1. Criminology Journal of Baikal National University of Economics and Law (Криминологический журнал Байкальского государственного университета экономики и права) 2. Sudebno-Meditsinskaya Ekspertisa (Судебно-медицинская экспертиза) Іноземні 1. Acta Criminologiae et Medicinae Legalis Japonica 2. Administrative Law Review 3. Advances in Clinical and Experimental Medicine 4. Aegean Review of the Law of the Sea and Maritime Law 5. AIDS policy & Law 6. Akron Law Review 7. Albany Law Journal of Science & Technology 8. Albany Law Review 9. Alternative Law Journal 10. American Bankruptcy Law Journal 11. American Business Law Journal 12. American Criminal Law Review 13. American Journal of Comparative Law 14. American Journal of Criminal Justice 15. American Journal of International Law 16. American Journal of Law and Medicine 17. American Journal of Legal History 18. American Law and Economics Review 19. Annals of Health Law 20. Annual Review of Law and Social Science 21. Antitrust Law Journal 22. Arab Law Quarterly 23. Archives Belges de Medecine Sociale, Hygiene, Medecine du Travail et Medecine Legale 24. Archivio di Antropologia Criminale, Psichiatria e Medicina Legale 25. Arizona Law Review 26. Artificial Intelligence and Law 27. Asia Pacific Journal of Environmental Law 28. Asia Pacific Law Review 29. Asian Journal of Comparative Law 30. Asian Journal of Criminology 31. Asia-Pacific Journal on Human Rights and the Law 32. Australasian Journal of Natural Resources Law and Policy 33. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Criminology 34. Banking Law Journal 35. Behavioral Sciences and the Law 36. Bender's Health care Law Monthly 37. Biotechnology Law Report 38. Boston College Environmental Affairs Law Review 39. Boston College International and Comparative Law Review 40. Boston College Law Review 41. Boston University Law Review 42. Brandeis Journal of Family Law 43. Brandeis Law Journal 44. Brigham Young University Law Review 45. British Journal of Community Justice 46. British Journal of Criminology 47. British Journal of Law and Society 48. Buffalo Law Review 49. Bulletin de Medecine Legale, Urgence Medicale, Centre Anti-Poisons 50. Bulletin of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law 51. Business Lawyer 52. California Law Review 53. Canadian HIV/AIDS policy & law review / Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network 54. Canadian Journal of Criminology 55. Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice 56. Canadian Journal of Law and Society 57. Canadian Journal of Women and the Law 58. Case Western Reserve Journal of International Law 59. Case Western Reserve Law Review 60. Catholic University Law Review 61. Chinese Journal of International Law 62. Chinese Law and Government 63. Cleveland state Law Review 64. Columbia Human Rights Law Review 65. Columbia Journal of Law and Social Problems 66. Columbia Journal of Transnational Law 67. Columbia Law Review 68. Common Market Law Review 69. Commonwealth Law Bulletin 70. Communication Law and Policy 71. Communications Law 72. Computer Law and Security Report 73. Connecticut Law Review 74. Contemporary Justice Review 75. Cornell International Law Journal 76. Cornell Journal of Law and Public Policy 77. Cornell Law Review 78. Creighton Law Review 79. Crime and Delinquency 80. Crime and Justice 81. Crime Prevention and Community Safety: An International Journal 82. Crime, Law and Social Change 83. Crime, Media, Culture 84. Criminal Behaviour and Mental Health 85. Criminal Justice 86. Criminal Justice and Behavior 87. Criminal Justice Ethics 88. Criminal Justice Policy Review 89. Criminal Justice Review 90. Criminal Justice Studies 91. Criminal Law and Philosophy 92. Criminal Law Forum 93. Criminal Law Review 94. Criminology 95. Criminology and Criminal Justice 96. Critical Criminology 97. CumberLand Law Review 98. Cumberland-Samford Law Review 99. De Paul Law Review 100. Denver Law Journal 101. Denver University Law Review 102. DePaul Journal of Health care Law 103. Dickinson Journal of Environmental Law and Policy 104. Dickinson Law Review 105. Drake Law Review 106. Duke Environmental Law and Policy Forum 107. Duke Law Journal 108. Duquesne Law Review 109. Ecology Law Quarterly 110. EDI Law Review 111. Education, Citizenship and Social Justice 112. Electronic Communication Law Review 113. Emory Law Journal 114. Employee Relations Law Journal 115. Environmental and Planning Law Journal 116. Environmental Justice 117. Environmental Law and Management 118. Environmental Policy and Law 119. European Business Organization Law Review 120. European Constitutional Law Review 121. European Energy and