
The mission of Kelley Indianapolis Student Government (KISG) is to enhance, guide, and promote
student organizations to further academic and professional development of students at the Indiana
University Kelley School of Business Indianapolis.
The purposes of KISG are:
To represent and act in the best interest of the Kelley School of Business Indianapolis
(KSBI) student body.
To communicate concerns of the students to the Kelley School of Business administration
as well as the Undergraduate Student Government (USG).
To promote and coordinate activities and student involvement in organizations within
To encourage the establishment and retention of student organizations related to the field
of business.
To allocate the Student Activity Fund among organizations in KISG as described in the
IUPUI Student Activity Fund Guidelines.
The name of this organization shall be Kelley Indianapolis Student Government (KISG).
Section 1: Definition
KISG is a representative organization for the student body of the Indiana University Kelley School
of Business Indianapolis.
General membership is open to any student who is currently enrolled at IUPUI and wishes to be
involved with Kelley School of Business Indianapolis student organizations. Executive Membership is
open to any current undergraduate Kelley student in good academic standing with the university.
Membership dues may be established by the Executive Committee of KISG and current delegates by a
majority vote. A majority is the option with the most votes. All paid members will receive full benefits of
the organization and will be allowed to attend all general KISG events.
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Section 2: Advisors
The Associate Dean of KSBI shall name two faculty or staff members to the Student Government,
one of which will be a representative from the Office of the Dean. Each of these two will be voting
members of KISG.
Section 3: Executive Committee
All of the following officers are elected by the students of KSBI according to USG standards and
serve a 13 month term beginning April 1 and ending May 1 of the following year.
The Executive Committee will conduct at least six (6) general assembly meetings on Wednesdays
from 12pm – 1pm during the fall semesters and Tuesdays from 12pm – 1pm in the spring semesters,
based on the academic schedule of KSBI. Prior to the start of each semester, the Executive Committee
will establish the regular meeting locations. Special meetings may be called by the President or may be
called by request of three or more Kelley students.
The Executive Committee of KISG may function instead of the full General Assembly on matters
requiring immediate attention. KISG must ratify their action. Vacancies on the Executive Committee
will be filled by a majority vote from the existing KISG executive committee. A majority is the option
with the most votes.
Executive Officers of the KISG must include: President, Vice President, Event Coordinator,
Secretary, Treasurer, Promotions Coordinator, Director of Communications, Director of Human
Resources, Director of Professional Development, Student Campaign Leader, two Senators, Graduate
Delegate, two Class Delegates from each class (freshman, sophomore, junior, and senior), and an
In addition to the following duties, each Executive Member must fulfill at least one time slot when
staffing tables. The duties include but are not limited to:
The President: This individual is responsible for managing the affairs of KISG. This includes but
is not limited to developing the agenda for and presiding at all Executive Committee and General
Assembly meetings. In addition, s/he will represent KISG at all necessary University functions. The
President of KISG may not hold an Executive position in any other Kelley Club or Organization during
their term as President.
The Vice-President: This individual shall fulfill the duties of any Executive Member in his/her
absence. Please note that the Vice President may fill in for no more than one additional position at any
given time. Furthermore, at each General Assembly meeting, the Vice President will preside over all
proposal approval procedures and will serve as chair for the Otteson Committee. The Vice President will
also collect and count votes. The Vice President of KISG may not hold an Executive position in any other
Kelley Club or Organization during their term as Vice President.
Event Coordinator: The Event Coordinator shall be responsible for helping to advertise KISG to
Kelley students by acting as liaison between KISG and the Multimedia Production Center to coordinate
flyer design for all KISG events or designing their own flyers for the same purpose; posting/distributing
said flyers throughout the Business/SPEA stairwell bulletin boards; up keeping the designated KISG
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promotional display board in the third floor hallway by regularly updating event flyers and posting other
relevant material
The Secretary: This individual shall be responsible for maintaining the official records and
communications of KISG. This includes but is not limited to contacting representatives regarding
meetings, tracking attendance at meetings, keeping and distributing minutes, recording voting results, and
any other official records. The Secretary shall ensure that attendance and minutes are uploaded to
OnCourse and Student Link within five calendar days of the most recent meeting.
