MAINTENANCE CHANGE REQUEST FOR THE UPDATE OF ISO 20022 FINANCIAL REPOSITORY ITEMS VERSION 3 JULY 2014 A. Name of the request: “Investment Funds Transfers Messages Maintenance 2014/2015” B. Submitting organisation: SWIFT C. Related messages: Under this project, the following ISO 20022 investment fund cash forecast (camt), account management (acmt), statement (semt) and portfolio transfer (sese) messages will be maintained: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Message Fund Estimated Cash Forecast Report V03 Fund Confirmed Cash Forecast Report V03 Fund Detailed Estimated Cash Forecast Report V03 Fund Detailed Confirmed Cash Forecast Report V03 Fund Detailed Confirmed Cash Forecast Report Cancellation V02 Fund Confirmed Cash Forecast Report Cancellation V02 Identifier camt.040.001.03 camt.041.001.03 camt.042.001.03 camt.043.001.03 camt.045.001.02 camt.044.001.02 7. 8. 9. 10. Account Opening Instruction V04 Account Details Confirmation V04 Account Modification Instruction V04 Request For Account Management Status Report V02 acmt.001.001.04 acmt.002.001.04 acmt.003.001.04 acmt.005.001.02 11. 12. Statement Of Investment Fund Transactions V02 Statement Of Investment Fund Transactions Cancellation V02 semt.006.001.02 semt.007.001.02 13. Securities Message Rejection semt.001.001.01 14. 15. 16. Portfolio Transfer Instruction V05 Portfolio Transfer Cancellation RequestV05 Portfolio Transfer Confirmation V05 sese.012.001.05 sese.014.001.05 sese.013.001.05 D. Commitments of the submitting organisation: SWIFT confirms that it can and will: - undertake the development of the new version of the candidate ISO 20022 message models that it will submit to the RA for compliance review and evaluation. For the ISO 20022 yearly maintenance cycle, new valid Message Definition models must be available to the RA by December 1. - provide a new version of part 1 of the Message Definition Report (MDR) by December 1 and new examples of valid XML instances of each candidate message by May 1 at the latest. - address any queries related to the description of the new models and messages as published by the RA on the ISO 20022 website. SWIFT confirms that it intends to organise the testing and the actual implementation of the new version of the messages once the related documentation has been published by the RA. SWIFT confirms its knowledge and acceptance of the ISO 20022 Intellectual Property Rights policy for contributing organisations, as follows. “Organisations that contribute information to be incorporated into the ISO 20022 Repository shall keep any Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) they have on this information. A contributing organisation warrants that it has sufficient rights on the contributed information to have it published in the ISO 20022 Repository through the ISO 20022 Registration Authority in accordance with the rules set in ISO 20022. To ascertain a widespread, public and uniform use of the ISO 20022 Repository information, the contributing organisation grants third parties a non-exclusive, royalty-free license to use the published information”. E. Contact persons: Janice Chapman – SWIFT Standards, mailto: PRELIMINARY NOTES [1] Each change request is identified first with its ISO 20022 change request number, followed by a descriptive change request name, followed by the internal identification (ID) of the organisation (SWIFT) carrying out the maintenance. This is to facilitate cross referencing. [2] The change requests are listed in the document hierarchically, in other words, following the order in which the sequence or element appears in the message. [3] If, in the review meeting that discussed the acceptance or non-acceptance of the change request concept, improvements to element names, definitions and so on, were suggested, these are recorded in the ‘Impact Analysis’ section of the change request. IMPLEMENTOR NOTES [1] When an element is added or amended this means that a new version of the message component in which the element is added or amended needs to be created. This kind of specification is not specified for each change request. For example, if changes are made to Other Identification, because, for example, an element for Country Issuer is to be added, this means new versions of message components are required in the tree structure, from the element that is attached to the ‘message node’ down through the tree structure to the component in which the revision is to be made. Thus, a change to an element within the Other Identification sequence, means that: [1] A new version of Generic Identification 44 needs to be created (and the revision applied), the element Other Identification is then typed by this new version of ‘generic identification’. [2] A new version of Individual Person 22 needs to the created, the element Individual Person is then typed by this new version of ‘individual person’. [3] A new version of Party 16 Choice needs to be created, the element Party is then typed by ‘party choice’ [4] A new version of Investment Account Ownership Information 9 need to be created, the element Primary Owner is then typed by this new version of ‘investment account ownership information ‘. In this particular case, there are many other parties in the message and if the change is applicable to all the other parties, the parties are also typed by the new version of ‘investment account ownership information ‘ [5] A new version of Account Parties 4 Choice needs to be created, the element Principal Account Party is then typed by the new version of ‘account parties choice’. [6] A new version of Account Parties 9 needs to be created, the element Account Parties is to be typed by this new version of ‘account parties’. [2] When a new cross element rule is added, the rule is to be expressed as text and, if it is also possible to represent it as a formal representation, then this is to be done. ISO 20022 Investment Funds Maintenance 2015 Table of Contents 1 Summary List ......................................................................................................................... 5 2 CR0349 (semt) Change Multiplicity SubAccountDetails (ID 752) ............................................... 8 3 CR0348 (semt) Update Definitions Order Date and Reference (ID 753) ...................................10 4 CR0347 (semt) Replace XOR Construct with Choice Component (ID 754) ................................13 5 CR0388 (semt) Delete Rule + Replace XOR with Choice Component (ID 755) ...........................22 6 CR0352 (sese) Add optional element for Transfer Currency (ID 756) .......................................25 7 CR0386 (camt) Add optional elements for Hedge Share Class functionality (non-detailed messages) (ID 757) ................................................................................................................31 8 CR0387 (camt) Add optional elements for hedge share class functionality (detailed messages) (ID 758) ................................................................................................................................44 9 CR0441 (camt) Add optional balances for Hedge Share Class functionality (ID 759) .................65 10 CR0394 (camt) Update Definition Trade Date Time (ID 760) ...................................................73 11 CR0395 (camt) Add optional element for ‘Offshore’ (ID 761) ..................................................75 12 CR0342 (camt) Replace XOR Construct with Choice Component (ID 762) ................................79 13 CR0417 (acmt) Add optional ClientReference & CounterpartyReference (ID 763) ....................87 14 CR0398 (acmt) Add optional TransferReference (ID 764) ........................................................91 15 CR0422 (acmt) Add optional Country Issuer to AccountParties/Individual Person/Other Identification (ID 765) ...........................................................................................................94 16 CR0423 (acmt) Add optional Type codes to AccountParties/Individual Person/Other Identification (ID 766) ...........................................................................................................97 17 CR0424 (acmt) Add optional Tax elements to AccountParties/Organisation – Tax Identification (ID 767) .............................................................................................................................. 101 18 CR0425 (acmt) Add optional FATCA Form Type to Party/Individual and AccountParties/Organisation (ID 768) ................................................................................. 105 19 CR0426 (acmt) Add optional FATCA Status to AccountParties/Organisation & Party/Individual person (ID 769) ................................................................................................................... 110 20 CR0421 (acmt) Add optional KYC Database Check to AccountParties/Investor Profile Validation (ID 770) .............................................................................................................................. 116 21 CR0416 (acmt) Add optional Settler to AccountParties (ID 771) ............................................ 119 22 CR0418 (acmt) Add optional Status Of Plan to Savings & Withdrawal Investment Plan (ID 772) 122 23 CR0419 (acmt) Add optional Amount and Units to Savings & Withdrawal Investment Plan Security Details (ID 773) ...................................................................................................... 125 24 CR0420 (acmt) Add optional Instalment Manager Role to Savings & Withdrawal InvestmentPlan/Security Details - (ID 774)........................................................................... 128 25 CR0340 (acmt) Replace XOR Construct with Choice Component (ID 775) .............................. 131 26 APPENDIX ........................................................................................................................... 137 Document1 Produced by SWIFT 3 July 2014 4 ISO 20022 Investment Funds Maintenance 2015 1 Summary List 1.1 Changes to the Statement of Investment Fund Transactions messages # ISO 20022 RA ID SWIFT ID Messages Brief Overview Submitter Type of change 1. CR0349 752 semt.007 Change multiplicity SubAccountDetails to optional SWIFT Multiplicity 2. CRO348 753 semt.006 + 007 Definition update Order DateTime, Order Reference SWIFT Definition 3. CRO347 754 semt.006 + 007 Replace XOR with choice component SWIFT (ISO alignment) XOR 1.2 Changes to the Securities Message Rejection # ISO 20022 RA ID SWIFT ID Message Types Brief Overview Submitter Type of change 4. CR0388 755 semt.001 Delete rule ‘LinkedMessageReferenceRule’ SWIFT (ISO alignment) Rule Replace XOR with choice component 1.3 STATUS Changes to Portfolio Transfer Messages # ISO CR Identifier SWIFT ID Message Types Brief Overview Submitter Type of change 5. CR0352 756 sese.012, 013 & 014 Add Transfer Currency SWIFT + Findel Optional element 1.4 STATUS STATUS Changes to the Fund Cash Forecast Messages # ISO CR Identifier SWIFT ID Message Types Brief Overview Submitter Type of change 6. CR0386 757 camt.040, 041 & 044 (non-detailed) Add elements for hedge share class functionality SWIFT + IMA + UK cash forecast MP WG) Optional elements 7. CR0387 758 camt.042, 043 & 045 (detailed) Add elements for hedge share class functionality SWIFT + IMA + UK cash forecast Optional elements Document1. Correction of inconsistencies in order of message Produced by SWIFT 3 July 2014 5 STATUS ISO 20022 Investment Funds Maintenance 2015 elements MP WG) 8. CR0441 759 camt. 040, 041 & 044, 042, 043 & 045 Add ‘additional balances’ for hedge share class functionality SWIFT + IMA + UK cash forecast MP WG) Optional elements 9. CR0394 760 camt.040, 042 Definition update Trade Date Time SWIFT + IMA + UK cash forecast MP WG) Definition 10. CR0395 761 camt.040-045 Add element for ‘off-shore’ SWIFT + IMA + UK cash forecast MP WG) Optional elements 11. CR0342 762 camt.042, 043 & 045 (detailed) Replace XOR with choice component SWIFT (ISO alignment) XOR 1.5 Changes to Account Management Messages # ISO CR Identifier SWIFT ID Message Types Brief Overview Submitter Type of change 12. CR0417 763 acmt.001, 002, 003 Add counterparty reference (and client reference?) NMPG IF IT Optional element 13. CR0398 764 acmt.001, 002, 003 Add Transfer Reference to OrderReference SWIFT (for SMPG IF WG) Optional element 14. CR0422 765 acmt.001, 002, 003 Individual Person/Other Identification – add country issuer NMPG IF IT Optional element 15. CR0423 766 acmt.001, 002, 003 Individual Person/Other Identification – add type codes NMPG IF IT Codes 16. CR0424 767 acmt.001, 002, 003 Organisation – tax identification NMPG IF IT Optional elements 17. CR0425 768 acmt.001, 002, 003 Individual Person & Organisation – add FATCA form type NMPG IF IT Optional element 18. CR0426 769 acmt.001, 002, 003 Individual Person & Organisation – add FATCA status NMPG IF IT Optional elements 19. CR0421 770 acmt.001, 002, 003 Investor Profile Validation – add KYC Database Check NMPG IF IT Optional element Document1. Produced by SWIFT 3 July 2014 6 STATUS OK ISO 20022 Investment Funds Maintenance 2015 20. CR0416 771 acmt.001, 002, 003 Account Parties - add ‘settlor’ NMPG IF IT Optional sequence OK 21. CR0418 772 acmt.001, 002, 003 Savings & withdrawal plan – add status of plan NMPG IF IT Optional element OK 22. CR0419 773 acmt.001, 002, 003 Savings & withdrawal plan / security details / element Percentage changed to choice of Amount or Unit or Percentage NMPG IF IT Optional elements choice OK 23. CR0420 774 acmt.001, 002, 003 Savings & withdrawal plan - add instalment manager role NMPG IF IT Optional element OK 24. CR0340 775 acmt.001, 002, 003, 004, 005 Replace XOR SWIFT XOR OK There are 24 change requests impacting sixteen messages. Document1. Produced by SWIFT 3 July 2014 7 ISO 20022 Investment Funds Maintenance 2015 2 CR0349 (semt) Change Multiplicity SubAccountDetails (ID 752) A Origin of the request: A.1 Submitter: SWIFT Standards (submitted 13 February 2014) A.2 Contact person: Janice Chapman, SWIFT A.3 Sponsors: None + 32 2 655 3390 B. Related messages: 1. Statement of Investment Funds Transaction Cancellation V02 semt.007.001.02 There is no impact on other messages. C. Description of the change request: The SubAccountDetails sequence should be optional and repetitive, not mandatory. The message should allow TransactionOnAccount or SubAccountDetails (in keeping with the semt.006.001.02 Statement of Investment Funds Transactions). . D. Purpose of the change: Correction of an error. This error was also in the first version of the message released in 2005. This error was noticed by a vendor in 2011. E. Urgency of the request: Next yearly maintenance cycle (2014/2015). This change request was previously submitted and logged on the IS0 20022 site as CR0157 in 2012. When reviewed in a previous SEG Investment Funds Evaluation Team meeting, it was decided to wait until a maintenance cycle that includes other statement messages. This change is now considered urgent as vendors cannot implement a full solution for funds. SWIFT agrees this change should be carried out in the next cycle, whether or not other statement messages require changes. F. Business examples: G. SEG recommendation: Consider x Timing - Next yearly cycle: 2014/2015 (the change will be considered for implementation in the yearly maintenance cycle which starts in 2014 and completes with the publication of new message versions in the spring of 2015) Document1 Produced by SWIFT on 3 July 2014 X 8 ISO 20022 Investment Funds Maintenance 2015 - At the occasion of the next maintenance of the messages (the change will be considered for implementation, but does not justify maintenance of the messages in its own right – will be pending until more critical change requests are received for the messages) - Urgent unscheduled (the change justifies an urgent implementation outside of the normal yearly cycle) - Other timing: Comments: H. Impact analysis: I. Implementation: In the Statement To Be Cancelled sequence, the multiplicity of the element SubAccountDetails is to be changed to optional and repetetive (in keeping with the semt.006 statement of investment fund transactions). J. Proposed timing: The submitting organisation confirms that it can implement the requested changes in the requested timing. Timing - As requested K. Final decision of the SEG(s): This section is not to be taken care of by the submitting organisation. It will be completed in due time by the SEG(s) in charge of the related ISO 20022 messages. Approve Comments: Reject Reason for rejection: Document1 Produced by SWIFT on 3 July 2014 9 ISO 20022 Investment Funds Maintenance 2015 3 CR0348 (semt) Update Definitions Order Date and Reference (ID 753) A. Origin of the request: A.1 Submitter : SWIFT Standards (submitted 13 February 2014) A.2 Contact person: Janice Chapman +32 2 655 3390 A.3 Sponsor: B. Related messages: 1. 2. Statement of Investment Fund Transactions V02 Statement Of Investment Fund Transactions Cancellation V02 semt.006.001.02 semt.007.001.02 C. Description of the change request: [1] Update the definition of Order Date Time: Current Definition Revised Definition Date and time at which the order was placed by the investor. Date and time at which the order was placed by the investor or its agent. This change of definition is proposed as a result of SMPG IF WG work on the funds order messages [2] Update the definition of Order Reference: Current Definition Revised Definition Unique identifier for an order, as assigned by the sellside. The identifier must be unique within a single trading day. Unique and unambiguous identifier for an order, as assigned by the instructing party. This change means the definition is in line with that in the order messages. D. Purpose of the change: Fine-tuning of definitions. This is a document update only. E. Urgency of the request: Document1 Produced by SWIFT on 3 July 2014 10 ISO 20022 Investment Funds Maintenance 2015 Next yearly maintenance cycle (2014/2015). Other change requests have been submitted for the two Investment Funds Statement of Transactions messages, including one correction on the cancellation message, which really should be done as soon as possible (the element SubAccount Details is designated mandatory when it should be optional and this means that vendors cannot offer a full solution). F. Business examples: None G. SEG recommendation: Consider x Timing - Next yearly cycle: 2014/2015 (the change will be considered for implementation in the yearly maintenance cycle which starts in 2014 and completes with the publication of new message versions in the spring of 2015) X - At the occasion of the next maintenance of the messages (the change will be considered for implementation, but does not justify maintenance of the messages in its own right – will be pending until more critical change requests are received for the messages) - Urgent unscheduled (the change justifies an urgent implementation outside of the normal yearly cycle) - Other timing: Comments: H. Impact analysis: I. Implementation: Document1 Produced by SWIFT on 3 July 2014 11 ISO 20022 Investment Funds Maintenance 2015 [1] The definition of Order Date Time is to be updated: Current Definition Revised Definition Date and time at which the order was placed by the investor. Date and time at which the order was placed by the investor or its agent. This change of definition is proposed as a result of SMPG IF WG work on the funds order messages [2] The definition of Order Reference is to be updated: Current Definition Revised Definition Unique identifier for an order, as assigned by the sell-side. The identifier must be unique within a single trading day. Unique and unambiguous identifier for an order, as assigned by the instructing party. This change means the definition is in line with that in the order messages. J. Proposed timing: The submitting organisation confirms that it can implement the requested changes in the requested timing. Timing - As requested K. Final decision of the SEG(s): This section is not to be taken care of by the submitting organisation. It will be completed in due time by the SEG(s) in charge of the related ISO 20022 messages. Approve Comments: Reject Reason for rejection: Document1 Produced by SWIFT on 3 July 2014 12 ISO 20022 Investment Funds Maintenance 2015 4 CR0347 (semt) Replace XOR Construct with Choice Component (ID 754) A. Origin of the request: A.1 Submitter : SWIFT Standards (submitted 13 February 2014) A.2 Contact person: Janice Chapman A.3 Sponsor: None +32 2 655 3390 B. Related messages: 1. 