UNDERSTANDING INDIA A Centre for Public Policy Elective Professor Rajeev Gowda Indian Institute of Management Bangalore gowda@iimb.ernet.in; +91-98451-62171 A 20 session elective for EPGP, PGSEM and Exchange Students. PGP Students may not enrol for this course as significant portions of the content overlap with Business Government & Society. OVERVIEW At the dawn of the 21st century, India is capturing the world’s imagination once again. This course aims to help students understand where India is today, how she got here, and where she is headed. It will explore the complexities and interactions between India’s politics, economy and society. It will delve deep into diverse sectors of the Indian economy and also examine various policy challenges facing the country. It will also include field visits and interactions with business and other leaders. Overall, this course will enable students to assess India’s current and future prospects and to engage in business interactions with India building on meaningful insights and understanding. METHODOLOGY Lectures and class discussions Case studies Field visits Guest speakers EVALUATION: 10% Film or Book Review on India-related Theme 50% Mid-term and Final Examination 40% Group Project ATTENDANCE POLICY A minimum of 75% of the sessions must be attended by the student, failing which he/she will face the prospect of a grade drop. SESSIONS AND READINGS 1. The Indian State Shashi Tharoor “From Midnight to the Millennium and Beyond: Democracy and Identity in Today’s India”, Center for the Advanced Study of India, Occasional Paper Number 21, July2004 Rajeev Gowda and E Sridharan. “Parties and the Party System: 1947-2006.” In State of India's Democracy, Larry Diamond, Sumit Ganguly, and Marc Plattner (editors), Johns Hopkins University Press, 2007. 2. India’s Culture and Society Amartya Sen, “Democracy and Secularism in India”[In Kaushik Basu (ed.) India’s Emerging Economy: Performance and Prospects in the 1990s and Beyond, Oxford University Press, 2004] Pratap Bhanu Mehta “Affirmation without Reservation” Economic & Political Weekly July 3, 2004. Yogendra Yadav and Satish Deshpande “Redesigning Affirmative Action” Economic and Political Weekly MN Srinivas “Pangs of Change” Frontline, Vol. 14: No. 16 : Aug. 9-22, 1997. Available at: http://www.hinduonnet.com/fline/fl1416/14160670.htm Madhu Kishwar “Traditional Female Moral Exemplars in India”. Article reprinted with permission of the Association for Asian Studies, Inc., publisher of Education About Asia (EAA). Available at: http://www.infinityfoundation.com/mandala/s_es/s_es_kishw_EAA.htm Cyrus Guzder “Is Secularism Good for Business.” Seminar 2002 Available at: http://www.india-seminar.com/2002/513/513%20cyrus%20guzder.htm 3-4. The Indian Economy Barbara Harriss-White “India’s Informal Economy: Facing the Twenty-First Century” [In Kaushik Basu (ed.) India’s Emerging Economy: Performance and Prospects in the 1990s and Beyond, Oxford University Press, 2004] Sunil Bharti Mittal “India’s New Entrepreneurial Classes: The High Growth Economy and Why it is Sustainable”, Center for the Advanced Study of India, Occasional Paper Number 25, February 2006 Arvind Panagariya, “Introduction,” in India: The Emerging Giant, Oxford University Press, 2008. Harish Damodaran, “Conclusion,” in India’s New Capitalists: Caste, Business, and Industry in a Modern Nation, Permanent Black, 2008. Gurcharan Das “The India Model” Foreign Affairs, July/August 2006 Tushar Poddar and Eva Yi: India’s Rising Growth Potential. Chapter 1 in the Goldman Sachs Report, BRICs and Beyond, 2007. Adil Zainulbhai: Securing India’s Place in the Global Economy. McKinsey Quarterly, 2007. 