Daily Act of Collective Worship 2009-10

Autumn Term
Dydd Llun Monday 8.9.14
Thema’r Wythnos-Ymgartrefu
Theme for the week - Settling In
 What do you hope to achieve this year?
 How can you improve on last year?
 Make list of 5 things and compare it with a friend
Dydd Mawrth Tuesday 9.9.14
Thema’r Wythnos-Ymgartrefu
Theme for the week - Settling In
What does
settling in mean
to you?
Dydd Mercher Wednesday 10.9.14
Thema’r Wythnos-Ymgartrefu
Theme for the week - Settling In
 What do you hope to
achieve this year?
 How will you take
advantage of the
fresh start and new
Dydd Iau Thursday 11.9.14
Thema’r Wythnos-Ymgartrefu
Theme for the week - Settling In
 ‘A stitch in time saves nine’
 What do you need to do to get
yourself organised now ?
 How will this help you enjoy a
smooth start to the new year and
avoid the temptation to slip into
bad habits?
Dydd Gwener Friday 12.9.14
Thema’r Wythnos-Ymgartrefu
Theme for the week - Settling In
 There is no passion to be found playing small - in settling
for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living.
 Nelson Mandela
 What does this mean to you?
 Are you sometimes satisfied with achieving
less than you are capable of?
 What will you do to achieve your best?
Dydd Llun Monday 15.9.14
Thema’r Wythnos- Bod yn Bositif
Theme for the week – Being Positive
 Is this true?
Dydd Mawrth Tuesday16.9.14
Thema’r Wythnos- Bod yn Bositif
Theme for the week – Being Positive
 You've done it before and you can do it now. See the
positive possibilities. Redirect the substantial energy of
your frustration and turn it into positive, effective,
unstoppable determination.
 Ralph Marston
 Do you believe in yourself and your abilities?
 Do you sometimes talk yourself into NOT being able to do
 How does being positive help you achieve what you want to
Dydd Mercher Wednesday 17.9.14
Thema’r Wythnos- Bod yn Bositif
Theme for the week – Being Positive
• People deal too much with the negative, with what is
wrong. Why not try and see positive things, to just touch
those things and make them bloom?
• Nhat Hanh
• Watch this clip of Steven Sutton.
• http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-27165726
• What was the impact of him being positive?
Dydd IauThursday 18.9.14
Thema’r Wythnos- Bod yn Bositif
Theme for the week – Being Positive
• I hated every minute of training, but I said
• “Don’t quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a
• Mohammed Ali Boxer
• We all have to do things we don’t like doing. Do you give
up too easily?
Dydd Gwener Friday 19.9.14
Thema’r Wythnos- Bod yn Bositif
Theme for the week – Being Positive
Few things in the world are more powerful than a positive
push. A smile. A world of optimism and hope. A 'you can do it'
when things are tough.
Richard M. DeVos
When did you last give someone you know a positive push?
Dydd Llun Monday 22.9.14
Thema’r Wythnos-Cyfeillgarwch
Theme for the week – Friendship
An honest answer is the sign of true friendship.–
Proverbs 24:26
True or false?
Dydd Mawrth Tuesday 24.9.14
Thema’r Wythnos-Cyfeillgarwch
Theme for the week – Friendship
 An insincere and bad friend is more to be feared than a
wild beast; a wild beast may wound your body, but a bad
friend will wound your mind.
 Is an insincere friend a friend at all?
Dydd Mercher Wednesday 24.9.14
Thema’r Wythnos-Cyfeillgarwch
Theme for the week – Friendship
 “The road to a friend’s house is never long”
 Danish proverb
 Why is this a true statement?
Dydd Iau Thursday 25.9.14
Thema’r Wythnos-Cyfeillgarwch
Theme for the week – Friendship
One of the most lasting pleasures you can experience is the
feeling that comes over you when you genuinely forgive an
enemy – whether he knows or not
O.A. Battista
Dydd Gwener Friday 26.9.14
Thema’r Wythnos-Cyfeillgarwch
Theme for the week – Friendship
 The best things in life are never rationed. Friendship,
loyalty, love – you can never have too much.
 Discuss this statement
Dydd Monday 29.9.14
Thema’r Wythnos-Gwneud Penderfyniadau
Theme for the week – Decision Making
 Every decision creates ripples, like a boulder dropped on a
lake. What ripples could your decisions make?
Dydd Mawrth Tuesday 30.9.14
Thema’r Wythnos-Gwneud Penderfyniadau
Theme for the week – Decision Making
 Attitude is a little thing that makes a
big difference.
 Do you always adopt the correct attitude for each situation
you face ?
Dydd Mercher Wednesday 1.10.14
Thema’r Wythnos-Gwneud Penderfyniadau
Theme for the week – Decision Making
 Some decisions can be made in a second, others need to be
thought about carefully. Who can help us decide?
Dydd Iau Thursday 2.10.14
Thema’r Wythnos-Gwneud Penderfyniadau
Theme for the week – Decision Making
 Decisions we have to make become more difficult as we get
older. Hopefully with age comes the wisdom to make the
correct decision, however difficult that may be.
 In what way do decisions you make as you get older
become more difficult?
 How do life experiences help you to make those decisions?
Dydd Gwener Friday 3.10.14
Thema’r Wythnos-Gwneud Penderfyniadau
Theme for the week – Decision Making
 There are many influences that shape our decisions.
Remember that every decision could have a consequence.
 Who or what could affect your decisions?
Dydd Llun Monday 6.10.14
Thema’r Wythnos- Dinasyddiaeth
Theme for the week – Citizenship
 Freedom, equality and democracy is not the gift of gods. It
is the task of people, brave people, honest people,
determined people.
Dydd Mawrth Tuesday 7.10.14
Thema’r Wythnos- Dinasyddiaeth
Theme for the week – Citizenship
What do you
think is happening
in this picture?
It is a refugee camp
in Darfur
As global citizens
how can we help
Dydd Mercher Wednesday 8.10.14
Thema’r Wythnos- Dinasyddiaeth
Theme for the week – Citizenship
 Never look down on anybody unless you’re helping them
 People often say this about their career. Why is it more
important in our general lives to be nice to the people we
meet, what ever their background?
Dydd Iau Thursday 9.10.14
Themau’r Wythnos- Dinasyddiaeth
Theme for the week – Citizenship
If you want happiness for an hour take a nap.
If you want happiness for a day, go fishing.
If you want happiness for a year, inherit a fortune.
If you want happiness for a lifetime, help somebody.
- Chinese proverb
 How would following this proverb make the world a better
Dydd Gwener Friday 10.10.14
Thema’r Wythnos- Dinasyddiaeth
Theme for the week – Citizenship
 Be kind to each other, sympathetic, forgiving each other as
God has forgiven you through Christ.
 Ephesians 4:32
 If nations bear a grudge for something that has happened
between them in the past, will the world ever be truly at
Dydd Llun Monday 13.10.14
Thema’r Wythnos - Hiliaeth
Theme for the week – Racism
 No one is born hating another person because of the colour
of his skin, or his background, or his religion. People must
learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be
taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human
heart than its opposite. Nelson Mandela
Dydd Mawrth Tuesday 14.10.14
Thema’r Wythnos - Hiliaeth
Theme for the week – Racism
 Watch the attached clip.
 Whose responsibility is it to put a stop to racism? Is it
everyone’s, should it be down the governments or
organisations eg FIFA? Or should it be ignored?
