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Tourette Syndrome (TS)
Michael Gramlich
Child Psychopathology
Fall 2014
DSM-5 description of Tourette syndrome
Literature review
Conclusion: recommended revisions to the DSM-5
Tourette Syndrome: Diagnostic Criteria
Tourette Syndrome Criteria
Multiple motor and one or more vocal tics that have been
present at some time during the illness, although not necessarily
The tics may wax and wane in frequency but have persisted for
more than 1 year since first tic onset.
Onset is before age 18 years.
The disturbance is not attributable to the physiological effects
of a substance (e.g., cocaine) or another medical condition
(e.g., Huntington’s disease, postviral encephalitis).
(American Psychiatric Association, 2013)
Tic Disorders
DSM-5 Classification: “Neurodevelopmental Disorders”  “Motor Disorders”
1. Tourette Syndrome (a.k.a. Tourette’s Disorder)
2. Persistent (Chronic) Motor or Vocal Tic Disorder
Motor OR vocal tics
Specify: “motor tics only” or “vocal tics only”
3. Provisional Tic Disorder
Motor AND/OR vocal tics
Tics < 1 year
4. Other Specified/ Unspecified Tic Disorder
Specified: criteria for tic disorder not met. Ex: onset after age 18 years
Unspecified: chooses not to specify reason or insufficient information
(American Psychiatric Association, 2013)
Clinical Manifestations
Simple motor tics / simple vocal tics
Short duration (i.e., milliseconds)
Eye blinking, shoulder shrugging; throat clearing, grunting
Complex motor tics / complex vocal tics
Longer duration (i.e., seconds)
Often present as a combination of simple tics
Touching, squatting, jumping
Words and phrases
Echolalia / Palilalia
HBO: Tourette Syndrome Clip
(American Psychiatric Association, 2013)
Development and Course
Premonitory urge
Sensation that precedes tics
Unpleasant itch, tingle, or tension
This urge is released following expression of the tic
Vulnerability toward certain co-occurring conditions
changes with the course of tic disorders
Prepubertal children: ADHD, OCD, and *Separation Anxiety
Teenagers & Adults: MDD, Substance Use Disorder, or Bipolar
(American Psychiatric Association, 2013)
Risk and Prognostic Factors
Temperamental (Exacerbating/Alleviating) Factors
 Tics are worsened by anxiety, excitement, and exhaustion
 Tics are better during calm and focused activities
 People may incorrectly interpret a tic (e.g., repeating the last-heard word or
phrase – echolalia) as purposeful
 Problem when interacting with authority figures (e.g., substitute teachers)
Important risk alleles for Tourette syndrome
Rare genetic variants in families with tic disorders have been identified
 Obstetrical complications (i.e., difficulties during labor or delivery)
 Older paternal age
 Lower birth weight
 Maternal smoking during pregnancy
(American Psychiatric Association, 2013)
Functional Consequences
Sometimes mild to moderate symptom severity involves no
distress or impairment in functioning
The presence of co-occurring conditions (e.g., ADHD or OCD)
can have a greater impact on functioning
Tic disorders can result in social isolation, interpersonal
conflict, peer victimization, inability to work or go to school,
and lower quality of life
Rare complications of Tourette syndrome can include:
 physical injury (e.g., from hitting oneself in the face)
 orthopedic and neurological injury (e.g., disc disease related to
forceful head and neck movements)
(American Psychiatric Association, 2013)
Differential Diagnosis
Primary Difference
 Prolonged Duration
(seconds to minutes)
 Lack of a premonitory urge
Motor Stereotypies Involuntary, rhythmic,
repetitive, movements
Brief, purposeless, appears