2. Statement of Investment Fund Transactions V02 Statement Of Investment Fund Transactions Cancellation V02 semt.006.001.02 semt.007.001.02 C. Description of the change request: [a] Replacement of XOR construction with a choice component for the following: # Elements in the XOR or comment Note Role + replace ‘extended’ by Proprietary Semt.006 Investment 1 Account Details (InvestmentAccoount25) 1 / Extended Role Intermediary Information (Intermediary11) Transaction 2 On Account (Investment Fund TransactionsByFund2) / Transaction Details (Investment Fund Transaction 3) Transaction Type Extended Transaction Type Corporate Action Event Type Extended Corporate Action Event Type Transaction 3 On Account (Investment Fund TransactionsByFund2) / Type Extended Type Should 1st be a choice between Transaction Type and Corporate Action Type. And then each should be a code of Code or Proprietary + replace ‘extended’ by Proprietary Transaction Details (Investment Fund Transaction 3) / Price Details (UnitPrice11) Transaction 4 On Account (Investment Fund TransactionsByFund2) / First Opening Balance Not applicable Intermediary Opening Balance Transaction Details (Investment Fund Transaction 3) / Price Details (UnitPrice11) / Balance By Page (Pagination Balance 1) Transaction 5 On Account (Investment Fund TransactionsByFund2) / Final Closing Balance Not applicable Intermediary Closing Balance Transaction Details (Investment Fund Transaction 3) / Price Details (UnitPrice11) / Balance By Page (Pagination Balance 1) SubAccount 6 Details (SubAccountIdentification6) / Use new version of Investment Fund TransactionsByFund2) resulting from above changes Transaction On SubAccount (Investment Fund TransactionsByFund2) Semt.007 Statement 7 To Be Cancelled (StatementOfInvestmentFundTransactions Document1 Use new versions of message components as created for above. Produced by SWIFT on 3 July 2014 13 ISO 20022 Investment Funds Maintenance 2015 # Elements in the XOR or comment Note 2) Investment Account Details (InvestmemtAccount25) Statement 8 To Be Cancelled (StatementOfInvestmentFundTransactions 2) Transaction on Account (Investment Funds Transaction By Fund 2) Use new versions of message components as created for above. Statement 9 To Be Cancelled (StatementOfInvestmentFundTransactions 2) SubAccount Details (SubAccountIdentification6) Use new versions of message components as created for above. # Elements in the XOR or comment Note Linked Message Previous Reference Element Reason will need to be optional Semt.001 Reason 1 LinkedMessageOtherReference LinkedMessageRelatedReference D. Purpose of the change: Under the new edition ISO 20022:2013, ‘unnamed’ choices (known as XOR choices) are forbidden and should be replaced by ‘named’ ChoiceComponents. Unnamed choices are difficult to implement as they require an implementer to 'invent' a name for the choice. Unnamed choices may also be confusing to a user if a choice has to be made without any context as to why the choice is there. The replacement of Extended to Proprietary is a requirement for ISO 20022. E. Urgency of the request: Next yearly maintenance cycle (2014/2015). It was originally planned that this kind of change would be done in a later maintenance cycle. However, it would actually be better on resources for SEG Investment Funds Evaluation Team and the organisation responsible for carrying out the maintenance to do this technical modification in the next maintenance cycle, that is 2014/2015. It also makes sense to carry out this change whilst adoption rates are still low for these messages so as to minimise the impact. F. Business examples: G. SEG recommendation: Consider x Timing - Next yearly cycle: 2014/2015 (the change will be considered for implementation in the yearly maintenance cycle which starts in 2014 and completes with the publication of new message versions in the spring of 2015) X - At the occasion of the next maintenance of the messages (the change will be considered for implementation, but does not justify maintenance of the messages in its own right – will be pending until more critical change requests are received for the messages) - Urgent unscheduled (the change justifies an urgent implementation outside of the normal yearly cycle) Document1 Produced by SWIFT on 3 July 2014 14 ISO 20022 Investment Funds Maintenance 2015 - Other timing: Comments: H. Impact analysis: At the time of writing the Maintenance Change Request document, it was noticed that the list of messages in section B does not include semt.001, however, in section C there is mention of semt.001. The replacement of XOR for semt.001 is covered in CR 388. Document1 Produced by SWIFT on 3 July 2014 15 ISO 20022 Investment Funds Maintenance 2015 I. Implementation: [1] semt.006 statement of investment funds transactions The table shows the elements in the XOR and how they are to be replaced: Elements of the XOR Replace by Element Name Element Definition Element M/O Choice Component Name & Definition Elements of the Choice Component Definition of choice element Data Type for choice element Choice elemen t M/O Investment Account Details / Intermedia ry Informatio n Role Role Function performed by the intermediary. 0.1 Role 4 Choice Definition: Choice of format for a party role. Code Role of the party in the activity expressed as a code.. InvestmentFun dRole2Code 1..1 Proprietary Role of the party in the activity expressed as a proprietary code. Generic Identification 40 1..1 Transaction On Account / Transaction Details Transaction Type # 1 2 Extended Role Extended Transaction Type Corporate Action Event Type Extended Corporate Action Event Type There are 4 elements on this XOR. This is to be changed to choice between Transaction Type and Corporate Action Type and then each of these two elements is typed by a choice – see below (and see diagram) Transaction Or Corporate Action Type Underlying transaction or Corporate action 1.1 Transaction Type N Choice Transaction Type Type of investment fund transaction. Transaction Type N+1 Choice 1.1 Definition: Choice of transaction type or corporation action event type. Corporate Action Event Type Type of corporate action event. Corporate Action Event Type N Choice 1.1 Code Transaction type expressed as a code. Transaction type expressed as a Transaction Type 2 Code Generic Identification 1.1 Transaction Type N+1 Choice Proprietary Definition: Choice of Document1 Produced by SWIFT on 3 July 2014 16 1.1 ISO 20022 Investment Funds Maintenance 2015 # Elements of the XOR Replace by Element Name Element Definition Element M/O Choice Component Name & Definition formats for the transaction type. Corporate Action Event Type N+1 Choice Elements of the Choice Component Code Proprietary Definition: Choice of formats for the corporate action event type. Document1 Produced by SWIFT on 3 July 2014 17 Definition of choice element Data Type for choice element proprietary code 40 Corporate action event type expressed as a code. Corporate action event expressed as a proprietary code CorporateActio nEventType1C ode Generic Identification 40 Choice elemen t M/O 1.1 1.1 ISO 20022 Investment Funds Maintenance 2015 Elements of the XOR Replace by Element Name Element Definition Element M/O Choice Component Name & Definition Elements of the Choice Component Definition of choice element Data Type for choice element Choice elemen t M/O Transaction On Account / Transaction Details / Price Details Type Type Type of price. 1.1 Price Type N Choice Code Type of price expressed as a code. TypeOfPrice10 Code 1..1 Definition: Choice of format for a price Proprietary Type of price expressed as a proprietary code. Generic Identification 40 1..1 Transaction On Account First Opening Balance Opening Balance N Choice First Opening Balance Opening balance of the financial FinancialInstru mentQuantity1 1..1 # 3 4 Document1 Extended Type Opening Balance Opening balance of the financial Produced by SWIFT on 3 July 2014 0.1 18 ISO 20022 Investment Funds Maintenance 2015 # Elements of the XOR / Transaction Details / Price Details / Balance By Page 5 6 Transaction On Account / Transaction Details / Price Details / Balance By Page SubAccoun t Details / Replace by Element Name Intermediary Closing Balance Element M/O instrument in the statement or of the intermediary opening balance of the page of the statement Intermediary Opening Balance Final Closing Balance Element Definition Closing Balance Closing balance of the financial instrument in the statement or of the intermediary closing balance of the page of the statement Choice Component Name & Definition 0.1 Definition of choice element Data Type for choice element Choice elemen t M/O instrument in the statement. Definition: Choice of opening and intermediary balances Intermediary Opening Balance Opening balance of this page only. It must be the intermediary closing balance of the previous page (part of the same statement). FinancialInstru mentQuantity1 1..1 Final Closing Balance Closing balance of the financial instrument in the statement. FinancialInstru mentQuantity1 1..1 Intermediary Closing Balance Closing Balance of this page only. Must be the intermediary opening balance of the next page (part of the same statement). FinancialInstru mentQuantity1 1..1 The new version of Investment Fund TransactionsByFund2 resulting from above changes will be used at the data type for SubAccount Details / Transaction On SubAccount. Transaction On SubAccoun t Document1 Elements of the Choice Component Produced by SWIFT on 3 July 2014 19 ISO 20022 Investment Funds Maintenance 2015 # Elements of the XOR [1] Replace by Element Name Element Definition Element M/O Choice Component Name & Definition Elements of the Choice Component Definition of choice element Data Type for choice element Choice elemen t M/O semt.007 statement of investment funds transactions cancellation Implementation is similar to that of semt.006 [1] semt.001 securities message rejection The list of messages in section B does not include semt.001, however, in section C there is mention of semt.001. The replacement of XOR for semt.001 is covered in CR 388. Document1 Produced by SWIFT on 3 July 2014 20 ISO 20022 Investment Funds Maintenance 2015 J. Proposed timing: The submitting organisation confirms that it can implement the requested changes in the requested timing. Timing - As requested K. Final decision of the SEG(s): This section is not to be taken care of by the submitting organisation. It will be completed in due time by the SEG(s) in charge of the related ISO 20022 messages. Approve Comments: Reject Reason for rejection: Document1 Produced by SWIFT on 3 July 2014 21 ISO 20022 Investment Funds Maintenance 2015 5 CR0388 (semt) Delete Rule + Replace XOR with Choice Component (ID 755) A. Origin of the request: A.1 Submitter: SWIFT Standards on behalf of Findel & Almus (LU NMPG) A.2 Contact person: Janice Chapman +32 2 655 3390 A.3 Sponsors: B. Related messages: 1. Securities Message Rejection V02 semt.001.001.02 C. Description of the change request: [1] The message contains a usage rule that does not make sense: [2] In addition, the XOR construct will be replaced with a choice component. D. Purpose of the change: The change is needed to [1] correct an error and [2] replace XOR with a Choice to comply with ISO 20022. E. Urgency of the request: Next yearly maintenance cycle (2014/2015). F. Business examples: None. G. SEG recommendation: Consider x Timing - Next yearly cycle: 2014/2015 (the change will be considered for implementation in the yearly maintenance cycle which starts in 2014 and completes with the publication of new message versions in the spring of 2015) Document1 Produced by SWIFT on 3 July 2014 22 X ISO 20022 Investment Funds Maintenance 2015 - At the occasion of the next maintenance of the messages (the change will be considered for implementation, but does not justify maintenance of the messages in its own right – will be pending until more critical change requests are received for the messages) - Urgent unscheduled (the change justifies an urgent implementation outside of the normal yearly cycle) - Other timing: Comments: H. Impact analysis: I. Implementation: Part 1 In the Reason sequence, delete Rule ‘LinkedMessageReferenceRule’ Part 2 In the Reason sequence, replace the XOR construct with Choice Component: [a] The XOR LinkedMessagePreviousReference| LinkedMessageOtherReference| LinkedMessageRelatedReference is to be changed into the element Linked Message, typed by a Choice component: Linked Message [0..1] Identification of the invalid or unrecognised reference. LinkedMessage1Choice The new LinkedMessage element is to be designated ‘technical’. [b] A new technical choice component is to be created: LinkedMessage1Choice PreviousReference [1..1] Document1 Produced by SWIFT on 3 July 2014 Definition: Reference to a message. Additional Reference 3 Linked previous reference. 23 ISO 20022 Investment Funds Maintenance 2015 J. OtherReference [1..1] Linked other reference Additional Reference 3 RelatedReference [1..1 Linked related reference. Additional Reference 3 Proposed timing: The submitting organisation confirms that it can implement the requested changes in the requested timing. Timing - As requested K. Final decision of the SEG(s): This section is not to be taken care of by the submitting organisation. It will be completed in due time by the SEG(s) in charge of the related ISO 20022 messages. Approve Comments: Reject Reason for rejection: Document1 Produced by SWIFT on 3 July 2014 24 ISO 20022 Investment Funds Maintenance 2015 6 CR0352 (sese) Add optional element for Transfer Currency (ID 756) A. Origin of the request: A.1 Submitter: SWIFT Standards on behalf Findel Group (submitted 13 February 2014) A.2 Contact person: Janice Chapman, SWIFT Charles Boniver A.3 Sponsors: + 32 2 655 3390 +352 2605 9206 None B. Related messages: 1. 2. 3. Portfolio Transfer Instruction V05 Portfolio Transfer Cancellation Request V05 Portfolio Transfer Confirmation V05 sese.012.001.05 sese.014.001.05 sese.013.001.05 C. Description of the change request: In the 2011/2012 maintenance cycle, an optional TransferCurrency element was added to the TransferDetails sequence of the transfer instruction and confirmation message set, because some transfer agents register holdings segregated by currency not by ISIN and thus there is this need to identify the currency. The change request should have also been applied to the portfolio transfer message set since this is information that is determined at the level of the portfolio instruction and is then subsequently instructed in the transfer out instruction. This element is to be added to the Product Transfer sequence. It should be discussed whether this element is also needed at the level of the financial instrument, that is, within the FinancialInstrumentAssetForTransfer sequence. It may be that it is required at both places in the message. Document1 Produced by SWIFT on 3 July 2014 25 ISO 20022 Investment Funds Maintenance 2015 [1] Document1 Portfolio Transfer Instruction (sese.012.001.05) Produced by SWIFT on 3 July 2014 26 ISO 20022 Investment Funds Maintenance 2015 [2] Document1 Portfolio Transfer Confirmation (sese.013.001.05) Produced by SWIFT on 3 July 2014 27 ISO 20022 Investment Funds Maintenance 2015 [3] Portfolio Transfer Cancellation Request sese.014.001.05 D. Purpose of the change: Introduction of optional Transfer Currency field for alignment with the funds transfers messages. Because some transfer agents register holdings segregated by currency not by ISIN, there is a need for a field to indicate the currency. This is information that is determined at the level of the portfolio instruction and is then subsequently instructed in the transfer out instruction. Element Multiplicity Data Type Definition TransferCurrency [0.1] CurrencyCode Identifies the currency to be used to transfer the holdings. Document1 Produced by SWIFT on 3 July 2014 28 ISO 20022 Investment Funds Maintenance 2015 E. Urgency of the request: Next yearly maintenance cycle (2014/2015) F. Business examples: None G. SEG recommendation: Consider x Timing - Next yearly cycle: 2014/2015 (the change will be considered for implementation in the yearly maintenance cycle which starts in 2014 and completes with the publication of new message versions in the spring of 2015) X - At the occasion of the next maintenance of the messages (the change will be considered for implementation, but does not justify maintenance of the messages in its own right – will be pending until more critical change requests are received for the messages) - Urgent unscheduled (the change justifies an urgent implementation outside of the normal yearly cycle) - Other timing: Comments: H. Impact analysis: I. Implementation: The element Transfer Currency needs to be added to the three messages (see diagrams in section B). Element Multiplicity Data Type Definition TransferCurrency [0.1] CurrencyCode Identifies the currency to be used to transfer the holdings. The definition is to be the same as the Transfer Currency element used in the transfer messages. See message structure diagrams in section C above. The element is to be inserted in: [1] Portfolio Transfer Instruction (sese.012), in the sequence Product Transfer (or should it be added to Product Transfer / Financial Instrument For Transfer ?) [2] Portfolio Transfer Confirmation (sese.012), in the sequence Product Transfer (or should it be added to Product Transfer / Financial Instrument For Transfer ?) [3] Portfolio Transfer Cancellation Request (sese.014), in the sequence Cancellation / Cancellation By Transfer Instruction Details / Product Transfer (or should it be sequence Cancellation / Cancellation By Transfer Instruction Details / Product Transfer / Financial Instrument For Transfer ??) Document1 Produced by SWIFT on 3 July 2014 29 ISO 20022 Investment Funds Maintenance 2015 J. Proposed timing: The submitting organisation confirms that it can implement the requested changes in the requested timing. Timing - As requested K. Final decision of the SEG(s): This section is not to be taken care of by the submitting organisation. It will be completed in due time by the SEG(s) in charge of the related ISO 20022 messages. Approve Comments: Reject Reason for rejection: Document1 Produced by SWIFT on 3 July 2014 30 ISO 20022 Investment Funds Maintenance 2015 7 CR0386 (camt) Add optional elements for Hedge Share Class functionality (non-detailed messages) (ID 757) A. Origin of the request: A.1 Submitter: Working Group SWIFT Standards on behalf of IMA + UK Fund Cash Forecast Market Practice A.2 Contact person: Janice Chapman +32 2 655 3390 A.3 Sponsors: B. Related messages: 1. 2. 3. Fund Estimated Cash Forecast Report V03 Fund Confirmed Cash Forecast Report V03 Fund Confirmed Cash Forecast Report Cancellation V02 camt.040.001.03 camt.041.001.03 camt.044.001.02 C. Description of the change request: [1] Fund Estimated Cash Forecast Report [a] Addition of optional elements [a1] New sequence at message level 1 Item Main Fund Details Definition Information about the main fund when the fund cash forecast details specifies information for a share class of the main fund. Typically used in a ‘hedged share class scenario’. M/O 0.1 Type New message component [a2] Elements in new sequence Main Fund Details: 2 Item Identification Definition Identification of the financial instrument. M/O 0.1 3 4 Name Currency Name of the financial instrument. Currency of the financial instrument. 0.1 0.1 5 Estimated Total NAV Estimated total value of all the holdings, less the fund's liabilities, of the fund. 0.1 6 Previous Total NAV Previous total value of all the holdings, less the fund's liabilities, of the fund. 0.1 7 Estimated Total Units Number Previous Total Units Number Estimated Percentage of Fund Total NAV Estimated total number of units. 0.1 Type Security Identification 3 Choice Max 35 Text Active Or Historic Currency Active Or Historic Currency And Amount Active Or Historic Currency And Amount Decimal Number Previous total number of units. 0.1 Decimal Number Estimated consolidated net cash flow of all share classes expressed as a percentage of the previous total NAV for the whole fund. 0.1 PercentageRate MainFundIDName1 Rule If MainFundDetails is present then either Identification or Name must be present. Both Identification and Name are allowed. 