
Minutes conference call ENIGMA MDD
29 September 2014
1. Subcortical manuscript: to be submitted tomorrow end of the day CEST time (October 1st), any
corrections to affiliations etc need to be received by then.
2. Cortical structures meta-analysis:
- Deadline finishing QA on cortical measures and uploading output to google drive folder: end of
QC protocols can be found here (as well as a pdf document that can further assist you with the QC
made by Esther from SCZ working group):
- Automated or semi-automated freesurfer fixes are allowed, but please keep an overview of these
fixes (how many subjects, how many regions, which fixes) and upload this overview along with the
output of the QC as follows:
log in to https://drive.google.com/ (usename: enigmamdd password: metaanalysis)
go to QC -> QC_output_cortical and upload your folder there
If you have any trouble with uploading let me know.
- We will make a list of all the cortical parcellations (34 in each hemisphere) and a suggestion of the
regions we have an a priori 'weak' hypothesis on (although we will include all regions in the analysis,
in terms of statistical power it will be beneficial if we can a priori rank the regions according to
relevance for MDD), which we will send around to be discussed.
3. Secondary projects: Thomas Frodl (childhood adversity) and Miguel Renteria (suicide) updated us
on the progress of their secondary projects. Because there were only 4 groups that have information
about childhood adversity in our MDD working group, Thomas is currently examining the possibility of
extending this projects to other disease working groups. He will have an update on this within the next
2-3 weeks. The suicide project includes data from more than 1000 MDD patients. Miguel is waiting for
the results from a few more groups and can hopefully present some results during the next call.
Paul Thompson mentioned the initiation of a new working group on PTSD, which might be very
relevant for our MDD work (including childhood adversity and suicidality). We will initiate some crosstalk with the PTSD working group.
4. Hippocampal subfields: Philipp Samann will submit a secondary proposal on hippocampal
subfields this week. We have talked about this a bit and agreed that if we will need to develop good
QA protocols for hippocampal subfield segmentations (and some reliability estimates). Within the
NESDA study we have recently started looking into developing standardized QA protocols for
hippocampal subfields and also Thomas Frodl and Theo van Erp have some experience with these
segmentations. We will initiate a smaller working group on developing these QA protocols and also
contact Susanne Meuller (UCSF) who has quite some experience with these segmentations and ask
for advice.
5. Study info: a google form will be send around within the next 2 weeks to collect additional info
about data available at each site. If you would like to add something to this form, please let me know
before the end of this week.
6. New groups: it would be an excellent time for new groups to join our working group. Some groups
have shown interest in joining, so we will follow up with them. If you know any additional groups that
would like to join, please let them contact me asap!
7. Common metric severity questionnaire: in a next call Felix Fischer will update us on his work
regarding mapping the Hamilton and MADRS to their existing common metric for depression severity
questionnaires. He will present some slides that explains what he has done so far and what the
remaining issues and possible solutions are.
8. Website: will be updated shortly.