corner, interest point, feature, artificial pattern, homogeneous surface, detector, matching,3D reconstruction PaweΕ POPIELSKI1, Zygmunt WRÓBEL1 THE ASSASMENT OF THE CORNER DETECTION ALGORITHMS FOR THE INTERST POINTS EXTRACTION FROM THE HOMOGENEOUS SURFACES In this article we deal with one of the fundamental problems in the area of the 3D reconstruction for objects with homogeneous surface as, inter alia, human body or sculptures. The interest point detection on typical photos of many differing elements and changing intensities is already well-solved issue. Considerable difficulty and novelty is the interest point detection for homogeneous surfaces. To reconstruct such surfaces from images we have to artificially produce as many elements on surface as it is needed to allow proceed with the 3D coordinate’s extraction process with desired density. Four methods were selected. First tested was definitely the best documented the Harris corner detector. Next was the Nobel’s version of auto-correlation, then the minimum eigenvalue method known as the Kanade-Tomasi algorithm and the last the fast radial feature detector known as the Loy-Zelinsky algorithm. Chosen methods are well-known on the 3D reconstruction theatre and are more efficient in the terms of computational complexity then others, well implemented and documented. Also some image enhancements were utilized before feature extraction to improve detection process. As shown the best choice is the Nobel’s version of auto-correlation function and very interesting candidate for further research is the Loy-Zelinsky method. 1. INTRODUCTION From at least two decades automatization of 3D objects reconstruction has been the centre of attention of computer vision and close range digital photogrammetry. The interests in 3D object reconstruction are motivated by a wide spectrum of applications, particularly as visualization and measurement systems in medicine [1][11][12]. It is possible that in not distant future 3D reconstruction system will be part of complex diagnostic systems. In medical applications great attention is addressed for quality of the results, especially in the terms of dimensions, volumes and curve descriptions [14]. To fulfil very rigorous requirements and achieve high accuracy very dense network of interest points have to be acquired [10]. At a certain level of abstraction typical 3D reconstruction procedure consists from three main steps. Firstly very accurate principal point locations for all camera stations have to be determined. At this point utilized may be widely used resection method based on the collinearity equation [6]. Secondly conjugate points have to be detected on the sequence of 1 University of Silesia, Faculty of Computer Science and Materials Science, Institute of Computer Science, Department of Biomedical Computer Systems, ul. BΔdziΕska 39, 41-200 Sosnowiec, e-mail:, pictures. Thirdly in accordance with collinearity equation and with help of intersecting conjugate rays three-dimensional coordinates are established [16]. 2. PROBLEM FORMULATION Second step, conjugate points detecting, may be automate only with the feature point extraction methods belong to the computer vision domain [18]. At this stage has to be explained that "corner", "interest point" and "feature" are used interchangeably in literature and in this paper. Actually a corner can be defined as the intersection of two edges. A corner can also be defined as a point for which owns two dominant and different edge directions in a local neighbourhood of the point. On the other hand an interest point is a point in an image which has a well-defined position and can be robustly detected. This means that an interest point can be a corner but it can also be, for example, an isolated point of local intensity maximum or minimum, line endings, or a point on a curve where the curvature is locally maximal. The problem is that the feature detector to work needs some amount of distinct features on processed object’s surface. It doesn’t work if there is nothing on the surface. It is common problem in medical, architectural and fashion applications where must to be established the curvature of the homogeneous surface to establish in next stage dimensions. To keep very high quality requirements examined object must be in artificial way enriched in dense mesh of distinct features what can be achieved through projection of artificially designed pattern (Figure 1) consisting of enough small elements to provide required accuracy. Method is well described in literature [2][3] and its efficiency also was proofed [15]. b) a) Figure 1. Random coded artificial pattern (a) and its projection towards reconstructed object (b). 3. FEATURE DETECTORS The feature, corner or interest point detection constitutes a crucial phase of conjugate points identifying process. Though the future detection is well known problem with a lot of industry implementations still remains a focus of research. Another challenge is to test well known methods under new conditions in new environments. Artificial pattern projection involves new different conditions as the projectors disturb a natural light scene. The noise not detected at first glance severely makes it hard to take photos. Proper set up of an aperture size and a time of exposure need a lot of tests and an experienced operator. Finally images are darker than usual with contrast disturbances. Occurrence of new conditions provides a basis for further research on the well known methods. Selected methods have documented history in industry applications and confirmed high effectiveness [17][21] what determined the choice. 