8 9 Document1 Produced by SWIFT on 3 July 2014 31 ISO 20022 Investment Funds Maintenance 2015 10 11 12 [a3] Item Price Elements in Estimated Fund Cash Forecast Details sequence: Definition M/O Type Price per unit of the previous trade date. 0.1 ActiveCurrencyAnd 13DecimalAmount FX Rate Foreign exchange rate. 0.1 ForeignExchangeTe rms19 (already exists, comprises Unit Currency, Quoted Currency and Exchange Rate) Estimated Estimated net cash flow of the share class 0.1 PercentageRate Percentage of Share expressed as a percentage of the previous total Class Total NAV NAV for the share class. [b] 1 2 3 Multiplicity Changes: Sequence Estimated Fund Cash Forecast Details Estimated Fund Cash Forecast Details Estimated Fund Cash Forecast Details Element Previous Trade Date Time Estimated Total NAV Previous Total NAV Current 1.1 0.1 0.1 Change to 0.1 0.n 0.n [2] Fund Confirmed Cash Forecast Report [a] Addition of optional elements [a1] New sequence at message level 1 Item Main Fund Details Definition Information about the main fund when the fund cash forecast details specifies information for a share class of the main fund. Typically used in a ‘hedged share class scenario’. M/O 0.1 Type New message component Type Security Identification 3 Choice Max 35 Text Active Or Historic Currency Active Or Historic Currency And Amount Active Or Historic Currency And Amount Decimal Number [a2] Elements in new sequence Main Fund Details: 2 Item Identification Definition Identification of the financial instrument. M/O 0.1 3 4 Name Currency Name of the financial instrument. Currency of the financial instrument. 0.1 0.1 5 Total NAV Total value of all the holdings, less the fund's liabilities, of the fund. 0.1 6 Previous Total NAV Previous total value of all the holdings, less the fund's liabilities, of the fund. 0.1 7 Total Units Number Total number of units. 0.1 Document1 Produced by SWIFT on 3 July 2014 32 ISO 20022 Investment Funds Maintenance 2015 8 9 Item Previous Total Units Number Percentage of Fund Total NAV MainFundIDName1 Rule 10 11 12 M/O 0.1 Type Decimal Number Consolidated net cash flow of all share classes expressed as a percentage of the total NAV for the whole fund. If MainFundDetails is present then either Identification or Name must be present. Both Identification and Name are allowed. 0.1 PercentageRate [a3] Price Elements in Estimated Fund Cash Forecast Details sequence: Price per unit 0.1 ActiveCurrencyAnd 13DecimalAmount FX Rate Foreign exchange rate. 0.1 ForeignExchangeTe rms19 (already exists, comprises Unit Currency, Quoted Currency and Exchange Rate) Percentage of Share Net cash flow of the share class expressed as 0.1 PercentageRate a percentage of the total NAV for the share Class Total NAV class [b] 1 2 Definition Previous total number of units. Multiplicity Changes: Sequence Fund Cash Forecast Details Fund Cash Forecast Details Document1 Produced by SWIFT on 3 July 2014 Element Total NAV Previous Total NAV 33 Current 0.1 0.1 Change to 0.n 0.n ISO 20022 Investment Funds Maintenance 2015 Diagram – Fund Estimated Cash Forecast Report (camt.040) Document1 Produced by SWIFT on 3 July 2014 34 ISO 20022 Investment Funds Maintenance 2015 Diagram – Fund Confirmed Cash Forecast Report (camt.041) Document1 Produced by SWIFT on 3 July 2014 35 ISO 20022 Investment Funds Maintenance 2015 Diagram – Fund Confirmed Cash Forecast Report Cancellation (camt.044) As can be seen Cancellation Forecast Report to be Cancelled \ Fund Cash Forecast Details uses the same sequence as that in the Fund Confirmed Cash Forecast message D. Purpose of the change: Market practice work with asset managers for cash forecasts on funds with a ‘hedge share class’ led to the identification of gaps in the message and additional data elements are needed, and some data needs to be specified at both the level of the ‘main’ fund and the share class. E. Urgency of the request: Next yearly maintenance cycle (2014/2015). F. Business examples: None G. SEG recommendation: Consider x Timing - Next yearly cycle: 2014/2015 (the change will be considered for implementation in the yearly Document1 Produced by SWIFT on 3 July 2014 36 X ISO 20022 Investment Funds Maintenance 2015 maintenance cycle which starts in 2014 and completes with the publication of new message versions in the spring of 2015) - At the occasion of the next maintenance of the messages (the change will be considered for implementation, but does not justify maintenance of the messages in its own right – will be pending until more critical change requests are received for the messages) - Urgent unscheduled (the change justifies an urgent implementation outside of the normal yearly cycle) - Other timing: Comments: H. Impact analysis: Document1 Produced by SWIFT on 3 July 2014 37 ISO 20022 Investment Funds Maintenance 2015 I. Implementation: [1] Fund Estimated Cash Forecast Report Diagram – overview of the additions and other changes: [a] Addition of optional elements [a1] New sequence at message level 1 Item Main Fund Details Definition Information about the main fund when the fund cash forecast details specifies information for a share class of the main fund. Typically used in a ‘hedged share class scenario’. M/O 0.1 Type New message component Type Security Identification 3 Choice Max 35 Text Active Or Historic [a2] Elements in new sequence Main Fund Details: 2 Item Identification Definition Identification of the financial instrument. M/O 0.1 3 4 Name Currency Name of the financial instrument. Currency of the financial instrument. 0.1 0.1 Document1 Produced by SWIFT on 3 July 2014 38 ISO 20022 Investment Funds Maintenance 2015 Item Definition M/O 5 Estimated Total NAV 0.1 6 Previous Total NAV 7 Estimated Total Units Number Previous Total Units Number Estimated Percentage of Fund Total NAV Estimated total value of all the holdings, less the fund's liabilities, of the fund. Previous total value of all the holdings, less the fund's liabilities, of the fund. Estimated total number of units. 0.1 Type Currency Active Or Historic Currency And Amount Active Or Historic Currency And Amount Decimal Number Previous total number of units. 0.1 Decimal Number Estimated consolidated net cash flow of all share classes expressed as a percentage of the previous total NAV for the whole fund. 0.1 PercentageRate 8 9 MainFundIDName1 Rule 10 11 12 If MainFundDetails is present then either Identification or Name must be present. Both Identification and Name are allowed. [a3] Item Price Elements in Estimated Fund Cash Forecast Details sequence: Definition M/O Type Price per unit of the previous trade date. 0.1 ActiveCurrencyAnd13De cimalAmount FX Rate Foreign exchange rate. 0.1 ForeignExchangeTerms1 9 (already exists, comprises Unit Currency, Quoted Currency and Exchange Rate) Estimated Percentage Estimated net cash flow of the share class 0.1 PercentageRate of Share Class Total expressed as a percentage of the previous total NAV NAV for the share class. [b] 1 2 3 0.1 Multiplicity Changes: Sequence Estimated Fund Cash Forecast Details Estimated Fund Cash Forecast Details Estimated Fund Cash Forecast Details Element Previous Trade Date Time Estimated Total NAV Previous Total NAV [2] Fund Confirmed Cash Forecast Report Diagram – overview of the additions and other changes: Document1 Produced by SWIFT on 3 July 2014 39 Current 1.1 0.1 0.1 Change to 0.1 0.n 0.n ISO 20022 Investment Funds Maintenance 2015 [a] Addition of optional elements [a1] New sequence at message level 1 Item Main Fund Details Definition Information about the main fund when the fund cash forecast details specifies information for a share class of the main fund. Typically used in a ‘hedged share class scenario’. M/O 0.1 Type New message component [a2] Elements in new sequence Main Fund Details: 2 Item Identification Definition Identification of the financial instrument. M/O 0.1 3 4 Name Currency Name of the financial instrument. Currency of the financial instrument. 0.1 0.1 5 Total NAV 0.1 6 Previous Total NAV Total value of all the holdings, less the fund's liabilities, of the fund. Previous total value of all the holdings, less the Document1 Produced by SWIFT on 3 July 2014 40 0.1 Type Security Identification 3 Choice Max 35 Text Active Or Historic Currency Active Or Historic Currency And Amount Active Or Historic ISO 20022 Investment Funds Maintenance 2015 Item 7 8 9 Total Units Number Previous Total Units Number Percentage of Fund Total NAV MainFundIDName1 Rule 10 11 12 M/O 0.1 0.1 Type Currency And Amount Decimal Number Decimal Number Consolidated net cash flow of all share classes expressed as a percentage of the total NAV for the whole fund. If MainFundDetails is present then either Identification or Name must be present. Both Identification and Name are allowed. 0.1 PercentageRate [a3] Price Elements in Estimated Fund Cash Forecast Details sequence: Price per unit 0.1 ActiveCurrencyAnd13De cimalAmount FX Rate Foreign exchange rate. 0.1 ForeignExchangeTerms1 9 (already exists, comprises Unit Currency, Quoted Currency and Exchange Rate) Percentage of Share Net cash flow of the share class expressed as a 0.1 PercentageRate Class Total NAV percentage of the total NAV for the share class [b] 1 2 Definition fund's liabilities, of the fund. Total number of units. Previous total number of units. Multiplicity Changes: Sequence Fund Cash Forecast Details Fund Cash Forecast Details Document1 Produced by SWIFT on 3 July 2014 Element Total NAV Previous Total NAV 41 Current 0.1 0.1 Change to 0.n 0.n ISO 20022 Investment Funds Maintenance 2015 [3] Fund Confirmed Cash Forecast Report Cancellation (camt.044) The same additions and changes as that specified for the Fund Confirmed Cash Forecast Report (camt.041) are applicable to the cancellation message. Diagram – overview of the additions and other changes: Document1 Produced by SWIFT on 3 July 2014 42 ISO 20022 Investment Funds Maintenance 2015 J. Proposed timing: The submitting organisation confirms that it can implement the requested changes in the requested timing. Timing - As requested K. Final decision of the SEG(s): This section is not to be taken care of by the submitting organisation. It will be completed in due time by the SEG(s) in charge of the related ISO 20022 messages. Approve Comments: Reject Reason for rejection: Document1 Produced by SWIFT on 3 July 2014 43 ISO 20022 Investment Funds Maintenance 2015 8 CR0387 (camt) Add optional elements for hedge share class functionality (detailed messages) (ID 758) A. Origin of the request: A.1 Submitter: Working Group SWIFT Standards on behalf of IMA + UK Fund Cash Forecast Market Practice A.2 Contact person: Janice Chapman, SWIFT + 32 2 655 3390 A.3 Sponsors: B. Related messages: 1. 2. 3. Fund Detailed Estimated Cash Forecast Report V03 Fund Detailed Confirmed Cash Forecast Report V03 Fund Detailed Confirmed Cash Forecast Report Cancellation V02 camt.042.001.03 camt.043.001.03 camt.045.001.02 C. Description of the change request: [1] Fund Detailed Estimated Cash Forecast Report (camt.042) [a] Addition of optional elements [a1] New sequence at message level 1 Item Main Fund Details Definition Information about the main fund when the fund cash forecast details specifies information for a share class of the main fund. Typically used in a ‘hedged share class scenario’. M/O 0.1 Type New message component [a2] Elements in new sequence Main Fund Details: 2 Item Identification Definition Identification of the financial instrument. M/O 0.1 3 4 Name Currency Name of the financial instrument. Currency of the financial instrument. 0.1 0.1 5 Estimated Total NAV 0.1 6 Previous Total NAV 7 Estimated Total Units Number Previous Total Units Number Estimated Percentage of Fund Total NAV Estimated total value of all the holdings, less the fund's liabilities, of the fund. Previous total value of all the holdings, less the fund's liabilities, of the fund. Estimated total number of units. 0.1 Type Security Identification 3 Choice Max 35 Text Active Or Historic Currency Active Or Historic Currency And Amount Active Or Historic Currency And Amount Decimal Number Previous total number of units. 0.1 Decimal Number Estimated consolidated net cash flow expressed as a percentage of the previous total NAV for the whole fund. If MainFundDetails is present then either Identification or Name must be present. Both Identification and Name are allowed. 0.1 PercentageRate 8 9 MainFundIDName1 Rule [a3] Item Document1 0.1 Elements in Estimated Fund Cash Forecast Details sequence: Definition Produced by SWIFT on 3 July 2014 M/O 44 Type ISO 20022 Investment Funds Maintenance 2015 10 Price Price per unit of the previous trade date. 0.1 11 FX Rate Foreign exchange rate. 0.1 12 Estimated Percentage of Share Class Total NAV Estimated net cash flow expressed as a percentage of the previous total NAV for the share class. 0.1 [a4] 13 14 2 3 1 M/O 0.1 Type ActiveCurrencyCode Definition Settlement currency for the transaction. M/O 0.1 Type ActiveCurrencyC ode Multiplicity Changes: Sequence Estimated Fund Cash Forecast Details Estimated Fund Cash Forecast Details Estimated Fund Cash Forecast Details [c] Definition Settlement currency for the transaction. Elements in Estimated Fund Cash Forecast Details / Breakdown By Party / Cash Out Forecast / Cash Out Breakdown Details Item Settlement Currency [b] 1 Elements in Estimated Fund Cash Forecast Details / Breakdown By Party / Cash In Forecast / Cash In Breakdown Details Item Settlement Currency [a5] ActiveCurrencyAnd13De cimalAmount ForeignExchangeTerms1 9 (already exists, comprises Unit Currency, Quoted Currency and Exchange Rate) PercentageRate Element Previous Trade Date Time Current 1.1 Change to 0.1 Estimated Total NAV 0.1 0.n Previous Total NAV 0.1 0.n Other Changes: Sequence Estimated Fund Cash Forecast Details / Breakdown By Party Element Party Change Change type to party and account. [2] Fund Detailed Confirmed Cash Forecast Report (camt.043) [a] Addition of optional elements [a1] New sequence at message level 1 Item Definition Main Fund Details Information about the main fund when the fund cash forecast details specifies information for a share class of the main fund. Typically used in a ‘hedged share class scenario’. Type M / O New message 0 component . 1 [a2] Elements in new sequence Main Fund Details: Item Document1 Definition Produced by SWIFT on 3 July 2014 M/O 45 Type ISO 20022 Investment Funds Maintenance 2015 2 Identification Identification of the financial instrument. 0.1 3 4 Name Currency Name of the financial instrument. Currency of the financial instrument. 0.1 0.1 5 Total NAV 0.1 6 Previous Total NAV 7 8 Total Units Number Previous Total Units Number Percentage of Fund Total NAV Total value of all the holdings, less the fund's liabilities, of the fund. Previous total value of all the holdings, less the fund's liabilities, of the fund. Total number of units. Previous total number of units. 0.1 0.1 Security Identification 3 Choice Max 35 Text Active Or Historic Currency Active Or Historic Currency And Amount Active Or Historic Currency And Amount Decimal Number Decimal Number Consolidated net cash flow expressed as a percentage of the total NAV for the whole fund. If MainFundDetails is present then either Identification or Name must be present. Both Identification and Name are allowed. 0.1 PercentageRate Type ActiveCurrencyAnd13Deci malAmount ForeignExchangeTerms19 (already exists, comprises Unit Currency, Quoted Currency and Exchange Rate) PercentageRate 9 MainFundIDName1 Rule [a3] 0.1 Elements in Fund Cash Forecast Details sequence: 10 Item Price Definition Price per unit M/O 0.1 11 FX Rate Foreign exchange rate. 0.1 12 Percentage of Share Class Total NAV Net cash flow expressed as a percentage of the total NAV for the share class 0.1 [a4] 13 Item Settlement Currency [a5] 13 Definition Settlement currency for the transaction. Type ActiveCurrencyCode M/O 0.1 Type ActiveCurrencyCode Element Total NAV Previous Total NAV Current 0.1 0.1 Change to 0.n 0.n Other Changes: Sequence Fund Cash Forecast Details / Breakdown By Party Document1 M/O 0.1 Multiplicity Changes: Sequence Fund Cash Forecast Details Fund Cash Forecast Details [c] 1 Definition Settlement currency for the transaction. Elements in Fund Cash Forecast Details / Breakdown By Party / Cash Out Forecast / Cash Out Breakdown Details Item Settlement Currency [b] 1 2 Elements in Fund Cash Forecast Details / Breakdown By Party / Cash In Forecast / Cash In Breakdown Details Produced by SWIFT on 3 July 2014 Element Party 46 Change Change type to party and account. ISO 20022 Investment Funds Maintenance 2015 Diagrams – Fund Detailed Estimated Cash Forecast Report (camt.042) New elements at message level Document1 Produced by SWIFT on 3 July 2014 47 ISO 20022 Investment Funds Maintenance 2015 New elements and changes in Estimated Fund Cash Forecast Details sequence: Document1 Produced by SWIFT on 3 July 2014 48 ISO 20022 Investment Funds Maintenance 2015 Diagrams – Fund Detailed Confirmed Cash Forecast Report (camt.043) New elements at message level Document1 Produced by SWIFT on 3 July 2014 49 ISO 20022 Investment Funds Maintenance 2015 New elements and changes in Estimated Fund Cash Forecast Details sequence: Document1 Produced by SWIFT on 3 July 2014 50 ISO 20022 Investment Funds Maintenance 2015 Diagram – Fund Detailed Confirmed Cash Forecast Report Cancellation (045) New elements at message level New elements and changes at Breakdown By Party Level For the sequence Cash Forecast Report To Be Cancelled, replace the data type Fund Detailed Confirmed Cash Forecast Report 2 by the new version of the component as created for the new version of the FundDetailedConfirmedCashForecastReport message. Document1 Produced by SWIFT on 3 July 2014 51 ISO 20022 Investment Funds Maintenance 2015 [3] Alignment of the order of sequences and elements [A] There are inconsistences between the order of sequences between the non-detailed version of the message and the detailed version of the message which should be corrected: Document1 Produced by SWIFT on 3 July 2014 52 ISO 20022 Investment Funds Maintenance 2015 [B] There are inconsistences between the order of sequences between the FundDetailedConfirmedCashForecastReportV03 and FundDetailedEstimatedCashForecastReportV03 messages should be corrected: Document1 Produced by SWIFT on 3 July 2014 53 ISO 20022 Investment Funds Maintenance 2015 D. Purpose of the change: Market practice work with asset managers for cash forecasts on funds with a ‘hedge share class’ led to the identification of gaps in the message and additional data elements are needed, and some data needs to be specified at both the level of the ‘main’ fund and the share class. E. Urgency of the request: Next yearly maintenance cycle (2014/2015). F. Business examples: None. G. SEG recommendation: Consider x Timing - Next yearly cycle: 2014/2015 (the change will be considered for implementation in the yearly maintenance cycle which starts in 2014 and completes with the publication of new message versions in the spring of 2015) X - At the occasion of the next maintenance of the messages (the change will be considered for implementation, but does not justify maintenance of the messages in its own right – will be pending until more critical change requests are received for the messages) - Urgent unscheduled (the change justifies an urgent implementation outside of the normal yearly cycle) - Other timing: Comments: H. Impact analysis: I. Implementation: Document1 Produced by SWIFT on 3 July 2014 54 ISO 20022 Investment Funds Maintenance 2015 PART 1 – new elements and multiplicity changes [1] Fund Detailed Estimated Cash Forecast Report (camt.042) Diagram – overview of new elements at message level Document1 Produced by SWIFT on 3 July 2014 55 ISO 20022 Investment Funds Maintenance 2015 Diagram – overview of new elements and changes in Estimated Fund Cash Forecast Details sequence: Document1 Produced by SWIFT on 3 July 2014 56 ISO 20022 Investment Funds Maintenance 2015 [a] Addition of optional elements [a1] 1 New sequence at message level Item Main Fund Details [a2] Definition Information about the main fund when the fund cash forecast details specifies information for a share class of the main fund. Typically used in a ‘hedged share class scenario’. M/O 0.1 Type New message component Elements in new sequence Main Fund Details: 2 Item Identification Definition Identification of the financial instrument. M/O 0.1 3 4 Name Currency Name of the financial instrument. Currency of the financial instrument. 0.1 0.1 5 Estimated Total NAV 0.1 6 Previous Total NAV 7 Estimated Total Units Number Previous Total Units Number Estimated Percentage of Fund Total NAV Estimated total value of all the holdings, less the fund's liabilities, of the fund. Previous total value of all the holdings, less the fund's liabilities, of the fund. Estimated total number of units. 0.1 Type Security Identification 3 Choice Max 35 Text Active Or Historic Currency Active Or Historic Currency And Amount Active Or Historic Currency And Amount Decimal Number Previous total number of units. 0.1 Decimal Number Estimated consolidated net cash flow expressed as a percentage of the previous total NAV for the whole fund. If MainFundDetails is present then either Identification or Name must be present. Both Identification and Name are allowed. 