Islamic University In Uganda: A Success Story of a Muslim Minority Institution Opening remarks Thank Allah Thank IIIT Thank founders – OIC & GoU Thank Development partners – ISF, IDB, KSA, .. All Guests Introduction Universities are the pinnacle of the education ladder. Expected to: Teach already available knowledge Create new knowledge through research Serve the social good. Produce graduates who possess human values that can make them global citizens Universities reflect what is happening in society generally Introduction On 10/2/1988, that is 2½ decades ago, a new dawn was ushered in the sector of Higher education in Uganda. On that day, ¼ of a century ago, the horizon of University education in Uganda was extended beyond the reach of Makerere University. It was on that day, 10/2/1988, that Uganda’s 2nd University, but 1st Private University was born. From that day on both the history & future of university education in Uganda was altered. History 1974 Lahore Summit Purpose: Provide education opportunities for socio-economic development Location: Arivu in Arua District 1979 - 1986: Period of uncertainty. Location changed to Mbale in Obote II Nov. 26, 1987: Bilateral Agreement between OIC & GoU signed. Joint Committee of OIC & GoU History … Sept 1987 Joint Committee agreed that Nkoma SS to be taken up. GoU to second pioneer staff to start the University in Dec. 1987. Nov. 1987 pioneer staff took over Nkoma ss & started preparations. January 31, 1988: Joint Committee meeting in Mbale decided to open on 10th February, 1988. Late Hon. Alhajj Abubaker Mayanja as acting Rector History … Initial challenges: • • • • • • • Renovate the facilities Convert a day school into a boarding university Decide on what is to be taught, design the curriculum Set up teaching-learning facilities – library, books, Recruit students Recruit staff Convince the country & the world that IUIU was indeed a University. • Over come internal Muslim contradictions History … Opportunities The OIC wanted the University to start H.E. the President & his Government wanted the University to start Makerere University could not admit all the qualified students. There were people who were prepared to sacrifice to get the university moving. The Beginning February 10, 1988 80 students – all Ugandans 2 degree programmes – BA with Education – 3 years BA (Islamic Studies & Arabic Language.) – 4 years Is it true? Wait and see. Makerere Model of a University Though private, IUIU started like a public University providing: Free education – full board Free stationery Transport to and from home district – air tickets Boom – (Pocket money) The curriculum was basically the same as that of MUK IUIU added the moral component – dress code, No free mixing, emphasis on other human values, etc Vision The university was envisioned to “be a centre of excellence in the production and dissemination of knowledge that contribute to relevant skills as well as appropriate training necessary for production of an all round believing individual capable of participating fully in his/her society”. 11 Mission The university “aspires to function as a highly academic and cultural institution based on Islam and love of the country. It aims at promoting and enhancing the civilization and scientific influence of Islam and physical world to produce well-cultured, morally-upright graduates of sound character, equipped with useful skills and knowledge, to enable them participate positively in the development process of their countries”. 12 Wakeup Call By 1991, we had started experiencing financial hardships – realisation that free University education was not sustainable. Internal contradictions were also not absent – leading to the 1993 crisis. Prof. Haq out & hon. Ali K.K. appointed acting Rector 1994 Prof. Mahdi Adamu appointed Rector. Internal stability but funding was still a problem. Change Model 1995 introduced fees – stopped all previous privileges. This pay-as-you-study policy helped to mitigate some of the financial hardships of the University but it also created other challenges: What happens to the brilliant but poor students? How much fees is affordable & enough to enable the University offer quality education? Fees not enough Soon it was clear that fees alone were not enough to meet the needs of a University. Besides, while the unit cost of education a student at IUIU at that time was about US$1,500 per year, the students were paying on about US$ 600! Even then about 20% of the students would fail to raise the money. Administrative Challenges 1995 – 2004: unpaid salaries & statutory obligations; lack of infrastructural development, shortage of basic teaching facilities, etc. Strikes, court case, etc Change in Approach 2004 change in management which adopted a new approach after reviewing many of the policies that were operating before then. Focus was put on finding ways of more effective financial management, diversifying sources, & more prudent utilisation & sharing of the limited available funds. Since then, salaries are paid on time, all statutory obligations met, & improvements in facilities and infrastructures. Progress since 1988 Current Student Enrollment Campus Male Female Total Main 2,538 1,349 3,887 Kampala 1,879 950 2,829 Females’ - 892 892 Arua 153 71 224 Total 4,570 3,262 7,832 The Students come from 21 countries Four Campuses 1. Main Campus at Mbale – 1988 2. Kampala Campus – 2001 3. Arua Campus - 2007 4. Females Campus – 2008 Location of Campuses Sudan 3 Arua Campus Congo 1 Females’4 Campus Main Campus Mbale 2 Kampala Campus Kenya Tanzania Rwanda Academic Programs • Curriculum – 56 academic programs in 6 faculties (colleges) fully accredited by NCHE, Law Council, & the Uganda Nurses & Midwives Council. • • • • • • Islamic Studies & Arabic Language Education – Arts & Science teachers Arts & Social sciences Management Studies Science Law – Common law & Islamic Law Academic Programmes Centre for Postgraduate Studies – • MBA, • MPA, • M.Ed, • MA – Sharia, Islamic Studies, Arabic Language, • MA History, • MA Peace & Conflict Resolution; • MSc Zoology, • MSc Environmental Sciences; • Ph.D Sharia, Arabic Language, Public Administration, Economics. Graduates Gender Number % Male 6,944 60.92 Females 4,454 39.08 Total 11,398 IUIU Graduates for the Last 