НАУКА ЗА ГОРАТА, КН. 1, 2003 FOREST SCIENCE, No 1, 2003 OF WOODY PLANTS BIODIVERSITY Moslem Akbarinia, Seyed Mohsen Hosseini Department of Forestry, Faculty of Natural Resources, Tarbiat Modarres University, Noor, Mazandaran, Iran Abstract: In this study plant biodiversity is define as variety, population structure and frequency models (P a r t h a s a r a t y, 1977) that for Iranian native conifers forests were evaluated. The biodiversity of Cupressus sempervirens, Taxus baccata and Thuja orientalis in several sites of Hyrcanian forests of Iran such as Hasanabad, Zarringol, Afratakhteh, Vaz and Soorkesh forests were studied. In these sites several ecosystems units by using the composition of maps of slope, aspect, elevation and soil were recognized. In plots of 2500 m2 list of all plants and the number of woody plants were recorded. For comparison between sites common formulas of biodiversity were applied but these formula showed didn’t have accurate results for these forests. Thus some new formulas were planned. Results show biodiversity decreased by elevation which related to temperature and precipitation. Biodiversity decreased from west to east that is related to the decrease of precipitation in this area. The west and north aspects have a better plant biodiversity as well as the soil has most effects on biodiversity. Key words: Biodiversity, Iranian conifers, Hyrcanian forests