The Treasurer: This individual shall be the liaison to the KSBI Fiscal Affairs Department and is
responsible for maintaining financial records of KISG. This includes but is not limited to the forms and
processes for the budget, proposals, and reimbursement forms. The Treasurer of KISG may not hold an
Executive position in any other Kelley Club or Organization during their term as Treasurer.
Promotions Coordinator: This individual shall be responsible for the maintenance of the website
which include the following, but is not limited to: posting minutes, posting KISG activities, uploading
organization information and monitoring club websites. This individual shall also be responsible for
communicating with the Event Coordinator to cohesively endorse KISG via social media. In addition, at
each general assembly meeting, the promotions coordinator will be responsible for updating the members
regarding the website when applicable.
Director of Communications: This position is responsible for being the liaison between KISG
and other Kelley faculty members. This individual is also responsible for attending the undergraduate
student government meetings if the senator is unable to.
Director of Human Resources: This position is responsible for staffing people for the different
events hosted by KISG such as apparel sells, recruiting events, and Kelley orientation. This individual
will also be responsible for planning the end of the year event. Event assignments should be posted one
week prior to all events.
Director of Professional Development: This member will serve as the chair of the Professional
Development Committee along with heading the Student Advisory Board with the Kelley Indianapolis
Career Services. This board will plan professional development events with the Employee Advisory
Board. Additionally, they will be the main contact for any professional development events.
Student Campaign Leader: This individual will lead the Kelley Student Involvement campaign.
This person will be the main contact with the Director of Professional Development. They will oversee
the delegates responsible for contacting students to encourage monetary giving.
The Senators (2): These individuals shall act as liaisons between KISG and the USG. This
includes but is not limited to attending all USG Senate meetings, representing KISG in regard to current
issues on campus, and vice versa.
Graduate Student Representative: The Graduate Student Representative position shall be filled
by a KSBI graduate student. This individual shall be responsible for attending all meetings of the IUPUI
Graduate and Professional Student Government (GPSG) on behalf of KSBI and representing KSBI to the
GPSG. The Graduate Student Representative shall also be responsible for informing KISG of relevant
occurrences within the GPSG as well as serving as the voice of KSBI graduate students in KISG
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The Class Delegates: Each class in KSBI must elect two delegates to act as representatives to
KISG. The Class Delegates shall therefore consist of eight (8) individuals: two (2) from each class. Class
delegates shall be a liaison from the students of the Kelley School of Business Indianapolis to KISG. This
includes but is not limited to attending all Executive and General Assembly meetings, and representing
the voice of KISG students. One Delegate from each class will also be responsible for serving on the
Otteson Committee (See Article VIII – Otteson). Classes are designated as follows: Freshman: 0 – 25
credit hours, Sophomore: 26 – 55 credit hours, Junior: 56 – 85 credit hours, Senior 86+ credit hours.
Alternate: This individual will be responsible filling any vacancies to mid semester emergencies
where an executive member has to vacate their position. Vacancies on the Executive Committee can also
be filled by a majority vote from the existing KISG executive committee.
The Kelley House RA is an appointed position by the Director of Student Engagement. They will
not be required to attend meetings but will still be able to vote on executive matters if present. This
position will be responsible for distributing flyers and informing members about events of the Kelley
Section 4: Student Organization
Each student organization in KISG must appoint one representative to serve as a liaison to KISG
at all General Assembly Meetings. This liaison cannot be an existing member on the current KISG
executive committee. Each representative is a voting member of KISG and must follow the guidelines
outlined in the Attendance Policy in Article V. Should the Club Representative be unable to attend a
General Assembly Meeting, another Executive Member of the Club may come in their place.
Each student organization will be assigned to a committee of their choice (Professional
Development, Events, Promotions, Communications) where they will offer their ideas and assist the chair
in any way they are able.