0.1 PercentageRate 8 9 MainFundIDName1 Rule [a3] 0.1 Elements in Estimated Fund Cash Forecast Details sequence: 10 Item Price Definition Price per unit of the previous trade date. M/O 0.1 11 FX Rate Foreign exchange rate. 0.1 12 Estimated Percentage of Share Class Total NAV Estimated net cash flow expressed as a percentage of the previous total NAV for the share class. 0.1 [a4] 13 Elements in Estimated Fund Cash Forecast Details / Breakdown By Party / Cash In Forecast / Cash In Breakdown Details Item Settlement Currency [a5] Document1 Type ActiveCurrencyAnd13De cimalAmount ForeignExchangeTerms1 9 (already exists, comprises Unit Currency, Quoted Currency and Exchange Rate) PercentageRate Definition Settlement currency for the transaction. M/O 0.1 Type ActiveCurrencyCode Elements in Estimated Fund Cash Forecast Details / Breakdown By Party / Cash Out Forecast / Cash Out Breakdown Details Produced by SWIFT on 3 July 2014 57 ISO 20022 Investment Funds Maintenance 2015 14 Item Settlement Currency Definition Settlement currency for the transaction. M/O 0.1 Type ActiveCurrencyC ode [b] Multiplicity Changes: 1 2 3 Sequence Estimated Fund Cash Forecast Details Estimated Fund Cash Forecast Details Estimated Fund Cash Forecast Details Element Previous Trade Date Time Current 1.1 Change to 0.1 Estimated Total NAV 0.1 0.n Previous Total NAV 0.1 0.n [c] Other Changes: 1 Sequence Estimated Fund Cash Forecast Details / Breakdown By Party Element Party Change Change type to party and account. [2] Fund Detailed Confirmed Cash Forecast Report (camt.043) Diagram – overview of new elements at message level Document1 Produced by SWIFT on 3 July 2014 58 ISO 20022 Investment Funds Maintenance 2015 Diagram – overview of new elements and changes in Estimated Fund Cash Forecast Details sequence: [a] Addition of optional elements [a1] 1 New sequence at message level Item Definition Main Fund Details Information about the main fund when the fund cash forecast details specifies information for a share class of the main fund. Typically used in a ‘hedged share class scenario’. Document1 Produced by SWIFT on 3 July 2014 Type M / O New message 0 component . 1 59 ISO 20022 Investment Funds Maintenance 2015 [a2] Elements in new sequence Main Fund Details: 2 Item Identification Definition Identification of the financial instrument. M/O 0.1 3 4 Name Currency Name of the financial instrument. Currency of the financial instrument. 0.1 0.1 5 Total NAV 0.1 6 Previous Total NAV 7 8 Total Units Number Previous Total Units Number Percentage of Fund Total NAV Total value of all the holdings, less the fund's liabilities, of the fund. Previous total value of all the holdings, less the fund's liabilities, of the fund. Total number of units. Previous total number of units. 0.1 0.1 Type Security Identification 3 Choice Max 35 Text Active Or Historic Currency Active Or Historic Currency And Amount Active Or Historic Currency And Amount Decimal Number Decimal Number Consolidated net cash flow expressed as a percentage of the total NAV for the whole fund. If MainFundDetails is present then either Identification or Name must be present. Both Identification and Name are allowed. 0.1 PercentageRate Type ActiveCurrencyAnd13Deci malAmount ForeignExchangeTerms19 (already exists, comprises Unit Currency, Quoted Currency and Exchange Rate) PercentageRate 9 MainFundIDName1 Rule [a3] 0.1 Elements in Fund Cash Forecast Details sequence: 10 Item Price Definition Price per unit M/O 0.1 11 FX Rate Foreign exchange rate. 0.1 12 Percentage of Share Class Total NAV Net cash flow expressed as a percentage of the total NAV for the share class 0.1 [a4] 13 Item Settlement Currency [a5] 13 Elements in Fund Cash Forecast Details / Breakdown By Party / Cash In Forecast / Cash In Breakdown Details Definition Settlement currency for the transaction. M/O 0.1 Type ActiveCurrencyCode Elements in Fund Cash Forecast Details / Breakdown By Party / Cash Out Forecast / Cash Out Breakdown Details Item Settlement Currency Definition Settlement currency for the transaction. M/O 0.1 Type ActiveCurrencyCode [b] Multiplicity Changes: 1 2 Sequence Fund Cash Forecast Details Fund Cash Forecast Details Element Total NAV Previous Total NAV Current 0.1 0.1 Change to 0.n 0.n [c] Other Changes: Sequence Document1 Element Produced by SWIFT on 3 July 2014 Change 60 ISO 20022 Investment Funds Maintenance 2015 1 Fund Cash Forecast Details / Breakdown By Party Party Change type to party and account. [3] Fund Detailed Confirmed Cash Forecast Report Cancellation (camt.045) The same additions and changes as that specified for the Fund Detailed Confirmed Cash Forecast Report (camt.043) are applicable to the cancellation message. New elements at message level New elements and changes at Breakdown By Party Level For the sequence Cash Forecast Report To Be Cancelled, replace the data type Fund Detailed Confirmed Cash Forecast Report 2 by the new version of the component as created for the new version of the FundDetailedConfirmedCashForecastReport message. Document1 Produced by SWIFT on 3 July 2014 61 ISO 20022 Investment Funds Maintenance 2015 PART 2 – Alignment of the order of sequences and elements [A] Analysis of the change request led to the realisation that there are inconsistences between the order of sequences between the nondetailed version of the message and the detailed version of the message and it would be better if the messages were aligned. (Green lines show alignment, red lines show where the order is different.) If the message structure was changed, there is only an impact on existing users if the optional Net Cash Forecast Details sequence is used. ISO20022MCR_InvestmentFundsMaintenance2015_v2 Produced by SWIFT 3 July 2014 62 ISO 20022 Investment Funds Maintenance 2015 [B] Analysis of the change request led to the realisation that there are inconsistences between the order of sequences between the order of sequences between the FundDetailedConfirmedCashForecastReportV03 and FundDetailedEstimatedCashForecastReportV03 messages and it would be better if the messages were aligned (Green lines show alignment, red lines show where the order is different.): ISO20022MCR_InvestmentFundsMaintenance2015_v2 Produced by SWIFT 3 July 2014 63 ISO 20022 Investment Funds Maintenance 2015 J. Proposed timing: The submitting organisation confirms that it can implement the requested changes in the requested timing. Timing - As requested K. Final decision of the SEG(s): This section is not to be taken care of by the submitting organisation. It will be completed in due time by the SEG(s) in charge of the related ISO 20022 messages. Approve Comments: Reject Reason for rejection: ISO20022MCR_InvestmentFundsMaintenance2015_v2. Produced by SWIFT 3 July 2014 64 ISO 20022 Investment Funds Maintenance 2015 9 CR0441 (camt) Add optional balances for Hedge Share Class functionality (ID 759) A. Origin of the request: A.1 Submitter: Working Group SWIFT Standards on behalf of IMA + UK Fund Cash Forecast Market Practice A.2 Contact person: +32 2 655 3390 A.3 Sponsors: B. Related messages: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Fund Estimated Cash Forecast Report V03 Fund Confirmed Cash Forecast Report V03 Fund Confirmed Cash Forecast Report Cancellation V02 Fund Detailed Estimated Cash Forecast Report V03 Fund Detailed Confirmed Cash Forecast Report V03 Fund Detailed Confirmed Cash Forecast Report Cancellation V02 camt.040.001.03 camt.041.001.03 camt.044.001.02 camt.042.001.03 camt.043.001.03 camt.045.001.02 C. Description of the change request: [1] # [2] # Addition of optional sequence - estimated report Sequence Name Definition Data Type Additional Balances Additional balances for cash amounts and number of units. The total cash derived from orders placed as a number of units is an estimated cash amount and the total number of units derived from orders placed as a cash amount is an estimated number of units. New message component (see below) Addition of optional sequence - confirmed report Sequence Name Additional Balances [3] Definition Data Type Additional balances for cash amounts and number of units. New message component (see below) Elements of the new message component: # Element Name Definition 1 Total Units From Unit Orders Total number of units from orders placed in units. Financial Instrument Quantity 1 2 Total Cash From Unit Orders Total amount of cash derived from orders placed as units. Active Or Historic Currency And Amount 3 Total Cash From Cash Orders Total amount of cash from orders placed in cash. Active Or Historic Currency And Amount 4 Total Units From Cash Orders Number of units derived from orders placed in cash. Financial Instrument Quantity 1 ISO20022MCR_InvestmentFundsMaintenance2015_v2. Produced by SWIFT 3 July 2014 65 ISO 20022 Investment Funds Maintenance 2015 [4] The elements will be positioned in the following locations: [1] Fund Estimated Cash Forecast Report (camt.040) [2] Fund Confirmed Cash Forecast Report (camt.041) The new sequence will be made added to FundCashForecastDetails/ CashInForecastDetails, CashOutForecastDetails and NetCashForecastDetails. [3] Fund Confirmed Cash Forecast Report Cancellation (camt.044) The new sequence will be made added to CashForecastReportToBeCancelled/ FundCashForecastDetailsCashInForecastDetails, CashOutForecastDetails and NetCashForecastDetails. ISO20022MCR_InvestmentFundsMaintenance2015_v2. Produced by SWIFT 3 July 2014 66 ISO 20022 Investment Funds Maintenance 2015 [4] [5] Fund Detailed Estimated Cash Forecast Report (camt.042) Fund Detailed Confirmed Cash Forecast Report (camt.043) The new sequence will be made added to FundCashForecastDetails/ BreakdownByParty / CashInForecastDetails, CashOutForecastDetails and NetCashForecastDetails (as well as to Breakdown By Country, Breakdown By Currency, Breakdown By User Defined ISO20022MCR_InvestmentFundsMaintenance2015_v2. Produced by SWIFT 3 July 2014 67 ISO 20022 Investment Funds Maintenance 2015 Parameter for the cash-in, cash-out and net cash and to the Net Cash sequence at the ‘higher-level). [6] Fund Detailed Confirmed Cash Forecast Report Cancellation (camt.045) The new sequence will be made added to CashForecastReportToBeCancelled/ FundCashForecastDetails / BreakdownByParty/ CashInForecastDetails, CashOutForecastDetails and NetCashForecastDetails (as well as to Breakdown By Country, Breakdown By Currency, Breakdown By User Defined Parameter for the cashin, cash-out and net cash and to the Net Cash sequence at the ‘higher-level). Additional Notes for Change Request CR0387 [1] The addition of optional settlement currency is proposed only for the BreakdownByParty. This should perhaps be extended to Breakdown By Country, Breakdown By Currency and Breakdown By User Defined Parameter. [2] Perhaps there should be something added to the message scope/usage that reports using Breakdown By Party, Breakdown By Country, Breakdown By Currency and Breakdown By User Defined Parameter should not be mixed in the same message instance? D. Purpose of the change: Market practice work with asset managers for cash forecasts on funds with a ‘hedge share class’ led to the identification of gaps in the message and additional data elements are needed. This is additional data that may benefit the wider community of funds cash forecast messages. E. Urgency of the request: Next yearly maintenance cycle (2014/2015). F. Business examples: None. G. SEG recommendation: Consider x Timing - Next yearly cycle: 2014/2015 (the change will be considered for implementation in the yearly maintenance cycle which starts in 2014 and completes with the publication of new message versions in the spring of 2015) X - At the occasion of the next maintenance of the messages (the change will be considered for implementation, but does not justify maintenance of the messages in its own right – will be pending until more critical change requests are received for the messages) - Urgent unscheduled (the change justifies an urgent implementation outside of the normal yearly cycle) - Other timing: Comments: ISO20022MCR_InvestmentFundsMaintenance2015_v2. Produced by SWIFT 3 July 2014 68 ISO 20022 Investment Funds Maintenance 2015 H. Impact analysis: I. [1] # [2] # Implementation: Addition of optional sequence - estimated reports Sequence Name Definition Data Type Additional Balances Additional balances for cash amounts and number of units. The total cash derived from orders placed as a number of units is an estimated cash amount and the total number of units derived from orders placed as a cash amount is an estimated number of units. New message component (see below) Addition of optional sequence - confirmed reports Sequence Name Additional Balances [3] Definition Data Type Additional balances for cash amounts and number of units. New message component (see below) Elements of the new message component: # Element Name Definition 1 Total Units From Unit Orders Total number of units from orders placed in units. Financial Instrument Quantity 1 2 Total Cash From Unit Orders Total amount of cash derived from orders placed as units. Active Or Historic Currency And Amount 3 Total Cash From Cash Orders Total amount of cash from orders placed in cash. Active Or Historic Currency And Amount 4 Total Units From Cash Orders Number of units derived from orders placed in cash. Financial Instrument Quantity 1 [4] The elements will be positioned in the following locations: [1] Fund Estimated Cash Forecast Report (camt.040) ISO20022MCR_InvestmentFundsMaintenance2015_v2. Produced by SWIFT 3 July 2014 69 ISO 20022 Investment Funds Maintenance 2015 [2] Fund Confirmed Cash Forecast Report (camt.041) The new sequence will be made added to FundCashForecastDetails/ CashInForecastDetails, CashOutForecastDetails and NetCashForecastDetails. [3] Fund Confirmed Cash Forecast Report Cancellation (camt.044) The new sequence will be made added to CashForecastReportToBeCancelled/ FundCashForecastDetailsCashInForecastDetails, CashOutForecastDetails and NetCashForecastDetails. ISO20022MCR_InvestmentFundsMaintenance2015_v2. Produced by SWIFT 3 July 2014 70 ISO 20022 Investment Funds Maintenance 2015 [4] [5] Fund Detailed Estimated Cash Forecast Report (camt.042) Fund Detailed Confirmed Cash Forecast Report (camt.043) ISO20022MCR_InvestmentFundsMaintenance2015_v2. Produced by SWIFT 3 July 2014 71 ISO 20022 Investment Funds Maintenance 2015 The new sequence will be made added to FundCashForecastDetails/ BreakdownByParty / CashInForecastDetails, CashOutForecastDetails and NetCashForecastDetails (as well as to Breakdown By Country, Breakdown By Currency, Breakdown By User Defined Parameter for the cash-in, cash-out and net cash and to the Net Cash sequence at the ‘higher-level). [6] Fund Detailed Confirmed Cash Forecast Report Cancellation (camt.045) The new sequence will be made added to CashForecastReportToBeCancelled/ FundCashForecastDetails / BreakdownByParty/ CashInForecastDetails, CashOutForecastDetails and NetCashForecastDetails (as well as to Breakdown By Country, Breakdown By Currency, Breakdown By User Defined Parameter for the cashin, cash-out and net cash and to the Net Cash sequence at the ‘higher-level). Additional Notes for Change Request CR0387 [1] J. The addition of optional settlement currency proposed in the change requested was proposed only for the BreakdownByParty. This change should also be applied to the Breakdown By Country, Breakdown By Currency and Breakdown By User Defined Parameter sequences, so that these breakdown sequences remain aligned. Proposed timing: The submitting organisation confirms that it can implement the requested changes in the requested timing. Timing - As requested K. Final decision of the SEG(s): This section is not to be taken care of by the submitting organisation. It will be completed in due time by the SEG(s) in charge of the related ISO 20022 messages. Approve Comments: Reject Reason for rejection: ISO20022MCR_InvestmentFundsMaintenance2015_v2. Produced by SWIFT 3 July 2014 72 ISO 20022 Investment Funds Maintenance 2015 10 CR0394 (camt) Update Definition Trade Date Time (ID 760) A. Origin of the request: A.1 Submitter: Working Group SWIFT Standards on behalf of IMA + UK Fund Cash Forecast Market Practice A.2 Contact person: +32 2 655 3390 A.3 Sponsors: B. Related messages: 1. 2. Fund Estimated Cash Forecast Report V03 Fund Detailed Estimated Cash Forecast Report V03 camt.040.001.03 camt.042.001.03 C. Description of the change request: The definition of the element TradeDateTime in both messages is to be refined: Current Definition Date and, if required, the time, at which the price has been applied. Proposed Definition Date and, if required, the time, at which the price will be applied. C. Purpose of the change: Market practice work has shown the current definition is confusing and causing implementers of the message to raise support questions, that data is missing from the message. This is because the language used in the definition of TradeDateTime suggests the price date is a date in the past. In an estimated report, an estimated cash balance is specified based on the date at which the price will be applied, that is, the date of the next execution point. D. Urgency of the request: Next yearly maintenance cycle (2014/2015). E. Business examples: None. G. SEG recommendation: Consider x Timing - Next yearly cycle: 2014/2015 (the change will be considered for implementation in the yearly maintenance cycle which starts in 2014 and completes with the publication of new message versions in the spring of 2015) X - At the occasion of the next maintenance of the messages (the change will be considered for implementation, but does not justify maintenance of the messages in its own right – will be pending until more critical change requests are received for the messages) - Urgent unscheduled (the change justifies an urgent implementation outside of the normal yearly cycle) ISO20022MCR_InvestmentFundsMaintenance2015_v2. Produced by SWIFT 3 July 2014 73 ISO 20022 Investment Funds Maintenance 2015 - Other timing: Comments: H. Impact analysis: I. Implementation: The definition of the element TradeDateTime in both messages is to be refined: Current Definition Date and, if required, the time, at which the price has been applied. J. Proposed Definition Date and, if required, the time, at which the price will be applied. Proposed timing: The submitting organisation confirms that it can implement the requested changes in the requested timing. Timing - As requested K. Final decision of the SEG(s): This section is not to be taken care of by the submitting organisation. It will be completed in due time by the SEG(s) in charge of the related ISO 20022 messages. Approve Comments: Reject Reason for rejection: ISO20022MCR_InvestmentFundsMaintenance2015_v2. Produced by SWIFT 3 July 2014 74 ISO 20022 Investment Funds Maintenance 2015 11 CR0395 (camt) Add optional element for ‘Offshore’ (ID 761) A. Origin of the request: A.1 Submitter: Working Group SWIFT Standards on behalf of IMA + UK Fund Cash Forecast Market Practice A.2 Contact person: +32 2 655 3390 A.3 Sponsors: B. Related messages: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Fund Estimated Cash Forecast ReportV03 Fund Confirmed Cash Forecast Report V03 Fund Detailed Estimated Cash Forecast Report V03 Fund Detailed Confirmed Cash Forecast Report V03 Fund Confirmed Cash Forecast Report Cancellation V02 Fund Detailed Confirmed Cash Forecast Report Cancellation V02 camt.040.001.03 camt.041.001.03 camt.042.001.03 camt.043.001.03 camt.044.001.02 camt.045.001.02 C. Description of the change request: Addition of optional sequence for information about the currency. Sequence CurrencyStatus Definition Information about the designation of the share class currency, that is, whether it is for onshore or offshore purposes and other information that may be required. Data Type New message component. See below. New Message Component Element CurrencyDesignation Location Additional Information Definition Specifies whether the currency is settled offshore or onshore. Location of the offshore currency. Additional information about the offshore currency. M/O 0.1 Data Type Code List 1. See below 0.1 0.1 Country Code Max350Text Code List 1 Code OFFS ONSH Code Name OffShore OnShore Definition Offshore. Onshore. The sequence would be position in the estimated messages as follows: ISO20022MCR_InvestmentFundsMaintenance2015_v2. Produced by SWIFT 3 July 2014 75 ISO 20022 Investment Funds Maintenance 2015 D. Purpose of the change: Market practice work with asset managers for cash forecasts on funds with a ‘hedge share class’ led to the discovery of a gap for the cash forecast reporting messages. The cash forecast report needs to be able to indicate that the CNY is onshore verses offshore and to indicate the location, for example, Hongkong verses Macao and so on. E. Urgency of the request: Next yearly maintenance cycle (2014/2015). F. Business examples: None. G. SEG recommendation: Consider x Timing - Next yearly cycle: 2014/2015 (the change will be considered for implementation in the yearly maintenance cycle which starts in 2014 and completes with the publication of new message versions in the spring of 2015) X - At the occasion of the next maintenance of the messages (the change will be considered for implementation, but does not justify maintenance of the messages in its own right – will be pending until more critical change requests are received for the ISO20022MCR_InvestmentFundsMaintenance2015_v2. Produced by SWIFT 3 July 2014 76 ISO 20022 Investment Funds Maintenance 2015 messages) - Urgent unscheduled (the change justifies an urgent implementation outside of the normal yearly cycle) - Other timing: Comments: H. Impact analysis: Definition of CurrencyStatus element should include ‘“This should only be used for CNY.” I. Implementation: Addition of optional sequence for information about the currency. The sequence would be positioned in the messages as follows: ISO20022MCR_InvestmentFundsMaintenance2015_v2. Produced by SWIFT 3 July 2014 77 ISO 20022 Investment Funds Maintenance 2015 The new element: Sequence CurrencyStatus Definition Information about the designation of the share class currency, that is, whether it is for onshore or offshore purposes and other information that may be required. “This should only be used for CNY.” Data Type New message component. See below. New Message Component Element CurrencyDesignation Location Additional Information Definition Specifies whether the currency is settled offshore or onshore. Location of the offshore currency. Additional information about the offshore currency. M/O 0.1 Data Type Code List 1. See below 0.1 0.1 Country Code Max350Text Code List 1 Code OFFS ONSH J. Code Name Offshore Onshore Definition Offshore. Onshore. Proposed timing: The submitting organisation confirms that it can implement the requested changes in the requested timing. Timing - As requested K. Final decision of the SEG(s): This section is not to be taken care of by the submitting organisation. It will be completed in due time by the SEG(s) in charge of the related ISO 20022 messages. Approve Comments: Reject Reason for rejection: ISO20022MCR_InvestmentFundsMaintenance2015_v2. Produced by SWIFT 3 July 2014 78 ISO 20022 Investment Funds Maintenance 2015 12 CR0342 (camt) Replace XOR Construct with Choice Component (ID 762) A. Origin of the request: A.1 Submitter : SWIFT Standards (submitted 13 February 2014) A.2 Contact person: Janice Chapman +32 2 655 3390 A.3 Sponsor: B. Related messages: 1. 