Chapter Six (also chapter 3 and 4) Sustaining Biodiversity: the Ecosystem Approach Geog415 Dr Ye Biological diversity (Biodiversity): earth’s variety of genes, species, ecosystems, and ecosystem processes • Genetic diversity: the variety of genetic material within a species or a population • Species diversity: the number of species present in a different habitat • Ecological diversity: the variety of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems found in an area or on the earth • Functional diversity: the biological and chemical processes such as energy flow and matter cycling needed for the survival of species, communities, and ecosystems. Earth’s major biomes Climate and Biomes Latitude and elevation have a similar impact on vegetation distribution Ecological Succession: the gradual change in species composition of a given area (during succession some species colonize an area and their population become more numerous, whereas population of other species decline and may even disappear 1. Primary succession: gradual establishment of biotic communities on essentially lifeless ground where there is no soil in a terrestrial community or no bottom sediment in an aquatic community. 2. Secondary succession: a series of communities with different species can develop in places containing soil or bottom sediment. Climax community: dominated by a few long-lived plant species and is in balance with its environment Human’s Impact on Biodiversity We disturbed or degraded about half to 84% of the earth’s surface (excluding Antarctica and Greenland) by filling in wetlands, and converting grassland and forests to crop fields and urban areas In U.S. at least 95% of virgin forests in the lower 48 states have logged for lumber and converted to agriculture, housing, industry, 98% of tallgrass prairie in the Midwest and Great Plains have disappeared, and 99% of California’s native grassland and 85% of its original redwood forests are gone. More than half of country’s wetland have been destroyed. Aquatic biodiversity has been degraded. 27% of the world’s diverse coral reefs have been severely damaged or eliminated. ¾ of the world’s 200 commercially valuable marine fish species are either over-fished or fished to their estimated sustainable yield. Why should we care about biodiversity? Usefulness to us and other species Values: Intrinsic value: components of biodiversity, regardless of their usefulness to us Instrumental value: usefulness to us (1) Use value: benefit u in the form of economical goods and services, ecological services, recreation, scientific information and preserving options for such use in the future (2) nonuse values: existence value (redwood forest, wilderness or endangered species, even if we will never see it or get direct use from it); Aesthetic value (people appreciate a tree, a forest, a wild species, a vista because of its beauty); bequest value (willingness of some people to pay to protect some forms of natural capital for use by future generations. Public land in US More than 1/3 of U.S. land consists of publicly owned national forests, resource lands, parks, wildlife refuges, and protected wilderness areas (no nation has set aside as much of its land for public use, resource extraction, enjoyment, and wildlife as has the U.S.) Federal government manages roughly 35% of the country’s land that belongs to every American. About 93% of this federal public land is in Alaska, and another 22% is in western states. Land Management systems: National Forest System: 155 forests and 22 grasslands managed by the U.S. Forest Service (USFS) and are used for logging, mining, livestock grazing, farming, oil and gas extraction, recreation, hunting, fishing, and conservation of wetland, soil, and wildlife resources. National Resource Lands: managed by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and used primarily for mining, oil, and gas extraction, and livestock grazing. National Wildlife Refuges: 542 places, managed by U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). Protect habitats and breeding areas for waterfowls and big games to provide a harvestable supply for hunters, a few protected endangered species from extinction. Permitted activities in most refugees including hunting, trapping, fishing, oil and gas development, mining, logging, grazing, some military activities and farming. National Park Systems: managed by National Park Services (NPS) include 56 major parks and 331 national recreation areas, monuments, memorials, battlefields, historic sites, parkways, trails, rivers, seashores, and lakeshores. Only camping, hiking, sport fishing, and boating can take place in the national parks, but sport hunting, mining and oil and gas drilling is allowed in National Recreation Areas. National Wilderness Preservation system: most restricted public lands of 630 road less areas. There areas lie within the national parks, national wildlife refugees, national forests, and national resource lands, and are managed by agencies in charge of these lands. Most of there areas a re open only for recreational activities such as hiking, sport fishing, camping, and no motorized boating. Controversy of Public Land Management: Most conservation biologists, environmental economists, and many free market economists believe the 4 principles should govern the public land 1. Protecting biodiversity, wildlife habitats, and the ecological functioning of public land ecosystems should be the primary goal 2. No one should receive subsidies or tax breaks for using or extracting resources in public lands (a user pay approach) 