April 2015 Power Point - Terry Rhodes' Science Site

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Earth Day 2015
April 22, 2015
CKEC Science
Leadership Network
Your Facilitation Team
Terry Rhodes-KDE/CKEC Science Instructional Specialist
Debbie Waggoner-KDE/CKEC Math & SS Instructional Specialist
Mindy Curless-KDE STEM Consultant
Rebecca Krall-UK
Eve Proffitt-UK
David Helm-Fayette Co Public Schools
Who is in the room?
Over 100 years of Excellence
Who is in the room?
Cell phone
Being Prepared
Side Conversations
Use Technology to enhance your day
KSLN Meeting: Stop and Reflect
 Table-Talk: What is phenomena?
 Introduction/Norms/Expectations
 Questioning
 Eliciting responses from students that are evidence of learning
 Walk-and-Talk: Looking at student work for evidence of learning
 Grade Level Task Review
 Lunch
 Continue Grade Level Task Review
 Debrief/Evaluation
 Develop a deeper understanding of and plan to implement
strategies of formative assessment
 Analyze an assessment task to determine if it will provide an
opportunity for students to produce defensible evidence of
intended understanding
 Reflect on the knowledge, skills, processes and resources
developed or shared in this network and how your DLT has
grown accordingly
Pillars again
TPGES –Teacher Professional Growth and Effectiveness System
Kentucky’s Core Academic Standards
Assessment Literacy
Highly Effective Teaching and learning
Network Foundations….
7. What steps has your District Leadership
Team taken to promote the effective
implementation of KCAS since the last
meeting? (If you have not met, what plans
are in place?)
6. What support have you provided to
schools, teachers, and/or students as a
result of the knowledge/skills gained at the
last meeting?
Mr. D Grading papers
Time To Line Up
How many years do you have in education?
Place the packet under your arm and stand up
Hold up the number of years with your hands-no talking
Line up around the room in order from the most
experience to the least experience
A human model was part of the
introductory lesson
States of Matter
Time to Act
• In your trio, the teacher with the most
experience will assign roles:
Task Owner
Partner 1
Partner 2
• Read Scenario 1, looking at the student work
• Read Scenario 2, looking at student work
• Discussion: Which conversation is going to be most
beneficial in reviewing the task? Give specific evidence
from the scenario to support your answer.
Assessment Task Review
• Find a partner that also has their homework
• Make sure you have highlighters and sticky notes
Assessment Task Review
Assessment Task Review Process
#1. Conduct the Modified Intent Protocol for Task Review
for the PE mostly closely related to the task.
This will have individual and partner/group components.
This part is ONLY about the different aspects of the
standards. Put away the
• Assessments
• Student work
Identify Initial Understanding of the PE
5 minutes  Individually and quietly
• Read the PE (including clarification statement and assessment boundary, if
• Brainstorm the concepts and skills a student at this grade level would need
in order to demonstrate mastery of this PE.
Write each concept or skill on an individual sticky note.
• Next, read the foundation boxes on the standards page and add any
additional sticky notes you feel are necessary.
• Do this work independently.
Compare with Colleagues
5 minutes
• Share sticky notes with partner or group.
• Arrange sticky notes into general
categories and eliminate duplicates.
Evaluate Initial Understanding
10 minutes
• Using the standards page for the PE, the NGSS appendices, and
the Framework, evaluate each sticky note for its appropriateness -find evidence that the skill or concept listed is appropriate for
mastery of this PE. Remove sticky notes that are not appropriate
based on your research.
• Consider and discuss
 Why is this important for students to know in relation to big ideas in
science? Is it associated with a phenomenon?
 What are connections to grades before and after? Other PEs?
Develop More Thorough Understanding
10 minutes
• During your research to evaluate your initial ideas for the PE, you
probably noticed concepts and skills that you missed. Add sticky
notes for these additional concepts and skills; this may be significant
depending on your depth of understanding for the true intent of the
PE, so it is very important to do this carefully.
• Use the standards page, appendices, and Framework to ensure that
you address the appropriate intent and depth for each dimension.
 Note any additional questions you have about any aspect of the
PE that you don’t have time to address. This will likely require
additional resources
• Refer to the Learning Progressions (DCI) and the PE “jumps”
(e.g. K → 3rd Forces…look at middle school as part of the
5 minutes
• Use orange, blue, and green highlighters to underline
where the DCI, practice, or crosscutting concept can be
located on each sticky note.
• Reflect on collection of sticky notes. Are there other
practices, DCIs, or CCCs that would be important for
developing mastery of the PE? If so, note these on
additional sticky notes.
Learning Targets
5 minutes
• Use your sticky notes to develop a set of
Learning Targets for the PEs.
• These should be teacher level LTs and not “I
can” statements.
Back to Assessment Task Review Process
30 minutes
Complete numbers 2-6
using the rubric at the
bottom of the page, using
student work.
Second Assessment Task Review
Change partners and/or tables
Stopping points:
• # 2, 3, and 4  TASK ONLY
• No student work until # 5 and 6
FACTS – Formative Assessment Classroom Techniques
Go around your table and give each person 2-3
minutes to share:
Which FACT did you try in your classroom?
How did it go? What went well? What would
you do differently next time?
How did you use the results of the FACT to
inform and adjust your instruction?
MARCH focus on: Initiate Scientific Inquiry and Idea Exploration
#9 Concept Cartoons pgs 71-74
#1 A & D Statements pgs 48-50
#27 I think – We Think pgs 117-119
#29 Juicy Questions pgs 121-123
#43 Predict-Explain-Observe Probes pgs 153-156
#55 Sticky Bars pgs 178-180
FACTS – Formative Assessment Classroom Techniques
JANUARY focus on: Peer and Self Assessment
#12 Explanation Analysis pgs79-82
#33 Learning Goals and Self Inventory pgs131-133
#36 Muddiest Point pgs138-140
#65 Traffic Light Cards pgs199-201
#67 Traffic Light Dots pgs203-204
#71 Two-Thirds Testing pgs209-211
#5 CCC-Collaborative Clued Corrections pgs 59-62
#23 Guided Reciprocal Peer Questioning pgs106-111
#26 Interest Scale pgs 115-117
#41 Pass the Question pgs 149-150
#53 Scientists’ Ideas Comparison pgs 173-176
#70 Two Stars and a Wish pgs 207-209
OCTOBER focus on: Formal Concept Development and Transfer:
#3 Annotated Student Drawings pgs53-56
#6 Chain Notes pgs62-64
#8 Concept Card Mapping pgs68-70
#20 Frayer Model pgs99-101
#35 Missed Conception pgs135-138
#51 Representation Analysis pgs169-171
#75 Whiteboarding pgs218-221
Please leave evaluations on the table
Summer Dates
June 10- Grade Level Curriculum Work
July 16- Grade Level Curriculum Work
8:30-3:3O (Lunch 11:30-12:30 on own)
~Agenda for both days will be the same;
come one or the other or both days~
July 23-LDC for Science and SS
Have a great summer break!
Terry Rhodes KDE/CKEC