CSR 309 Leadership Strategies

Video 4
CSR 309
Leadership Strategies
A class and an adventure
This class can change your life
Course outline
• Crystal clear
• I wrote it
Video 5
Video 6
This is your education.
This is your life.
These are your choices.
Blaming me, fate, luck, chance, or powerful
others doesn’t do anything positive.
Video 7
• Web area
• Look for CSR 309 spring 2011
• Video files
• Solve the problem
Video 8
Required and not required Texts:
Not required but a great book….The Leadership Challenge by Kouzes & Posner,4th edition or
later (http://www.kouzesposner.com) http://www.leadershipchallenge.com/WileyCDA/
It’s Your Ship- D Michael Abrashoff - available as an mp3 audio file in our Web area
Not required but a good one The Difference: How anyone can prosper in tough times- Jean
Required Tom Peters- Project04
Read Leadership Graffiti - read leadership graffiti and think of a rock/pop/rap song that has a
leadership theme in it. Title…singer and what is the leadership point that the song talks about
(due Jan 31)- e-mail with Song in subject line
CSR Leadership Strategies – Readings
Financial self leadership book – not required but good leadership skill
Video 9
Learning Objectives and Outcome Objectives
1. By the end of the semester you will be a better leader in your own life. Outcome measure- you
will be able to articulate 5 instances when a decision was made with awareness of some of the
principles discussed in class
2. By the end of the semester you will be a better leader for others. Outcome measure- you will be
able to articulate 5 instances when a decision was made with awareness of some of the principles
discussed in class
3. By the end of the semester you will write better. Please read all the material in a folder called
writing. Pay attention to the Feinberg way, writing rules and the first paragraph.
4. By the end of the semester you will be able to see leadership and analyze leadership everywhere
that you look. Outcome- You will be given a choice of a current newspaper or national business
magazine and be able to articulate the various leadership points in an article or articles
5. 5 years (10…15…20…+) from now…you will be a better leader for yourself and others and can
articulate how CSR 309 was responsible for part of that.
Video 10
This is the most unusual course you
will take at Purdue
C) Lecture topics- The CEO reserves the right to change and modify outline and outline order in
any way to increase the learning, the experience, and the adventure.
Introduction to courseIntroduction to leadership
Why should they follow you
Selecting leaders –
Forming groups
Motivating followers
Leadership workshop
Selling your strengths
Time management
Group development
Performance appraisal, feedback and evaluation
Leading in a diverse cultural environment
Self Leadership
Video 11
Test (3/2)
Leadership Blog (to be finished by 4/15)
Group Memo (due 4/14)
Individual Memos (due 3/8)
Leadership youtube Video (due 2/17)
Leadership Evaluations of member (due 4/14)
Assignment 1-6Other extra credit
The other extra credit points. You may have to be in class to get them
(1900 Total Points)
A = 1710 and above (90%)
B = 1520+ (80%)
C = 1330 (70%)
D = 1140 (60%)
F = below 1140an F
NOTE……You miss it by a point you miss it by a point. Worry about this now and not a day after you see
your grade. If you take advantage of every extra credit opportunity you will have nothing to regret.
Video 12
Very Very Important- This is a leadership class. When you construct an assignment you have to
relate it to an issues of leadership. The more you can talk technical the more impressive you will be.
And impressive is what you want to be. If you don’t want to be impressive why do the work at all?
VERY IMPORTANT: All work should/must/needs to be submitted by email as an attachment to
xdj1@purdue.edu with the correct subject line ( unless specified differently). When you submit by
email you must put the proper subject heading. You also must include your name(s) on actual
paper (not just in body of email message) to insure credit. Make certain you save and backup all
your work. If you have to show me you send your work how can you do that? Since this is all done
via email or special web site there is a record of submission. You cannot claim that I lost it. If you
use the wrong subject heading and I mean even a letter wrong the submission will probably not
be seen by me because it does not go the right place.
All memos are to address specific issues of leadership. This is to be an analysis, not more
description. After reading your work ask yourself the following question: Would this impress a
stranger? Would this work make a stranger stand up and say…WOW I have got to know this person.
WOW I have got to hire this person?
Video 13
• Academic dishonesty
• Racism, sexism, antisemitism...other isims
• Class weather issues
Video 14
Now go to
Look for csr 309
Look for Tony Robbins
Watch “The Ultimate Edge
Go to http://tinyurl.com/7m4fp69