3.1. HARRIS DETECTOR Definitely the most popular interest point detector based on the local auto-correlation function of a signal [5], what is indeed the sum of squared differences (SSD) similarly to Moravec algorithm. Moravec SSD given by equation (1) is calculating similarity between an image patch over the area (u,v) and its shift by (x,y). π(π₯, π¦) = ∑π’ ∑π£ π€(π’, π£)(πΌ(π’ + π₯, π£ + π¦) − πΌ(π’, π£)) 2 (1) In the equation the weighted sum of squared differences between two patches is denoted as S(x,y). The lower number indicates more similarity in the image and local maximal value of the number indicates that a feature of interest is present. The advantage of the Harris detector over the Moravec method is to replace shifted patches directly with the differential of the corner score with respect to direction what produces the approximation (2). π(π₯, π¦) ≈ ∑π’ ∑π£ π€(π’, π£)(πΌπ₯ (π’, π£)π₯ − πΌπ¦ (π’, π£)π¦) 2 (2) In the equation (2) the partial derivatives of I are denoted as Ix and Iy. This improvement hugely reduced the calculation complexity of the algorithm. If we apply a circular window or circularly weighted window (Gaussian function) the response will be isotropic, what is another huge advantage over Moravec method. ππΆ = π1 π2 − ο«(π1 + π2 )2 = πππ‘(π΄) − ο« π‘ππππ 2 π΄ (3) Finally in (3) eigenvalues of the Harris matrix (A) are replaced with determinant(A) and trace(A) what makes next computational improvement in terms of time complexity. 3.2. NOBEL’S AUTO-CORRELATION MODIFICATION To overcome difficulty related to parameter ο«, which have to be every time tuned Noble [13] proposed a modified version of the Harris detector that does not contain any parameter (4). πππ‘(π΄) ππΆ = π‘ππππ(π΄)−π (4) The constant π is close to zero. This is to avoid a singular denominator in case of a rank zero of the Harris matrix A. 3.3. KANADE-TOMASI METHOD In [19] authors solved problem of feature tracking methods between consecutive frames. Mathematical basis are very similar to previously discussed methods except Harris matrix A is now known as autocorrelation matrix. Shi-Tomasi function is the smallest eigenvalue of the autocorrelation matrix A. ππΆ = πmin (π΄) (5) Method was again formulated and presented by Tomasi and Kanade in [20] and that is why we interchangeably call this method “Kanade-Tomasi” and “Shi-Tomasi”. 3.4. FAST RADIAL ALGORITHM Method uses image gradient to locate points of high radial symmetry [8]. An algorithm is characterized by ease of implementation and computational effectiveness. Its computational order is O(KN) when considering local radial symmetry in NxN neighbourhoods across an image of K pixels. In this paper the transform was calculated for set of radii N={1,3,5} what was considered as enough accurate. Radial strictness parameter α was set to value 1, what was necessary to ensure maximum effectiveness of the algorithm at the expense of a certain number of errors. 4. TEST METHOD To examine interest point detectors for suitability for 3D reconstruction process from images with projected artificial pattern was taken convergent pair of pictures from baseline 90 cm and at distance 2 meters from mannequin. Then images were cropped to show head and shoulder to size 260 to 300 pixels to reduce computational time. Next images were converted to 8 bit greyscale. First were tested algorithms on original images (column 2), then images were enhanced with help of MATLAB embedded functions. Normalization was performed as first improvement (column 3) and then histograms were transformed to flat shape (column 4). To investigate algorithms under real 3D reconstruction conditions extracted points were processed further with normalized cross-correlation and (NCC) then all points were filtered to assess the real usefulness. The normalized cross-correlation (7) is well-known area-based matching method for assessing the image similarity and that is why it was used to get putative matches. Small windows composed of grey values are used as matching primitives to perform comparisons over uniform zones of images until the best correspondence is reached. In our case the size of template window was set up to 41 pixels. Normalized cross-correlation, given by equation (6) significantly reduced disadvantages of regular cross-correlation. Lewis proved also supremacy of NCC over the other matching methods in typical applications. πΎ(π’, π£) = Μ ][π‘(π₯−π’,π¦−π£)−π‘Μ ] ∑π₯,π¦[π(π₯,π¦)−ππ’,π£ 2 1 (6) Μ ] ∑π₯,π¦[π‘(π₯−π’,π¦−π£)−π‘Μ ]2 }2 {∑π₯,π¦[π(π₯,π¦)−ππ’,π£ Outliers were eliminated during process of creating fundamental matrix (9) with help of robust RANSAC estimation algorithm (4). Model was estimated with very rigorous value of the distance threshold between a data point and the model t = 0.001 pixel. The RANSAC algorithm belongs to non-deterministic models due to certain assumptions of statistical nature. Therefore 20 models were determined and then median and standard deviation was calculated. 