 What is your opinion?
Dydd Mercher Wednesday 15.10.14
Thema’r Wythnos - Hiliaeth
Theme for the week – Racism
Racism springs from ignorance.
Mario Balotelli
What does this quotation mean?
Dydd Iau Thursday 16.10.149
Thema’r Wythnos - Hiliaeth
Theme for the week – Racism
 “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a
nation where they will not be judged by the colour of their skin,
but by the sort of persons they are”.
 Martin Luther King influenced the way black people were
treated in America in the 1950s and 1960s. Is there a need for us
to follow his teachings in today’s society?
Dydd Gwener Friday 17.10.14
Thema’r Wythnos - Hiliaeth
Theme for the week – Racism
Why is it important to stamp out racism?
As a class make a list of 5 reaons why we should stamp out
Will this be an easy thing to achieve? Why do you think
this is?
Dydd Llun Monday 20.10.14
Thema’r Wythnos - Cyfathrebu
Theme for the week – Communication
 England and America are two countries divided by a
common language. - G Bernard Shaw
Car bonnet
Braces (for trousers)
 Why does using different words for the same thing be
confusing to people?
Dydd Mawrth Tuesday 21.10.14
Thema’r Wythnos - Cyfathrebu
Theme for the week – Communication
 In the modern world communication is so easy, email,
twitter, facebook, mobile phone and so on. We use all of
these so quickly. How often do you check what you are
posting to make sure that the right message is being sent?
Dydd Mercher Wednesday 22.10.14
Thema’r Wythnos - Cyfathrebu
Theme for the week – Communication
 ‘Most people on earth were born to speak a different
language than mine, and I would not understand their
 But I can understand that they are people, like me, with
thoughts and hopes like mine’.
 Why is it important to learn different languages?
Dydd Iau Thursday 23.10.14
Thema’r Wythnos - Cyfathrebu
Theme for the week – Communication
A little boy with a big heart:
A little boy lived next door to an old man who's wife had just
died. The boy saw the old man crying, he climbed onto his
lap and just sat there. Later, his mother asked the boy what
he had said to their neighbour. “Nothing” said the child “I
just helped him cry”
Sometimes we don’t have to say anything. The best thing to
do can be to sit quietly and hold their hand. Discuss this
Dydd Gwener Friday 24.10.14
Thema’r Wythnos - Cyfathrebu
Theme for the week – Communication
 Say what you mean, and mean what you say, but don't say it
 Can you think of examples when you would have liked to
give someone this message? Why is it an important
Dydd Llun Monday 3.11.14
Thema’r Wythnos - Cyfrifoldeb
Theme for the week – Responsibility
 It is easy to dodge our responsibilities, but we cannot dodge
the consequences of dodging our responsibilities.
 What responsibilities do you have now? How will they
change in the future?
Dydd Mawrth Tuesday 4.11.14
Thema’r Wythnos - Cyfrifoldeb
Theme for the week – Responsibility
 Today, take pride in carrying out your responsibilities.
Remind yourself that one person can make a difference.
 Is that one person you?
Dydd Mercher Wednesday 5.11.14
Thema’r Wythnos – Cyfrifoldeb
Theme for the week – Responsibility
 What does this mean?
Dydd Iau Thursday 6.11.14
Thema’r Wythnos – Cyfrifoldeb
Theme for the week – Responsibility
 Freedom of thought, which all truly independent thinkers
have carries with it an awesome responsibility. It means
that I can blame nobody else for what I choose to think and
believe and do.
 Do you agree with this?
Dydd Gwener Friday 7.11.14
Thema’r Wythnos – Cyfrifoldeb
Theme for the week – Responsibility
What is meant by this quotation?
The Soldier's Cross is a representation, of a fallen soldier/marine/sailor/airman, that we display during a memorial.
Dydd Llun Monday 10.11.14
Thema’r Wythnos – Cofio
Theme for the week – Remembrance
 The gift of memory enables us to recall the good and
the bad in our lives, and the good and the bad we have
caused for others.
 It is only because we can remember the past that we
can now use our freedom to choose?
Dydd Mawrth Tuesday 11.11.14
Thema’r Wythnos – Cofio
Theme for the week – Remembrance
 There is no honourable way to kill, no gentle way to
destroy. There is nothing good in war except its end.
Why should be all, especially today, work towards war
comes to an end?
Dydd Mercher Wednesday 12.11.14
Thema’r Wythnos – Cofio
Theme for the week – Remembrance
 Look at this picture
 Bow your head for a few minutes
and think of the meaning of the
 Think of all the millions of
people who have lost their lives
in order to secure our freedom.
 Are we grateful for their
Dydd Iau Thursday 13.11.14
Thema’r Wythnos – Cofio
Theme for the week – Remembrance
 Watch this clip which shows soldiers leaving a landing craft on Sword
Beach on D day. (The sound has been added later and you may want to
switch it off)
 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-U_RC-SrV-Q
 Imagine you were on that craft. How would you feel?
 Would you have had the courage to do what these men had to do
knowing that they may be killed?
 For a moment reflect on what we have to be grateful to these men for
Dydd Gwener Friday 14.11.14
Thema’r Wythnos – Cofio
Theme for the week – Remembrance
 Wars are not acts of God. They are caused by man, by
man-made institutions, by the way in which man has
organised his society. What man has made, man can
Frederick Moore Vinson
Dydd Llun Monday 17.11.14
Thema’r Wythnos – Tyfu i fynu
Theme for the week – Growing up
 Growing up happens in a heart-beat. One day you’re in
nappies, the next day you’re gone. But the memories of
childhood stay with you for the long haul.
 What are you best memories of childhood? Who do they
Dydd Mawrth Tuesday 18.11.14
Thema’r Wythnos – Tyfu i fynu
Theme for the week – Growing up
 Don’t be afraid to fail. Don’t waste energy trying to cover
up failure. Learn from your failures and go on to the next
challenge. If you’re not failing you’re not growing.
 What lessons have you learned by failing?
Dydd Mercher Wednesday 19.11.14
Themau’r Wythnos – Tyfu i fynu
Theme for the week – Growing up
 Youth is a mask, it does not last, Live it long and live it fast.
 Discuss this statement in your form. Try to understand
what it means and say why you agree or disagree with it
Dydd Iau Thursday20.11.14
Thema’r Wythnos – Tyfu i fynu
Theme for the week – Growing up
 We do not remember days, we remember moments
Cesane Pareso
What happened yesterday? Can you remember every single
thing about it? Why do you think we remember some things
but not others?
Dydd Gwener Friday 21.11.14
Thema’r Wythnos – Tyfu i fynu
Theme for the week – Growing up
 If a bird is flying for pleasure, it flies with the wind, but if it
meets danger it turns and faces the wind, in order that it
may rise higher
Corrie Ten Boom
Why is this an important message to give to someone
younger than you?
Dydd Llun Monday 24.11.14
Thema’r Wythnos – Bwlio
Theme for the week – Bullying
 This week is anti bullying week. For the statement below
think about how this relates to bullying, and most
importantly to you!
 If you ever meet a bully don’t ask them why they don’t like
you, ask them why they don’t like themselves.
Dydd Mawrth Tuesday 25.11.14
Thema’r Wythnos – Bwlio
Theme for the week – Bullying
 This week is anti bullying week. For the statement below
think about how this relates to bullying, and most
importantly to you!
