
Data File Instructions
EMR or Data Registry Files
STEP 1: Creating the data files for the MTM Network
For each measure you will create two files for submission. There is a file structure document for each
measure. The data elements that are to be included in that file have each been given a naming
convention and a format structure
File 1: This is a patient enrollment file. It provides enrollment and demographic information for each
patient enrolled in your MTM program.
File 2: This is a visit file.
Each file has its own naming convention and it is important that you use the naming rules.
The PHARMACY ID is your pharmacy’s NPI number.
The YYYYMM will change to identify the year and month for the quarter for which the data is being
STEP 2: Submit your data files to the MTM Network
Each quarter you will submit files to the company that will be aggregating the data and calculating
performance rates. You will be using an FTP site that has protections in place to ensure the security of
the data you are submitting.
Before sending files, you will notify Data IQ in a separate email (without attachments) when files are
sent. The e-mail address is glenn@dataiq.com . In the subject line put “Data Submission” and your
pharmacy’s name.
In the body of the e-mail please provide the following information:
1) name and a telephone number of the person sending the files,
2) the file name and the number of records that are included in that file. A record is a row that
contains data (the header row(s) does not count as a record). In a PATENROLL file it will be the
number of patients. In a DETAIL file it will be the number of visits.
For example:
114 records
Data Submission Instructions
Uploading your data file
1) access the URL https://www.dataiq.com/upload
2) enter the individual’s contact name and NPI in this format: firstname lastname/PharmacyNPI
( e.g.: Jane Smith/1234567890)
3) click browse to find the file name assigned to your data file.
4) click submit
The next screen will say “Thank You”. The system will automatically generate an e-mail to DataIQ notifying them
that a file has been uploaded.
If a submitting entity prefers to password protect their file they may, but only the zipped file (and not each
individual file) should have a passcode.
PLEASE NOTE: For security reasons you may only submit one file at a time, so you will need to access the URL
multiple times UNLESS you you have a program that will zip files.
When your files have been retrieved, read and their contents verified (file formats and verification of
record counts) a DataIQ associate will send a confirmatory e-mail to the named contact.
Any discrepancies will be resolved before proceeding with additional data work.
STEP 4: Getting assistance
When you have questions about the data files— how to set up the files in Excel, naming the files, the
structure of the files, or any other questions—you can obtain help by sending an e-mail to Data IQ. You
will use the e-mail address dataiq@dataiq.com . Be sure to cc me (Gary Schneider) at the MTM
network using the e-mail address schne024@umn.edu .