“The Presidents” Video Guide Buchanan

“The Presidents” Video Guide
1. James Buchanan was the nation’s ___15th____ President serving from
__1856__ to ____1861__. He was a _______Democrat_________ from
2. He is rated at the _____bottom______ of the list of President’s because his actions may
have hastened the ____________Civil War________, but he failed with
3. He worked as a ___________Congressman_______, ______foreign minister_______,
____________senator___________, and __secretary of state_______ before becoming
4. Buchanan was the nation’s only __________bachelor________ President, and his niece
Harriet Lane became the first _________First Lady_________ while serving as the White
House hostess for Buchanan.
5. He endorsed the _____Constitution________ written by the pro-slavery settlers in
Kansas made Buchanan appear to supporter of the South and a traitor to the North.
6. On November 6, 1860, _____Abraham Lincoln_______ was elected President.
7. Buchanan denied the legality of ______secession________ but did nothing to stop it.
8. Abraham Lincoln was the nation’s _______16th____ President, serving from
___1861___ to __1865___. He was a _______Republican______ from
9. Lincoln wanted to ____preserve_______ and _____restore______ the Union before the
Civil War, but later becomes the Great __________Emancipator_____________.
10. His nicknames were _____Honest Abe________ and the ______rail splitter______
during the campaign for President.
11. Lincoln’s initial intention was to halt the ______expansion______ of slavery into new
12. Lincoln baited the South into starting the Civil War by sending supplies to
________Fort Sumter_______.
13. Lincoln taught himself about ___military strategy_______ to help him run the war as
Commander in Chief, but he still was not prepared for the troubles with his
14. In February of 1862, personal tragedy struck Lincoln with the death of
__his son, Willie from typhoid fever_____.
15. From then on the war ________consumed______ Lincoln.
16. On September 22, 1862, Lincoln issued the __Emancipation Proclamation____ to the
17. Lincoln spoke for only ___2___ minutes in his _____Gettysburg Address__________,
but once again he redefined America’s commitment to the Declaration of
18. Lincoln ran for re-election against his former general, ___George McClellan_____, in
1864. Lincoln won re-election with _________56%_____ of the vote.
19. Robert E. Lee surrendered to U.S. Grant on ______April 9, 1865___________, ending
the war.
20. Lincoln was assassinated on __April 14, 1865_______ while attending the play
“Our American Cousin” by ____________John Wilkes Booth__________.
21. The assassination of Lincoln was part of a larger ________conspiracy________
that involved Secretary of State _____William Seward_________, General
_____Ulysses S. Grant______, and Vice President ____Andrew Johnson_____.
22. Andrew Johnson was the nation’s ______17th_______ President, serving from
__1865____ to ____1869___. He was a _____Democrat_______ from
23. Johnson was probably the most _racist___ President we’ve had.
24. The Radical Republicans believed the South should be ________punished________ and
freed slaves protected and made _____citizens_____ and allowed to vote.
25. Johnson came up with his own _________Reconstruction________ plan that did not
punish the South. Freed slaves got little protection and were not allowed to
_____vote____ under Johnson’s plan.
26. ____Congress___ passed Reconstruction Acts of its own, including the ____Freedmen’s
Bureau________. Johnson _____vetoed_____ it.
27. Johnson vetoed ________29_______ of Congress’s bills. Congress overrode Johnson’s
vetoes _______15_______ times.
28. Johnson was ___________impeached________ by Congress for violating the
_________Tenure of Office_________________. He survived by ______1_____ vote.
29. He was the only former President to be elected to the _________Senate_______.
30. Ulysses S. Grant was the nation’s ____18th_______ President, serving from
___1869____ to ___1877___. He was a ____Republican_____ from
31. At the time he was the ___youngest_____ man elected and the first _West Pointer____.
Grant was elected with a large percent of the ____black____ vote.
32. Grant appointed members of his cabinet who were his ______friends_______ and not
qualified to hold the positions.
33. Grant launched a war on terror by passing _____Anti-Klan__________ laws against the
________Ku Klux Klan______________.
34. Late in Grant’s first term, a spade of ______scandal______ began to emerge, turning
Grant’s name into a synonym for corruption.
35. Despite the scandals, Grant was re-elected in _________1872_______.
36. In ____1873_____ an economic depression in the North contributed to a shift in public
opinion about the problems of Reconstruction in the South.
37. Another confounding domestic problem of Grant’s day were problems with
38. In one conflict with Indians __General George Armstrong Custer____ was annihilated on
the banks of the Big Horn River in a battle known as __Custer’s Last Stand_____.
39. Grant’s administration is known as one of the most ______failed___________
presidencies in the history of the United States, ranking at the bottom.
40. Grant was never credited with steps he took for ______black______ equality.