Environmental Law Review 122. European Environmental Law Review 123. European Journal of Crime, Criminal Law and Criminal Justice 124. European Journal of Criminology 125. European Journal of Health Law 126. European Journal of International Law 127. European Journal of Law and Economics 128. European Journal of Legal Education 129. European Journal of Migration and Law 130. European Journal of Psychology Applied to Legal Context 131. European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research 132. European Law Journal 133. European Law Review 134. Family Law Quarterly 135. Feminist Criminology 136. Feminist Legal Studies 137. Florida Law Review 138. Florida State University Law Review 139. Food and Drug Law Journal 140. Food, Drug, Cosmetic Law Journal 141. Food, Drug, cosmetic law quarterly 142. Fordham Law Review 143. Frontiers of Law in China 144. George Washington Law Review 145. Georgetown Law Journal 146. Georgia law review 147. Global Crime 148. Golden Gate law review 149. Golden Gate University law review 150. Handbook of Law and Economics 151. Harvard Civil Rights-Civil Liberties Law Review 152. Harvard International Law Journal 153. Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy 154. Harvard Law Review 155. Harvard women's law journal 156. Harvard Environmental Law Review 157. Hastings constitutional law quarterly 158. Hastings Law Journal 159. Health care Law Monthly 160. Health care Law Newsletter 161. Health Economics, Policy and Law 162. Health Law in Canada 163. Health Law Journal 164. Health Law Review 165. HIV/AIDS policy * Law Review / Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network 166. Hofstra Law Review 167. Hong Kong Law Journal 168. Hospital Law Newsletter 169. Houston Law Review 170. Howard Law Journal 171. Human Rights Law Review 172. IIC International Review of Intellectual Property and Competition Law 173. Indiana Law Journal 174. Indiana Law Review 175. Industrial Law Journal 176. Information and Communications Technology Law 177. International and Comparative Law Quarterly 178. International Community Law Review 179. International Criminal Justice Review 180. International Criminal Law Review 181. International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics 182. International Journal for the Semiotics of Law 183. International Journal of Biosciences and the Law 184. International Journal of Constitutional Law 185. International Journal of Digital Crime and Forensics 186. International Journal of Discrimination and the Law 187. International Journal of Law and Information Technology 188. International Journal of Law and Psychiatry 189. International Journal of Law, Crime and Justice 190. International Journal of Law, Policy and the Family 191. International Journal of Legal Medicine 192. International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law 193. International Journal of Medical Toxicology and Legal Medicine 194. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology 195. International Journal of Private Law 196. International Journal of Refugee Law 197. International Journal of Speech, Language and the Law 198. International Journal of the Legal Profession 199. International Journal of the Sociology of Law 200. International Organizations Law Review 201. International Review of Law and Economics 202. International Review of Law, Computers and Technology 203. Internet Journal of Law, Healthcare and Ethics 204. Iowa Law Review 205. Islamic Law and Society 206. Issues in Law and Medicine 207. Issues in Legal Scholarship 208. Japanese Journal of Legal Medicine 209. JONA's Healthcare Law, Ethics, and Regulation 210. Journal de Medecine Legale Droit Medical 211. Journal of African Law 212. Journal of Arts Management, Law and Society 213. Journal of Biolaw and Business 214. Journal of Commonwealth Law and Legal Education 215. Journal of Competition Law and Economics 216. Journal of Conflict and Security Law 217. Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice 218. Journal of Contemporary Law 219. Journal of Criminal Justice 220. Journal of Criminal Justice and Popular Culture 221. Journal of Criminal Justice Education 222. Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology 223. Journal of Environmental Law 224. Journal of Environmental Law and Litigation 225. Journal of ethics, law, and aging 226. Journal of Ethnicity in Criminal Justice 227. Journal of Experimental Criminology 228. Journal of Family Law 229. Journal of Financial Crime 230. Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine 231. Journal of Health & Life Sciences Law 232. Journal of Health and Hospital Law 233. Journal of Health Care Law and Policy 234. Journal of health law (Журнал з права здоров’я) 235. Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law 236. Journal of International Commercial Law and Technology 237. Journal of International Criminal Justice 238. Journal of International Economic Law Law 239. Journal of International Trade Law and Policy 240. Journal of International Wildlife Law and Policy 241. Journal of Law and Economics 242. Journal of law and health 243. Journal of Law and Medicine 244. Journal of Law and Society 245. Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization 246. Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 247. Journal of Legal Education 248. Journal of Legal History 249. Journal of Legal Medicine 250. Journal of Legal Studies 251. Journal of Maritime Law and Commerce 252. Journal of Nursing Law 253. Journal of Planning and Environmental Law 254. Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology 255. Journal of Psychiatry and Law 256. Journal of Quantitative Criminology 257. Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency 258. Journal of Scandinavian Studies in Criminology and Crime Prevention 259. Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law 260. Journal of South Pacific Law 261. Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law 262. Journal of the History of International Law 263. Journal of Tort Law 264. Journal of Water Law 265. Justice Quarterly 266. Justice System Journal 267. Kentucky law journal 268. Law & policy quarterly 269. Law and Contemporary Problems 270. Law and Critique 271. Law and Ethics of Human Rights 272. Law and History Review 273. Law and Human Behavior 274. Law and Literature 275. Law and Philosophy 276. Law and Policy 277. Law and Policy in International Business) 278. Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals 279. Law and Psychology Review 280. Law and Social Inquiry 281. Law and Society Review 282. Law and the human genome review 283. Law Library Journal 284. Law Quarterly Review 285. Law Teacher 286. Law, Culture and the Humanities 287. Law, medicine & health care 288. Law, Probability and Risk 289. Law, Science and Policy 290. Legal 291. Legal and Criminological Psychology 292. Legal Aspects of Medical Practice 293. Legal History Review 294. Legal Medical quarterly 295. Legal Medicine 296. Legal Medicine Annual 297. Legal Reference Services Quarterly 298. Legal Studies 299. Leiden Journal of International Law 300. Liverpool Law Review 301. Louisiana Law Review 302. Lоw Intensity Conflict and Law Enforcement 303. Loyola Law Review 304. Loyola of Los Angeles Law Review 305. Loyola University of Chicago Law Journal 306. Macquarie Journal of International and Comparative Environmental Law 307. Maryland Journal of Contemporary Legal Issues 308. Maryland Law Forum 309. Maryland law review (Baltimore, Md. : 1936) 310. McGeorge Law Review 311. McGill Law Journal 312. Medical Law International 313. Medical Law Review 314. Medicine and Law 315. Medicine, Science and the Law 316. Medico-Legal Journal 317. Medicolegal News 318. Medico-Legal Update 319. Melbourne University Law Review 320. Mental and physical disability law reporter 321. Mental disability law reporter / American Bar Association, Commission on the Mentally Disabled 322. Mercer law review 323. Michigan Law Review 324. Middle East Law and Governance 325. Military Law Review 326. Minerva Medicolegale 27. Minerva Medicolegale e Archivio di Antropologia Criminale 328. Minnesota Law Review 329. Missouri Law Review 330. Modern Law Review 331. Nanotechnology Law and Business 332. National medical-legal journal 333. Nebraska Law Review 334. New Criminal Law Review 335. New Criminal Law Review 336. New England law review 337. New York law forum 338. New York Law School human rights annual 339. New York Law School journal of human rights 340. New York Law School law review. New York Law School 341. New York University Law Review 342. Nordic Journal of International Law 343. North Carolina Law Review 344. Northwestern University Law Review 345. Notre Dame Journal of Law, Ethics & Public Policy 346. Notre Dame Law Review 347. Nova Law Journal 348. Nova Law Review 349. Nursing Law & Ethics, 350. Nursing Law's Regan report 351. Ocean Development and International Law 352. Ohio Northern University Law Review 353. Oklahoma Law Review 354. Online Journal of Justice Studies 355. Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 356. Pacific law journal (Sacramento, Calif.) 