 We must have the strength of character to find the good
points in people and not just see the things that their
enemies want us to
Dydd Mercher Wednesday 26.11.14
Thema’r Wythnos – Bwlio
Theme for the week – Bullying
This week is anti bullying week. For the statement below think about how this
relates to bullying, and most importantly to you!
Sticks and stones may break my bones,
But words can also hurt me.
Stones and sticks break only skin,
While words are ghosts that haunt me.
Slant and curved the word-swords fall
To pierce and stick inside me.
Bats and bricks may ache my bones,
But words can mortify me
Pain from words has left its scar
On mind and heart that’s tender.
Cuts and bruises now have healed;
Its words that I remember.
Dydd Iau Thursday 27.11.14
Thema’r Wythnos – Bwlio
Theme for the week – Bullying
 This week is anti bullying week. For the statement below
think about how this relates to bullying, and most
importantly to you!
 While we are free to choose our actions, we are not free to
choose the consequences of our actions.
Dydd Friday 28.11.14
Themau’r Wythnos – Bwlio
Theme for the week – Bullying
 This week is anti bullying week. For the statement below
think about how this relates to bullying, and most
importantly to you!
 There may be times when we are powerless to prevent
injustice, but there must never be a time when we fail to
Dydd Llun Monday 1.12.14
Thema’r Wythnos – Stereoteipio
Theme for the week – Stereotyping
 Never judge a book by its cover
 The images below are the same book The covers are all different
but the inside is still the same. How does that relate to us?
Dydd Mawrth Tuesday 2.12.14
Thema’r Wythnos – Stereoteipio
Theme for the week – Stereotyping
 To stereotype someone is to judge, label or categorise them
according to their religion, sex, skin colour, accent…the list
goes on.
 How have you been stereotyped?
 How did it feel?
 How and why do you stereotype others?
Dydd Mercher Wednesday 3.12.14
Thema’r Wythnos – Stereoteipio
Theme for the week – Stereotyping
 Q. Why was the blonde so pleased when she finished her
jigsaw puzzle in only 6 months?
 A. Because on the box it said from 2-4 years
 Is this joke funny? Why? Why not?
Dydd IauThursday 4.12.14
Thema’r Wythnos – Stereoteipio
Theme for the week – Stereotyping
 Bobby is 21, black and lives in Brixton, London. He is being
interviewed by senior police officers at a police station near his
home. Why?
 There could be many reasons. He could have witnessed a crime
or he could be having a job interview. What was your first
response? Was it stereotyping?
Dydd Gwener Friday 5.12.14
Thema’r Wythnos – Stereoteipio
Theme for the week – Stereotyping
 Whenever two people meet there are really six people
 There is each man as he sees himself
 Each as the other person sees him
 And each man as he really is
William James
Discuss this statement.
Dydd Llun Monday 8.12.14
Thema’r Wythnos – Targedau
Theme for the week - Targets
 For every obstacle there is a
 What are the obstacles to you reaching your targets?
 How will you overcome your obstacles?
Dydd Mawrth Tuesday 9.12.14
Thema’r Wythnos – Targedau
Theme for the week - Targets
 Some people dream of achieving their targets – while
others wake up and work hard at them
 What do you dream about?
 Do you think your dreams are any different to young people
in other parts of the world?
 Will young people in other parts of the world feel that they
will achieve more by working hard than some people in
the westernised world
Dydd Mercher Wednesday 10.12.14
Thema’r Wythnos – Targedau
Theme for the week - Targets
 Success is a journey, not a destination. Review your targets
 Think of a journey you have been on
 How did you get to your destinations?
 What other ways could you have reached that destination?
 What are the implications of this?
Dydd Iau Thursday 11.12.14
Thema’r Wythnos – Targedau
Theme for the week – Targets
 What does this quotation mean?
Dydd Gwener Friday 12.12.14
Thema’r Wythnos – Targedau
Theme for the week - Targets
 To succeed in life, you need two things: ignorance and
 Mark Twain
 Why does Mark Twain consider you need both of these
Dydd Llun Monday 15.12.14
Thema’r Wythnos – Y Nadolig
Theme for the week – Christmas
CHRISTMAS by Sir John Betjeman 1906 – 84
verse 2
The Holly in the windy hedge
And around the Manor House the yew
Will soon be stripped to deck the ledge,
The altar, font and arch and pew,
So that the villagers can say
‘The church looks nice on Christmas Day.’
Do we have an idealised view of what Christmas
looks like?
Dydd Mawrth Tuesday 16.12.15
Thema’r Wythnos – Y Nadolig
Theme for the week – Christmas
 Christmas begins in the heart of God. It is
completed only when it reaches the heart of man
What is the true message of Christmas?
Dydd Mawrth Wednesday 17.12.14
Thema’r Wythnos – Y Nadolig
Theme for the week – Christmas
 Christmas is the one time of year when people of all
religions come together to worship Jesus Christ. (!)
 What was Bart trying to say in this statement. Is it true?
Dydd Iau Thursday 18.12.14
Thema’r Wythnos – Y Nadolig
Theme for the week – Christmas
 Christmas is a festival of light and light is a symbol of hope.
Help us to give light and hope to those around us.
 Why do so many religions have a festival of light at this
time of the year?
Dydd Gwener Friday 19.12.14
Thema’r Wythnos – Y Nadolig
Theme for the week – Christmas
 Christmas is not a time nor a season, but a state of mind.
To cherish peace and goodwill, to be plenteous in mercy, is
to have the real spirit of Christmas.
 CALVIN COOLIDGE: 30th President of the United States of America
 Is your state of mind about peace and goodwill or what
presents will be under the tree on Christmas morning?
Spring Term
Dydd Llun Monday 5.1.15
Thema’r Wythnos – Hawliau Dynol
Theme for the week – Human Rights
 Definition
 The basic rights and freedoms to which all humans are
entitled, often held to include the right to life and liberty,
freedom of thought and expression, and equality before the
 What are the basic rights
 of a human being? Look
 carefully at the image
Dydd Mawrth Tuesday 6.1.15
Thema’r Wythnos – Hawliau Dynol
Theme for the week – Human Rights
 As a young person, do you have any rights?
 What are they?
 How much will they change as you grow older?
Dydd Mercher Wednesday 7.1.15
Thema’r Wythnos – Hawliau Dynol
Theme for the week – Human Rights
 In Germany, the Nazis first came for the Communists, and
I did not speak up, because I was not a Communist. Then
they came for the Jews, and I did not speak up, because I
was not a Jew. Then they came for the trade unionists, and
I did not speak up, because I was not a trade unionist.
Then the came for the Catholics, and I did not speak up,
because I was not a Catholic. Then they came for me….and
by that time, there was no one to speak up for anyone.
 Martin Niemoeller. Luthern Church
 Are our rights more important than our responsibility to
Dydd Iau Thursday 8.1.15
Thema’r Wythnos – Hawliau Dynol
Theme for the week – Human Rights
 Name 5 people or organisations who have campaigned, or
are still campaigning, for better human rights.
 (You might like to mention: Nelson Mandela, Martin
Luther King, Mahatma Gandhi, the United Nations,
Amnesty International…)
 What do they stand for?
Dydd Gwener Friday 9.1.15
Thema’r Wythnos – Hawliau Dynol
Theme for the week – Human Rights
 All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and
rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and
should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
 Article 1 The Universal Declaration of Human Rights
 What changes as people older?
