Unit 3-1 Oral Assessment: We are a Rainbow (Somos un Arco Iris) Students will be asked to name as many Spanish-speaking countries as they can using a map. The map must include: Spain, Mexico, Argentina, Panama, Costa Rica, Puerto Rico, Honduras, Dominican Republic, Peru, Cuba, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Chile, Ecuador, Paraguay, Uruguay, Bolivia, Colombia, Venezuela, Guatemala Student will give one good reason to know another language. Ex: to get into a better college, better vacation experience, communicate with friends/others from another culture, to learn about other cultures, to understand the English language better, other ___________________________ 1 3 5 Question 1 Can name 0-1 Can name 2-4 Can name 5 or more Question 2 Can name 0 reasons Can name 1-2 reasons Can name 3 or more reasons Unit 3-2 Assessment: Saludos e Introducciones (Greetings and Introductions) Oral Assessment Teacher will ask student. ¿Cómo te llamas? Student will introduce him/herself using: Me llamo __________________. (student’s name) Teacher will ask another classmate how he/she is feeling: ¿Cómo estás? Student will respond to classmate about how he/she is feeling: Estoy _____________________________. (bien, mal, muy bien, muy mal) Student will use proper titles (Sr., Sra., Srta.) while teacher presents name or picture of school staff member. Example: “Mr. Peters”, student responds “Señor”. 1 3 Grammar 5 or more errors in grammar 3-4 errors in grammar 0-2 errors in grammar Pronunciation 5 or more errors in pronunciation 3-4 errors in pronunciation 0-2 errors in pronunciation Several pauses and/or frequent English language interference 5 or more errors in word choice Few pauses and/or some English language interference 3-4 errors in word choice No pauses nor English language interference Fluency Word Choice 5 0-2 errors in word choice Written Assessment Student will match the commands: 1. levántate _________ A. Raise your hand 2. siéntanse _________ B. Stand up (1 person) 3. saquen la carpeta ________ C. Listen 4. guarden la carpeta ________ D. Sit down (group) 5. levanten la mano ________ E. Take out your folder 6. escuchen ________ F. Put away your folder Matching 1 3 5 0-2 correct 3-4 correct 5-6 correct Unit 3-3 Assessment: Everyday Things (Las Cosas de Todos los Días) Student will orally identify four classroom objects using a visual. List of objects: la mochila, el lapíz, el creyón, las tijeras, el papel, el libro, la carpeta , el marcador, la silla Student will orally name the color of any five objects using a visual. rojo, blanco, azul, amarillo, negro, morado, rosado, gris, verde, anaranjado, marrón Student will orally answer teacher directed question “Cuál es tu color favorito?” ____________________ Student will orally count from 1-10. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Unit 3-4 Assessment: What’s The Weather Like? (¿Cómo Está Afuera?) Students will orally describe four weather expressions shown in pictures. Hace frío, Hace calor, Hace sol, Hace fresco, Hace buen tiempo, Hace mal tiempo, Está nevando, Está nublada, Está lloviendo, Hay nieve Students will orally answer two out of three questions using a calendar under teacher direction: ¿Qué día es hoy? _____ ¿Qué día es mañana? _____ ¿Qué día fue ayer? _____ Student will orally answer the question: ¿Cuándo es tu cumpleaños? ______, ________ date month Unit 3-5 Assessment: My Home (Mi Hogar) Student will orally identify family members of a fictional family (mom, dad, siblings, grandparents) using a visual. la mamá, el papá, la hermana, el hermano, la abuela, el abuelo Students will orally describe members of a fictional family using a visual, answering the question: ¿Cómo es ___________? (adjective) alto/a, bajo/a, cómico/a Students will orally identify two rooms of the house using a visual. la sala, la cocina, el baño, el dormitorio Unit 4-1 Written Assessment Spanish-Speakers in the USA: Yesterday and Today (Los Hispanohablantes en los EEUU: Ayer y Hoy) Students will use a word bank to place names of as many states on a map as they can (using a number) to indicate where there is a large population of Spanish-speakers. 1. New York 4. Texas 7. Nevada 10. New Jersey Labeling 2. California 5. New Mexico 8. Colorado 3. Florida 6. Arizona 9. Illinois 1 3 5 0-2 correct 3-4 correct 5 or more correct Student will name as many “borrowed” Spanish words as possible including: canoa, mosquito, patio, cañon, patata, barbacoa, lagarto, rancho, vanilla, jaguar, brisa, tornado Naming 1 3 5 0 correct 1-2 correct 3 or more correct Unit 4-2 Assessment: Getting Acquainted (Conociéndose) Written Assessment Student will match a picture of a facial expression with the appropriate expression for feelings using the word box. feliz 1. 2. triste cansado enfermo Está _________________________________________________ Está_______________________________________________ 3. Está _________________________________________________ 4 Está __________________________________________________________ Student will choose which pronoun – tú or Usted - is appropriate given an example of a person (i.e.; your best friend, Mrs. Smith, etc.) 1. Principal ______________ 2. President ______________ 3. Friend_______________ 4. Brother/Sister _______________ Part Three: Written Assessment Student will match appropriate greetings using illustrations. 1. _____________ A. ¡Hola! 2. ______________ B. ¡Buenos días! 3. _______________ C. ¡Buenas noches! 