Lynx Team Homework, Week of 1-25-16 Language Arts-- Contact for more info. V24 Week of January 25, 2016 REGULAR CONTENT HOMEWORK: READ THIS WEEK 100 MINUTES. MAKE A LOG. GET PARENTS TO SIGN NIGHTLY! *MONDAY NIGHT— WRITE ONE SENTENCE WITH EACH V24 WORD. *TUESDAY NIGHT— WRITE EACH V24 WORD 3X EACH. *WEDNESDAY NIGHT—JOURNAL TOPIC #17. (Johnny had a hero worship of Dally. Is there anybody that is your hero? Explain who it is and why that person is your hero.) *THURSDAY NIGHT—STUDY FOR TEST. *FRIDAY NIGHT-MONDAY NIGHT—NOTHING IF YOU COMPLETE ALL WORK DURING THE WEEK. ADVANCED CONTENT HOMEWORK: READ THIS WEEK 150 MINUTES. MAKE A LOG. GET PARENTS TO SIGN NIGHTLY! *MONDAY NIGHT— WRITE ONE SENTENCE WITH EACH 24 WORD. *TUESDAY NIGHT— WORK ON PROJECT THAT’S DUE ON FEBRUARY 4TH. *WEDNESDAY NIGHT—JOURNAL TOPIC #17. (Ten years before, the Committee of Elders failed in their selection of a Receiver. What else happened ten years before? In what way might the two events be connected? Explain your thinking.) *THURSDAY NIGHT—STUDY FOR TEST. *FRIDAY NIGHT-MONDAY NIGHT—NOTHING IF YOU COMPLETE ALL WORK DURING THE WEEK V24—Regular Content Aghast Faltered Diverted Doggedly Spruced up Grimaced stifle V24—Advanced Content Torrent Anguished Stench Isolation Transmitted Unendurable Perceived Irrationally Fretful Assuage HTTPS://WWW.QUIA.COM/FILES/QUIA/USERS/JENNDOG30/CH._11-15_GIVER_VOC. (DON’T FORGET YOUR PROJECT THAT’S DUE ON FEBRUARY 4TH!) Math—Contact for more info! Homework: Monday …Solving and graphing inequalities Tuesday…Constructed/Extended Response Wednesday…Study for Test Thursday…Journal Writing #19 Friday…Have a great Weekend!!! Social Studies—Contact for more info. Study Guide for Unit 9 Test Due Friday Study classwork/notes daily Friday: Unit 9 Test on Canada and Latin American Government Science~~Contact for more info. Chapter 16, Section 3 textbook - read ad answer all question - due Friday, January 29 Credit Recovery - Chapter 15 - due Friday, January 29 - must have signed progress report to receive credit Study classwork/notes daily Mrs. Parrish’s CHOICE BOARD is below… Use any resource available at home to find one synonym of each of your words. Also, draw a picture that represents each word/synonym pair. Create a chart with your findings. Create a game using all of your ***Short Story: Write a story using each of the vocabulary words. Make sure the game can be played by other vocabulary words. Underline the Vocabulary students. words. Make sure that the examples use the Write the vocabulary words and definitions on flashcards. Use to the cards to study. Create a matching vocabulary test for all of your weekly vocabulary words. The test must be designed in a 2 column format. words correctly! Rhyme: Write a poem, rap, or song that uses all of the vocabulary words. Underline the Vocab. words. Make sure that the examples use the words correctly! It must show that you know what the words mean! Comic strip: Create a comic Create sentences using your strip that shows a story using vocabulary words. (One sentence per each of your vocabulary words. word, please.) The sentences need to Underline the Vocabulary be about an important historical words. figure. Underline your vocabulary word, and mark your person in history with a highlighter. Create a flip book that includes your vocabulary words and correct definitions for each.