Dydd Llun Monday 12.1.15
Thema’r Wythnos Gwaith Tîm
Theme for the week – Team Work
 The difference between a successful team and
others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of
knowledge, but a lack of collective will.
 Whether you support Man Utd or not, they were
not successful in the 2013-14 season. How might
this saying apply to their situation
Dydd Mawrth Tuesday 13.1.15
Thema’r Wythnos Gwaith Tîm
Theme for the week – Team Work
 Many hands make light work.
 How many times have you heard this, but what does it
really mean?
Dydd Mercher Wednesday 14.1.15
Thema’r Wythnos Gwaith Tîm
Theme for the week – Team Work
 Teamwork is the ability to work together towards a
common vision, it is the fuel that allows common
people achieve uncommon results.
 There have been many disasters which have affected
large numbers of people eg earthquakes/tsunamis,
drought in East Africa, 9.11. How do the acts of people
working together help to alleviate the problems some
people may face?
Dydd Iau Thursday 15.1.15
Thema’r Wythnos Gwaith Tîm
Theme for the week – Team Work
 Coming together is a beginning, keeping together is
progress, working together is a success.
 Henry Ford
 As a form group pick your fantasy football (or other
sports) team.
 Why have you picked each player?
 Is it sufficient just to have 11 good players, or do you
need more than that?
Dydd Gwener Friday 16.1.15
Thema’r Wythnos Gwaith Tîm
Theme for the week – Team Work
 Snowflakes are one of nature’s most fragile things, but
just look at what they can do when they stick together.
 We all get excited when we see it starting to snow. It
hold a promise of something special.
 Think of something you have done as a team. What
was the outcome?
 Why was it a success?
Dydd Llun Monday 19.1.15
Thema’r Wythnos - Goddefgarwch
Theme for the week - Tolerance
 ‘Love one another and you will be happy’. It’s as simple and
as difficult as that. There is no other way.
 Does this mean a smoochy type of love?
 What other types of love are there?
 How does loving other people make you happy?
Dydd Mawrth Tuesday 20.1.15
Thema’r Wythnos - Goddefgarwch
Theme for the week - Tolerance
Islam teaches tolerance, not hatred; universal brotherhood, not
enmity; peace, and not violence.
 Pervez Musharraf
 Is this the impression of Islam that is portrayed by some of the press
and media?
 Why do they try to create a different impression than the one Pervez
Musharraf gives?
Dydd Mercher Wednesday 21.1.15
Thema’r Wythnos - Goddefgarwch
Theme for the week - Tolerance
 We the people of the United Nations determined to save
succeeding generations from the scourge of war….to
practise tolerance and live together in peace with one
another as good neighbours.
 UN charter
 How might tolerance of other people and their ideas have
prevented some of the atrocities of the second world war?
 What is our collective responsibility to ensure that this
doesn’t happen in the future?
Dydd Iau Thursday 22.1.15
Thema’r Wythnos - Goddefgarwch
Theme for the week - Tolerance
 Anger makes you smaller’ while forgiveness forces you to
grow beyond what you were
Cherie Carter Scott
Having read this quotation do you think you are you a small
person or a tall person?
What do other people think?
What makes them think that about you?
Dydd Gwener Friday 23.1.15
Thema’r Wythnos - Goddefgarwch
Theme for the week - Tolerance
In the practice of tolerance, one's enemy is the
best teacher.
 Dalai Lama
 What does this mean?
Dydd Llun Monday26.1.15
Thema’r Wythnos - Cynaliadwyedd
Theme for the week - Sustainability
 This weeks thoughts offers a daily statement for you to consider our
role in ensuring that we live sustainably. In relation to each slide
discuss how we could change our lifestyles to ensure we have enough
resources fro future generations
 In under 40 minutes the USA receives more energy in the
form of sunlight that it does from the fossil fuels it burns in
a year.
Dydd Mawrth Tuesday 27.1.15
Thema’r Wythnos - Cynaliadwyedd
Theme for the week - Sustainability
 The frog does not drink up the pond in which it lives
 Chinese proverb
 Why is it not sensible to use up the resources on which you
Dydd Mercher Wednesday 28.1.15
Thema’r Wythnos - Cynaliadwyedd
Theme for the week - Sustainability
 This weeks thoughts offers a daily statement for you to consider our role in
ensuring that we live sustainably. In relation to each slide discuss how we
could change our lifestyles to ensure we have enough resources fro future
 London recycles only 9% of household waste compared
with 25% in Barcelona and 50% in Seattle.
 Why does this differ so much?
Dydd Iau Thursday 29.1.15
Thema’r Wythnos - Cynaliadwyedd
Theme for the week - Sustainability
 This weeks thoughts offers a daily statement for you to consider our role in
ensuring that we live sustainably. In relation to each slide discuss how we
could change our lifestyles to ensure we have enough resources fro future
 Using a clothes line rather than a tumble dryer can save
around £50 a year on the average family’s electricity bill and
reduce carbon emissions by almost a tonne.
Dydd Gwener Friday 30.1.15
Thema’r Wythnos - Cynaliadwyedd
Theme for the week - Sustainability
 This weeks thoughts offers a daily statement for you to consider our role in
ensuring that we live sustainably. In relation to each slide discuss how we
could change our lifestyles to ensure we have enough resources fro future
 The earth can provide for everyone’s need but not everyone’s
greed. Sustainability is the key.
 Do we really need as much as we use?
 How much of the things we need do we actually waste and
throw away?
 Is that an ethical way of living?
Dydd Llun Monday 2.2.15
Thema’r Wythnos - Gwrthdaro
Theme for the week - Conflict
 Don’t be afraid of opposition. Remember a kite rises against the
wind; not with the wind.
 Hamilton Mabie:
 What does it mean the “kite rises against the wind”?
 How will this sort of conflict make us grow stronger as a person?
 What effect might the “wrong “ sort of conflict have on a person?
Dydd Mawrth Tuesday 3.2.15
Thema’r Wythnos - Gwrthdaro
Theme for the week - Conflict
 I found one day in school a boy of medium size ill-treating
a smaller boy. I expostulated, but he replied: “The bigs hit
me, so I hit the babies; that’s fair”. In these words he
epitomized the history of the human race
 Bertrand Russell:
 Is it fair if the bigs hit the littles ?
 How does this reflect the world’s superpowers approach to
the less influential countries of the world?
 What can be done to overcome this
Dydd Mercher Wednesday 4.2.15
Thema’r Wythnos - Gwrthdaro
Theme for the week - Conflict
People like to say that the conflict is between good and evil.
The real conflict is between truth and lies.
 Miguel Angel Ruiz
 How far do you agree with this statement?
Dydd Iau Thursday 5.2.15
Thema’r Wythnos - Gwrthdaro
Theme for the week - Conflict
 Many promising reconciliations have broken down
because, while both parties came prepared to forgive,
neither party came prepared to be forgiven
Charles Williams
 What does it mean to forgive?
 What does it mean to be forgiven?
 In any conflict who has the right to forgive?
Dydd Gwener Friday 6.2.15
Thema’r Wythnos - Gwrthdaro
Theme for the week - Conflict
 Anybody can become angry- that is easy; but to be angry
with the right person, to the right degree, at the right time,
for the right purpose, and in the right way -that is not easy
Does resolving conflict with anger actually achieve anything?
Dydd Llun Monday 9.2.15
Thema’r Wythnos - Cariad
Theme for the week - Love
 Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things,
endures all things.
