Assessing distributed mountain-block recharge in semiarid environments Huade Guan and John L. Wilson GSA Annual Meeting Nov. 10, 2004 What is distributed MBR? Recharge that occurs on hill slopes in the mountain block FS DS FR DR Precipitation Surface Fault Trace Total MBR = distributed MBR + focused MBR Soil Focused MBR occurs Bedrock near and in stream channels and rivulets Distributed MBR depends on percolation across the soilbedrock interface What controls percolation to the bedrock? • Our first generic simulation study looks at – Net infiltration = Infiltration – Evapotranspiration (ET) – Bedrock permeability – Soil type and thickness – Slope steepness – Bedrock topography (HYDRUS steady-state simulations, ET was not modeled) Two primary controls for percolation The results have shown that major controls are net infiltration & bedrock permeability slope, soil and bedrock topography are not important. infil.=0.5 mm/day Fractured Granite 50 Percolation (mm/yr) infil.=0.05 mm/day 150 100 400 Granite Percolation (mm/yr) 200 0 1.0E-18 1.0E-17 1.0E-16 1.0E-15 1.0E-14 2 bedrock permeability (m ) Slope = 0.3 Depression index = 0.1 bedrock k=1.0e-15 m^2 300 200 100 0 0.001 0.010 0.100 1.000 Net infiltration rate (mm/day) Soil = sandy loam 10.000 What controls percolation to the bedrock? • Our first generic simulation study, using model of the soil and bedrock (HYDRUS) suggested major controls by – Net infiltration (infiltration – ET) – Bedrock permeability • But what is “net infiltration”? • We then added ET modeling in the simulations coupled with a surface energy partitioning model (SEP4HillET) – Considering effects of vegetation, slope steepness and aspect on potential E and Potential T More controls for percolation Slope aspects, vegetation cover, soil thickness for given bedrocks (transient, HYDRUS) 3% Percolation: in % of Precip 0.3% 1% 16% 23% Aspect effect 1.8% S 6% N Annual P=565mm Vegetation cover=50% Granite Soil and bedrock effects 2% 4% 6% 4% 7% 31% 43% Soil Granite Tuff Aspect effect Soil Tuff 17% Vegetation control S 22% N Annual P=565mm Vegetation cover=5% What controls percolation to the bedrock? • Our first generic simulation study suggested major controls by – Net infiltration (infiltration – ET) – Bedrock permeability • Our second generic simulation study suggested: – – – – Bedrock properties (not only saturated K) Vegetation coverage Slope aspect (steepness as well) Soil thickness (types as well) • Now lets look at two sites in northern New Mexico Study areas 1 2 1. Jemez Mountains 2. Southern part of Sangre de Cristo Mountains Why study these two sites? Basin oriented water balances suggest: • Huntley (1979): total MBR ~200mm/yr =38% P in San Juan Mtns (volcanic rocks), and total MBR ~ 70mm/yr =14% P in Sangre de Cristo (granite and well-cemented sedimentary rock) • McAda and Masiolek (1988): total MBR 50~100 mm/yr in Sangre de Cristo • That is a lot recharge! But it is uncertain. Are these total MBR estimates reasonable? • We'll test them by calculating the amount of distributed MBR. It should be less than the total. Approaches for distributed MBR • Find percolation as a function of PET/P Where PET is annul potential ET P is annual precipitation • Then, estimate PET and P maps for the study area • From these maps and Percolation-PET/P functions estimate distributed MBR Some approximations for a hillslope in the mountains: • LANL 1994 water-year time series data set, ponderosa site • Macropore soil of uniform thickness (30 cm) • Uniform vegetation coverage • Uniform bedrock permeability for tuff (10-14 m2), and for fractured granite (10-14m2) • Only infiltration-excess runoff Percolation=f(PET/P) Bedrock=tuff HYDRUS sim. Mid-slope Tuff slope with 30 cm soil (silt) cover Percolation (mm/yr) 200 midslope 0.1 Top-slope midslope 0.2 topslope 0.1 150 topslope 0.2 100 Slope =0.2 50 0 0.92 1.31 1.97 2.62 PET/P Slope =0.1 (not to scale) Percolation=f(PET/P) Bedrock=granite Bedrock=tuff Tuff slope with 30 cm soil (silt) cover Granite slope with 30 cm soil (silt) cover 200 midslope 0.1 midslope 0.1 midslope 0.2 topslope 0.1 150 topslope 0.2 100 50 0 Percolation (mm/yr) Percolation (mm/yr) 200 HYDRUS sim. midslope 0.2 150 topslope 0.1 topslope 0.2 100 50 0 0.92 1.31 1.97 PET/P 2.62 0.92 1.31 1.97 2.62 PET/P 0.1 slope Percolation=f(PET/P) Bedrock=granite Bedrock=tuff Tuff slope with 30 cm soil (silt) cover 200 HYDRUS sim. Granite slope with 30 cm soil (silt) cover 200 midslope 0.1 midslope 0.1 Percolation (mm/yr) Percolation (mm/yr) midslope 0.2 topslope 0.1 150 topslope 0.2 100 50 midslope 0.2 150 topslope 0.1 topslope 0.2 100 50 0 0 0.92 1.31 1.97 2.62 0.92 1.31 PET/P Granite slope with 30-cm silt cover 150 2 y = 56.431x - 294.93x + 392.96 2 R = 0.9982 50 Percolation = f2(PET/P) 75 y = 27.896x -8.5939 50 R2 = 0.9966 25 0 0 0.80 100 Percolation (mm/yr) Percolation (mm/yr) Percolation = f1(PET/P) 100 2.62 PET/P Tuff slope with 30-cm silt cover 200 1.97 1.30 1.80 PET/P 2.30 2.80 0.80 1.00 1.20 1.40 1.60 PET/P 1.80 2.00 2.20 How is PET/P obtained ? • Next, we need spatial distributed annual precipitation (P) – Estimated by a geostatistic model ASOADeK • And spatial distributed annual PET – Estimated by Hargreaves 1985 and SEP4HillET Precipitation mapping: ASOADeK P b0 b1 X b2Y b3 Z b4 cos( ) and de-trended kriging Spatial trend Elevation Slope aspect and prevailing wind Sum of 12 monthly precipitation PET mapping: Hargreaves 1985 + SEP4HillET PET aRa (Tmean b) Tmax Tmin Slope aspect & steepness Seasonal & altitudinal effects Ra: daily extraterrestrial solar radiation in equivalent depth of water Ra is dependent of the slope steepness and aspect, solved using SEP4HillET model Ratio of Ra on sloped surface to that on flat surface (from SEP4HillET) N S N N S Winter Summer M1 M12 M2 M11 M3 M10 M4 M9 M5 M8 M6 M7 N Temperature mapping Topographic corrected geostatistical interpolations of temperature Daily maximum temperature Regression (Tmax~Z) Daily minimum temperature Regression (Tmin~Z): M4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Kriging Tmin: M1, 2, 3, 10, 11, 12 Maps of PET Sangre de Cristo Mountains Jemez Mountains Maps of potential distributed MBR at hypothetical northern NM mountains Jemez Mountains Min: 0 Mean: 47 Sangre de Cristo Mountains Max: 193 Median: 42 Min: 0 Mean: 16 Unit: mm/yr Max: 113 Median: 0.44 Conclusion Mtns. Previous studies (Total MBR) This study (Max. rate of distributed MBR) Sangre’s 50-100 mm/yr 16 mm/yr Jemez/ San Juan 200 mm/yr 47 mm/yr Distributed MBR << Total MBR Focused MBR, in stream channels and rivulets appears to be the most important component of MBR for these two mountain regions and both rock types. This is still a work in progress, and didn't use all spatial information on soil and vegetative cover, etc. ain Thank you!