 Vocal tics are not
 Movements are usually
worsen during attempted
voluntary action
Muscles contract
involuntarily, severe twisting
or distorted postures
 Often triggered by attempts
at voluntary movement s
 Not seen during sleep
Unidirectional movement,
nonrhytmic, occur during
 Rapidity
 Lack of suppressibility
 Absence of premonitory
Obsessions, and/or
 Cognitive-based drive (e.g.,
fear of contamination)
 Perform actions a certain
number of times, equally on
both sides of the body
(American Psychiatric Association, 2013)
DSM-5 Model of Tourette
Genetic & Physiological
o Risk alleles
o Older paternal age
o Lower birth weight
o Obstetrical complications
o Maternal smoking during
Exacerbating Factors
o Anxiety
o Excitement
o Exhaustion
o Stressful events
Alleviating Factors
o Focused activities
Core Features
o Motor Tics &
o Vocal Tics
Environmental Factors
o Perception by others
Functional Consequences
o Social isolation
o Interpersonal conflict
o Peer victimization
o Inability to work/ go to school
o Physical injury
Secondary Features
o Premonitory Urges
Prevalence/Onset of TS
Clinical Features
Heritability + Genetics
Risk Factors
Brain Structures
Tic Suppression
Exacerbating/Alleviating Factors
Quality of Life
Prevalence and Onset of TS
United States prevalence, ages 5 – 18 years: ~ 1% (range 0.5 – 3.8%)
(Comings D., Himes, Comings B., 1990; Kurlan et al., 2001; Robertson, 2008)
International prevalence, ages 5 – 18 years: ~ 1%
(Robertson, 2008)
Mean age at onset of tics: ~ 4 years - 6.4 years
(Freeman et al., 2000; McMahon, Carter, Fredine, & Pauls, 2003)
Motor tic onset ~ 4 – 6 years
Vocal tic onset ~ 8 – 15 years
Simple tics usually precede complex tics
(Leckman, Bloch, Scahill, & King, 2006)
Mean age at diagnosis of TS: 13.2 years (51.4% 6 -10 years)
(Freeman et al., 2000)
Children – male to female 5:1
Adults – male to female 3:1
(Freeman et al., 2000)
Course of Tic Severity
(Leckman et al., 1998)
Temporal Nature of Tics
(Figure 1. Adapted from Leckman, 2002)
Freeman et al. (2009)
N = 597 TS patients (children, n = 506; adults, n = 91)
Coprolalia: lifetime prevalence
Males: 19.3%
Females: 14.6%
Mean onset: 5 years, 4 months after the onset of tics
Copropraxia: lifetime prevalence
Males: 5.9%
Females: 4.9%
Mean onset: 4 years, 10 months after the onset of tics
Coprophenomena 18.4% of children and 28.6% of adults
Coprolalia: 6.8% mildly-rated tics and 42.6% rated severe tics
Heritability: First-degree
TS = 8.7% (± 1.6%)
CTD = 17.3% (± 2.1%)
2.7% (± 2.7%)
OCD = 11.5% (± 1.9%)
2.5% (± 2.5%)
TS = 9% (± 2.0%)
8.1% (± 2.6%)
CTD = 17.6% (± 2.7%)
17.6% (± 3.6%)
OCD = 10.4% (± 2.3%)
13.6% (± 3.6%)
 Note: 10.4% OCD among TS only probands was
significantly greater than 2.5% among Controls
TS Concordance Rate:
Monozygotic twins 53% vs. Dizygotic twins 8%
(Price, Kidd, Cohen, Pauls, & Leckman, 1985)
Hyde, Aaronson, Randolph, Rickler, and Weinberger (1992)
16 MZ twins (M = 12.8 years, SD = 1.4, range = 8 – 26 years; 75% males)
At least one twin with TS
Concordance rate: 56% TS and 94% tic disorder
13 MZ pairs had different birth weights
 12/13: lower birth-weight twin had a higher tic severities (both: YGTSS and Shapiro
Symptom Check List)
Although family and twin studies have demonstrated high relative risk, researchers have
difficulty mapping the genes responsible.
Genome scan among affected sibling pairs (N = 1,052 participants) and
multigenerational families (N =15 families). Overall, this study found strong linkage on
chromosome 2p. However, this linkage was absent in some families. In addition,
some families appear to have stronger associations on specific markers along
chromosome 2 (e.g., DS2S319 or D2S305).