2. 3. Fund Detailed Estimated Cash Forecast Report V03 Fund Detailed Confirmed Cash Forecast Report V03 Fund Detailed Confirmed Cash Forecast Report Cancellation V02 camt.042.001.03 camt.043.001.03 camt.045.001.02 C. Description of the change request: Replacement of XOR construction with a choice component for the following: # 1 2 3 4 5 6 Elements in the XOR or comment Fund Detailed Estimated Cash Forecast Report BreakdownByParty (Breakdown By Party 1) / Cash In Forecast (Cash In Forecast 3) / Cash In Breakdown Details (Fund Cash In Breakdown2) Investment Fund Transaction In Type Extended Investment Fund Transaction In Type Original Order Quantity Type Extended Original Order Quantity Type Type Extended Type BreakdownByParty (Breakdown By Party 1) / Cash In Forecast (Cash In Forecast 3) / Cash In Breakdown Details (Fund Cash In Breakdown2) BreakdownByParty (Breakdown By Party 1) / Cash In Forecast (Cash In Forecast 3) / Cash In Breakdown Details (Fund Cash In Breakdown2) / Charge Details (Charge16) BreakdownByParty (Breakdown By Party 1) / Cash In Forecast (Cash In Forecast 3) / Cash In Breakdown Details (Fund Cash In Breakdown2) / Charge Details (Charge16) BreakdownByParty (Breakdown By Party 1) / Cash In Forecast (Cash In Forecast 3) / Cash In Breakdown Details (Fund Cash In Breakdown2) / Commission Details (Commission9) BreakdownByParty (Breakdown By Party 1) / Cash In Forecast (Cash In Forecast 3) / Cash In Breakdown Details (Fund Cash In Breakdown2) / Commission Details (Commission9) Type Extended Type + replace ‘extended’ by Proprietary Amount Rate BreakdownByParty (Breakdown By Party 1) / Cash Out Forecast (Cash Out Forecast 3) / Cash Out Breakdown Details (Fund Cash Out Breakdown2) 8 BreakdownByParty (Breakdown By Party 1) / Cash Out Forecast (Cash Out Forecast 3) / Cash Out Breakdown Details (Fund Cash Out Breakdown2) BreakdownByParty (Breakdown By Party 1) / Cash Out Forecast (Cash Out Forecast 3) / Cash Out Breakdown Details (Fund Cash Out Breakdown2) / ISO20022MCR_InvestmentFundsMaintenance2015_v2. + replace ‘extended’ by Proprietary + replace ‘extended’ by Proprietary Amount Rate 7 9 Note Investment Fund Transaction In Type Extended Investment Fund Transaction In Type Original Order Quantity Type Extended Original Order Quantity Type Use new version of Charges16 Produced by SWIFT 3 July 2014 + replace ‘extended’ by Proprietary + replace ‘extended’ by Proprietary 79 ISO 20022 Investment Funds Maintenance 2015 # 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Elements in the XOR or comment Charge Details (Charge16) BreakdownByParty (Breakdown By Party 1) / Cash Out Forecast (Cash Out Forecast 3) / Cash Out Breakdown Details (Fund Cash In Breakdown2) / Charge Details (Charge16) BreakdownByParty (Breakdown By Party 1) / Cash Out Forecast (Cash Out Forecast 3) / Cash Out Breakdown Details (Fund Cash Out Breakdown2) / Commission Details (Commission9) BreakdownByParty (Breakdown By Party 1) / Cash Out Forecast (Cash Out Forecast 3) / Cash Out Breakdown Details (Fund Cash Out Breakdown2) / Commission Details (Commission9) Note Use new version of Charges16 Use new version of Commission 9 Use new version of Commission 9 BreakdownByCountry (Breakdown By Country 1) / Cash In Forecast (Cash In Forecast 3) / Cash In Breakdown Details (Fund Cash In Breakdown2 BreakdownByCountry (Breakdown By Country 1) / Cash Out Forecast (Cash Out Forecast 3) / Cash Out Breakdown Details (Fund Cash Out Breakdown2) Use new version of Cash In Forecast 3 BreakdownByCountry (Breakdown By Country 1) / Cash In Forecast (Cash In Forecast 3) BreakdownByCountry (Breakdown By Country 1) / Cash Out Forecast (Cash Out Forecast 3) Use new version of Cash In Forecast 3 BreakdownByCurrency (Breakdown By Currency 1) / Cash In Forecast (Cash In Forecast 3) BreakdownByCurrency (Breakdown By Currency 1) / Cash Out Forecast (Cash Out Forecast 3) Use new version of Cash In Forecast 3 BreakdownByUserDefinedParameter (Breakdown By User Defined Parameter 1) / Cash In Forecast (Cash In Forecast 3) BreakdownByUserDefinedParameter (Breakdown By User Defined Parameter 1) / Cash Out Forecast (Cash Out Forecast 3) Use new version of Cash In Forecast 3 Use new version of Cash Out Forecast 3 Use new version of Cash Out Forecast 3 Use new version of Cash Out Forecast 3 Use new version of Cash Out Forecast 3 Fund Detailed Confirmed Cash Forecast Report & Fund Detailed Confirmed Cash Forecast Report Cancellation BreakdownByParty Use new version of Breakdown By Party 1 BreakdownByCountry Use new version of Breakdown By Country 1 BreakdownByCurrency Use new version of Breakdown By Currency 1 BreakdownByUserDefinedParameter Use new version of Breakdown By User Defined Parameter 1 Analysis indicates that the detailed versions of the funds cash forecast messages are impacted and not the nondetailed messages. D. Purpose of the change: Under the new edition ISO 20022:2013, ‘unnamed’ choices (known as XOR choices) are forbidden and should be replaced by ‘named’ Choice Components. Unnamed choices are difficult to implement as they require an implementer to 'invent' a name for the choice. Unnamed choices may also be confusing to a user if a choice has to be made without any context as to why the choice is there. The replacement of Extended to Proprietary is a requirement for ISO 20022. E. Urgency of the request: ISO20022MCR_InvestmentFundsMaintenance2015_v2. Produced by SWIFT 3 July 2014 80 ISO 20022 Investment Funds Maintenance 2015 Next yearly maintenance cycle (2014/2015). It was originally planned that this kind of change would be done in a later maintenance cycle. However, it would actually be better on resources for SEG Investment Funds Evaluation Team and the organisation responsible for carrying out the maintenance to do this technical modification in the next maintenance cycle, that is 2014/2015. It also makes sense to carry out this change whilst adoption rates are still low for these messages so as to minimise the impact. F. Business examples: None G. SEG recommendation: Consider x Timing - Next yearly cycle: 2014/2015 (the change will be considered for implementation in the yearly maintenance cycle which starts in 2014 and completes with the publication of new message versions in the spring of 2015) X - At the occasion of the next maintenance of the messages (the change will be considered for implementation, but does not justify maintenance of the messages in its own right – will be pending until more critical change requests are received for the messages) - Urgent unscheduled (the change justifies an urgent implementation outside of the normal yearly cycle) - Other timing: Comments: H. Impact analysis: ISO20022MCR_InvestmentFundsMaintenance2015_v2. Produced by SWIFT 3 July 2014 81 ISO 20022 Investment Funds Maintenance 2015 I. Implementation: [1] Fund Detailed Estimated Cash Forecast Report / Estimated Fund Cash Forecast Details / Breakdown By Party / The table shows the elements in the various XORs and how they are to be replaced. Elements of the XOR Replace by Element Name Element Definition Elemen t M/O Choice Component Name & Definition Elements of the Choice Component Definition of choice element Data Type for choice element Choice elemen t M/O Cash In Forecast / Cash In Breakdown Details Investment Fund Transaction In Type Investment Fund Transaction In Type Type of transaction that resulted in the cash-in movement, for example, subscription, switchin. 1.1 Investment Fund Transaction In Type N Choice Code Transaction type expressed as a code. 1..1 Definition: Choice of formats for the transaction-in type. Proprietary Transaction type expressed as a proprietary code. InvestmentF undTransacti onInType1C ode Generic Identificatio n 13 Cash In Forecast / Cash In Breakdown Details Original Order Quantity Type Specifies how the original order was expressed that resulted in the cashin movement, that is cash or units. 1..1 Quantity Type N Choice Code Proprietary OrderQuanti tyType2Cod e Generic Identificatio n 13 1..1 Definition: Choice of formats for the quantity. Quantity type expressed as a code. Quantity type expressed as a proprietary code. Cash In Forecast / Cash In Breakdown Details / Charge Details Type Type of investment fund order. 1.1 ChargeType N Choice Code Charge Type 10 Code 1..1 Definition: Choice of formats for the type of charge. Proprietary Charge type expressed as a code. Charge type expressed as a proprietary code. Generic Identificatio n 13 1..1 Cash In Forecast / Cash In Amount Amount of money. ActiveCurren cyAnd13Deci malAmount 1..1 # 1 2 3 4 Extended Investment Fund Transaction In Type Original Order Quantity Type Extended Original Order Quantity Type Type Extended Type ChargeApplie d ISO20022MCR_InvestmentFundsMaintenance2015_v2 Change amount or charge rate applied. 1..1 AmountOrRate N Choice Produced by SWIFT 3 July 2014 Amount 82 1..1 1..1 ISO 20022 Investment Funds Maintenance 2015 Elements of the XOR # 5 6 Breakdown Details / Charge Details Rate Cash In Forecast / Cash In Breakdown Details / Commission Details Type Cash In Forecast / Cash In Breakdown Details / Commission Details Amount # 1 Cash Out Forecast / Cash Out Breakdown Details Replace by Element Name Element Definition Elemen t M/O Choice Component Name & Definition Elements of the Choice Component Definition of choice element Data Type for choice element Choice elemen t M/O Rate Rate used to calculate the amount PercentageR ate 1..1 Commission Type N Choice Definition: Choice of formats for the commission type basis. Code Commission type expressed as a code. Commission type expressed as a proprietary code. Commission Type6Code 1..1 Generic Identificatio n 13 1..1 AmountOrRate N Choice Amount Amount of money. 1..1 Definition: Choice between an amount or rate. Rate Rate used to calculate the amount ActiveCurren cyAnd13Deci malAmount PercentageR ate Definition: Choice between an amount or rate. Commission Type Type of commission. 1..1 Extended Type CommissionA pplied Commission amount or commission rate applied. 1..1 Rate Proprietary 1..1 Elements of the XOR Replace by Element Name Element Definition Eleme nt M/O Choice Component Name & Definition Elements of the Choice Component Definition of choice element Data Type for choice element Choice eleme nt M/O Investment Fund Transaction Out Type Investment Fund Transaction In Type Type of transaction that resulted in the cash-out movement, for example, redemption, switchout. 1.1 Investment Fund Transaction Out Type N Choice Code Transaction type expressed as a code. 1..1 Definition: Choice of formats for the transaction-out type. Proprietary Transaction type expressed as a proprietary code. InvestmentF undTransacti onOutType1 Code Generic Identificatio n 13 Extended Investment Fund Transaction Out Type ISO20022MCR_InvestmentFundsMaintenance2015_v2 Produced by SWIFT 3 July 2014 83 1..1 ISO 20022 Investment Funds Maintenance 2015 Elements of the XOR Replace by Element Name Element Definition Eleme nt M/O Choice Component Name & Definition Cash Out Forecast / Cash Out Breakdown Details Original Order Quantity Type Extended Original Order Quantity Type Original Order Quantity Type Specifies how the original order was expressed that resulted in the cashout movement, that is cash or units. 1..1 RE-USE CHOICE COMPONENT FROM ABOVE 3 Cash Out Forecast / Cash Out Breakdown Details / Charge Details Type Extended Type RE-USE MESSAGE COMPONENT FROM ABOVE (new version of Charge Details 16) 6 Cash Out Forecast / Cash Out Breakdown Details / Charge Details Amount Rate RE-USE MESSAGE COMPONENT FROM ABOVE (new version of Charge 16) 7 Cash Out Forecast / Cash Out Breakdown Details / Commissio n Details Type Extended Type RE-USE MESSAGE COMPONENT FROM ABOVE (new version of Commission 9) 8 Cash Out Forecast / Amount RE-USE MESSAGE COMPONENT FROM ABOVE (new version of Commission 9) # 2 Elements of the Choice Component (Quantity Type N Choice) Rate ISO20022MCR_InvestmentFundsMaintenance2015_v2 Produced by SWIFT 3 July 2014 84 Definition of choice element Data Type for choice element Choice eleme nt M/O ISO 20022 Investment Funds Maintenance 2015 Elements of the XOR # Replace by Element Name Element Definition Eleme nt M/O Choice Component Name & Definition Elements of the Choice Component Definition of choice element Data Type for choice element Choice eleme nt M/O Cash Out Breakdown Details / Commissio n Details [2] Fund Detailed Estimated Cash Forecast Report / Estimated Fund Cash Forecast Details / Breakdown By County / [1] [3] Fund Detailed Estimated Cash Forecast Report / Estimated Fund Cash Forecast Details / Breakdown ByCurrency / [1] [4] Re-use the new version of the Breakdown By Currency1 message component for the element Breakdown By Currency Fund Detailed Confirmed Cash Forecast Report / Fund Cash Forecast Details / Breakdown ByUserDefinedParameter / [1] [9] Re-use the new version of the Breakdown By Country 1 message component for the element Breakdown By Country Fund Detailed Confirmed Cash Forecast Report / Fund Cash Forecast Details / Breakdown By Currency / [1] [8] Re-use the new version of the Breakdown By Party 1 message component for the element Breakdown By Party Fund Detailed Confirmed Cash Forecast Report / Fund Cash Forecast Details / Breakdown By Country / [1] [7] Re-use the new version of the CashInForecast3 and CashOutForecast3 message components for the elements CashInForecast and CashOutForecast respectively. Fund Detailed Confirmed Cash Forecast Report / Fund Cash Forecast Details / Breakdown By Party / [1] [6] Re-use the new version of the CashInForecast3 and CashOutForecast3 message components for the elements CashInForecast and CashOutForecast respectively. Fund Detailed Estimated Cash Forecast Report / Estimated Fund Cash Forecast Details / Breakdown ByUserDefinedParameter / [1] [5] Re-use the new version of the CashInForecast3 and CashOutForecast3 message components for the elements CashInForecast and CashOutForecast respectively. Re-use the new version of the Breakdown By User Defined Parameter 1 message component for the element Breakdown By User Defined Parameter Fund Detailed Confirmed Cash Forecast Report Cancellation / CashForecastReportToBeCancelled / FundCashForecastDetails [1] Re-use the new version of the Fund Cash Forecast 4 message component for the element Fund Cash Forecast Details ISO20022MCR_InvestmentFundsMaintenance2015_v2 Produced by SWIFT 3 July 2014 85 ISO 20022 Investment Funds Maintenance 2015 J. Proposed timing: The submitting organisation confirms that it can implement the requested changes in the requested timing. Timing - As requested K. Final decision of the SEG(s): This section is not to be taken care of by the submitting organisation. It will be completed in due time by the SEG(s) in charge of the related ISO 20022 messages. Approve Comments: Reject Reason for rejection: ISO20022MCR_InvestmentFundsMaintenance2015_v2 Produced by SWIFT 3 July 2014 86 ISO 20022 Investment Funds Maintenance 2015 13 CR0417 (acmt) Add optional ClientReference & CounterpartyReference (ID 763) A. Origin of the request: A.1 Submitter: NMPG / Italy A.2 Contact person: Andrea Milanesio +393479837483 A.3 Sponsors: B. Related messages: 1. 2. 3. Account Opening Instruction V04 Account Details Confirmation V04 Account Modification Instruction V04 acmt.001.001.04 acmt.002.001.04 acmt.003.001.04 C. Description of the change request: Add in InstructionDetails section (or ConfirmationDetails) a new optional element to identify the TO/TI reference of transfer practice towards SICAV/TA: CounterpartyReference [0..1] typed by AdditionalReference2 D. Purpose of the change: It’s required to link an Account Opening to a process of Transfer. In some cases this is used to create the 'account in’ as preliminary step for the transfer of the unit which will follow. CounterpartyReference is already present in Transfer messages E. Urgency of the request: Next yearly cycle. F. Business examples: G. SEG recommendation: Consider x Timing - Next yearly cycle: 2014/2015 (the change will be considered for implementation in the yearly maintenance cycle which starts in 2014 and completes with the publication of new message versions in the spring of 2015) X - At the occasion of the next maintenance of the messages (the change will be considered for implementation, but does not justify maintenance of the messages in its own right – will be pending until more critical change requests are received for the messages) - Urgent unscheduled (the change justifies an urgent implementation outside of the normal yearly cycle) ISO20022MCR_InvestmentFundsMaintenance2015_v2 Produced by SWIFT 3 July 2014 87 ISO 20022 Investment Funds Maintenance 2015 - Other timing: Comments: H. Impact analysis: From SWIFT Standards The change request requests the addition of TO/TI counterparty reference to support the Findel Single Leg Transfer market practice. In keeping with this, it is suggested that the message should also contain a ‘client reference’, so that both the transfer-in and transfer-out reference can be accommodated in the message to the account servicer. I. Implementation Two optional elements are to be added: Element Multiplicity Definition Data Type Client Reference [0.1] Unique and unambiguous investor's identification of a transfer. Max35Text Counterparty Reference [0.1] Unambiguous identification of the transfer allocated by the counterparty. Max35Text The elements are to be added to the following locations [1] Account Opening Instruction acmt.001 The change request suggests the new element/s are added in the Instruction Details sequence: [2] Account Confirmation Details acmt.002 The change request suggests the new element/s are added in the Confirmation Details sequence: ISO20022MCR_InvestmentFundsMaintenance2015_v2 Produced by SWIFT 3 July 2014 88 ISO 20022 Investment Funds Maintenance 2015 [3] Account Modification Instruction acmt.003 The change request suggests the new element/s are added in the Instruction Details sequence: However, an alternative to this is to insert the new reference in the Order Reference sequence: ISO20022MCR_InvestmentFundsMaintenance2015_v2 Produced by SWIFT 3 July 2014 89 ISO 20022 Investment Funds Maintenance 2015 See also change request 0388 ‘Transfer Reference’ – the location of these new references in the message should be looked at together. J. Proposed timing: The submitting organisation confirms that it can implement the requested changes in the requested timing. Timing - As requested K. Final decision of the SEG(s): This section is not to be taken care of by the submitting organisation. It will be completed in due time by the SEG(s) in charge of the related ISO 20022 messages. Approve Comments: Reject Reason for rejection: ISO20022MCR_InvestmentFundsMaintenance2015_v2 Produced by SWIFT 3 July 2014 90 ISO 20022 Investment Funds Maintenance 2015 14 CR0398 (acmt) Add optional TransferReference (ID 764) A. Origin of the request: A.1 Submitter: SWIFT Standards on behalf of SMPG Investment Funds Working Group A.2 Contact person: +32 2 655 3390 A.3 Sponsors: B. Related messages: 1. 