The number of representatives in the Student Government will vary depending on the number of
active student organizations within the KSBI. At the time of adoption, this constitution acknowledges the
following organizations as members to KISG:
IUI Accounting Association
Capital Investment Club
Delta Sigma Pi
Kelley Indianapolis Cares
Marketing Club
Society for Human Resource Management
Operations and Supply Chain Management Club
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Women in Business
Real Estate Club
The Organization for Business Diversity
Kelley Honors Academy
Minorities In Business
Finance Association
Entrepreneurship Club
Section 5: Creating a Student Organization
To be recognized as a student organization within the Kelley School of Business the organization
must have three active members, a fulltime IUPUI faculty or staff member, and a written constitution.
The student organization must submit their written constitution to the Kelley School of Business
Indianapolis (KSBI) administration for approval. After KSBI administrators have approved the student
organization, KISG will invite the organization to a meeting. KISG will review the organization’s
constitution and will hold a vote.
Student organizations recognized by KSBI and KISG are required to become a Registered Student
Organization (RSO) through IUPUI’s Office of Student Involvement. There are many benefits to being a
Section 6: Committees
KISG Executives will be split into four different committees (Professional Development, Events,
Promotions, Communications) of their choice where they will offer their ideas and help the chair in any
way they are able. Each committee is responsible for:
Professional Development: Headed by the Director of Professional Development and
serves as part of the Student Advisory Board for the Kelley Indianapolis Career Services
and planning events with the Employee Advisory Board.
Events: Headed by the Website Coordinator and in charge of coming up with event ideas
and ordering the necessary items along with it.
Promotions: Headed by the Event Coordinator and in charge of coordinating with the other
committees in making flyers to promote the events.
Communications: Headed by the Communications Director and in charge of writing blogs
to promote KISG and assist in any communication aspect that may be needed.
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Section 1: Executive Committee Meetings
Each Executive Member, except the President, will have one (1) vote, for a total of seventeen (17)
votes, if all members are in attendance and there are no vacancies. For a vote to take place, at least half of
the filled Executive Member positions must be present. In order for a vote to pass, a majority is needed.
A majority is the option with the most votes. In the case of a tie, the President will have the deciding vote.
If a proposal does not pass, an organization can resubmit if it is still in compliance with Article VI.
Section 2: General Assembly Meetings
Each Club Representative and Executive Member, except the President, of KISG will have one (1)
vote, for a total of twenty-eight (28), if all members are in attendance and there are no vacancies. For a
vote to take place, at least half of the filled Executive Member positions must be present. In order for a
vote to pass, a majority is needed. A majority is the option with the most votes. In the case of a tie, the
President will have the deciding vote. If a proposal does not pass, an organization can resubmit if it is still
in compliance with Article VI.
Section 3: General Voting Guidelines
Each voting member must vote yes (agree), no (disagree), or abstain (postpone the vote to a later
date because more information is necessary). All votes must be silent, collected and counted by the Vice
President and the results must be recorded by the Secretary of KISG. The President has the right to
request people to leave the room.
Proposals submitted by KISG can only be voted on by Executive Members of KISG. Proposals
submitted on behalf of any organization outside of KISG will be voted on at General Assembly meetings
by the General Assembly and Executive Committee with the exception of proposals submitted at a date
that allows voting only by the Executive Committee in order for an event to occur on the planned date.
Section 1: Attendance Policy for Clubs:
All clubs are required to have a designated club representative present at every scheduled General
Assembly meeting and events that occur during a scheduled KISG General Assembly meeting time.
If the designated club representative cannot attend, an alternate may attend.
All club presidents and the designated representative will be provided with the required General
Assembly meeting dates within two (2) weeks before the first day of school each fall semester.
If a scheduled meeting is changed, it must be announced seven (7) calendar days in advance.
All club presidents and the designated representative are responsible for signing and returning the
attendance policy each semester to KISG which will be provided during the first General Assembly
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meeting. The signed attendance policy must be returned to the Secretary of KISG at the beginning of
the second General Assembly meeting of the semester.
If a club does not sign and submit the attendance policy at the beginning of the second General
Assembly meeting, funding will be withheld until the policy is signed by the president and
designated representative. The clubs’ attendance will be recorded even if the documents have not
been signed and submitted.