357. Penn State Environmental Law Review 358. Pepperdine law review 359. Pharmaceuticals Policy and Law 360. Planning and Environmental Law 361. Politica Criminal 362. Proceedings of Institution of Civil Engineers: Management, Procurement and Law 363. Psychiatry, Psychology and Law 364. Psychological Injury and Law 365. Psychology, Crime and Law 366. Psychology, Public Policy, and Law 367. Quebec Journal of International Law 368. olicy Reproductive freedom news / from the Center for Reproductive Law & 369. Research in Law and Economics 370. Review of Central and East European Law 371. Review of European Community and International Environmental Law 372. Review of Law and Economics 373. Review of law and social change. New York University 374. Revista de derecho y genoma humano = Law and the human genome review 375. Revista Espanola de Medicina Legal 376. Revue de Medecine Legale 377. Romanian Journal of Legal Medicine 378. Russian Politics and Law 379. Rutgers Law Review 380. Saint Louis University Law Journal 381. Saint Louis University public Law Review 382. San Diego Law Review 383. Science and Justice 384. Scottish Planning and Environmental Law 385. Scottish Planning: Law and Practice 386. Securities Regulation Law Journal 387. Seton Hall Law Review 388. Law SMU law review : a publication of Southern Methodist University School f 389. Social and Legal Studies 390. Social Justice Research 391. Southern California Interdisciplinary Law Journal 392. Southern California Law Review 393. Southern Journal of Criminal Justice 394. Southwestern Law Journal 395. Specialty law digest. Health care (Monthly) 396. Specialty law digest. Health care law 397. St. Thomas Law Review 398. Stanford Journal of International Law 399. Stanford Law & Policy Review 400. Stanford Law Review 401. Statute Law Review 402. Stetson Law Review 403. Studies in Ethics, Law, and Technology 404. Studies in Law Politics and Society 405. Studies in Social Justice 406. Suffolk University Law Review 407. Temple Law Review 408. Tennessee Law Review 409. Texas Law Review 410. The all England Law Reports 411. The American University Law Review 412. The Cambridge Law Journal 413. The Catholic Lawyer 414. The Fordham Urban Law Journal 415. The John Marshall Law Review 416. The Journal of Contemporary Health Law and Policy 417. The Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology, Including the American 418. The Journal of Human Justice 419. The Journal of Law and Religion 420. The Journal of Legal Medicine 421. The Journal of Social Welfare Law 422. The New Law Journal 423. The Regan Report on Nursing Law 424. The University of New South Wales law journal 425. Theoretical Criminology 426. Theoretical Inquiries in Law 427. Toledo Journal of Great Lakes' Law, Science and Policy 428. Tolley's Communications Law 429. Tort & insurance law journal 430. Trends and Issues in Crime and Criminal Justice 431. Trends in Organized Crime 432. Tulane Law Review 433. UCLA Law Review 434. UMKC law review 435. University of Baltimore Journal of Environmental Law 436. University of California, Davis, Law Review 437. University of Chicago Law Review 438. University of Cincinnati Law Review 439. University of Delaware, Dissertation 440. University of Detroit law review 441. University of Detroit Mercy law review 442. University of Detroit, Journal of Urban Law 443. University of Florida Law Review 444. University of Illinois Law Review 445. University of Miami Law Review 446. University of Michigan journal of law reform. University of Michigan. Law School 447. University of Pennsylvania Journal of International Economic Law 448. University of Pennsylvania Law Review 449. University of Pittsburgh Law Review 450. University of Richmond Law Review 451. University of San Francisco law review. University of San Francisco. School of Law 452. University of Toledo law review. University of Toledo. College of Law 453. University of Toronto Law Journal 454. Urban Lawyer 455. Utah Law Review 456. Valparaiso University Law Review. Valparaiso University. School of Law 457. Vanderbilt Law Review 458. Villanova Law Review 459. Virginia Law Review 460. Wake Forest law review 461. Washburn law journal 462. Washington and Lee law review 463. Washington Law Review 464. Washington University Law Quarterly 465. Water Law 466. Wayne Law Review 467. West Virginia Law Review 468. Western Criminology Review 469. Western New England law review 470. Western State University law review 471. Whittier law review 472. Wisconsin Law Review 473. Women and Criminal Justice 474. Women's rights law reporter 475. Yale journal of health policy, law, and ethics 476. Yale Law & Policy Review 477. Yale Law Journal 478. Youth Justice 479. Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice 480. Zeitschrift for Rechtsmedizin. Journal of legal medicine