11 years 1000 900 800 700 600 MALES 500 FEMALES 400 300 200 100 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Graduates Where are the IUIU graduates? Public sector - Ministries - Parliament - Local Governments etc. Private sector Diaspora IUIU Other Institutions Staff 718 staff members 8 nationalities 54 on Staff Development Program – 16 of whom are doing Ph.Ds. They are in 13 countries – 4 continents Over 70 masters & 30 Ph.Ds completed under SDP. Some visiting academicians Strategies for Quality Control Quality Assurance (QA) Committee headed by the Vice Rector (Academic Affairs) QA Committees at the Faculty level Students’ evaluation of academic staff is being reintroduced. External Examiners – Uganda, Sudan, Saudi Arabia, Tanzania, Kenya. External Assessors – ISESCO, Inter-University Council for East Africa Visiting Academics – University of Colorado, Germany University, UK., Southern Illinois, Cabondale, Mercer University Research Many of our staff have carried out various research projects Some research awards from World Bank, European Union, ISESCO & Rockefeller Foundation. Research Committee Research, Publications and Innovation working on a Research Agenda. Awards In November 2010, two of our departments, won the national “Innovation and Sustainability in Universities’ Award”. The Vice Rector in charge of Academic Affairs, won the 2010 Excellent Leadership Award of the Islamic Development Bank as their former best Merit Scholar for Higher Science and Technology. 14th December, 2011, IUIU to be given The Le Matinal Educational Excellence Awards in Mauritius byThe Africa - India Partnership Summit Ongoing major Researches Oral Muslim History – funded by ISESCO Muslim Education in Uganda – in collaboration with UMTA. 1st National Conference on Muslim education was held in 2010 – Major resolution was the establishment of the Uganda Muslim Education Fund 2nd national Conference on Muslim education was held in July 2013. Community Service Da’awa activities – Juma Programs, caravans, Career guidance in Schools, Conventions, Qur’an Recitation competitions, etc Immunisation programmes Training of Muslim leaders – Lango, Karamoja, Pallisa, Bugisu, etc Needy students’ community program in Budaka District IUIU Zakat Fund Contributions from staff salaries + 1 outsider Scholarships for Needy students –orphans Treatment of the sick Construction of a classroom block at Ongara Primary school Housing for the elderly Financial help – Imam, women, low cadre staff Hajj Programme With support from Sultan Al Nahayan Foundation of UAE, the University has enabled some staff and members of the Muslim community to perform Hajj – the 5th Pillar of Islam: These have included staff, students and some members of the community Challenges 1. Shortage of Physical facilities: Lecture rooms Staff Houses Library space Offices Sports Students’ residences Challenges 2.Finances • No government contribution to the • • • • • annual budget of IUIU Limited grants & donations 1 endowment – King Fahd Plaza Fees contribute about 80% of the budget 20% of the students fail to raise fees Few scholarships. Challenges 3. Staff Welfare: • Salaries/allowances not the best • Inflation • Statutory obligations reduce the net take home of staff – We pay about UGX 160 million per month to government bodies. • Staff retention is a challenge due to poor pay. • Attracting bright graduates to teach in Universities is not easy. • Can we learn from success stories elsewhere? 4. Challenges from other Universities Fundamental Change in the education sector under the NRM Government. UPE &USE 31 licensed universities in Uganda: 5 Government 5 Businessmen 20 Faith - based 1 Islamic University Competition for staff. Competition for jobs by graduates from the different universities. Future Plans Consolidate the gains Improve financial base – More endowments e.g Nsambya Land – Grateful to H.E. the President Mobilise more grants & donations Income generating projects Find more scholarships New programmes in S&T – Medicine, Engineering, Masters in IT, etc Conclusion Although at the moment there are challenges that we have not yet overcome, we should not despair. The fact that IUIU has survived for 2½ decades so far, we look to the future with a lot of hope and optimism that things shall be better, insh Allah. We have made some progress. “I cried because I had no shoes until I saw a man who had no feet.” In the last 25 years we have bought some nice shoes, our legs have become longer, and our feet have become more stable. We should be able to run as we go towards the next 25 years touchline. Conclusion … The world is facing many challenges What should be our focus amidst all these? Focus on: Quality education for our children: “The welfare of a nation cannot be greater than the education of its people.” World Bank Build strong research capacity Sufficient Funds are Needed Quality education is not cheap. The African countries must commit the necessary resources required to have quality education. “ If you think education is expensive, try ignorance.” “ If a man empties his purse into his head, no one can take it from him.” Conclusion … “What we want to see is the child in pursuit of knowledge, and not knowledge in pursuit of the child.” Bernard Saw Conclusion The World Bank observed that “Poor nations are not only poor in wealth but are poor in knowledge,” President Kennedy observed that “The progress of our nation cannot be faster than the progress of our education system.” To seek knowledge is a must for every Muslim – male & female. IUIU at 50 must be a centre of academic excellence that is next to none in Africa. May Allah accept. Ameen Some facilities at IUIU New Lecture Room Block at Mbale Stalled Projects at the Main Campus 1) Females’ Hostel This was started in 2007 to enable the University admit more girls then. The ground floor was completed and now accommodates 108 girls. The next two floors need at least US$ 230,000 to complete. 2) Guest House Extension This was started in 2006 and the ground floor was completed and is being used. The next two floors need at least US$ 250,000 to complete. IUIU Kampala Campus Project New Lecture-room and Administrative Block Females’ Campus Projects The IDB Funded Students’ Hostel ii) The Swimming Pool Thank you