Welcome to Your Modern World History College Prep Final Exam Review Packet! Livingston High School 2014-2015 Mr. Collins So you can prepare for your Modern World History final on June 18, 2015 I have assembled a list of essential questions and terms (including people, events, ideas etc) to help guide you in your studies. I would recommend that you take this terms list and create a completed study guide of your own using your guided notes, past study guide packets, past quizzes and tests, assignments, and essays when studying. The terms are divided by unit and subtopics. Making the most out of this study guide 1- Read all associated textbook pages and study guide packets 2 -Review guided notes, PowerPoint overviews, previous quizzes and tests 3 - Know key terms 4 - Practice answering the Essential Questions Final Exam – Part 1: The first portion of the Final Exam will consist of 50 multiple choice questions worth 1 point each. Unit 3 – Revolutionary Change The French Revolution Essential Questions: To what extent can revolutions be viewed as a process? To what extent are revolutions successful in implementing philosophical ideals? Text Chapter 7 – The French Revolution and Napoleon, 1789-1815 Review the following vocabulary terms, people and ideas from the Industrial Revolution: Phase I of the French Revolution - causes Tax system in France pre-Revolution Domestic accomplishments of Napoleon Bonaparte The Industrial Revolution Essential Questions: Why does the Industrial Revolution begin in Great Britain? What role does technological innovation play in the revolution? To what degree has progress impacted people’s lives? In what ways are political movements and reforms a response to industrialization? Text Chapter 9 – The Industrial Revolution, 1700-1900 o Sections 1, 2 and 4 Review the following vocabulary terms, people and ideas from the Industrial Revolution: Industrial Revolution Agricultural Revolution – Causes and Results Urbanization – Causes and Results of people moving to cities Life spans of city people v. country people Development of Labor Unions Karl Marx - economic philosopher The Russian Revolution Essential Questions: Why did communism emerge in Russia? How did individuals and groups promote revolutionary actions and bring about change in Russia/USSR? Text Chapter 14 – Revolution and Nationalism, 1900-1939 o Sections 1 and 2 Review the following vocabulary terms, people and ideas from the Russian Revolution: Czars Alexander III and Nicholas II Philosophical ideas affecting the Russian Revolution Communist Economic System in Russia Soviet Union and Totalitarianism Command Economy Collective Farming Five Year Plans Unit 4 – War and Peace Essential Questions: To what extent is war justifiable? To what extent do peace treaties and international charters resolve conflict? Introduction to War and Peace Text chapters and sections o Ch 5 Section 3 o Ch 7 Section 3, 4 and 6 o Ch 8 Section 3 Review the following vocabulary terms, people and ideas from the Introduction to War and Peace: Peace of Westphalia - purpose and outcome Congress of Vienna – purpose and outcome Italian Unification (Cavour, King of Sardinia, Garibaldi) Status Germany and Great Britain after German unification Age of Imperialism Text Chapter 11 – The Age of Imperialism , 1850-1914 o Sections 1 through 5 Text Chapter 12 – Transformations Around the Globe , 1800-1914 Sections 1 and 2 Review the following vocabulary terms, people and ideas from the Age of Imperialism: Imperialism Motivation for European Imperialism Plantation farming and Cash Crops Berlin Conference Opium War World War I Text Chapter 13 – The Great War, 1914-1918 o Sections 1 through 4 Review the following vocabulary terms, people and ideas from World War I: Causes of World War I (M.A.N.I.A.) Impact of Imperialism on WWI Franz Ferdinand The ‘Powder Keg’ of Europe Pre War and Post-War Maps – how did they change? Role of the United States in WWI Paris Peace Conference – goals Woodrow Wilson’s Fourteen Points Results of the ‘Treaty of Versailles’ League of Nations World War II Text chapters and sections o Ch 15 Years of Crisis, 1919-1939 - Sections 3 and 4 o Ch 16 World War II, 1939-1945 - Sections 1 and 4 Review the following vocabulary terms, people and ideas from World War II: Germany in the 1920’s Great Depression Fascism Benito Mussolini WWII - Continued Policy of Appeasement The Third Reich September 1, 1939 Atlantic Charter V-E Day Yalta Conference Superpowers at the end of WWII United Nations Unit 5 – Human Rights Essential Questions: How had the idea of individual human rights evolved over time? Review the following vocabulary terms, people and ideas from Human Rights: Universal Declaration of Human Rights Genocide Nazi Holocaust – groups impacted Kristallnacht Essay Portion Final Exam Part 2: The essay portion of the test will be worth 50% of your final exam grade. You will write a 5 paragraph essay (non DBQ) on the following question: To what extent has the period 1850 to the present been characterized by nationalistic and ethnic conflict, rather than international cooperation? You will be given a blank template, a reminder sheet of essay hints and tips, and the question sheet. You will be writing a 5 paragraph essay which will be graded on a 50 point rubric. It is recommended you prepare an essay outline prior to the final exam. You will not have access to your outline during the exam. When answering the question think about... What are some examples of conflicts related to nationalism? What are some examples of conflicts related to ethnic differences? What are some examples of international cooperation? Key Point Brainstorming Area: