


Age lines abated, or diminished.

( verb ) to make less in amount, degree, etc.; to subside, nullify, or omit

Synonym: diminish, decrease, subside

Antonym: intensify, increase, magnify


Lloyd took drugs to win 1 Tour De France, Lance took them to win Seven! Who’s adulation is excessive?

( noun ) praise or flattery that is excessive

Synonyms : adoration, idolization, heroworship

Antonyms : ridicule, derision, scorn, odium


( noun ) an object of intense dislike; a curse or strong denunciation

Synonyms : malediction, imprecation, abomination

Antonyms : benediction, blessing


Bill gates and Steve Jobs are probably the most astute of all the tech C.E.O.s.

( adjective ) shrewd, crafty, showing practical wisdom

Synonyms : shrewd, acute, sagacious, judicious

Antonyms : obtuse, doltish, dumb


Also one of the Seven

Deadly Sins.

Mr. Trump is arguable the most avaricious man in these United States.

(noun) a greedy desire, particularly for wealth

Synonyms : cupidity, rapacity, acquisitiveness


( adjective ) deserving blame, worthy of condemnation

Synonyms : guilty, delinquent, blameworthy

Antonyms: blameless, innocent, laudable


Don’t be like dilatory Dan.

( adjective ) tending to delay or procrastinate, not prompt; intended to delay or postpone

Synonyms : stalling, slow, tardy, laggard

Antonyms : prompt, punctual, speedy, expeditious


Everyone knows the red sour patch kids are the most egregious.

( adjective ) conspicuous, standing out from the mass

Synonyms : glaring, flagrant, blatant

Antonyms : unnoticeable, paltry, piddling


Harvey Dent may be two faced, but there’s nothing equivocal about how he does business. (We can’t say the same for Allison.)

( verb ) to speak or act in a way that allows for more than one interpretation; to be deliberately vague

Synonyms : to talk out of both sides of one’s mouth, palter, hedge


Like a wisp of smoke, or a face in the clouds.

( adjective ) vanishing, soon passing away; light and airy

Synonyms : ephemeral, transient, transitory


I can’t decide which is more disgusting, or delicious.

( adjective ) unable to make up ones mind, hesitating

Synonyms : indecisive, vacillating, wavering


This is a horse head and crab nebula from the Hubble Space Telescope.

They are made of clouds of electrically charged gases.

( adjective ) cloudlike, resembling a cloud; cloudy in color, not transparent; vague, confused,

Synonyms : hazy, fuzzy, cloudy, vague, murky, opaque


Before finishing his first term as a rookie U.S.

Senator, in 2008 Barack

Obama was a novice

President of these United


For the class of 2016, they were 8 when he was 1 st elected, and Obama is the only president they remember.

( noun ) one who is just a beginner at some activity requiring skill and experience (also adjective)

Synonyms : neophyte, tyro, trainee, apprentice


This is Kenyan poverty. The United

States does not know penury like this.

( noun ) extreme poverty; barrenness, insufficiency

Synonyms : destitution, want, indigence


( adjective ) done for show, striving to make a big impression, claiming merit or position unjustifiably

Synonyms : inflated, ostentatious, affected

Antonyms: unassuming, unaffected, modest


Al Gore didn’t need to recapitulate the vote when he won the

Academy Award for best Documentary

Film. Though Hillary and Barack weren’t thrilled.

( verb ) to review a series of facts; to sum up

Synonyms : review, summarize, go over


( verb ) to revive, bring back to consciousness or existence

Synonyms : revitalize, reanimate, restore, reactivate


( adjective ) untidy, dirty, careless

Synonyms : unkempt, slatternly, slipshod, lax

Antonyms : neat, tidy, careful, meticulous


Did you simply suppose that the

Liger either did or did not exist without evidence? Well, because of that supposition, you missed out on this super sweet photo.

( noun ) something that is assumed or taken for granted without conclusive evidence

Synonyms : assumption, presumption, hypothesis


This torpid torpedo won’t get off its lazy computer generated perch.

( adjective ) inactive, sluggish, dull

Synonyms : sluggish, lethargic, languid

Antonyms : energetic, dynamic, vigorous