 The Bible : 1 Corinthians
 Is love the strongest of all emotions?
Dydd Mawrth Tuesday 10.2.15
Thema’r Wythnos - Cariad
Theme for the week - Love
 I have found the paradox that if I love until it hurts, then
there is no hurt, but only more love
Mother Theresa
MotherTheresa set up and ran hospices and homes for people with
HIV/AIDS, leprosy and tuberculosis; soup kitchens; dispensaries and mobile
clinics; children's and family counselling programmes; orphanages; and
How would the paradox she describes above have helped her in her work?
Dydd Mercher Wednesday 11.2.15
Thema’r Wythnos - Cariad
Theme for the week - Love
 There is only one happiness in life, to love and be loved.
 George Sand
 Why does being in love and being loved make us feel so
Dydd Iau Thursday 12.2.15
Thema’r Wythnos - Cariad
Theme for the week - Love
 Love is smiling on the inside and out.
 Jennifer Williams
 Love is like the sun coming out of the clouds and warming
your soul.
 Unknown
 How would you describe love?
Dydd Gwener Friday 13.2.15
Thema’r Wythnos - Cariad
Theme for the week - Love
 Love is like a friendship caught on fire. In the beginning a
flame, very pretty, often hot and fierce, but still only light
and flickering. As love grows older, our hearts mature and
our love becomes as coals, deep-burning and
 Bruce Lee
 How and why does love change as you know someone
Dydd Llun Monday 23.2.15
Thema’r Wythnos - Teulu
Theme for the week - Family
 What is a family?
 Discuss what this means to you. What is the role of a the
close family, the extended family etc.
Dydd Mawrth Tuesday 24.2.15
Thema’r Wythnos - Teulu
Theme for the week - Family
 We are all part of the family of humankind. We may have
different skin colour, beliefs, traditions or cultures, but we
still belong to the same family.
 How do we show each other the kind of love and respect a
family should show one another?
Dydd Mercher Wednesday 25.2.15
Thema’r Wythnos - Teulu
Theme for the week - Family
 Good friends are like a family you choose yourself. If they
are truly good friends they will never expect you to choose
between them and your family.
 Why would friends never expect to come before your family
 Is this true of your friends?
Dydd Iau Thursday 26.2.15
Thema’r Wythnos - Teulu
Theme for the week - Family
 You don’t choose your family they are God’s gift to you, as
you are to them.
 Desmond Tutu
 Do you treat your family as something special or do you
take them for granted?
 How often do you say thank you for the things they do for
Dydd Gwener Friday 27.2.15
Thema’r Wythnos - Teulu
Theme for the week - Family
My father used to play with my brother and me in the yard.
Mother would come out and say, ''You're tearing up the
grass'; 'We're not raising grass,' Dad would reply. 'We're
raising boys.'
 Harmon Killebrew
 Why is this Dad’s point of view important?
Dydd Llun Monday 2.3.15
Thema’r Wythnos - Gwladgarwch
Theme for the week - Patriotism
 Patriotism is a kind of religion. It is the egg from which
wars are hatched.
 Guy de Maupassant
 What do you understand by Patriotism? Why might
patriotism lead to war?
Dydd Mawrth Tuesday 3.3.15
Thema’r Wythnos - Gwladgarwch
Theme for the week - Patriotism
 I have no country to fight for. My country is the earth and I
am a citizen of the world.
 Eugene V. Debs
 Do you consider yourself Welsh. British, European or
something different? Can you explain why?
Dydd Mercher Wednesday 4.3.15
Thema’r Wythnos - Gwladgarwch
Theme for the week - Patriotism
 The love of one’s country is a splendid thing, but why
should love stop at the border?
 Pablo Casals
 If you moved to live in Australia would you feel any less
 Might you feel less Welsh the longer you spent there
Dydd Iau Thursday 5.3.15
Thema’r Wythnos - Gwladgarwch
Theme for the week - Patriotism
 I realise that patriotism is not enough. I must have no
hatred or bitterness towards anyone.
• Edith Cavell
 Is there a place for patriotism in today’s world?
Dydd Gwener Friday 6.3.15
Thema’r Wythnos - Gwladgarwch
Theme for the week - Patriotism
 The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in
moments of comfort, but where he stands at times of
challenge and controversy -Patriotism also involves service
to one’s country
 Too many times in the last century men and women were
asked to fight for their country. Would you be prepared to
do that if you were asked?
Dydd Llun Monday 23.3.15
Thema’r Wythnos – Yr Amgylchedd
Theme for the week - Environment
 We must look after our environment as it cannot look after
 Do you agree?
Dydd Mawrth Tuesday 24.3.15
Thema’r Wythnos – Yr Amgylchedd
Theme for the week – Environment
 “We strive to protect what was built by man, but give little
thought to protecting what was made by God”
 Isn’t it our duty to look after both the buildings AND the
 Why?
Caernarfon Castle - a CADW site
Dydd Mercher Wednesday 25.3.15
Thema’r Wythnos – Yr Amgylchedd
Theme for the week - Environment
 “Let the clean air blow the cobwebs from your body. Air is
 Why is clean air so important?
Dydd Iau Thursday 26.3.15
Thema’r Wythnos – Yr Amgylchedd
Theme for the week - Environment
 “If we can’t reuse or recycle it, we shouldn’t be making it”
 Try to make a list of things we
wouldn’t have if we were unable to
reuse or recycle it.
 How would that change your life?
Dydd Gwener Friday 27.3.15
Thema’r Wythnos - Yr Amgylchedd
Theme for the week - Environment
 Advice from a Redwood
Stand tall and proud
Sink your roots into the earth
Be content with your natural beauty
Drink plenty of water
Enjoy the view.
 What message can we take from the
 Redwood living in it’s environment?
Dydd Llun Monday16.3.15
Thema’r Wythnos – Deall Eraill
Theme for the week – Understanding Others
 Everyone is kneaded out of the same dough but not baked
in the same oven
Yiddish Proverb
Dydd Mawrth Tuesday 17.3.15
Thema’r Wythnos – Deall Eraill
Theme for the week – Understanding Others
 In silence, think of a time in your life when you had to consider
the feelings of others.
 What happened?
 Now, think of a rime when you only thought of yourself and
ignored those around you.
 What happened?
 Which was the better experience?
 Why?
Dydd Mercher Wednesday 18.3.15
Thema’r Wythnos – Deall Eraill
Theme for the week – Understanding Others
 To the optimist a glass is half full. To the pessimist a glass
is half empty. To the realist it is half a glass of water. To an
economist you need a smaller glass. To a scientist you need
more water. To a chemist it is merely crystallised silica with
H2O in it.
 We are all different things to different people. Think of
about ten different people and then decide what your
relationship is to them.
 Do they all understand you in the same way?
Dydd Iau Thursday 19.3.15
Thema’r Wythnos – Deall Eraill
Theme for the week – Understanding Others
 I like to listen. I have learned a great deal from listening
carefully. Most people never listen
 Ernest Hemingway
 How often do you REALLY listen to what is being said to
Dydd Gwener Friday 20.3.15
Thema’r Wythnos – Deall Eraill
Theme for the week – Understanding Others
 I am a child and I don’t understand my parents, they always
tell me what to do.
 I am a parent and I don’t understand the young generation,
they never do as they are told.
 How far do you agree with this statement?