Any Club Representative who arrives at a meeting fifteen minutes or later shall be recorded as absent.
First meeting with no attendance: A warning via email will be issued to the president and the
designated representative no later than three (3) business days from the absence. No funding will be
withheld from the club.
Second meeting with no attendance: An email will be sent to the president and designated
representative informing them of their second absence no later than five (5) business days from the
absence. No new funding proposals may be submitted within thirty (30) calendar days following the
second absence.
Third meeting with no attendance: A final email will be sent to the president, advisor and the
designated representative of the club informing them of their third absence and inability to submit
proposals for funds for the remainder of the semester.
All clubs will start with zero absences each semester. There will be no revolving punishment from the
previous semester.
Appeal Process: A letter of appeal may be submitted to the KISG Executive Committee. The
Executive Committee has the right to overturn or uphold the current attendance policy with a simple
majority vote. In the case of a tie, the attendance policy will stand as is
Section 2: Attendance Policy for Executive Committee:
All members of the Executive Committee should be present at all meetings and events that occur
during a scheduled KISG meeting time.
Any Executive Member with excused absences equal to 25% or more of the current semester’s total
KISG meetings shall be removed from their position for the rest of the semester, unless they choose to
appeal and the Executive Committee (excluding the member in question) vote to allow the Executive
Member to keep their position for the duration of the semester. If they are allowed to keep their
position, their position shall be re-opened for election the following semester. The Executive Member
shall start the next semester with zero absences, excused or unexcused.
Any Executive Member who arrives at a meeting fifteen minutes or later shall be recorded as absent.
First meeting with no attendance: A warning via email will be issued by the President to the
Executive Member in violation of the policy no later than three (3) business days from the absence. In
the case that the Executive Member in violation is the President, the Vice President will issue the
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Second meeting with no attendance: An email will be sent to the Executive Member in violation
informing them of their second absence no later than five (5) business days from the absence.
Third meeting with no attendance: The Executive Committee meets without the presence of the
Executive Member in violation to discuss further action. The Executive Member may be given a third
absence if the Executive Committee deems it appropriate. If the Executive Committee deems the third
absence inappropriate, the Executive Member in violation is removed from their position.
All Executive Members will start with zero absences each semester. There will be no revolving
punishment from the previous semester.
Appeal Process: A letter of appeal may be submitted to the KISG Executive Committee. The
Executive Committee has the right to overturn or uphold the current attendance policy with a majority
vote. The Executive Member being reviewed in an appeals process may not participate in the vote. In
case of a tie, the attendance policy will stand as is.
Section 3: Honor Code
In addition to signing the attendance policy, each executive member must agree and follow to the
Kelley Honor Code. Anyone who violates this honor code or the KISG honor code, a motion can be made
to remove them from the club at any time their conduct is considered detrimental to the organization
and/or the Kelley School of Business.
Section 1: General Guidelines
KISG will receive one hundred percent (100%) of the Undergraduate portion of money allocated
to Kelley School of Business Indianapolis. The activity fee funds received by KISG will be used for the
various events planned for all of the student organizations throughout the semester. KISG will distribute
their funds using a first come, first serve, proposal process. Proposals shall be submitted, according to
policy, by organizations for amounts needed for various events planned throughout the semester. KSBI
Fiscal Affairs will not provide funding prior to an event; all funding is by purchase order or through
reimbursement, after the event.
Purchase orders can only be created for preferred IU vendors. If forms are not submitted properly,
they will be returned which may result in a loss of funding for the event. Organizations have 30 calendar
days after the event or spending, to submit all reimbursement paperwork. If an organization does not
submit their paperwork in a timely matter, the Treasurer may make this information known and be a
deciding factor for future proposals. The Executive Committee of KISG will have final say dealing with
all money allocations. To receive funding, the club must have a signed Attendance Policy on file and not
be in violation of the Attendance Policy which can be found in Article V.
If money earned by the event (i.e. ticket sales) is less than the allocated amount, then all revenue
must be returned to the fund. However, if revenue earned by the event is greater than allocated amount,
then only the allocated amount must be returned. The purpose of this is to avoid double charging a student
by paying at the event and with their student activity fee.