2. Account Opening Instruction V04 Account Details Confirmation V04 acmt.001.001.04 acmt.002.001.04 C. Description of the change request: Addition of optional element to specify a transfer reference Element TransferReference Definition Unique and unambiguous identifier for a transfer instruction, as assigned by the instructing party. Data Type Max35Text The element will be added in the following locations: [1] Account Opening Instruction acmt.001 [2] Account Details Confirmation acmt.002 The new element will be made added to OrderReference sequence. D. Purpose of the change: An account opening message may be sent at the same time an order is placed and therefore the account may not exist yet and reference is made to the order reference of that order. In a similar way, an account opening message may be sent at the same time as a transfer is instructed and therefore a link needs to ISO20022MCR_InvestmentFundsMaintenance2015_v2 Produced by SWIFT 3 July 2014 91 ISO 20022 Investment Funds Maintenance 2015 be made to the transfer reference of the transfer instruction. Currency the account opening and confirmation messages do not have a field for this reference. E. Urgency of the request: Next yearly maintenance cycle (2014/2015). F. Business examples: None. G. SEG recommendation: Consider x Timing - Next yearly cycle: 2014/2015 (the change will be considered for implementation in the yearly maintenance cycle which starts in 2014 and completes with the publication of new message versions in the spring of 2015) X - At the occasion of the next maintenance of the messages (the change will be considered for implementation, but does not justify maintenance of the messages in its own right – will be pending until more critical change requests are received for the messages) - Urgent unscheduled (the change justifies an urgent implementation outside of the normal yearly cycle) - Other timing: Comments: H. Impact analysis: Since the submission of this change request and the reviewing CR 0417 ‘add counterparty reference’ and seeing the solution proposed I. [a] SWIFT Standards thinks it might be better to put this transfer reference into the sequence ‘Instruction Details’ in acmt.001 and acmt.003 and ‘Confirmation Details’ in acmt.002. [b] This change request should also be applied to acmt.003. Implementation The implementation of this change request will depend on the solution chosen for CR 417 Counterparty Reference. J. Proposed timing: The submitting organisation confirms that it can implement the requested changes in the requested timing. Timing - As requested K. Final decision of the SEG(s): ISO20022MCR_InvestmentFundsMaintenance2015_v2 Produced by SWIFT 3 July 2014 92 ISO 20022 Investment Funds Maintenance 2015 This section is not to be taken care of by the submitting organisation. It will be completed in due time by the SEG(s) in charge of the related ISO 20022 messages. Approve Comments: Reject Reason for rejection: ISO20022MCR_InvestmentFundsMaintenance2015_v2 Produced by SWIFT 3 July 2014 93 ISO 20022 Investment Funds Maintenance 2015 15 CR0422 (acmt) Add optional Country Issuer to AccountParties/Individual Person/Other Identification (ID 765) A. Origin of the request: A.1 Submitter: NMPG / Italy A.2 Contact person: Andrea Milanesio +393479837483 A.3 Sponsors: B. Related messages: 1. 2. 3. Account Opening Instruction V04 Account Details Confirmation V04 Account Modification Instruction V04 acmt.001.001.04 acmt.002.001.04 acmt.003.001.04 C. Description of the change request: Add in IndividualPerson/OtherIdentification section a new optional element to identify the Country issuing the identification document: CountryIssuer [0..1] typed by CountryCode D. Purpose of the change: In accordance to FATCA law the above information is mandatory to properly support customer's due diligence/check. E. Urgency of the request: Next yearly cycle. F. Business examples: G. SEG recommendation: Consider x Timing - Next yearly cycle: 2014/2015 (the change will be considered for implementation in the yearly maintenance cycle which starts in 2014 and completes with the publication of new message versions in the spring of 2015) X - At the occasion of the next maintenance of the messages (the change will be considered for implementation, but does not justify maintenance of the messages in its own right – will be pending until more critical change requests are received for the messages) - Urgent unscheduled (the change justifies an urgent implementation outside of the normal yearly cycle) - Other timing: ISO20022MCR_InvestmentFundsMaintenance2015_v2 Produced by SWIFT 3 July 2014 94 ISO 20022 Investment Funds Maintenance 2015 Comments: H. Impact analysis: I. Implementation An optional element ‘CountryIssuer’ is to be added: Element Multiplicity Definition ISO20022MCR_InvestmentFundsMaintenance2015_v2 Data Type Produced by SWIFT 3 July 2014 95 ISO 20022 Investment Funds Maintenance 2015 CountryIssuer [0.1] Country that issued the identification document. CountryCode In acmt.001 and acmt, the change is to be made to all instances of Account Parties / … / …/ Party / Organisation / Other Identification. In acmt.003, the change is to be made to all instances Modified Account Parties / … / …/ Party / Organisation / Other Identification. J. Proposed timing: The submitting organisation confirms that it can implement the requested changes in the requested timing. Timing - As requested K. Final decision of the SEG(s): This section is not to be taken care of by the submitting organisation. It will be completed in due time by the SEG(s) in charge of the related ISO 20022 messages. Approve Comments: Reject Reason for rejection: ISO20022MCR_InvestmentFundsMaintenance2015_v2 Produced by SWIFT 3 July 2014 96 ISO 20022 Investment Funds Maintenance 2015 16 CR0423 (acmt) Add optional Type codes to AccountParties/Individual Person/Other Identification (ID 766) A. Origin of the request: A.1 Submitter: NMPG / Italy A.2 Contact person: Andrea Milanesio +393479837483 A.3 Sponsors: B. Related messages: 1. 2. 3. Account Opening Instruction V04 Account Details Confirmation V04 Account Modification Instruction V04 acmt.001.001.04 acmt.002.001.04 acmt.003.001.04 C. Description of the change request: Add in IndividualPerson/OtherIdentification/Type/Code the following new type codes: ITIN [IndividualTaxpayerIdentificationNumber] ATIN [AdoptionTaxpayerIdentificationNumber] GTIN [Tax identification number] D. Purpose of the change: In accordance to FATCA law the above information is mandatory to properly support customer's due diligence/check. E. Urgency of the request: Next yearly cycle. F. Business examples: G. SEG recommendation: Consider x Timing - Next yearly cycle: 2014/2015 (the change will be considered for implementation in the yearly maintenance cycle which starts in 2014 and completes with the publication of new message versions in the spring of 2015) X - At the occasion of the next maintenance of the messages (the change will be considered for implementation, but does not justify maintenance of the messages in its own right – will be pending until more critical change requests are received for the messages) - Urgent unscheduled (the change justifies an urgent implementation outside of the normal yearly cycle) ISO20022MCR_InvestmentFundsMaintenance2015_v2 Produced by SWIFT 3 July 2014 97 ISO 20022 Investment Funds Maintenance 2015 - Other timing: Comments: H. Impact analysis: I. Implementation ISO20022MCR_InvestmentFundsMaintenance2015_v2 Produced by SWIFT 3 July 2014 98 ISO 20022 Investment Funds Maintenance 2015 [1] The new codes are to be added to the parent code is ‘Person Identification Type Code’ PersonIdentificationTypeCode Definition: Specifies an alternative identification of an individual person, for example, national registration identification number, passport number. New Codes ITIN IndividualTaxpayerIdentificationNumber Tax processing number. ATIN AdoptionTaxpayerIdentificationNumber Temporary tax processing number (used in the domestic adoption of a child). GTIN TaxIdentificationNumber Tax identification number For explanation of the codes see the Appendix 26.2 [2] A ‘child’ code set is to be created from the revised parent code with the following codes Code set Name Code set Definition Codes Person Identification Type n Code’ (where N is the next available number in the dictionary for this kind of child code set) Specifies an alternative identification of an individual person, for example, national registration identification number, passport number. AREG 1 CPFA 2 DRLC 3 EMID 4 GUNL 5 IDCD 6 NRIN 7 OTHR 8 PASS 9 POCD 10 SOCS 11 SRSA 12 ITIN ATIN GTIN [3] In acmt.001 and acmt, the new code list to be used as the data type for to all instances of Account Parties / … / …/ Party / Organisation / Other Identification / Type In acmt.001 and acmt, the new code list to be used as the data type for to all instances of Modified Account Parties / … / …/ Party / Organisation / Other Identification / Type. ISO20022MCR_InvestmentFundsMaintenance2015_v2 Produced by SWIFT 3 July 2014 99 ISO 20022 Investment Funds Maintenance 2015 J. Proposed timing: The submitting organisation confirms that it can implement the requested changes in the requested timing. Timing - As requested K. Final decision of the SEG(s): This section is not to be taken care of by the submitting organisation. It will be completed in due time by the SEG(s) in charge of the related ISO 20022 messages. Approve Comments: Reject Reason for rejection: ISO20022MCR_InvestmentFundsMaintenance2015_v2 Produced by SWIFT 3 July 2014 100 ISO 20022 Investment Funds Maintenance 2015 17 CR0424 (acmt) Add optional Tax elements to AccountParties/Organisation – Tax Identification (ID 767) A. Origin of the request: A.1 Submitter: NMPG / Italy A.2 Contact person: Andrea Milanesio +393479837483 A.3 Sponsors: B. Related messages: 1. 2. 3. Account Opening Instruction V04 Account Details Confirmation V04 Account Modification Instruction V04 acmt.001.001.04 acmt.002.001.04 acmt.003.001.04 C. Description of the change request: Change in Organisation section the element TaxIdentificationNumber adopting a structure similar to type GenericIdentification44 used by IndividualPerson New Structure: TaxIdentificationNumber [0..n] Identification[1..1] Type [1..1] Code [1..1] GTIN [Tax identification number] GIIN [GlobalIntermediaryIdentificationNumber] Proprietary [1..1] Identification [1..1] Issuer [1..1] Issuer [0..1] Issue Date [0..1] Expiry Date [0..1] CountryIssuer [0..1] D. Purpose of the change: This is due to manage all infos related to the Tax Identification Number E. Urgency of the request: Next yearly cycle. F. Business examples: G. SEG recommendation: ISO20022MCR_InvestmentFundsMaintenance2015_v2 Produced by SWIFT 3 July 2014 101 ISO 20022 Investment Funds Maintenance 2015 . Consider x Timing - Next yearly cycle: 2014/2015 (the change will be considered for implementation in the yearly maintenance cycle which starts in 2014 and completes with the publication of new message versions in the spring of 2015) X - At the occasion of the next maintenance of the messages (the change will be considered for implementation, but does not justify maintenance of the messages in its own right – will be pending until more critical change requests are received for the messages) - Urgent unscheduled (the change justifies an urgent implementation outside of the normal yearly cycle) - Other timing: Comments: H. Impact analysis: I. Implementation Currently the element ‘Party’ / Organisation / Tax Identification Number is typed by Max35Text. [1] The element name and its data type is to be changed:. Element Multiplicity Definition Data Type Tax Identification Number [0.1] Number assigned by a tax authority to an entity. Max 35 Text ISO20022MCR_InvestmentFundsMaintenance2015_v2 Produced by SWIFT 3 July 2014 102 ISO 20022 Investment Funds Maintenance 2015 Tax Identification Tax identification information. New message component [2] New message component Name Definition Element Identification Type Issuer Issue Date Expiry Date Country Issuer [3] Data Type Max35Text TaxTypeNChoice (see below) Max35Text ISO Date ISO Date Country Code New Choice Component Name Definition Element Code Proprietary [4] TaxN (where N is the next number to be assigned) Tax identification information Multiplicity Definition [1] Tax identification number [1] Type of tax identification number. [0.1] Entity that assigns the identifier. [0.1] Date at which the identification was issued. [0.1] Date at which the identification expires. [0.1] Country that issued the tax identification. TaxTypeNChoice Choice of formats for the type of tax. Multiplicity Definition [1] Type of tax identification number expressed as a code. [1] Type of tax identification number expressed as a proprietary code. Data Type TaxTypeNNCode Generic Identification 50 (already exists) A new parent code list ‘TaxIdentificationNumberTypeCode is to be created TaxIdentificationNumberTypeCode Definition: Specifies the type of tax identification number. New Codes GTIN TaxIdentificationNumber Tax identification number GIIN GlobalIntermediaryIdentificationNumber Global intermediary tax identification number [5] A ‘child’ code set is to be created from the parent code with the following codes Code set Name TaxIdentificationNumberTypeNNCode (where N is the next available number in the dictionary for this kind of child code set) [6] Code set Definition Codes Type of tax identification number. GTIN GIIN In acmt.001 and acmt, the change is to be made to all instances of Account Parties / … / …/ Party / Organisation (/ Tax Identification Number. In acmt.003, the change is to be made to all instances Modified Account Parties / … / …/ Party / Organisation / Tax Identification Number. J. Proposed timing: ISO20022MCR_InvestmentFundsMaintenance2015_v2 Produced by SWIFT 3 July 2014 103 ISO 20022 Investment Funds Maintenance 2015 The submitting organisation confirms that it can implement the requested changes in the requested timing. Timing - As requested K. Final decision of the SEG(s): This section is not to be taken care of by the submitting organisation. It will be completed in due time by the SEG(s) in charge of the related ISO 20022 messages. Approve Comments: Reject Reason for rejection: ISO20022MCR_InvestmentFundsMaintenance2015_v2 Produced by SWIFT 3 July 2014 104 ISO 20022 Investment Funds Maintenance 2015 18 CR0425 (acmt) Add optional FATCA Form Type to Party/Individual and AccountParties/Organisation (ID 768) A. Origin of the request: A.1 Submitter: NMPG / Italy A.2 Contact person: Andrea Milanesio +393479837483 A.3 Sponsors: B. Related messages: 1. 2. 3. Account Opening Instruction V04 Account Details Confirmation V04 Account Modification Instruction V04 acmt.001.001.04 acmt.002.001.04 acmt.003.001.04 C. Description of the change request: Add in IndividualPerson and Organisation section a new multiple optional element to identify the FATCA form type submitted by investor: FATCAFormType[0..n] Code [1..1] CRTA [W8-IMY] CRTB [W9] CRTC [W8-BEN] CRTD [W8-BEN-E] CRTE [I-407 (Self Certification of Loss of Nationality)] CRTF [Certificate of Loss of Nationality] CRTG [Self Certification] Proprietary [1..1] Identification [1..1] Issuer [1..1] D. Purpose of the change: In accordance to FATCA law the above information is mandatory to properly support customer's due diligence/check. E. Urgency of the request: Next yearly cycle. F. Business examples: G. SEG recommendation: Consider x Timing ISO20022MCR_InvestmentFundsMaintenance2015_v2 Produced by SWIFT 3 July 2014 105 ISO 20022 Investment Funds Maintenance 2015 - Next yearly cycle: 2014/2015 (the change will be considered for implementation in the yearly maintenance cycle which starts in 2014 and completes with the publication of new message versions in the spring of 2015) X - At the occasion of the next maintenance of the messages (the change will be considered for implementation, but does not justify maintenance of the messages in its own right – will be pending until more critical change requests are received for the messages) - Urgent unscheduled (the change justifies an urgent implementation outside of the normal yearly cycle) - Other timing: Comments: H. Impact analysis: For the Proprietary element, a generic component comprising Identification, Issuer and Schema name is to be used. I. Implementation ISO20022MCR_InvestmentFundsMaintenance2015_v2 Produced by SWIFT 3 July 2014 106 ISO 20022 Investment Funds Maintenance 2015 Currently the element ‘Party’ / Organisation / Tax Identification Number is typed by Max35Text. [1] The element name and its data type is to be changed:. Element Multiplicity Definition Data Type FATCAFormType [0.n] Type of Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) form submitted New choice component ISO20022MCR_InvestmentFundsMaintenance2015_v2 Produced by SWIFT 3 July 2014 107 ISO 20022 Investment Funds Maintenance 2015 by the investor. [2] New choice component Name Definition Element Code Proprietary [3] FATCAFormNChoice Choice of formats for the type of Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) form. Multiplicity Definition Data Type [1] Type of Foreign Account Tax FATCAFormTypeNNCode Compliance Act (FATCA) form expressed as a code. [1] Type of Foreign Account Tax Generic Identification 50 Compliance Act (FATCA) form expressed (already exists) as a proprietary code. A new parent code list ‘FATCAFormTypeCode’ is to be created FATCAFormTypeNNCode Definition: Specifies the type of Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) form. New Codes 1 CER1 CertificateForeignStatusBeneficialOwner Certificate of foreign status of beneficial owner (also known as IRS form W-8BEN). 2 CER2 CertificateLossOfNationality Certificate of loss of nationality. 3 CER3 SelfCertification Self certification. 4 CER4 SelfCertificationLossNationality Self certificate of loss of nationality (also known as IRS form I-407). 5 CER5 CertificateForeignIntermediary Certificate of foreign intermediary (also known as IRS form W-8IMY). 6 CER6 TaxpayerIdentificationNumberRequest Form is a request for taxpayer identification number and certification (also known as IRS form W9). 7 CER7 CertificateForeignPersonsClaim Certificate of foreign person's claim that income is effectively connected with the conduct of a trade or business in the United States (also known as IRS form W-8BEN-E). [4] A ‘child’ code set is to be created from the parent code list with all of the above codes Code set Name FATCAFormTypeNNCode (where N is the next available number in the dictionary for this kind of child code set) ISO20022MCR_InvestmentFundsMaintenance2015_v2 Code set Definition Codes Specifies the type of Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) form. See above Produced by SWIFT 3 July 2014 108 ISO 20022 Investment Funds Maintenance 2015 [5] In acmt.001 and acmt, the change is to be made to all instances of Account Parties / … / …/ Party / Organisation. In acmt.003, the change is to be made to all instances Modified Account Parties / … / …/ Party / Organisation. J. Proposed timing: The submitting organisation confirms that it can implement the requested changes in the requested timing. Timing - As requested K. Final decision of the SEG(s): This section is not to be taken care of by the submitting organisation. It will be completed in due time by the SEG(s) in charge of the related ISO 20022 messages. Approve Comments: Reject Reason for rejection: ISO20022MCR_InvestmentFundsMaintenance2015_v2 Produced by SWIFT 3 July 2014 109 ISO 20022 Investment Funds Maintenance 2015 19 CR0426 (acmt) Add optional FATCA Status to AccountParties/Organisation & Party/Individual person (ID 769) A. Origin of the request: A.1 Submitter: NMPG / Italy A.2 Contact person: Andrea Milanesio +393479837483 A.3 Sponsors: B. Related messages: 1. 