Dydd Llun Monday 9.3.15
Thema’r Wythnos - Iechyd
Theme for the week - Health
 ‘A healthy body produces a healthy mind’
 What does this really mean?
 How can we achieve it?
Dydd Mawrth Tuesday 10.3.15
Thema’r Wythnos - Iechyd
Theme for the week - Health
 Healthcare today is the fastest growing failing business.
 We know more about the cause of disease. We have the
technology to investigate the way our bodies work. We
have new drugs being developed every day Why is there so
much illness?
Dydd Mercher Wednesday 11.3.15
Thema’r Wythnos - Iechyd
Theme for the week - Health
 A native American Elder one described his inner struggles
in this way
 Inside me there are two dogs. One of the dogs is mean and
evil. The other dog is good. The mean dog fights the good
dog all the time. When asked which dog wins, he though
for a while and replied “ the one I feed the most”
George Bernard Shaw
Do we look after our mental health as well as we look after
our physical health, or do we not take notice of it because it
isn’t as obvious for example, as a broken leg.
Dydd Iau Thursday 12.3.15
Thema’r Wythnos - Iechyd
Theme for the week - Health
 Are these good examples of good health?
Dydd Gwener Friday 13.3.15
Thema’r Wythnos - Iechyd
Theme for the week - Health
 Discuss this point of view.
Summer Term
Dydd Llun Monday 13.4.15
Thema’r Wythnos – Chwarae Teg
Theme for the week - Sportsmanship
 What is sportsmanship?
 Does sportsmanship only apply when you are playing a
 What other areas of life might it apply to?
 Do you apply the rules of sportsmanship in your life?
 It’s not the winning that matters- it’s the taking part that is
most important
Dydd Mawrth Tuesday 14.4.15
Thema’r Wythnos – Chwarae Teg
Theme for the week - Sportsmanship
 “The most important decision ever made was to live my life
in sport as honestly an d ethically as possible. Never having
compromised my values allows me to look back on my life
with no regrets and feel satisfaction in what I was able to
 Greg Le Mond
 What do you think of sportsmen that cheat? Lance
Armstrong, (Performance enhancing drugs)Maradonna,
(hand of God goal)Ben Johnson Steroid use)
Dydd Mercher Wednesday 15.4.15
Thema’r Wythnos – Chwarae Teg
Theme for the week - Sportsmanship
 One man practicing sportsmanship is far better than a
hundred teaching it.
 Knute Rockne
Do we learn by being told how to do something or by being
shown how to do it?
Think of some examples.
Dydd Iau Thursday 16.4.15
Thema’r Wythnos – Chwarae Teg
Theme for the week - Sportsmanship
 It's good sportsmanship to not pick up lost golf balls while
they are still rolling.
 Mark Twain
 Discuss what is meant in this quotation.
Dydd Gwener Friday 17.4.15
Thema’r Wythnos – Chwarae Teg
Theme for the week - Sportsmanship
 In the World Cup there were 32 teams. Some
teams were very much stronger than others and
probably more likely to win.
 What would have happened if the teams unlikely
to win hadn’t turned up?
 Why is taking part more important than winning?
Dydd Llun Monday 20.4.15
Thema’r Wythnos - Democratiaeth
Theme for the week - Democracy
 We have the freedom to make our own decisions. But to
have freedom there must be rules. This is democracy.
 What do you think democracy means?
 What rules would you introduce to make sure everyone
that everyone is allowed to make their own decisions?
 What happens when one persons decision collides with
that of another person?
 What can be done to reach an ageement?
Dydd Mawrth Tuesday 21.4.15
Thema’r Wythnos - Democratiaeth
Theme for the week - Democracy
 It's not the voting that's democracy, it's the counting.
 Tom Stoppard
 Why is the counting more than the voting?
Dydd Mercher Wednesday 22.4.15
Thema’r Wythnos - Democratiaeth
Theme for the week - Democracy
 Democracy cannot succeed unless those who express their choice are
prepared to choose wisely. The real safeguard of democracy, therefore,
is education.
 Franklin D. Roosevelt
 Should everyone over 18 vote at every occasion?
 Do Party political broadcasts give a true picture of what each
political party stands for ?
 In Australia, if you don’t vote you are fined. Do you think this is a
good idea?
Dydd Iau Thursday 23.4.15
Thema’r Wythnos - Democratiaeth
Theme for the week - Democracy
 Freedom and democracy are dreams you never give up.
 Aung San Suu Kyi
 Aung San Suu Kyi is a female equivalent f Nelson Mandela.
She was held under house arrest in Burma
 for almost 15 years between1989 and 2010,1
would she never give up on her dreams
 of freedom and democracy?
Dydd Gwener Friday 24.4.15
Thema’r Wythnos - Democratiaeth
Theme for the week - Democracy
 The difference between a democracy and a dictatorship is
that in a democracy you vote first and take orders later; in a
dictatorship you don't have to waste your time voting.
 Charles Bukowski
 Why should we be grateful that we live in a democracy?
 Do we take it for granted?
Dydd Llun Monday 27.4.15
Thema’r Wythnos – Gwersi Bywyd
Theme for the week – Life Lessons
 Life is a succession of lessons which must be lived to be
 Helen Keller
What does this statement mean?
Can you think of some examples where this has applied to our life
so far?
Dydd Mawrth Tuesday 28.4.15
Thema’r Wythnos – Gwersi Bywyd
Theme for the week – Life Lessons
 "You don't run twenty-six miles at five minutes a mile
on good looks and a secret recipe.“
 Paula Ratcliffe
 What is the lesson that Paula Radcliffe is trying to tell you?
Dydd Mercher Wednesday 29.4.15
Thema’r Wythnos - Gwersi Bywyd
Theme for the week – Life lessons
Here’s my life lesson, take care of your emotional heart,
because heart disease is the number-one killer.
What does this mean?
How can you look after your emotional heart?
Dydd Iau Thursday 30.4.15
Thema’r Wythnos - Gwersi Bywyd
Theme for the week - Life lessons
“Spectacular achievements are always preceded by
unspectacular preparation.”
Alan Sugar
What would Lord Sugar say “you’re fired” to you about
Dydd Gwener Friday 1.5.15
Thema’r Wythnos - Gwersi Bywyd
Theme for the week – Life lessosn
 The most valuable lesson I've ever learned in my life is that
life is about family and friends, not about material things or
any of that. It's about enjoying your life. If you have no
family, no friends to enjoy it with, it don't matter how
much you have, how much success you have, how much
fame you have, how much money you have, it doesn't
 Vanilla Ice
Why might you be surprised by who said this quote? Do you
agree with him?
Dydd Llun Monday 4.5.15
Thema’r Wythnos -Credöau
Theme for the week - Beliefs
 We can’t help everyone, but everyone can help someone
 Ronald Reagan US President
 Is this a belief or is this the right thing to do?
 Who was the last person you REALLY helped?
Dydd Mawrth Tuesday 5.5.15
Thema’r Wythnos - Credöau
Theme for the week - Beliefs
 The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be
seen or even touched – they must be felt by the heart.
 Have you ever seen something that was so beautiful it made
you cry? What was it and why did it make you feel like
Dydd Mercher Wednesday 6.5.15
Thema’r Wythnos -Credöau
Theme for the week - Beliefs
 Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth,
faithfulness the best relationship.
 Buddha
 What do you consider :
your greatest gift?
your greatest wealth?
your best relationship?
Dydd Iau Thursday 7.5.15
Thema’r Wythnos – Credöau
Theme for the week -Beliefs
 “Anyone who thinks sitting in church can make you a
Christian must also think that sitting in a garage can make
you a car.”
Garrison Keillor
 Do you have to go to Church to be a Christian, Synagogue
to be a Jew, Mosque to be a Muslim etc?
Dydd Gwener Friday 8.5.15
Thema’r Wythnos – Credöau
Theme for the week -Beliefs
 If you accept the expectations of others, especially negative
ones, then you never will change the outcome
 Michael Jordon
 Why should the only expectations you accept be your own?
Dydd Llun Monday 11.5.15
Thema’r Wythnos - Addysg
Theme for the week - Education
 “A child educated only at school is an uneducated child”.
 When does someone’s education begin and when does it
 What sort of education takes place out of school?
Dydd Mawrth Tuesday 12.5.15
Thema’r Wythnos - Addysg
Theme for the week - Education
 Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day: Teach a man
to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.
 (Chinese proverb)
 What would be a modern day equivalent of this well known
Dydd Mercher Wednesday 13.5.15
Thema’r Wythnos - Addysg
Theme for the week - Education
 “We are all born ignorant , but one must work hard to
remain stupid “
 Benjamin Franklin, American statesman, author and
 Is it possible to live life and not lean anything?
Dydd Iau Thursday 14.5.15
Thema’r Wythnos - Addysg
Theme for the week - Education
“Formal education will make you a living; self-education will make you a
fortune. Education is the great engine of personal development. It is
through education that the daughter of a peasant can become a doctor,
that a son of a mineworker can become the head of the mine, that a
child of farm workers can become the president...”
Nelson Mandela
Is education alone enough to make you successful? What other qualities
do you need?
Dydd Gwener Friday 15.5.15
Thema’r Wythnos - Addysg
Theme for the week - Education
 In some parts of the world eg Kenya young people walk(or
run) up t0 15km to get to school.
How far would you travel to receive an education?
Dydd Llun Monday 18.5.15
Thema’r Wythnos - Doethineb
Theme for the week - Wisdom
 “The only true wisdom is knowing you know nothing”
 (Socrates)
 What topic do you really know a lot about?
 What further information would you like to find out about
that topic?
Dydd Mawrth Tuesday 19.5.15
Thema’r Wythnos - Doethineb
Theme for the week - Wisdom
 “It is not the answer that enlightens, but the question”
 (Eugene Ionesco)
 What do you think this statement means?
 It makes you think doesn’t it?
Dydd Mercher Wednesday 20.5.15
Thema’r Wythnos - Doethineb
Theme for the week - Wisdom
For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful
lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with
the knowledge that you are never alone.
 Audrey Hepburn
Why is this wise advice?
Dydd Iau Thursday 21.5.15
Thema’r Wythnos - Doethineb
Theme for the week - Wisdom
 Everything we see is a shadow cast by that which we do not
 Martin Luther King Junior
 When you were little were you afraid of the dark?
 If you lay awake at night did you start to imagine that you
saw things?
 Were they really there?
 Now you are older are you still afraid of the dark?
 If not why not?
Dydd Gwener Friday 22.5.15
Thema’r Wythnos - Doethineb
Theme for the week - Wisdom
 We spend more time, but we have less, we buy more, but we
enjoy less
 We have bigger houses and smaller families, more convenience
but less time
 We have more degrees, but less sense, more knowledge, but less
judgement, more experts, but more problems, more medicines,
but less wellness
 We drink too much, smoke too much spend time recklessly.
Laugh too little, drive too fast, get too angry too quickly, stay up
too late, pray too seldom and watch too much tv
Do you agree with these statements?
What can we do to change?
Dydd Llun Monday 1.6.15
Thema’r Wythnos - Cyflawniadau
Theme for the week - Achievement
 Not everyone will win prizes but everyone has prizes to give
and a world of people so give them?
 We often think of achievement as being something we
 What can we achieve by GIVING?
Dydd Mawrth Tuesday 2.6.15
Thema’r Wythnos - Cyflawniadau
Theme for the week - Achievement
 Whenever we change anything in our lives, we have
achieved something and we should recognise this as a
measure of our success.
 Can you describe something that you have changed in your
life. Eg a change of friendship, taking up more exercise etc
 What have you achieved as a result of that success
Dydd Mercher Wednesday 3.6.15
Thema’r Wythnos - Cyflawniadau
Theme for the week - Achievement
 To achieve something we must at least try.
 During this week your progress report will be available on
the EIG
 Look back on the goals you set tat the start of the year.
Have you achieved them
Dydd Iau Thursday 4.6.15
Thema’r Wythnos - Cyflawniadau
Theme for the week - Achievement
 For some of us coming first is something which can be very
difficult to do. Success should be measured according to
ourselves: if we improve ourselves we have succeeded.
 During this week your progress report will be available on
the EIG
 Consider this phrase in terms of your report
 Have you been successful in reaching your subject targets?
 In some subjects you may have done better than in others.
In those that you haven’t done quite as well in what further
changes do you need to make?
Dydd Gwener Friday 5.6.15
Thema’r Wythnos - Cyflawniadau
Theme for the week - Achievement
What do you desire to achieve?
Think of the achievements you have made in your lessons so far this year.
Review your targets and write new ones.
Dydd Llun Monday 8.6.15
Thema’r Wythnos - Penblwyddi
Theme for the week - Anniversaries
 Thursday, December 1, 1955, Rosa Parks was sitting in the
front-most row for black people. When a white man
boarded the bus, the bus driver told everyone in Rosa’s row
to move back. Rosa refused, and was arrested for failing to
obey the driver's seat assignments.
 This was not under the apartheid system in South Africa,
but in the USA.
 Who was right the driver or Rosa Parks?
 Why?
Dydd Mawrth Tuesday 9.6.15
Thema’r Wythnos - Penblwyddi
Theme for the week - Anniversaries
 September 16, 1400, Owain Glyndwr was proclaimed
Prince of Wales. His first Parliament of all Wales was at
Machynlleth where he announced his national programme.
He declared his vision of an independent Welsh state with
a parliament and separate Welsh church. There would be
two national universities (north and south) and return to
the traditional law of Hywel Dda(the system of native
Welsh law)
 Have we achieved this in Wales yet?
Dydd Mercher Wednesday 10.6.15
Thema’r Wythnos - Penblwyddi
Theme for the week - Anniversaries
 December 26th, 2004 - Indian Ocean earthquake known as the
Asian Tsunami triggered a series of devastating tsunami with
waves up to 30m (100 ft) high and killing more than 225,000
people in eleven countries,. With a magnitude of between 9.1
and 9.3, it is the second largest earthquake ever recorded. In all,
the worldwide community donated more than $7 billion US
dollars in humanitarian aid.
 On 11th April 2011 the great Fukashima earthquake registered 9 on
the Richter scale, again with devastating effect
Have we learned anything form these disasters other than the
power of nature?
Dydd Iau Thursday 11.6.15
Thema’r Wythnos - Penblwyddi
Theme for the week - Anniversaries
 September 3, 1939 - Sir Neville Henderson, Britain's
ambassador to Germany, delivered an ultimatum to the German
Government stating that if hostilities in Poland did not stop by 11
AM, a state of war would exist between Great Britain and
Germany. Germany did not respond and at 11:15am Prime
Minister Neville Chamberlain went on the radio to announce to
the British people that they were at war with Germany.