4. ____________ D. ¡Buenas tardes! Unit 4-3 Assessment What’s in Style (¿Qué está de moda?) Student will identify five clothing items using a set of visuals el suéter, la sudadera, la falda, los pantalones, la camisa, la camiseta, el abrigo, las botas, los guantes, los zapatos, los calcetines, el vestido, la bufanda, la gorra, el gorro, el sombrero, las sandalias, el traje de baño, los tenis, los shorts Student will say what he/she is wearing (3 items) including color Refer to list above and colors from Unit 3-3 Clothing item(Ropa) Color ( Color) _________________ _______________ _________________ _______________ _________________ _______________ Student will identify two traditional clothing items from a set of visuals: el sombrero, el poncho, los huaraches, el chaleco, el serape Unit 4-4 Assessment: Breakfast time (Hora de desayuno) Student will orally name one food item he/she likes and one food item he/she does not like (using gustar) Me gusta : el cereal, el pan, el pan tostado, el huevo, el tocino, los panqueques, los wafles No,no me gusta: Student will identify two drink items and food items from a set of visuals Food items: el cereal, el pan, el pan tostado, el huevo, el tocino, los panqueques, los wafles Drink items: el chocolate caliente, el jugo de naranja o manzana, la leche, el café, el agua, Unit 4-5 Assessment The Ideal Home (El Hogar Ideal) Student will identify homes that have characteristics common in Spanish-speaking countries: Circle the homes that would most likely be found in a Spanishspeaking country: 1. 4. 2. 5. 3. 6. Student will label two rooms on a visual of a house using a word bank (Visual from ¿Qué Tal? Resources) (Choose from: la sala, la cocina, el baño, el dormitorio) Student will label five items using a set of visuals of items in the home using a word bank (Visual from ¿Qué tal? Resources) (Choose from: la cama, el tocador, la mesita de noche, la estufa, el refrigerador, el microondas, la lavadora de platos, la mesa, las sillas, el sofa, el televisor, el sillón, la lámpara, el espejo, la bañera, la ducha, el inodoro, el lavabo) Student will read five sentences using prepositions and furniture items and decide whether they are true or false (Using same visual) La estufa está al lado del refrigerador. La cama está cerca de la lavabo. La lámpara está lejos del sofá. La bañera está debajo de la ducha. La silla está encima de la mesa. C C C C C F F F F F Unit 5-1 Assessment Spanish Speaking Countries (Los países hispanohablantes) Students will identify 8 Spanish speaking countries on a map using the word bank below. (Teacher finds maps of all 3 continents) 1.Spain 2. Mexico 3. Argentina 4. Panama 5. Costa Rica 6. Puerto Rico 7. Honduras 8. Dominican Republic 9.Peru 10. Cuba 11. El Salvador 12. Nicaragua 13.Chile 14. Ecuador 15. Paraguay16. Uruguay 17. Bolivia 18. Colombia 19. Venezuela 20. Guatemala Student will complete an individual project about a specific Spanish speaking country identifying these highlights; population, continent, religion, landmarks, flag, money, important cities, and capital. Nombre: __________________________________ FIESTAS DE PAISES HISPANOHABLANTES (SPANISH SPEAKING COUNTRY PARTIES) Puerto Rico As part of the fifth grade curriculum, students are to become more familiar with the many countries in the world that speak Spanish as their official language. From a list of over twenty countries, you and your partner will pick a country that you wish to present to the class. *This project will require a lot of time outside of school as you will need to research with your partner and practice your presentation TOGETHER. That is why you have been given several weeks’ notice. Arrange your schedule accordingly. You must let me know well in advance if you are experiencing problems with your partner. If you choose to work alone, make that decision today. ¡Buena suerte! You will: 1. Research a Spanish-speaking country using resources from the list below. 2. Create a visual (i.e.; a bulletin board or poster) that represents the information you found out about your country. 3. Give an oral presentation in Spanish (we will be learning the phrases in class prior to your presentation) about your country. 4. Make (or buy) a food item to share with the class that is popular in your country (please don’t even think about going to Taco Bell or bringing in nacho chips – ¡Ay de mí!) PRESENTATION MUST INCLUDE (This should take no longer than 10 minutes please): 1. An oral presentation in Spanish (each member of group must speak equal amount of time) ¡Les presento __________! (Name of country) La capital es ____________. (Capital city) El (presidente, dictador, rey) de (country) es (name). (Current leader’s name) La población de ___________ es ________ millones de personas. (Population) Los colores de la bandera son… (Colors on flag) El clima de __________ es (tropical, árido, templado)… you may need to add (en el norte, en el sur, en el este, en el oeste, en el centro). (Climate) La religión primaria es (católico). (If you find it is a different religion, ask me how to say it ) Los deportes populares son … (tenis, fútbol, béisbol, básquetbol, golf, el boxeo, pescar) (Sports) Los animales que viven aquí son… (look up the animals you don’t know on www.tomisimo.org) Las comidas populares son… (the food items will usually already be in Spanish, but if not, look up on tomisimo) (Popular Food) 2. A visual (a poster/bulletin board) that includes (You will share this in English): The country’s current currency – and know the exchange rate (10 pesos = $1.00) The country’s flag - know what the colors and symbols mean (see resource list) A map of the country with important places noted (capital, historical