2. 3. Account Opening Instruction V04 Account Details Confirmation V04 Account Modification Instruction V04 acmt.001.001.04 acmt.002.001.04 acmt.003.001.04 C. Description of the change request: Add in IndividualPerson and Organisation section a new section 'InvestorFATCAStatus' to support FATCA processes. FATCA Status could be multiple because could coexists FATCA Status declared by the investor to the distributor and a FATCA Status calculated by the distributor InvestorFatcaStatus [0..n] Type [1..1] Code [1..1] See below table Proprietary [1..1] Identification [1..1] Issuer [1..1] Source [0..1] Code [1..1] DECL [Declared] CALC [Calculated] FATCA101 Account Holder Type: Owner-Documented FI with specified US owner(s) FATCA102 Account Holder Type: Passive Non-Financial Entity with substantial US owner(s) FATCA103 Account Holder Type: Non-Participating FI FATCA104 Account Holder Type: Specified US Person FATCA105 Account Holder Type: Direct Reporting NFFE ISO20022MCR_InvestmentFundsMaintenance2015_v2 Produced by SWIFT 3 July 2014 110 ISO 20022 Investment Funds Maintenance 2015 FATCA201 Account Pool Reporting Type: Recalcitrant account holders with US Indicia FATCA202 Account Pool Reporting Type: Recalcitrant account holders without US Indicia FATCA203 Account Pool Reporting Type: Dormant accounts FATCA204 Account Pool Reporting Type: Non-participating foreign financial institutions FATCA205 Account Pool Reporting Type: Recalcitrant account holders that are US persons FATCA206 Account Pool Reporting Type: Recalcitrant account holders that are passive NFFEs D. Purpose of the change: In accordance to FATCA law the above information is mandatory to properly support customer's due diligence/check. E. Urgency of the request: Next yearly cycle. F. Business examples: G. SEG recommendation: Consider x Timing - Next yearly cycle: 2014/2015 (the change will be considered for implementation in the yearly maintenance cycle which starts in 2014 and completes with the publication of new message versions in the spring of 2015) X - At the occasion of the next maintenance of the messages (the change will be considered for implementation, but does not justify maintenance of the messages in its own right – will be pending until more critical change requests are received for the messages) - Urgent unscheduled (the change justifies an urgent implementation outside of the normal yearly cycle) - Other timing: Comments: H. Impact analysis: I. Implementation ISO20022MCR_InvestmentFundsMaintenance2015_v2 Produced by SWIFT 3 July 2014 111 ISO 20022 Investment Funds Maintenance 2015 Add new element. [1] The element name and its data type:. Element Multiplicity Definition Data Type InvestorFATCAStatus [0.n] Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act New message component ISO20022MCR_InvestmentFundsMaintenance2015_v2 Produced by SWIFT 3 July 2014 112 ISO 20022 Investment Funds Maintenance 2015 (FATCA) status of the investor. [2] New message component Name Definition Element Type Source [3] FATCAStatus (where N is the next number to be assigned) Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) status information. Multiplicity Definition Data Type [1] Foreign Account Tax Compliance New Choice Component - 1 (see Act (FATCA) status. below) [0.1] Source of the Foreign Account Tax New Choice Component -2 (see Compliance Act (FATCA) status. below) New Choice Component - 1 Name Definition Element Code Proprietary [4] ‘FATCAStatusN’. FATCAStatusNChoice e Choice of formats for the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) status. Multiplicity Definition Data Type [1] Foreign Account Tax Compliance FATCAStatus1Code (see below) Act (FATCA) status expressed as a code. [1] Foreign Account Tax Compliance Generic Identification 50 Act (FATCA) status expressed as a (already exists) proprietary code. A new parent code list ‘FATCAStatusCode’ is to be created FATCA Status Code Definition: Specifies the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) status. New Codes 1 FA01 FATCA101 2 FA02 FATCA102 3 4 5 FA03 FA04 FA05 FATCA103 FATCA104 FATCA105 6 FA06 FATCA201 7 FA07 FATCA202 8 9 FA08 FA09 FATCA203 FATCA204 10 FA10 FATCA205 11 FA11 FATCA206 Account holder type is an owner-documented financial institution with specified US owner(s). Account holder type is a passive non-financial entity with substantial US owner(s). Account holder type is a non-participating financial institution. Account holder type is a specified US person Account holder type is a direct reporting non-financial foreign entity (NFFE). Account pool reporting type is a recalcitrant account holder with US indicia. Account pool reporting type is a recalcitrant account holder without US indicia. Account pool reporting type is a dormant account. Account pool reporting type is a non-participating foreign financial institution. Account pool reporting type is a recalcitrant account holder that is a US person. Account pool reporting type is recalcitrant account holder that is a ISO20022MCR_InvestmentFundsMaintenance2015_v2 Produced by SWIFT 3 July 2014 113 ISO 20022 Investment Funds Maintenance 2015 passive non-financial foreign entity (NFFE). Notes: [1] FATCA101, FATCA102 is official terminology (see IRS website).) [2] For definition of Indicia, see appendix23.6 [5] A ‘child’ code set is to be created from the parent code list with all of the above codes Code set Name FATCAStatus1Code [6] Codes Specifies the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) status See above New Choice Component - 2 Name Definition status. Element Code Proprietary [7] Code set Definition FATCASourceNChoice Choice of formats for the source of the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) Multiplicity [1] [1] Definition Source of the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) status expressed as a code. Source of Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) status expressed as a proprietary code. Data Type FATCASourceStatus1Code Generic Identification 50 (already exists) A new parent code list ‘FATCASourceStatusCode’ is to be created FATCA Source Status Code Definition: Specifies the source of Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) status. New Codes 1 DECL Declared 2 CALC Calculated [6] Source of the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) status is as declared by the investor. Source of the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) status calculated. In acmt.001 and acmt, the change is to be made to all instances of Account Parties / … / …/ Party / Organisation. In acmt.003, the change is to be made to all instances Modified Account Parties / … / …/ Party / Organisation /. J. Proposed timing: The submitting organisation confirms that it can implement the requested changes in the requested timing. Timing - As requested ISO20022MCR_InvestmentFundsMaintenance2015_v2 Produced by SWIFT 3 July 2014 114 ISO 20022 Investment Funds Maintenance 2015 K. Final decision of the SEG(s): This section is not to be taken care of by the submitting organisation. It will be completed in due time by the SEG(s) in charge of the related ISO 20022 messages. Approve Comments: Reject Reason for rejection: ISO20022MCR_InvestmentFundsMaintenance2015_v2 Produced by SWIFT 3 July 2014 115 ISO 20022 Investment Funds Maintenance 2015 20 CR0421 (acmt) Add optional KYC Database Check to AccountParties/Investor Profile Validation (ID 770) A. Origin of the request: A.1 Submitter: NMPG / Italy A.2 Contact person: Andrea Milanesio +393479837483 B. Related messages: 1. 2. 3. Account Opening Instruction V04 Account Details Confirmation V04 Account Modification Instruction V04 acmt.001.001.04 acmt.002.001.04 acmt.003.001.04 C. Description of the change request: Add in InvestorProfileValidation section a new optional multiple element to identify the presence of individual or organization into a KYC database on line (eg World-Check): DataBaseCheck [0..n] DataBaseIndicator [1..1] type by YesNoIndicator DataBaseIdentification [0..1] typed by Max35Text These databases are used by organisations to identify and manage financial, regulatory and reputational risks. D. Purpose of the change: In accordance to Italian KYC and Money Laundering law the above information is important to properly support customer's due diligence/check performed by Distributor. E. Urgency of the request: Next yearly cycle. F. Business examples: G. SEG recommendation: Consider x Timing - Next yearly cycle: 2014/2015 (the change will be considered for implementation in the yearly maintenance cycle which starts in 2014 and completes with the publication of new message versions in the spring of 2015) X - At the occasion of the next maintenance of the messages (the change will be considered for implementation, but does not justify maintenance of the messages in its own right – will be pending until more critical change requests are received for the messages) - Urgent unscheduled (the change justifies an urgent implementation outside of the ISO20022MCR_InvestmentFundsMaintenance2015_v2 Produced by SWIFT 3 July 2014 116 ISO 20022 Investment Funds Maintenance 2015 normal yearly cycle) - Other timing: Comments: H. Impact analysis: I. Implementation [1] An optional sequence ‘DataBaseCheck is to be added: Element Multiplicity Definition Data Type Know Your Customer Database Check [0.1] Know Your Customer (KYC) database information. New Message Component ISO20022MCR_InvestmentFundsMaintenance2015_v2 Produced by SWIFT 3 July 2014 117 ISO 20022 Investment Funds Maintenance 2015 [2] New Message Component: Name Definition Element Indicator Identification [3] DataBaseCheck1 Choice between an amount or number of units or percentage. Multiplicity Definition Data Type [1] Indicates whether the individual or YesNoIndicator organisation is listed in an on-line global Know Your Customer (KYC) database. [0.1] Identification of the database Max35Text In acmt.001 and acmt, the change is to be made to all instances of Account Parties / … / …/ Party / Investor Profile Validation (see diagram above). In acmt.003, the change is to be made to all instances Modified Account Parties / … / …/ Party / Investor Profile Validation. J. Proposed timing: The submitting organisation confirms that it can implement the requested changes in the requested timing. Timing - As requested K. Final decision of the SEG(s): This section is not to be taken care of by the submitting organisation. It will be completed in due time by the SEG(s) in charge of the related ISO 20022 messages. Approve Comments: Reject Reason for rejection: ISO20022MCR_InvestmentFundsMaintenance2015_v2 Produced by SWIFT 3 July 2014 118 ISO 20022 Investment Funds Maintenance 2015 21 CR0416 (acmt) Add optional Settler to AccountParties (ID 771) A. Origin of the request: A.1 Submitter: NMPG / Italy A.2 Contact person: Andrea Milanesio +393479837483 B. Related messages: 1. 2. 3. Account Opening Instruction V04 Account Details Confirmation V04 Account Modification Instruction V04 acmt.001.001.04 acmt.002.001.04 acmt.003.001.04 C. Description of the change request: Add in AccountParties a new optional section named SETTLOR to be used in case of TRUST. This new section will be typed by InvestmentAccountOwnershipInformation9 D. Purpose of the change: In accordance to Italian KYC and Money Laundering law the above information is important to properly support customer's due diligence/check performed by Distributor. E. Urgency of the request: Next yearly cycle. F. Business examples: G. SEG recommendation: Consider x Timing - Next yearly cycle: 2014/2015 (the change will be considered for implementation in the yearly maintenance cycle which starts in 2014 and completes with the publication of new message versions in the spring of 2015) X - At the occasion of the next maintenance of the messages (the change will be considered for implementation, but does not justify maintenance of the messages in its own right – will be pending until more critical change requests are received for the messages) - Urgent unscheduled (the change justifies an urgent implementation outside of the normal yearly cycle) - Other timing: Comments: H. Impact analysis: ISO20022MCR_InvestmentFundsMaintenance2015_v2 Produced by SWIFT 3 July 2014 119 ISO 20022 Investment Funds Maintenance 2015 From SWIFT Standards: The concept of ‘settler’ in the context of hedge funds is present in the message. However, having reviewed definitions, it would seem that ‘settlor’ is the correct term in the context of a trust. Articles on the internet talk about hedge funds using both ‘settler’ and ‘settlor’. See Appendix 26.1 for results of searches on the internet.. It has been concluded tentatively that both ‘settler’ and ‘settlor’ need to be supported in the account management messages. I. Implementation An optional sequence ‘Settlor’ is to be added to the Account Parties sequence: Element Multiplicity Definition Data Type Settlor [0.1] Entity that creates a trust or contributes assets to the trust. Investment Account Ownership Information 9 The new sequence is to be added in the following locations: [1] Account Opening Instruction acmt.001 The new element is to be added to Account Parties ISO20022MCR_InvestmentFundsMaintenance2015_v2 Produced by SWIFT 3 July 2014 120 ISO 20022 Investment Funds Maintenance 2015 [2] Account Details Confirmation acmt.002 The new version of AccountParties9 created as a result of the implementation of the change in acmt.001 is to be reused as the new datatype for AccountParties in acmt.002 [3] Account Modification Instruction acmt.003 The new element is to be added to Modified Account Parties just below the element ‘Settler’. J. Proposed timing: The submitting organisation confirms that it can implement the requested changes in the requested timing. Timing - As requested K. Final decision of the SEG: This section is not to be taken care of by the submitting organisation. It will be completed in due time by the SEG(s) in charge of the related ISO 20022 messages. Approve Comments: Reject Reason for rejection: ISO20022MCR_InvestmentFundsMaintenance2015_v2 Produced by SWIFT 3 July 2014 121 ISO 20022 Investment Funds Maintenance 2015 22 CR0418 (acmt) Add optional Status Of Plan to Savings & Withdrawal Investment Plan (ID 772) A. Origin of the request: A.1 Submitter: NMPG / Italy A.2 Contact person: Andrea Milanesio +393479837483 B. Related messages: 1. 2. 3. Account Opening Instruction V04 Account Details Confirmation V04 Account Modification Instruction V04 acmt.001.001.04 acmt.002.001.04 acmt.003.001.04 C. Description of the change request: Add in SavingInvestmentPlan and in WithdrawalInvestmentPlan the following new optional element: StatusOfPlan [0..1] typed by a code list: ACTV [plan is active] SSPD [plan is suspended] CLOS [plan is closed] D. Purpose of the change: It’s required by Italian business market for plan modification. E. Urgency of the request: Next yearly cycle. F. Business examples: G. SEG recommendation: Consider x Timing - Next yearly cycle: 2014/2015 (the change will be considered for implementation in the yearly maintenance cycle which starts in 2014 and completes with the publication of new message versions in the spring of 2015) X - At the occasion of the next maintenance of the messages (the change will be considered for implementation, but does not justify maintenance of the messages in its own right – will be pending until more critical change requests are received for the messages) - Urgent unscheduled (the change justifies an urgent implementation outside of the normal yearly cycle) - Other timing: ISO20022MCR_InvestmentFundsMaintenance2015_v2 Produced by SWIFT 3 July 2014 122 ISO 20022 Investment Funds Maintenance 2015 Comments: H. Impact analysis: The code SSPD is not used, but rather SUSP as this has already been defined in ISO 20022. I. Implementation [1] An optional element is to be added: Element Multiplicity Definition Data Type PlanStatus [0.1] Status of the savings or withdrawal investment plan. Code list (see below) [2] New code list (PlanStatus1Code) Code ACTV SUSP CLOS [3] Code Name Active Suspended Closed Definition Plan is active. Plan is suspended Plan is closed. In acmt.001 and acmt, the change is to be made to Savings Investment Plan and Withdrawal Investment Plan. In acmt.003, the change is to be made to Modified Savings Investment Plan and Modified Withdrawal Investment Plan. J. Proposed timing: The submitting organisation confirms that it can implement the requested changes in the requested timing. ISO20022MCR_InvestmentFundsMaintenance2015_v2 Produced by SWIFT 3 July 2014 123 ISO 20022 Investment Funds Maintenance 2015 Timing - As requested K. Final decision of the SEG(s): This section is not to be taken care of by the submitting organisation. It will be completed in due time by the SEG(s) in charge of the related ISO 20022 messages. Approve Comments: Reject Reason for rejection: ISO20022MCR_InvestmentFundsMaintenance2015_v2 Produced by SWIFT 3 July 2014 124 ISO 20022 Investment Funds Maintenance 2015 23 CR0419 (acmt) Add optional Amount and Units to Savings & Withdrawal Investment Plan Security Details (ID 773) A. Origin of the request: A.1 Submitter: NMPG / Italy A.2 Contact person: Andrea Milanesio +393479837483 B. Related messages: 1. 2. 3. Account Opening Instruction V04 Account Details Confirmation V04 Account Modification Instruction V04 acmt.001.001.04 acmt.002.001.04 acmt.003.001.04 C. Description of the change request: Add in SavingInvestmentPlan/SecuritiesDetails and in WithdrawalInvestmentPlan/SecuritiesDetails the following new optional elements as choice of existing Percentage: a. Amount (Currency and amount invested in a fund) [1..1] NEW b. Unit (Number of units to be subscribed or withdrawn in a fund) [1..1] NEW c. Percentage (Percentage of amount invested in a fund) [1..1] Sometimes the value of Installment related to a financial instrument can be expressed by an Amount/Unit instead of Percentage D. Purpose of the change: It’s required by Italian business market E. Urgency of the request: Next yearly cycle. F. Business examples: G. SEG recommendation: Consider x Timing - Next yearly cycle: 2014/2015 (the change will be considered for implementation in the yearly maintenance cycle which starts in 2014 and completes with the publication of new message versions in the spring of 2015) X - At the occasion of the next maintenance of the messages (the change will be considered for implementation, but does not justify maintenance of the messages in its own right – will be pending until more critical change requests are received for the messages) - Urgent unscheduled (the change justifies an urgent implementation outside of the ISO20022MCR_InvestmentFundsMaintenance2015_v2 Produced by SWIFT 3 July 2014 125 ISO 20022 Investment Funds Maintenance 2015 normal yearly cycle) - Other timing: Comments: H. Impact analysis: I. Implementation [1] The element Savings Investment Plan / Security Details / Percentage (and Withdrawal Investment Plan / Security Details / Percentage) is to be replaced with a new element: Element Multiplicity Definition Data Type AmountOrUnitOrPercentage [1.1] Amount, units or percentage of financial instrument invested or withdrawn. Choice (see below) [2] New choice component Name Definition Element UnitsOrAmountOrPercentage1Choice Choice between an amount or number of units or percentage. Multiplicity Definition Data Type ISO20022MCR_InvestmentFundsMaintenance2015_v2 Produced by SWIFT 3 July 2014 126 ISO 20022 Investment Funds Maintenance 2015 Amount Unit Percentage [3] [1] [1] [1] Cash amount. Number of units. Percentage of cash amount. Active Currency And Amount Decimal Number Percentage Rate In acmt.001 and acmt, the change is to be made to Savings Investment Plan and Withdrawal Investment Plan / Security Details / Percentage. In acmt.003, the change is to be made to Modified Savings Investment Plan and Modified Withdrawal Investment Plan / Percentage. J. Proposed timing: The submitting organisation confirms that it can implement the requested changes in the requested timing. Timing - As requested K. Final decision of the SEG(s): This section is not to be taken care of by the submitting organisation. It will be completed in due time by the SEG(s) in charge of the related ISO 20022 messages. Approve Comments: Reject Reason for rejection: ISO20022MCR_InvestmentFundsMaintenance2015_v2 Produced by SWIFT 3 July 2014 127 ISO 20022 Investment Funds Maintenance 2015 24 CR0420 (acmt) Add optional Instalment Manager Role to Savings & Withdrawal InvestmentPlan/Security Details - (ID 774) A. Origin of the request: A.1 Submitter: NMPG / Italy A.2 Contact person: Andrea Milanesio +393479837483 A.3 Sponsors: B. Related messages: 1. 