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The Activity Fee shall only be distributed to organizations for professional activities. In the past,
professional activities have consisted of:
Monthly meetings
Marketing, only after the Multimedia Production Center (MPC) has been utilized fully
Special events to aid in business professional development
Social events that are deemed appropriate and acceptable by the Executive Committee of
Promotional Items
For any proposal, student government should be contacted before any action is taken place. This will
ensure that this process is being followed correctly and the organization is using an approved IU vendor.
Proposals exceeding $250.00 require a presentation at a KISG General Assembly meeting before any
voting takes place. For proposals exceeding $250.00, an after event presentation must be presented within
two weeks following the event. Failure to provide this presentation within two weeks of the event will
result in a suspension of funds for thirty (30) days thereafter. Please note that organizations are
responsible for contacting the President to allocate time in the meeting for the organization’s presentation.
Regardless of the dollar amount, these items will not be funded or reimbursed by Indiana University
because they may violate University and/or KSBI funding policies:
Purchases representing a conflict of interest
Items considered personal in nature
Many of our funding policies have been adapted from the Student Organization Grant (SOG) Guidelines.
Section 2: Proposals for Food Items under $100
Any organization that is planning an event must have a written proposal submitted to the Executive
Committee of KISG no later than seven (7) calendar days prior to the scheduled date of that event.
However, the time it takes to create a purchase order number or to be reimbursed may take longer.
Section 3: Proposals for Food Items $100 and over
Any organization that is planning an event must have a written proposal submitted to the Executive
Committee of KISG no later than twenty-one (21) calendar days prior to the scheduled date of that event.
However, the time it takes to create a purchase order number or to be reimbursed may take longer.
Section 4: All Proposals that are Not Food Items
Any organization that is planning an event must have a written proposal submitted to the Executive
Committee of KISG no later than thirty (30) calendar days prior to the scheduled date of that event.
However, the time it takes to create a purchase order number or to be reimbursed may take longer.
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The following is an agenda that must be fulfilled each year by the Executive Committee:
Otteson Award
Fall and Spring Event
Have a representative at each Kelley New Student Orientation
Within the first month of each semester KISG should organize Kelley Organization Awareness
Participate in at least one (1) volunteer activity
Each year, KISG will participate in the IUPUI Undergraduate Student Government’s General
Elections. KISG will abide by any rules, regulations and deadlines set forth by the Undergraduate Student
Government. Before any names will be submitted to USG, KISG requires all candidates to meet with an
advisor and be present for a KISG Executive Committee meeting. KISG also requires all candidates to be
admitted in the Kelley School of Business Indianapolis, be in good academic standing and submit their
resume. KISG will hold elections at the end of the Spring semester and the beginning of the Fall semester
to fill any vacancies not filled by the General Election.
Each year KISG will form a sub-committee to handle the responsibilities of organizing, marketing,
and presenting the KSBI Otteson Award. The Vice President of KISG will Chair the Otteson Committee
and will decide on the specific committee members him/herself within the following guidelines. This
committee will consist of the following: one Freshman Delegate, one Sophomore Delegate, one Junior
Delegate, one Senior Delegate, the Senator Alternate, and a staff member from the Office of the Dean.
The Otteson Committee will meet on Mondays in the fall and Thursdays in the spring from 12pm - 1pm.
Although the Otteson Committee will not meet every Monday in the fall, and Thursday in the spring,
Committee members should keep this time available and shall be subject to the same attendance policy
outlined in Article V. Minutes and attendance shall be recorded during meetings. The Otteson Committee
is responsible for deciding the winner of the Otteson Award based on nominations submitted by KSBI
students. This award should be given to the selected faculty recipients during the May graduation
Members of the Kelley Indianapolis Student Government must be notified in writing at least two
weeks before a proposed amendment to this constitution may be voted upon. On the day of voting, a
minimum of 50% of the Executive Committee must be present. In addition, passage requires a simple
majority vote of those present for its adoption.
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