Minutes July.14 - Brooklyn Medical Practice

Dr Marcus J. Wilkinson
Dr Alastair B. Graham
Dr Gina Finch
Dr Dean Jackson
Practice Manager
Mrs Amanda Clark
65 Mansfield Road
DE75 7AL
Tel: 01773 712552 / 715955
Fax: 01773 531545
Patient Participation Group Meeting - 14th July 2014
Amanda Clark (Practice Manager)
C. Lockwood (Chairperson)
E. Rookes (member)
M. Smith (member)
K. Smith (member)
H. Venning (member)
A. Foley (member)
A.Stone (member)
Dr M J Wilkinson
J.Mallett (member)
Dr Gina Finch (GP)
Heanor Hospital
Dr Wilkinson came along to discuss the current developments around Heanor Hospital and other local
health services. General opinion amongst the Heanor GPs was that the closure of the hospital was
poorly managed and felt that DCHS (Derbyshire Community Health Services) could have been more
open about the reasons, rather than solely blaming the closure on finding asbestos.
Dr Wilkinson agreed that Heanor Hospital would not re-open in its current state, but did believe that
the commitment from DCHS to demolish and rebuild a new facility on the site were genuine. The
plans were to incorporate the services currently provided by Wilmot Street clinic, but would not
include in-patient facilities. Other plans were in place to utilise beds in the new Florence Shipley
development, and also the CCG (Clinical Commissioning Group) were planning to sub-contract 2 beds
in Ashfields care home specifically for palliative care.
DCHS and the CCG are working closely together to push this project forward now, as it was agreed
there are risks to the project in the near future should there be a change in government.
Dr Wilkinson was asked what the GPs would ideally like to see in the new development. The GPs
agree it would be good to see all the current services back in place, ie, all out-patient clinics, blood
services, physio, dressings clinic, minor surgery facilities, as well as the services from Wilmot Street,
in order to provide a new home for the district nursing team, family planning, health visiting services
Dr Wilkinson was asked how the PPG could help. Although he felt that DCHS already had a clear idea
of what the new development should include, it was important that patient opinion is heard and that
DCHS and the CCG get as much feedback as possible.
With regards to supporting the practice in future, the PPG could play a significant role in helping the
practice to secure funding for re-development and improve the facilities for future healthcare. Dr
Wilkinson explained that the CCG were responsible for the budget for our healthcare services, but it
was the LAT (local Area Team) for Derbyshire and Nottingham that had control over the capital
funding for premises developments. As the PPG is already aware, the practice has bought the property
next door with the intention to extend the practice or rebuild using both sites when funding allows.
Ideally it would be nice to have a purpose built practice, but we would not wish to move too far away
from our current position, and remain central for our patient population.
Previous Minutes
Matters Arising
The draft constitution was reviewed, discussed and agreed.
New Posts
Secretary – Amanda Clark agreed to continue for the time being
Treasurer – not required at present
Committee Contact Information
To be circulated with these minutes
Communication with Patient Population
Suggestion Box – to be installed in main entrance next to PPG noticeboard
Newsletter – M.Smith to finalise and forward to Chairperson for approval
Joint Meeting of PPGs in Heanor
Last minutes circulated with agenda.
Next meeting Wednesday 15.10.14 at 7.00pm, Park Surgery, Heanor
NHS England Patient & Information Open Day – 17.6.14 in Leicester
Mr Stone attended this day and reported that it was a good day and very educational. The day was not
only for our area but was country wide with video links throughout the day to various locations.
Key topics covered included – Telehealth system (being able to hold a video call consultation with
your GP), EPS – electronic prescription service (allowing transmission of prescriptions electronically
between the GP and pharmacy), and on-line Patient Access to medical records.
The next meeting is being planned for September?
Amanda will try to get further details of the June event and next one planned.
Any other Business
Flu session
Amanda asked if the members would like to be involved with our seasonal flu session? This would
give our members chance to talk to other patients and promote the PPG.
Next Meeting
Monday 22nd September 2014 at 6pm.