(The Tourette Syndrome Association International Consortium for Genetics, 2007)
Gene studies have found mixed support on candidates involved in neurotransmission.
Dopamine receptor D2 (DRD2), receptor D4 (DRD4), Monoamine oxidase A (MAOA), and
Serotonin receptor (5-HT2A)
However, results have not been clearly replicated.
(O’Rourke, Scharf, Yu, & Pauls, 2009)
GWAS of Tourette Syndrome
1,285 TS cases and 4,965 ancestry-matched controls of European descent
No markers achieved a genome-wide threshold of significance (other neuropsychiatric
GWAS have needed at least 5,000 cases to identify common risk alleles; see Sullivan, 2010)
Top signal marker rs7868992 on chromosome 9q32, gene COL27A1
(Scharf et al., 2013)
TS alone: 10% ~ 20% among children and adults
(Freeman et al., 2000; Khalifa and von Knorring 2006; Mol Debes, Hjalgrim, & Skov, 2008)
OCD: 16% ~ 50%
(Khalifa et al., 2006; Mol Debes et al., 2008)
ADHD: 43% ~ 68%
(Khalifa et al., 2006; Mol Debes et al., 2008)
Both OCD & ADHD: 21.7%
(Mol Debes et al., 2008)
Depressive Disorder: 20%
Anxiety Disorder: 18%
Conduct Disorder: 8% ~ 15%
Learning Disorder (i.e., dyslexia): 16%
Intellectual Disability (IQ ≤ 70): 16%
Sleep Disorder: 25% ~ 28%
Stuttering: 8% ~ 15%
(Freeman et al., 2000; Khalifa et al., 2006; Mol Debes et al., 2008)
Comorbid ADHD: Functioning
Carter et al. (2000)
TS + ADHD (n = 33; M = 11.10 years; SD = 1.56; males = 76%)
TS alone (n = 16; M = 10.40 years; SD = 1.41; males = 56%)
Controls (n = 23; M = 10.80 years; SD = 1.77; males = 48%)
No significant differences in OCD and OC symptoms between TS + ADHD and TS alone
Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test
Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales – Survey Form
Children’s Depression Inventory (CDI): child-rated
Self-Perception Profile for Children
Family Environment Scale (FES)
Dyadic Adjustment Scale (DAS)
20-Item Leyton Survey
Continuous Performance Test (CPT)
(Carter et al., 2000)
Comorbid OCD
Tic-related OCD has a higher rate among males, an earlier age of onset, poorer
treatment responses to SSRI medication, and higher heritability among firstdegree relatives.
(Cohen, Leckman, & Bloch, 2013)
(Bloch et al., 2006a)
Comorbid Sleep Disorders
Ghosh et al. (2014)
123 TS children (13.6 years, SD = 3.8)
Clinical interview with TS child and guardian
TS-only group: 31 of the 48 (65%) had DSM-V coded sleep disorder
 10 of the 31 (32%) had primary insomnia disorder
Represents a 2.5–fold increase in comparison to the general pediatric population
~ 20% of the entire TS-only sample
0% had insomnia secondary to medication
TS + ADHD group: 48 of the 75 (64%) had DSM-V coded sleep disorder
 20 of the 48 (42%) had primary insomnia disorder
 16 of 48 (33%) had insomnia secondary to medication (e.g., extensive use of
stimulant medications)
Prenatal Risk Factors
Chao, Hu, and Pringsheim (2014)
Systematic review on 21 studies
Most data were ascertained retrospectively
5 studies collected data prospectively
No significant association for demographic factors of parents (i.e., age, education,
SES, and marital status) with onset of TS, symptom severity, or comorbidity.
Most consistently reported factors were maternal smoking during pregnancy and
low birth weight.
Maternal smoking was associated with TS onset and comorbid ADHD and OCD, and
symptom severity of ADHD and OCD.