5. OBTAINED RESULTS For tested images with rather poor contrast the Harris detector (Table 1) (Figure 2 a,b) performed very stably. Autocorrelation method is well known from sensitivity to contrast differences. The grater the contrast the more interest points detected. Probably bad quality of images in terms of improper exposure time due to interferences in a scene lighting caused by artificial light from projector, may explain very similar results for original images and then normalized and flatted images. Differences in points number at a 1% level relieve us of the need to enhance contrast what significantly improve processing time. Evan number of putative matches and filtered matches are almost similar and oscillates around 1 % level. Recommendation is that there is no need to improve images quality prior to interest point detection with the Harris algorithm. Table 1. Results for interest point extraction and matching for the Harris detector. the Harris detector original image increased contrast flatted histogram left image 892 904 899 right image 830 841 817 putative matches 257 258 240 filtered matches 164ο±6 162ο±8 165ο±9 In contrast to the previous method there is clear evidence (Table 2) (Figure 2 c,d) that Noble detector was well responded for images enhancements. The gain for normalized images is at a 9% level and for images with flatted histogram shape is at a 16%. Table 2. Results for interest point extraction and matching for the Nobel’s version of autocorrelation. Nobel’s version of autocorrelation original image increased contrast flatted histogram left image 764 832 886 right image 613 760 808 putative matches 226 245 241 filtered matches 153ο±10 164ο±8 161ο±7 Unfortunately there is no difference for filtered matches, what again mean that there is no need to lose computational time for image improving. Next method based on the smallest eigenvalue of the auto-correlation matrix (Table 3) (Figure 2 e, f) clearly shows significant gain of points number between original and a histogram tuned images at a 15% level. There is also observed gain on filtered matches at a 25% level. This means that even for images with rather bad contrast the Kanade-Tomasi algorithm still retains sensitive for contrast enhancements. This method is characterized by the highest computational complexity. Table 3. Results for interest point extraction and matching for the Kanade-Tomasi detector. the Kanade-Tomasi algorithm original image increased contrast flatted histogram left image 1605 1609 1834 right image 1488 1483 1737 putative matches 300 319 334 filtered matches 110ο±5 113ο±10 138ο±7 The Loy-Zelinsky algorithm (Table 4)(Figure 2 g,h) demonstrates a great ability to respond to changes in contrast. The point’s gain respectively is at a 7% level and at a 34%. The result for filtered matches seems be unclear probably disturbed by very strict RANSAC distance threshold value. However sill can be observed the gain between original images and the histogram tuned. Table 4. Results for interest point extraction and matching for the Loy-Zelinsky detector. the Loy-Zelinsky algorithm original image increased contrast flatted histogram left image 755 804 1011 right image 768 876 1208 putative matches 195 197 218 filtered matches 120ο±6 116ο±4 140ο±10 6. CONCLUSIONS Analysing all results there is huge jump in number of extracted points between the Kanade-Tomasi algorithm and others. This method based on the smallest eigenvalue of the auto-correlation matrix almost doubled number of detected points. Its higher computational complexity as well as the cost in comparing to others tested methods can explain the result. Next result among other is given by the Harris detector which combined with its computational simplicity which translates into low cost is indisputable advantage. The result of filtered matches clearly shows a domination of autocorrelation and the Nobel’s version of autocorrelation with a predominance of Harris detector. What argues for a Nobel’s version is a lack of tuneable parameter k which is present in the Harris algorithm. For purpose of this paper there was used parameter k=0.04 where the values suggested in the literature are in the range 0.04 - 0.15. There are no recommendations or standards as to the value of parameter k and for each application the k must be individually tuned, what indeed exclude this method for real time applications. The cure was given by Nobel in his doctoral thesis and that is why Nobel’s autocorrelation should be preferred in the future application. Noteworthy is the Loy-Zelinsky algorithm. Number of detected points on images after histogram transformation is quite impressive. There can be observed almost doubled point extraction performance in comparing to the Noble method. Number of filtered matches is more than 10% less compared to the result for the Harris detector. Although have to be noted that during process of outliers elimination to get filtered matches was used extremely strict parameter t specifies the distance threshold between a data point and the model. It is quite possible that for less rigorous t parameter much better performance may be archived. In further work author of this paper based on the above evidence is going to extract conjugate points for purpose of 3D reconstruction with the Nobel’s modification of autocorrelation. Besides due to the low computational cost the Loy-Zelinsky algorithm is still in the centre of research for author. 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