SAINT PETER CHRYSOLOGUS, bishop, doctor 9:00 WILFRED AND ELLA LAPLANTE 9:30-5:00 ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT JULY 31 SAINT IGNATIUS OF LOYOLA, priest 9:00 SATURDAY 4:00 SUNDAY 7:30 9:00 11:00 EDWARD POTOMA by Suzanne Potoma FRED KOZLOWSKI by Chuck & Rita AUGUST 2 MAURICE VACHON AND BEATRICE HEBERT by Diane & Rich Hebert AUGUST 3 ANITA BERGERON by Curt & Diane Bergeron PARISHIONERS OF ST. CATHERINE DONNA MCINTYRE by the Walsh Family FR. ALFRED DANISZEWSKI THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT July 19/20 Checks: $ 5,720.00 Loose: $ 2,792.00 E-Give: $ 2,403.00 Total: $ 10,915.00 Parish Mission Fund: $ 874.00 CAPITAL CAMPAIGN as of July 22, 2014 Total Pledges: $1,081,605.69 Total Cash Received: $ 612,628.74 Our Goal is $1,700,000.00 Thank you for your continued support HOME SHARING IN NEW HAMPSHIRE Do you live alone in your own home and is it too large for just one person? Are you finding it difficult to manage and maintain your home on your own? Do you just want to continue living safely in your home for as long as you can? Are you someone who is looking for an affordable housing solution and are able to provide services in exchange for decreased or no rent? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you should know about an exciting new program called HomeShare NH. For more information, call Kelly Craioveanu at 296-5150 or email her at Kelly.craioveanu@gmail.com. PART-TIME AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAM INSTRUCTOR WANTED St. Anthony School in Manchester is seeking a part-time After School Program instructor for the 2014-15 school year. Under the direction of the Principal, the candidate will be expected to help plan and implement age appropriate recreational/enrichment activities, effectively maintain discipline/safety and assist with homework. Requirements: high school diploma; be at least 18 years old, self-directed and reliable; have good communication skills; enjoy working with children; and be available 2:15 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. Mondays through Fridays during the school year. Experience working with children or a college course in recreation/education (either completed or in progress) is preferred but not required. Contact the Principal, Betty Ann Beebe at 622-0414. NEW PRAYERS ON OLD BEADS The Knights of Columbus are looking for your old, broken or new rosary beads that are no longer hearing your prayers. Other religious items such as bibles, medals, and prayer books are also accepted. These will be passed on to the Poor Sisters of St. Claire and other prayer groups, to be distributed to those who can use them. There is a receptacle at the handicap entrance of the church. Thank you for opening the door of prayer RECITE THE ROSARY On the first Saturday of each month, parishioners are invited to recite the rosary in the church at 3 p.m. prior to the 4 p.m. Mass. The next rosary will be Saturday, August 2. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Could you spare three hours each week to help advance the work of the Pennacook Pregnancy Center? The Center is in need of receptionists to answer the phone and greet clients. If you are interested in assisting women in crisis pregnancy situations with your friendly and welcoming demeanor, contact Cathy Kelley at 206-5306 or ckelley@pennacookpregnancy.org. Training will be provided. The Center is open Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and is located at 657B Chestnut Street in Manchester. MEALS ON WHEELS Meals on Wheels need volunteer drivers in Manchester to deliver meals to homebound seniors and disabled adults. We also need kitchen volunteers to package meals. Just a few hours of your assistance on the weekday of your choice can help seniors and disabled adults remain healthy and live independently at home. Call Terri McGrew at 424-9967 for more information on volunteering at Meals on Wheels www.mealsonwheelsnh.org SUMMER PARISH BOOK READ Are you looking for something inspiring and uplifting to read during these hot summer months? Come join your fellow parishioners on a Parish Book Read. The selection is Breakfast at Sally’s. It is an account written by a homeless man about being homeless. This book choice is perfect for parishioners who want to better understand those who they help regularly and generously throughout the year through donations of money and goods to New Horizons and Catholic Social Service initiatives. Just read over the summer independently, and then we will meet with Sr. Pauline Maurier, CSC in the fall for discussion. Any questions, contact Veronica Molloy at 669-5076. PARISH LIBRARY We have started a parish library, located downstairs in the church hall. Feel free to browse through the titles and borrow whatever book you’d like to read. DVD and CD sets will be available soon. The library is based on the honor system, so please remember to return it for someone else! If anyone has any Catholic books or CDs that they’d like to donate to the parish library, just drop them off in front of the bookshelves. If anyone would like to make a financial donation to purchase more resources for the library, it would be greatly appreciated. PILGRIMAGE TO MEDJUGORJE Jim and Shirley Noonan of Immaculate Conception Church in Newburyport, are coordinating a pilgrimage to Medjugorje on September 15-25, 2014. Fr. John Leonard will be our spiritual director. Medjugorje is a village located in Bosnia, Herzegovina. Our Lady has been appearing there to six visionaries for the last 33 years. We will spend seven nights in a modern home with private baths in Medjugorje and two nights in Dubrovnik, a beautiful 12th century city known as the “Pearl of the Adriatic.” The trip is $2,994 per person and includes airfare, housing, and breakfast and dinner. Call (978) 465-8495 for information. Space is limited.