 As this announcement was made could the world have envisaged
the horrors that war brought?
 Would they have made a greater effort to prevent the war, or was
it rightto fight?
Dydd Gwener Friday 12.6.15
Thema’r Wythnos - Penblwyddi
Theme for the week - Anniversaries
 July 20, 1969, Neil Armstrong lead the first manned
landing the lunar module Eagle on the surface of the
Moon as part of the Apollo 11 mission.
 What have we achieved by landing on the moon?
Dydd Llun Monday 15.6.15
Thema’r Wythnos - Gonestrwydd
Theme for the week - Honesty
 Honesty is the best policy – Cervantes
 How honest are you?
 Does it ever hurt to tell white lies?
 Oh Nain what a lovely hat?
Dydd Mawrth Tuesday 16.6.15
Thema’r Wythnos - Gonestrwydd
Theme for the week - Honesty
 No legacy is so rich as honesty –
 William Shakespeare
 If you are known for not telling the truth what will people
think of you?
 Are you someone they can trust?
Dydd Mercher Wednesday 17.6.15
Thema’r Wythnos - Gonestrwydd
Theme for the week - Honesty
 Being entirely honest with oneself is a good exercise –
 Sigmund Freud
 Why?
Dydd Iau Thursday 18.6.15
Thema’r Wythnos - Gonestrwydd
Theme for the week - Honesty
Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon,
and the truth.
 Why can the truth not remain hidden for long?
Dydd Gwener Friday 19.6.15
Thema’r Wythnos - Gonestrwydd
Theme for the week - Honesty
I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the
Father except through me.
 Jesus Christ
 What does the truth mean in this quotation?
Dydd Llun Monday 22.6.15
Thema’r Wythnos - Hapusrwydd
Theme for the week - Happiness
 If you are in good health you can be happy. If you are in
bad health you can still be happy and appreciate what you
 Is being healthy the key to all happiness?
 What if you were unhealthy because of something you did
or didn’t do eg smoking or not taking exercise. Would that
make you unhappy?
 What if you had an illness that you knew was going to get
worse. How would you feel then?
Dydd Mawrth Tuesday 23.6.15
Thema’r Wythnos - Hapusrwydd
Theme for the week - Happiness
 Laughter is the shortest distance between two people
 Victor Borge
 What do you think these two ladies
 are talking about?
 What does this quotation mean?
Dydd Mercher Wednesday 24.6.157
Thema’r Wythnos - Hapusrwydd
Theme for the week - Happiness
 Happiness resides not in possessions, and not in gold,
happiness dwells in the soul.
 Democritus
 What makes you truly happy ?
 Why?
Dydd Iau Thursday 25.6.15
Thema’r Wythnos - Hapusrwydd
Theme for the week - Happiness
 A smile takes a moment, but it’s effects sometimes last
 How do you feel if someone
Frowns at you?
Smiles at you?
How do you respond to each?
Dydd Gwener Friday 26.6.15
Thema’r Wythnos - Hapusrwydd
Theme for the week - Happiness
 Happiness often sneaks in through a door you didn't know
you left open.
 John Barrymore
 Can you think of an example where you have suddenly
realised you were happy?
 What made you feel like that?
Dydd Llun Monday 29.6.15
Thema’r Wythnos – Byd Gwaith
Theme for the week – World of Work
 “It is not the hours we put into the job, it is what we put
into the hours that counts”
 Sidney Madwed
Dydd Mawrth Tuesday 30.6.15
Thema’r Wythnos – Byd Gwaith
Theme for the week – World of Work
 “We always admire the other person more after we’ve tried
to do his job”
 William Feather
 Do we ever really know what another persons job involves
unless we try it for ourselves?
 Think about your parents jobs What do you know they do,
maybe at home, that no one else would see?
Dydd Mercher Wednesday 1.7.15
Thema’r Wythnos – Byd Gwaith
Theme for the week – World of Work
 “Nothing is particularly hard if you divide it into small
 Henry Ford
 Why is this a true statement?
Dydd Iau Thursday 2.7.15
Thema’r Wythnos – Byd Gwaith
Theme for the week – World of Work
 “Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a
day in your life”
 Confucius
 Of course you HAVE to work but why would it feel like you
aren’t working if you enjoy what you are doing?
Dydd Gwener Friday 3.7.15
Thema’r Wythnos – Byd Gwaith
Theme for the week – World of Work
 “My grandfather once told me that there are two kinds of
people: those who work and those who take the credit. He
told me to try to be in the first group; there was less
competition there”
 Indira Gandhi
 Why do some people like to tell you what they’ve done
when you have done just as much?
Dydd Llun Monday 6.7.15
Themau’r Wythnos – Dylanwad
Theme for the week – Influence
 You don't have to be a 'person of influence' to be
influential. In fact, the most influential people in my life
are probably not even aware of the things they've taught
 Scott Adams
 What sort of person is an person of influence?
 Who has been the most influential person in your life?
Dydd Mawrth Tuesday 7.7.15
Thema’r Wythnos – Dylanwad
Theme for the week – Influence
 God grant me the courage to accept the things I cannot
change, the courage to change the things I can,
 and the wisdom to know the difference.
(Reinhold Neibuhr 1892-1971)
Make a list of those things you can change in your life and
those things you cannot change
What is the difference between the two lists
Dydd Mercher Wednesday 8.7.15
Thema’r Wythnos – Dylanwad
Theme for the week – Influence
A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where
his influence stops.
Henry Adams
 Which teacher has had the most influence on your
life? What was it about them that influences you?
It could be good or bad of course.
Dydd Iau Thursday 9.7.15
Thema’r Wythnos – Dylanwad
Theme for the week – Influence
 We judge others by their actions: we judge ourselves by our
 What is the difference between these two?
Dydd Gwener Friday 10.7.15
Thema’r Wythnos – Dylanwad
Theme for the week – Influence
 Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some stay
for a while and leave footprints on our hearts and we are
never, ever the same.
 Why do some people have more of an effect on us than
Dydd Llun Monday 13.7.15
Thema’r Wythnos – Dathlu/Adlewyrchiad
Theme for the week – Celebration/Reflection
 Enjoy the little things in life, for one day you may look
back and realise they were the big things
Antonio Smith
Why should we not take the simplest things innlife for
Dydd Mawrth Tuesday 14.7.15
Thema’r Wythnos – Dathlu/Adlewyrchiad
Theme for the week - Celebration/Reflection
Cakes are special. Every birthday, every celebration ends
with something sweet, a cake, and people remember. It's all
about the memories.
 Buddy Valastro
 What are your sweetest memories? Why do you remember
them especially?
Dydd Mercher Wednesday 15.7.15
Thema’r Wythnos – Dathlu/Adlewyrchiad
Theme for the week - Celebration/Reflection
 What would be your perfect celebration?
 Why?
Dydd Iau Thursday 16.7.15
Thema’r Wythnos – Dathlu/Adlewyrchiad
Theme for the week - Celebration/Reflection
 “Celebrate what you want to see more of.”
 Thomas J. Peters
 Do you think that if you tell someone they have done
something well it encourages other people to try to do
things better?
Dydd Gwener Friday 17.7.15
Thema’r Wythnos – Dathlu/Adlewyrchiad
Theme for the week - Celebration/Reflection
 What’s have you got to celebrate at the end of this
school year?
 What have you done
 What have you achieved?
 What will you remember?