3. The American people deserve fair compensation for the use of their property 4. All users or extractors of resources on public lands should be fully responsible for any environmental damage they cause Oppositions are from economists, developers, and resource extractors, they view public lands in terms of their usefulness in providing mineral, timber, and other resources and their ability to increase short-term economic growth. They have succeeded in blocking implementation of the 4 principles (received $1 billion a year in subsides to privately owned mining, fossil fuel extraction, logging, and grazing interests using US public land). Stresses on U.S. Public Parks • Biggest problem may be popularity – Noise – Congestion – Pollution – Damage or destruction to vegetation and wildlife • Repairs needed to trails and buildings Managing and Sustaining Forests Forests: at least 10% tree covered land It occupies about 30% of the earth’s land surface (excluding Greenland and Antarctica) Types: 1. old-growth forests: uncut forests or regenerated forests that have not been seriously disturbed by human activities or natural disasters for at least several hundred years (Storehouses of biodiversity because they provide ecological niches for a multitude of wildlife species-22% of the world’s forests) 2. Second-growth forests: a stand of trees resulting from secondary ecological succession after the trees in an area have been removed by human activities (clear-cutting or conversion to cropland) or by natural forces (fire, hurricanes, volcanic eruption; about 76% world’s forests) 3. Tree plantation (tree farm): a managed tract with uniformly aged trees of one species that are harvested by clear-cutting as soon as they become commercially valuable (5% of the world’s forests and produce about 1/5 of the world’s commercial wood) Forest managements: Even-aged managements: involves maintaining trees in a given stand at about the same age and size (industrial forestry), consists of one or two fast growing and economically desirable species that can be harvested every 6-10 years). Uneven-aged management: involved maintaining a variety of tree species in a stand with many ages and sizes, to foster natural regeneration (biologically diverse, long-tem sustainable production of high-quality timber; selective cutting of individual mature or intermediate-aged trees, and multiple use of the forests for timber, wildlife, watershed protection, and recreation. Study suggests that intensive but sustainable management of as little as 1/5 of the world’s forests (twice size of India) could meet the world’s current and future demand for commercial wood and fiber. Deforestation: temporary or permanent removal of large expanses of forests for agriculture or other uses. Harmful effects of tree harvest (build roads for access and timber removal): Increase erosion and sediment runoff into waterways, habitat fragmentation, and biodiversity loss, expose forests to invasion by nonnative pests, diseases and wildlife species; opened access for farmers, miners, hunters, and off-road vehicle users, disqualify the land for protection as wilderness (a) Selective cutting (b) Clear-cutting Clear stream Muddy stream Uncut Cut 1 year ago (c) Strip cutting Dirt road Cut 3–10 years ago Uncut Clear stream Fig. 6-4, p. 116 Natural Capital Degradation: Harmful Environmental Effects of Deforestation Fig. 6-5, p. 117 Fig. 6-6, p. 118 Animation: Hubbard brook experiment Video: Forest fire Status of the World Forests Bad news: 1. During past 800 years, human activities have reduced the earth’s original forest cover by 20-80% 2. World’s forests are being cleared and degraded at a rate of 0.3-0.8% a year, (mostly over tropical rainforests) Good news: 1. Total area of many temperate forests in North America and Europe has increased slightly because of the reforestation from secondary ecological succession on cleared forest areas and abandoned croplands 2. Some of the cut areas of tropical forest have increased tree cover from re-growth and plating of tree plantations Ecological restoration: the process of repairing damage caused by humans to the biodiversity and dynamics of natural ecosystems. Examples: replanting forests, restoring grasslands, restoring wetlands, reclaiming urban industrial areas (brown fields), reintroducing native species, removing invasive species, and freeing river flows by removing dams. Solution: Sustainable Forestry Solutions: Sustaining Tropical Forests Solutions: A Model Biosphere Reserve Biodiversity hot spots: areas rich in plant ant animal species that are found nowhere else and are in great danger of extinction or serious ecological disruption. Sustaining aquatic biodiversity 1. 2. 3. Greatest marine biodiversity occurs in coral reefs, estuaries, and the deep-sea floor Biodiversity is higher near coasts than in the open sea because of the greater variety of producers, habitats, and nursery areas in coastal areas. Biodiversity is higher in the bottom region of the ocean than in the surface region because of the greater variety of habitats and food sources on the ocean bottom Human Activities Are Disrupting and Degrading Aquatic Habitats • Major threats to marine systems – Coastal development – Overfishing – Runoff of nonpoint source pollution – Point source pollution – Habitat destruction (1/4 coral reefs damaged; bottom habitats are degraded and destroyed by dredging operations and trawler boats) – Introduction of invasive species – Climate change from human activities – Pollution of coastal wetlands and estuaries Solutions: Managing Fisheries