Your teacher has given you the following assignment: Investigate the impact on plant growth of adding various amounts of fertilizer to potted plants. Think about what you would need to do to be certain that the fertilizer was having the impact on the plant growth. Then answer the items below. 1. Place a Y besides items that would be part of your plan to investigate plant height and fertilizer. Place a N besides items that will not help you investigate this particular connection. a. b. c. __ Put one plant in a sunny windowsill and one in a dark corner. __ Give plants the same amounts of water. __ Give different plants different amounts of fertilizer without keeping track of which plant got extra fertilizer. __ Use some new plants from seeds and some old plants that have been growing for months. __ Start with plants that are the same size. __ Keep all plants in a similar location. __ Carefully note amounts of fertilizer each plant is given. __ Keep one plant fertilized but with no water. d. e. f. g. h. 2. Name at least five tools or supplies will you need to perform this experiment The Way Science Works I. How Science Works A. The ________________ scientific method is a way to solve problems B. Scientific Method Steps 1. Observe 2. Ask a Question 3. Research/Collect Data 4. Form a Hypothesis Hy???????? a. Hypothesis - A possible answer 5. Experiment (test hypothesis) 6. Draw conclusion II. The experiment A. Variable 1. What is a variable? a. 2. What are the two types of variables? b. 3. Factors that can change Independent & Dependent What is the difference between the two types of variables? a. Independent variable – variable that is changed by the scientist – plot on the x-axis b. Dependent variable – variable changes as the independent variable changes – plot on the y-axis B. Experiments also contain: 1. Control – Standard of comparison 2. Constant – Does not change in an experiment C. Graphing tips 1. Decide your scale. Spread the scale out as much as possible 2. Number and label the X and Y axis. Don’t forget units 3. Draw a “best fit line”….eyeball it! 4. Give your graph a title. The name format should be “X vs Y” 1. Ask a question 2. Draw Conclusion 3. Form hypothesis Observation Form hypothesis 4. Observation 5. Research and collect data 6. Experiment Ask a Question Experiment Research and collect data Draw Conclusion Classwork What you need: Notebook paper Textbook The Scientific Method Make your paper look like this: Definition Picture My Definition To me, it’s like…