places, famous geog. sites, etc.) Pictures of famous people, places, or landmarks (KNOW WHAT/WHO THEY ARE AND WHY IMPORTANT/show us on the map) Pictures of popular foods, sports, celebrations, etc. – as much information as possible 3. The name (in Spanish) and a description (in English) of the food item you brought to share. RESOURCE LIST Online Encyclopedias – through the school’s “Media Center” link You will need passwords for each one” Encyclopedias - Grolier-Login: research Password: find World Book- Login: homework Password:help Magazines – Sirs Discoverer - Login: mi5352h Password: 48328 & elibrary Elementary- Login: submich286 Password:child286 www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/index.html - select your country from the pull-down menu www.worldinfozone.com – select country from pull down menu www.oanda.com/convert/classic - For currency, choose your country from the second box, then click on “convert now” www.recipehound.com – recipes from most countries www.crwflags.com/fotw/flags/- select your country ***If you get pictures from the internet, be sure to know where they came from and write it down!** **************************************************************************** Student Name: __________________________________________ Country: _________________________ *We have gone over the directions with our child and understand that he/she will present on:_____________________________. Parent Signature: ___________________________________________________________________________ Presenters ________________________________________________ Rubric for Spanish-speaking Countries Report and Presentation Visual Presentation: Flag Map 1 3 Flag drawn with no Flag drawn and explanation of colored with some symbols explanation of symbols Map only Map with 1 place of interest People, places, landmarks 1 component included 2 components included Sports, foods, celebrations 1 component included 2 components included 1 One person did all of the speaking 3 One person did more of the speaking At least 6 bulleted points presented in Spanish 6 or more sentences used correctly 3-4 sentences presented 5 Flag colored with details and full explanation of symbols Map with 2 places of interest and capital identified All three components included All three components included Oral Presentation: Speaking Country information Spanish sentences (bulleted points) 3 or less bulleted points presented in Spanish 1-3 sentences used correctly English sentences (bulleted points) 1-2 sentences presented Total: /40 = 5 Speaking was divided equally All 10 bulleted points presented in Spanish All 10 sentences used correctly. All 5 sentences presented ______________% Unit 5-2 Assessment: Finding Out About Others (Enterándose de los Otros) Student will orally introduce a friend in the classroom by responding to the teacher’s question: 1. Cómo se llama tu amigo/a? Mi amigo/a se llama__________ ______________________ 2. Cómo es tu amigo/a? El/Ella es ________________ _______________________ y Student will write two sentences describing a friend or family member from vocabulary learned in unit. 1. ___________________________________________________ 2. ___________________________________________________ Student can make request as needed in the classroom to use the bathroom, get a drink of water, or use the pencil sharpener? May I have…? (this is a informal assessment) ¿Puedo ir al baño? ¿Puedo tomar agua? ¿Puedo usar el sacapuntas? ¿Tienes un/una…? 5-3 Unit Assessment: Let’s Eat! (¡A Comer!) Student will identify names of the meals in Spanish along with 8 lunch and/or dinner items. Student will label the box with the name of the meal in Spanish. Draw and label at least 4 different food items in each box. El Almuerzo =____________ La fruta, las verduras, el sándwich, el bocadillo, la sopa, la ensalada, la carne, el pollo, el pescado, la pasta, el arróz. el postre, el helado, la hamburguesa, la pizza, las papas fritas, La Cena =_______________ Which meal is the biggest meal of the day for Hispanic people? ______________________________________________________ Unit 5-4 Unit Assessment: My Community/Mi Comunidad Students will use a word bank to identify five community places on a map using a number to indicate where they are located. (Map visual TBD) 1. la casa 4. el parque 7. la escuela 2. el banco 5. el supermercado 8. la plaza 3. la biblioteca 6. la tienda 9. el restaurante El centro commercial/el mol Students will use a map to determine whether the statements below are true or false. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. El banco está cerca del parque. La escuela está enfrente de la casa. La biblioteca está lejos del restaurante. La tienda está detrás del supermercado. El restaurante está al lado del parque. C C C C C F F F F F Unit 5-5 Unit Assessment: All About Me/Todo Sobre Mí Students will share the following about themselves in Spanish: Name (Me llamo ____________) Like or dislike (Me gusta(n)/No me gusta(n) _____________) Two adjectives describing themselves (Yo soy ____ y ____.) Two physical characteristics (Yo tengo los ojos ____ y el pelo ____.) 1 3 5 Grammar 5 or more errors in grammar 3-4 errors in grammar 0-2 errors in grammar Pronunciation 5 or more errors in pronunciation 3-4 errors in pronunciation 0-2 errors in pronunciation Several pauses and/or frequent English language interference 5 or more errors in word choice Few pauses and/or some English language interference 3-4 errors in word choice No pauses nor English language interference Fluency Word Choice 0-2 errors in word choice