5. India’s Institutional Framework O P Agrawal and T V Somanathan “Public Policy Making In India: Issues and Remedies”, February 2005, Available at: www.cprindia.org/admin/paper/Public_Policy_Making_in_India_14205_TV_SOMANATHAN. pdf Chiranjib Sen and Anil Suraj “The Role of the Legal Process in the Redesign of Indian Government-Business Relations,” Center on Development, Democracy and Rule of Law, Stanford University, 2009, Available at: http://iisdb.stanford.edu/pubs/22692/No_102_SenSuraj_Legal_Process_India_91909.pdf 6. Civil Society and People’s Activism Harsh Mander and Abha Singhal Joshi, “The Movement for Right to Information in India: People’s Power for the Control of Corruption,” Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative, 1999. Only pages 1-9. Arundhati Roy, “Public Power in the Age of Empire,” Address to the 99th annual meeting of the American Sociological Association, 2004. Neera Chandhoke, “Whatever Has Happened to Civil Society?” Economic and Political Weekly, June 9, 2012. 7. Agrarian Crisis and the Rural Economy P. Sainath, Everybody Loves a Good Drought, Penguin University Press, 1996, p. 317-324. K. C. Suri, “Political Economy of Agrarian Distress,” Economic and Political Weekly, April 22, 2006, 1523:1529. Arvind Panagariya, “Modernizing Agriculture,” in India: The Emerging Giant, Oxford University Press, 2008. Knowledge@Wharton interview with M. Yunus, Founder of the Grameen Bank. 8-9 India and the Environment – Selected chapters from Raphaelle Moor and Rajeev Gowda (eds), India at Risk, Oxford University Press India, forthcoming 2012. – Selected chapters from Aseem Srivastava and Ashish Kothari, Churning the Earth: The Making of Global India, Penguin, 2012. 10. Innovation and India Rishikesha T. Krishnan, Excerpts from From Jugaad to Systematic Innovation, 2010. C.K. Prahalad & Allen Hammond “Serving the World’s Poor, Profitably” Harvard Business Review September 2002. 11. Information Technology and the Knowledge Economy – Sourav Mukherji, Complementary and continuous innovation: case of the Indian software industry, Journal of the Academy of Business and Economics, March 2004 – C. J. Fuller and Haripriya Narasimhan, ‘Information Technology Professionals and the NewRich Middle Class in Chennai (Madras)’, Modern Asian Studies, 2007. 12. Media and Entertainment in India – – – Mukul Sharma, Media and Governance, Seminar 2002. Available at: http://www.indiaseminar.com/2002/514/514%20mukul%20sharma.htm Siddharth Varadarajan “Caste matters in the Indian media”, The Hindu, 3 June 2006. Available at: http://www.thehindu.com/2006/06/03/stories/2006060301841000.htm India Knowledge@Wharton. May 1, 2008. India's Entertainment Industry Faces a 'C' Change: Consolidation, Corporatization and Convergence 13. The Changing Indian Consumer – Rama Bijapurkar, We are like that only - Understanding the Logic of Consumer India, Penguin 2009 – Santosh Desai, Mother Pious Lady, 2010 14. India on the Global Stage Sumit Ganguly and Manjeet S. Pardesi “Explaining Sixty Years of India’s Foreign Policy,” India Review, 8:1, 4-19, 2009. Harsh Pant “Indian Foreign and Security Policy: Beyond Nuclear Weapons,” Brown Journal of World Affairs, Spring/Summer 2009, Vol. XV, Issue II Sunil Khilnani: “India as a Bridging Power.” In India as a New Global Leader, Foreign Policy Centre, UK, 2005. 15. India and China Yasheng Huang and Tarun Khanna, “Can India Overtake China?” Foreign Policy, July-August 2003. Q&A with Tarun Khanna, “Billions of Entrepreneurs in China and India”: HBS Working Knowledge, Jan 28, 2008. Available at: http://hbswk.hbs.edu/item/5766.html GUEST LECTURES (to be confirmed) 16. Negotiating with Indians: Prof. Abhoy Ojha 17. Indian Philosophy: Prof. Manohar Reddy 18-19. Guest speakers as desired by the class 20. Student Presentations of Group Projects