2. 3. Account Opening Instruction V04 Account Details Confirmation V04 Account Modification Instruction V04 acmt.001.001.04 acmt.002.001.04 acmt.003.001.04 C. Description of the change request: Add in SavingInvestmentPlan/SecuritiesDetails and in WithdrawalInvestmentPlan/SecuritiesDetails Add in SavingsInvestmentPlan and WithdrawalInvestmentPlan a new optional element to identify by which entities the installment is issued/managed : InstallmentManager [0..1] Role [1..1] typed by PartyRole2Choice Code [1..1] typed by InvestmentFundRole6Code Proprietary [1..1] typed by GenericIdentification47 D. Purpose of the change: It’s required by Italian business market, Saving and Withdrawal plan could be issued by Distributor which means distributor is in charge periodically of the generation of the subscription/redemption orders and sends to the TA or could be the TA which automatically generate the periodical subscription/redemption orders E. Urgency of the request: Next yearly cycle. F. Business examples: G. SEG recommendation: This section is not to be taken care of by the submitter of the change request. It will be completed in due time by the SEG(s) in charge of the related ISO 20022 messages. Consider x Timing - Next yearly cycle: 2014/2015 (the change will be considered for implementation in the yearly maintenance cycle which starts in 2014 and completes with the publication of new message versions in the spring of 2015) ISO20022MCR_InvestmentFundsMaintenance2015_v2 Produced by SWIFT 3 July 2014 X 128 ISO 20022 Investment Funds Maintenance 2015 - At the occasion of the next maintenance of the messages (the change will be considered for implementation, but does not justify maintenance of the messages in its own right – will be pending until more critical change requests are received for the messages) - Urgent unscheduled (the change justifies an urgent implementation outside of the normal yearly cycle) - Other timing: Comments: H. Impact analysis: I. Implementation [1] An optional element is to be added: Element Multiplicity Definition Data Type Instalment Manager Role [0.1] Role or function of the installment manager. PartyRole2Choice (already exists) ISO20022MCR_InvestmentFundsMaintenance2015_v2 Produced by SWIFT 3 July 2014 129 ISO 20022 Investment Funds Maintenance 2015 [2] In acmt.001 and acmt, the change is to be made to Savings Investment Plan and Withdrawal Investment Plan. In acmt.003, the change is to be made to Modified Savings Investment Plan and Modified Withdrawal Investment Plan. J. Proposed timing: The submitting organisation confirms that it can implement the requested changes in the requested timing. Timing - As requested K. Final decision of the SEG(s): This section is not to be taken care of by the submitting organisation. It will be completed in due time by the SEG(s) in charge of the related ISO 20022 messages. Approve Comments: Reject Reason for rejection: ISO20022MCR_InvestmentFundsMaintenance2015_v2 Produced by SWIFT 3 July 2014 130 ISO 20022 Investment Funds Maintenance 2015 25 CR0340 (acmt) Replace XOR Construct with Choice Component (ID 775) A. Origin of the request: A.1 Submitter : SWIFT Standards A.2 Contact person: Janice Chapman ( +32 2 655 3390 A.3 Sponsor: B. Related messages: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Account Opening Instruction V04 Account Details Confirmation V04 Account Modification Instruction V04 Get Account Details V02 (*1) Request For Account Management Status Report V02 acmt.001.001.04 acmt.002.001.04 acmt.003.001.04 acmt.004.001.02 acmt.005.001.02 (*1 – not currently ISO message but will be included in change request to be complete for the suite of messages.) C. Description of the change request: Replacement of XOR construction with a choice component for the following structures: # Message/s Location in Message Elements in the XOR Comment 1 Acmt.001, 002 New Issue Allocation DeMinimusApplicable DeMinimusNotApplicable 2 Acmt.003 Modified Issue Allocation DeMinimusApplicable DeMinimusNotApplicable 3 Acmt.001, 002 Service Level Agreement Method Of Transmission Extended Method Of Transmission + replace ‘extended’ by Proprietary 4 Acmt.003 Modified Service Level Agreement Method Of Transmission Extended Method Of Transmission + replace ‘extended’ by Proprietary 5 Acmt.004 Investment Account Selection Account Identification Other Account Selection Data 6 Acmt.004 Investment Account Selection Individual Owner Identification Organisation Owner Identification 7 acmt.005 Request Details Other Reference Previous Reference 8 acmt.005 Request Details / Investment Account Individual Owner Identification Organisation Owner Identification D. Purpose of the change: Under the new edition ISO 20022:2013, ‘unnamed’ choices (known as XOR choices) are forbidden and should be replaced by ‘named’ ChoiceComponents. Unnamed choices are difficult to implement as they require an implementer to 'invent' a name for the choice. Unnamed choices may also be confusing to a user if a choice has to be made without any context as to why the choice is there. ISO20022MCR_InvestmentFundsMaintenance2015_v2 Produced by SWIFT 3 July 2014 131 ISO 20022 Investment Funds Maintenance 2015 Extended to Proprietary is a requirement for ISO 20022. E. Urgency of the request: Next yearly maintenance cycle (2014/2015). This change could have been done as part of the 2013-14 maintenance. Although the sections of the message concerned were not part of any change request, it would have been more efficient. The XOR constructs are the last ones remaining in the account management messages and it makes sense to do these changes as soon as possible as adoption of these messages is now beginning to increase F. Business examples: None G. SEG recommendation: Consider x Timing - Next yearly cycle: 2014/2015 (the change will be considered for implementation in the yearly maintenance cycle which starts in 2014 and completes with the publication of new message versions in the spring of 2015) X - At the occasion of the next maintenance of the messages (the change will be considered for implementation, but does not justify maintenance of the messages in its own right – will be pending until more critical change requests are received for the messages) - Urgent unscheduled (the change justifies an urgent implementation outside of the normal yearly cycle) - Other timing: Comments: H. Impact analysis: ISO20022MCR_InvestmentFundsMaintenance2015_v2 Produced by SWIFT 3 July 2014 132 ISO 20022 Investment Funds Maintenance 2015 I. Implementation [1] acmt.001 account opening instruction + acmt.002 account details confirmation The table shows the elements in the XOR and how they are to be replaced: # 1 New Issue Allocation Elements of the XOR Replace by Element Name Element Definition Element M/O Choice Component Name & Definition Elements of the Choice Component Definition of choice element Data Type for choice element Choice elemen t M/O DeMinimusApplicab le DeMinimus Conditions applicable when the investor is covered by the "de minimis" exemption. 0.1 DeMinimus 1 Choice DeMinimusAp plicable Conditions applicable when the investor is covered by the "de minimis" exemption. DeMinimusNot Applicable1 1..1 DeMinimusN otApplicable Conditions applicable when the investor is not covered by the "de minimis" exemption. DeMinimusNot Applicable1 1..1 Communication method to be used. 1..1 Communication Method N Choice Code Method of transmission expressed as a code. Communicatio n Method1 Code 1..1 Definition: Choice of formats for the method of transmission. Proprietary Method of transmission expressed as a proprietary code. Generic Identification 13 1..1 DeMinimusNotAppli cable 2 Service Level Agreement Method Of Transmission Method Of Transmissio n Extended Method Of Transmission Definition: De minimus applicability conditions. [2] acmt.003 account modification instruction [1] Re-use the new version of the NewIssueAllocation1 message component as the data type for element Modified Issue Allocation / Issue Allocation [2] Re-use the new version of the DocumentToSend1 message component as the data type for element Modified Service Level Agreement / Service Level Agreement [3] acmt.004 get account details (not currently ISO message but will be included in change request to be complete for the suite of messages) The table shows the elements in the XOR and how they are to be replaced: ISO20022MCR_InvestmentFundsMaintenance2015_v2 Produced by SWIFT 3 July 2014 133 ISO 20022 Investment Funds Maintenance 2015 Elements of the XOR # Investmen1 Account t Account Identification Selection Replace by Element Name Element Definition Elemen t M/O Choice Component Name & Definition Elements of the Choice Component Definition of choice element Data Type for choice element Choice eleme nt M/O Selection Details Information used to identify the account for which the information is modified. 1..1 Account Selection N Choice Account Identification Unique and unambiguous identification for the account between the account owner and the account servicer. Various investment account information used to select a specific account. DeMinimusNot Applicable1 1..1 DeMinimusNot Applicable1 1..1 Definition: Choice of account or other account-related data. Other Account Selection Data Investmen2 t Account Selection / Other Account Selection Data Individual Owner Identification Other Account Selection Data Owner Identificatio n Identification of the owner of the account. 0..1 Organisation Owner Identification Owner Identification N Choice Individual Identification of an individual person. IndividualPerso nIdentification Choice 1..1 Definition: Choice of individual or organisation details. Organisation Identification of an organisation. New version of PartyIdentificat ion5 Choice (there will be a new version of this for the BIC or BEI CR) 1..1 [4] acmt.005 request for account management status report The table shows the elements in the XOR and how they are to be replaced: # Elements of the XOR Request 1 Other Reference Details Replace by Element Name Element Definition Element M/O Choice Component Name & Definition Elements of the Choice Component Definition of choice element Data Type for choice element Choice eleme nt M/O Reference Reference to a linked message. 0..1 Reference N Choice Other Reference Reference to a linked message sent in a proprietary way or Max35Text 1..1 Definition: Choice of ISO20022MCR_InvestmentFundsMaintenance2015_v2 Produced by SWIFT 3 July 2014 134 ISO 20022 Investment Funds Maintenance 2015 # Elements of the XOR Replace by Element Name Element Definition Element M/O Choice Component Name & Definition Elements of the Choice Component references. Previous Reference Previous Reference Request 2 Individual Owner Details / Identification Investmen t Account Organisation Owner Identification Owner Identificatio n ISO20022MCR_InvestmentFundsMaintenance2015_v2 Identification of the owner of the account. 0..1 Definition of choice element Data Type for choice element Choice eleme nt M/O reference of a system. Reference to a linked message that was previously sent. Max35Text 1..1 Owner Identification N Choice Individual Identification of an individual person. IndividualPerso nIdentification Choice 1..1 Definition: Choice of individual or organisation details. Organisation Identification of an organisation. New version of PartyIdentificat ion2 Choice (there will be a new version of this for the BIC or BEI CR) 1..1 Produced by SWIFT 3 July 2014 135 ISO 20022 Investment Funds Maintenance 2015 J. Proposed timing: The submitting organisation confirms that it can implement the requested changes in the requested timing. Timing - As requested K. Final decision of the SEG(s): This section is not to be taken care of by the submitting organisation. It will be completed in due time by the SEG(s) in charge of the related ISO 20022 messages. Approve Comments: Reject Reason for rejection: ISO20022MCR_InvestmentFundsMaintenance2015_v2 Produced by SWIFT 3 July 2014 136 ISO 20022 Investment Funds Maintenance 2015 26 APPENDIX 26.1 Settler verses Settlor Context The account management messages already have a party called ‘settler’. The Italian funds community is requesting the addition of ‘settlor’. Searches have been done on the internet. Finding 1 In law a settlor is a person who settles property on trust law for the benefit of beneficiaries. In some legal systems, a settlor is also referred to as a trustor, or occasionally, a grantor or donor.[1] Where the trust is a testamentary trust, the settlor is usually referred to as the testator. The settlor may also be the trustee of the trust (where he declares that he holds his own property on trusts) or a third party may be the trustee (where he transfers the property to the trustee on trusts). In British common law it has been held, controversially, that where a trustee declares an intention to transfer trust property to a trust of which he is one of several trustees, that is a valid settlement notwithstanding the property is not vested in the other trustees The settlor is the party that creates a trust, usually the donor. The settlor transfers legal title in some asset to the trustee. The settlor then provides in the trust instrument how that trust property is to be used for the beneficiaries. In the case of the inter vivos trust, the settlor can also be the beneficiary. Additionally, The settlor can be the trustee in the case of the self-declared trust Finding 2 (iii) [A]ny trust that is not covered by clause (ii) and that was not formed for the specific purpose of acquiring the securities offered, as to which the trustee or other person authorized to make decisions with respect to the trust, and each settler or other person who has contributed assets to the trust, is person described in clause (i), (ii), or (iv); or Finding 3 – seach ‘hedge funds settler’ A qualified purchaser is intended to be a sophisticated investor who doesn’t require the specific protections provided by the registration process normally required of investment companies. A qualified purchaser is defined by the 1940 act as: “a natural person or family-owned company owning at least $5,000,000 of investments (as defined by the SEC); any trust (not specifically formed to acquire the securities offered) the trustee and each settler of which are qualified purchasers; or any person, acting for his own account or for the accounts of other qualified purchasers, who in the aggregate owns and invests at least $25,000,000 in investments.” Finding 4 - From the MARTIN CURRIE EUROPEAN HEDGE FUND US DOLLAR PORTFOLIO SUBSCRIPTION BOOKLET Documentation which may required for a Trust/Foundation/Charity in certain Countries 1. Confirmation of name, registered & principal business address 2. Constitutional / Formation document (e.g.: Trust Deed or equivalent) 3. Nature and purpose 4. ONE Personal Verification (Note 1) and TWO Address Verification (Note 3) documents for at least TWO trustees/directors/governors/board members or ONE trustee/director/governor/board member and ONE authorised signatory (original / certified (Note 2)) 5. ONE Personal Verification (Note 1) and TWO Address Verification (Note 3) documents for any settler (where appropriate) ISO20022MCR_InvestmentFundsMaintenance2015_v2 Produced by SWIFT 3 July 2014 137 ISO 20022 Investment Funds Maintenance 2015 6. 7. ONE Personal Verification (Note 1) and TWO Address Verification (Note 3) documents for all beneficiaries who own more than 25% of the capital Original Authorised Signatory List Finding 5 Oxford Dictionary Settler A person who settles in an area, typically one with no or few previous inhabitants settlor A person who makes a settlement, especially of property in establishing a trust. Cambridge Settler settlor a person who arrives, especially from another country, in a new place in order to live there and use the land a person who creates a trust (= legal arrangement to manage the assets of someone else) and puts money, property, etc. into it: Capital is gifted into the trust by a settlor via investment bonds to named beneficiaries. Financial dictionary Settler settlor One who settles or decides something. a person who settles in a new country or a colony One that makes a business or financial settlement or a settlement of property. . (Law) law a person who settles property on someone settlor - (law) a person who creates a trust by giving real or personal property in trust to a trustee for the benefit of a beneficiary; a person who gives such property is said to settle it on the trustee 26.1.1 Settler & Settlor Conclusion it would seem that ‘settlor’ is the correct term in the context of a trust. Articles on the internet talk about hedge funds using both ‘settler’ and ‘settlor’. 26.2 Tax NumberIdentification Definitions In ISO 20022, the definition of a code is simply the definition of the code, not the underlying meaning of the code. For reference purposes, full definitions are listed here. ISO 20222 Code Code Name Code Definition Definition from IRS website ITIN Individual Taxpayer Identitication Number Tax processing number. An Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) is a tax processing number issued by the Internal Revenue Service. It is a nine-digit number that always begins with the number 9 and has a range of 70-88 in the fourth and fifth digit. Effective April 12, 2011, the range was extended to include 900-70-0000 through 999-88-9999, 900-90-0000 through 999-92-9999 and 900-94-0000 through 999-99-9999. IRS issues ITINs to individuals who are required to have a U.S. taxpayer identification number but who do not have, and are not eligible to obtain a Social Security Number (SSN) from the Social Security Administration (SSA). ISO20022MCR_InvestmentFundsMaintenance2015_v2 Produced by SWIFT 3 July 2014 138 ISO 20022 Investment Funds Maintenance 2015 ATIN Adoption Taxpayer Identitication Number Temporary tax processing number (used in the domestic adoption of a child). An ATIN is an Adoption Taxpayer Identification Number issued by the Internal Revenue Service as a temporary taxpayer identification number for the child in a domestic adoption where the adopting taxpayers do not have and/or are unable to obtain the child's Social Security Number (SSN). The ATIN is to be used by the adopting taxpayers on their Federal Income Tax return to identify the child while final domestic adoption is pending. GTIN Tax Identitication Number Tax Identitication Number A Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) is an identification number used by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) in the administration of tax laws. It is issued either by the Social Security Administration (SSA) or by the IRS. A Social Security number (SSN) is issued by the SSA whereas all other TINs are issued by the IRS. 26.3 Indicia Definitions [1] distinctive markings [2] postal markings often impreinged on main or on labels to be affixed to mail 26.4 CR File Names as posted on ISO 20022 1. CR0340_SWIFT_XOR_IF_acmt_v1.doc Acmt.001, 002, 003, 004, 005 2. 3. CR0342_SWIFT_XOR_IF_camt_v1.doc CR0347_SWIFT_XOR_IF_semt_v2.doc Camt.042, 043, 045 Semt.006, 007 4. 5. 6. CR0348_SWIFT_DEF_IF_semt_v1.doc CR0349_SWIFT_ERROR_IF_semt_v1.doc CR0352_SWIFT_TrsfrCur_IF_sese_v1.doc Semt.006, 007 Semt.007 Sese.012, 013, 014 7. 8. CR0386_SWIFT_Funds_camt_N_Dtld_NewElements_v1.doc CR0387_SWIFT_Funds_camt_Dtld_NewElements_v1.doc Camt.040, 041, 044 Camt. 042, 043, 045 9. 10. 11. CR0388_SWIFT_Funds_semt_Delete_Rule_and_XOR_v1.doc CR0394_SWIFT_Funds_camt_TradeDateDefinition_v1.doc CR0395_SWIFT_Funds_camt_OffShore_v1.doc Semt.001 Camt.040, 042 Camt.040, 041, 042, 043, 044, 045 12. 13. 14. CR0398_SWIFT_Funds_acmt_TransferReference_v1.doc CR0416_NMPG_IT_AddAccountParties_v1.doc CR0417_NMPG_IT_AddCounterPartyReferences_v1.doc Acmt.001, 002, 003 Acmt.001, 002, 003 Acmt.001, 002, 003 15. 16. CR0418_NMPG_IT_AddStatusOfPlan_v1.doc CR0419_NMPG_IT_PercentageChoice_v1.doc Acmt.001, 002, 003 Acmt.001, 002, 003 17. 18. 19. CR0420_NMPG_IT_InstallmentManager_v1.doc CR0421_NMPG_IT_DatabaseCheck_v1.doc CR0422_NMPG_IT_CountryIssuer_v1.doc Acmt.001, 002, 003 Acmt.001, 002, 003 acmt.001, 002, 003 20. 21. CR0423_NMPG_IT_IndividualPersonID_v1.doc CR0424_NMPG_IT_TaxIdNumber_v1.doc Acmt.001, 002, 003 Acmt.001, 002, 003 22. 23. CR0425_NMPG_IT_FATCAFormType_v1.doc CR0426_NMPG_IT_InvestorFATCAStatus_v1.doc Acmt.001, 002, 003 Acmt.001, 002, 003 ISO20022MCR_InvestmentFundsMaintenance2015_v2 Produced by SWIFT 3 July 2014 139 ISO 20022 Investment Funds Maintenance 2015 24. CR0441_SWIFT_Funds_camt_additional balances_v1.doc Camt.040, 041, 042, 043, 044, 045 END ISO20022MCR_InvestmentFundsMaintenance2015_v2 Produced by SWIFT 3 July 2014 140