So you’re thinking of doing a doctorate……. PD Week January 2014 – DWC Aleya James Nicole Shammas GS Faculty, HCT-Dubai, Women’s Campus Almost fourth year EdD students (amongst other things…) Agenda 1) Answer key questions relating to: • • • • • • • • Motivations HCT Position EdD vs PhD debate Employability Costs Study Frameworks Time Commitments Sanity 2) Get a feel for: • • Written assignments Elements of a dissertation 3) Final Thoughts 4) Q & A (and anything else that comes up along the way) A quiz to begin ….. 1: What does PhD stand for? Doctor of Philosphy 2: What does Ed.D stand for? Doctor of Education 3: Percentage of HCT staff enrolled in doctoral programs? (March 2013) A: 10% B: 24% C: 16% 4: Most popular EdD program with HCT faculty ? (March 2013) A: University of Southern Queensland B: University of Exeter C: University of Bath 5: Average time between earning a Bachelors degree and starting a doctorate? (U.S) A: 10.5 years B: 16.5 years C: 8.5 years 6: How much more (in their lifetime) will a doctoral degree holder earn than a bachelor degree holder? (U.S) A: 850,000 U.S dollars B: 650,000 U.S dollars C: 1.3 million U.S dollars 7: How do the presenters feel about their doctoral study? A: They love it! B: Pluses and minuses – but overall okay. C: Too much work, too much pressure. Words from the wise…. Advice: • Support • Time • Bibliography • Motivation Why EdD: • Working • Non-residential • Broad range of study Reasons 1. Intrinsic 2. Employability 3. Job security HCT & Doctoral Study Dr. Philip Quirke: Executive Dean General Studies and Education Does HCT encourage doctoral study? “I WOULD SAY DEFINITELY ENCOURAGED” What about job security and doctoral study? “… JOB SECURITY …. BASED ON MASTERS + CONTINUAL STRIVE TO IMPROVE OUR T & L APPROACHES…..OBVIOUSLY ONE GREAT WAY OF SHOWING OUR COMMITMENT TO PD IS DOING OUR DOCTORATE” HCT & Doctoral Study Job promotion and doctoral study? “I THINK ….PROMOTIONS … BECOMING MORE AND MORE DEPENDENT ON DOCTORATES… CERTAINLY WHAT I HAVE DISCOVERED RECENTLY WITH MY ASSOC DEAN POSITIONS AND SOME OF THE MANAGEMENT SCREENING I HAVE DONE…” Future financial support for doctoral study? “…NO – POSSIBLY FOR EMIRATIS BUT NOT FOR US” Applied Research becoming more important to HCT? So in practice this means….? “…A LOT MORE CREDIT GIVEN TO MORE APPLIED DOCTORATES SUCH AS THE ED.D AS OPPOSED TO PhDs” YES :-) What’s the difference? Ed D and PhD…. Discuss – what are your thoughts What’s the difference? Ed D and PhD…. Ed D Professional Doctorate Aimed at professional practitioners working in educational fields: HE institutions, schools, policy makers. Coursework plus thesis Explores the relationship of theory & practice in various settings Interplay between educational practices and scholarship (Bath UK) Part-time or Full-time Plentiful distance options PhD What’s the difference? Ed D and PhD…. Ed D PhD Professional Doctorate Research Degree Aimed at professional practitioners working in educational fields: HE institutions, schools, policy makers. Aimed to develop educational researchers who can continue to work as researchers in the field Coursework plus thesis Thesis - 70,000 + Explores the relationship of theory & practice in various settings Interplay between educational practices and scholarship (Bath UK) Often committed to educational improvement within the country - eg. Manchester University – committed to social justice Part-time or Full-time Generally full-time (some exceptions) Plentiful distance options Research Degree What’s the difference? Ed D and PhD…. Ed D PhD Historical Controversy!! “overlapping but distinct categories” “prepares educational practitioners who can solve educational problems using existing knowledge” Doctorate of Educational Leadership (Harvard/Phoenix) St. Louis University: "successful completion of a culminating project dealing with a problem in educational practice" NY/UoT/Berkley: framed as Applied Research What’s the difference? Ed D and PhD…. Ed D PhD Historical Controversy!! “overlapping but distinct categories” “prepares educational practitioners who can solve educational problems using existing knowledge” Ph.D. in education = more theoretical … traditional social science research degree … prepares students for careers as scholars and academics, often from a particular disciplinary perspective (e.g., sociology of education) Doctorate of Educational Leadership (Harvard/Phoenix) Doctor of Philosophy of Education (Harvard) St. Louis University: "successful St. Louis University: a dissertation and an completion of a culminating project dealing "oral defense of the dissertation proposal with a problem in educational practice" and [of] the final dissertation." NY/UoT/Berkley: framed as Applied Research The right choice: Ed.D or Ph.D? The career goal of one pursing an Ed.D should be the professional practice of educational administration. The career goal of one pursuing a Ph.D. should be research and scholarly work. Penn State College of Education, 2002 Most universities argued that while a PhD was a ‘research doctorate’ and an EdD was a ‘professional doctorate’, the two awards were equivalent in terms of the standard of work required to attain them. Gregory, 1995 In the UK, the Ed.D. has equal parity status with the Ph.D. Institute of Education, University