University of Massachusetts Lowell College of Management Department of Accounting 60.201 Accounting/Financial Prof. C. P. Carter Spring 2011 Many of the resources you will need to be successful in Accounting/Financial can be obtained online using Blackboard Vista. Until the add/drop period is over, some of the resources can also be obtained at the following web site: Before our second class, you should take the following steps. 1. Register for access to Blackboard Vista by following the instructions on the back of this page. 2. Access the files for this course: 60.201 Financial Accounting - Sec 201 SP11D Carter. Students in sections 201 and 301 are all included in the Blackboard Vista Sec 201. 3. Briefly review the course syllabus by selecting the Financial Accounting Syllabus Spring 2011 icon. 4. Once you review the syllabus, access the text by selecting the Textbook Chapters folder. As you will see, there are two versions of each chapter. The color version may be appropriate for viewing on your screen and the black and white version may be appropriate for printing. You may use either version for either purpose. 5. Begin reading Chapter 1. 6. Using the lecture notes outline you received in class (also available in the In-Class Lecture Notes: Without Answers folder), complete the first 10 pages before you attend class #2. You can check the accuracy of your work by reviewing the appropriate files in the In-Class Lecture Notes: With Answers folder. Your lecture notes are for your use only. They are not to be submitted to your instructor. 7. Access Class 02 Preparation in the Class Preparations folder. Complete Class Preparation 02 by 8 AM of the day of our second class. You should repeatedly follow many of the above steps as you proceed through this course. When you become more familiar with Blackboard Vista, you will see that there are many resources available for you to use. For example, you will have access to solutions to all the questions and exercises in the text, practice examinations for each text chapter, and Word versions and interactive versions of homework problems you must submit. You should pay particular attention to the deadlines identified in the syllabus. You are expected to approach this course in an organized way. Late assignments will not be graded or accepted for credit. If you have any questions, please see me before or after class, or come to my office. Good luck!