of London, 2012 • Job opportunities - appears to be equal playing field. The Job Posting The Reply The Money • Are you an Australian or New Zealand citizen or permanent resident? Yes? No? University of Southern Queensland 52,000 AUD (Total) = 332,000AED 55,000 AED per year (6 years) University of Bath 8,800 AED x 4 units (6 – 9 m). + 32,000 AED dissertation University of Liverpool 37,500 AED per annum University of Exeter (Dubai) 7,500 GBP per annum = 46, 183 AED (max 7 years) University of Phoenix $851 per credit x 68 credits = $57,000 The Framework University Mode Timeframe University of Southern Online/distance Queensland 4-6 years 2 years – course work 2- 4 years -dissertation (70,000 words EdD) (100,000 PhD) University of Bath Min 4 to max 8 years Units offered – Jan & Jul 8 day residency per unit Dissertation = distance University of Liverpool Online Check with Ros Average 4.5 years Coursework 2.5 years Thesis 1-2 years University of Exeter (Dubai) In situ 4-6 years University of Phoenix Online Virtual 16 day residency Y1 – 5 days Y2 – 3 days The Time Commitment The Time Commitment Time……. Chunks vs. Snippets The Staying Sane • • • • • • Support network Go fast/slow – strategic plan Stay focused Keep it simple Follow your passion!! Kill as many birds with one stone – • Work commitment – use in assignment. • Present/publish assignments. • Dissertation work related. • Good library service The Coursework Activity: Examine the rubric of the following two (authentic) Ed D assignments Discuss: • How are they different? The Dissertation Elements of a Dissertation Read the (VERY) condensed dissertation and identify nine aspects that a dissertation needs to include. Or….the easy version: match the nine aspects with a paragraph: 1: Literature Review 2: Data Analysis 3: Candidate’s contribution to the field 4: Introduction/Overview 5: Ethics 6: Findings 7: Research Design 8: Aims/Objectives 9: Research questions 1) A: What is the impact of taking a course in inter-cultural studies on Emirati students’ intercultural sensitivity development? B: To what extent do specific educational measures impact Emirati students’ intercultural sensitivity development? • RESEARCH QUESTIONS • 2) The world is rapidly changing with globalisation becoming more widespread. This research is situated in U.A.E where this rapid change is even more strongly experienced as nationals make up only 8% of the population and interactions with cultural ‘others’ is common place. • INTRODUCTION/OVERVIEW 3) To successfully navigate this new world, tertiary institutes are now a new teaching a new set of skills to develop students’ inter-cultural intelligence (ICI). This research investigates an Intercultural course taught at a tertiary institute in Dubai addressing how Intercultural intelligence can be effectively taught. • AIMS AND OBJECTIVES 4) Christopher Earley and Soon Ang first used the term Cultural Intelligence in their book: Cultural Intelligence: Individual Interactions Across Cultures (2003). Jane Bennett, attributes intercultural competence to the development of three skills: cognitive, affective, and behavioural.” (2011, p. 3) • LITERATURE REVIEW 5) The research element of this study presents an experimental design to capture the causal nature of this intervention, employing pre and post-test design through interviews and a Likert scale type survey in a classic mixed methods research design • RESEARCH DESIGN - 6) Interview data will be transcribed then coded and themed to extract meaning. The Likert scale survey results will be analysed SPSS to establish central tendencies. • DATA ANALYSIS • 7) Results from the study indicate that there is a positive relationship between students taking a course in intercultural studies and becoming more sensitive to other cultures. • FINDINGS 8) All participants will be fully briefed about the aims and purpose of the study and what is expected from them, they will be given a consent letter to sign, or not, as they wish, and they will be assured of anonymity and confidentiality through a coding system. • ETHICS • 9) While tertiary institutes in the U.S. give a nod to ‘internationalization’ by providing a study abroad experience, research suggests that this is not enough. This study contributes to the field of intercultural training within a tertiary context by providing an original practical working model of how to successfully teach Intercultural Intelligence • CONTRIBUTION TO FIELD The Downside • Time committed at expense of family/friends/social life • Expense • Rejection of work • Relationship with Supervisors • Feedback • Constant pressure The Upside • Interesting and stimulating • For long-termers – re-vitalising! • Opens the mind • Thrill of learning new stuff • Self-esteem • Collegiality • Learning community • Cutting edge of research in an under-researched environment Any Questions? The References Doctor in Education. Institute of Education, University of London. Retrieved 4 February 2012. Gregory, Michael(1995)'Implications of the Introduction of the Doctor of Education Degree in British Universities: can the EdD reach parts the PhD cannot?'Journal of Vocational Education & Training,47:2,177 — 188 Penn State College of Education. Educational administration graduate degree program: Doctoral programs. Accessed at