Low birth weight: comorbid ADHD and tic severity
Note: Although these factors are related to tics, they do not necessarily cause tics.
Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorder Associated with Streptococcus
Infection: Group A beta hemolytic streptococci (GABHS)
Patients may develop tics in reaction to recurrent strep infections
Mell, Davis, and Owens (2005)
Examined the rates of streptococcus infection among children (N = 144) prior to
OCD, Tourette’s Syndrome (TS), or tic disorder diagnosis. Children with OCD, TS, or
tic disorder were more likely than controls to have a streptococcus infection 3 months
before date onset. The highest risk was multiple streptococcus infections within 12
months of diagnosis (OR: 3.10; 95% CI: 1.77, 8.96).
Published reports linking GABHS with pediatric neuropsychiatric symptoms: onset of
OCD/tics symptoms, hyperactivity, and even disrupted handwriting (Murphy, Kurlan, &
Leckman, 2010). However, these studies are mostly retrospective.
PANDAS Pathogenesis Model: Frequent GABHS infections  anti-GABHS
antibodies crossing blood-brain barrier  dopamine release  inflammation within
basal ganglia  OCD, tics and other neuropsychiatric symptoms (Murphy et al., 2010)
Cluster Analysis of Tic
Symptoms and Tx Outcome
McGuire et al. (2013)
142 youths (M = 12.45 years; SD = 2.83); 97 Adults (M = 35.17 years; SD = 13.09)
TS (n = 212), Chronic Tic Disorder – motor (n = 25) – vocal (n = 2)
Woods et al., 2008; Piacentini et al., 2010; Wilhelm et al., 2012
Cognitive Behavioral Intervention for Tics (CBIT)
Yale Global Tic Severity Scale (YGTSS): clinician-rated instrument
 Checklist of 40 possible tic symptoms
 Tics during the past week:
Number (0-5)
Frequency (0-5)
Intensity (0-5)
Complexity (0-5)
Interference (0-5)
Total Motor Tic (0-25) severity
Total Phonic Tic (0-25) severity
Total Tic score (0-50) severity
YGTSS Impairment scale (0-50)
Clinical correlates
 No significant differences in cluster membership across various TS/OCD/ADHD
profiles [Cluster 1: F (3, 235) = 1.36, p = 0.26; Cluster 2: F (3, 235) = 2.06, p = 0.11;
Cluster 3: F (3, 235) = 0.70, p = 0.55; Cluster 4: F (3, 235) = 1.54, p = 0.21].
Treatment Responses
 Cluster membership did not predict treatment response [Cluster 1: OR = 0.95, 95
% CI = 0.64 – 1.41; Cluster 2: OR = 1.18, 95% CI = 0.81 – 1.72; Cluster 3: OR = 0.97,
95% CI = 0.65 – 1.46; Cluster 4: OR = 1.26, 95% CI = 0.85 – 1.86]
Cluster membership did not predict reductions in total tic severity [F (4, 115) =
0.47, p = 0.77, R2 = .02] or individual motor tic severity [F (4, 115) = 0.47, p = .77, R2
= .02] or phonic tic severity [F (4, 115) = 1.64, p = .17, R2 = .05].
TS Characteristics: mean age of onset between 4 – 6 years, tic severity peaks
~ 10 years, and the frequency is sporadic. Motor tic onset typically precedes vocal
tics and simple tics commonly start before complex tics. Males have a higher rate of
prevalence. Coprophenomena only occurs in about 1 in 5 TS patients
Heritability: having a first-degree relative with TS significantly increases the risk
of having TS, CTD, and/or OCD. In addition, rates of TS and tic disorder were
significantly higher for monozygotic twins (~ 50% and 94%) in comparison to
dizygotic twins.
Genetics: genetic linkage studies, candidate genes, and GWAS have suggested
some genes that are responsible. However, these findings are limited and need
Perinatal Risk Factors and PANDAS: the most consistent findings point to low
birth weight and maternal smoking during pregnancy as correlates with TS and
tic severity. However, these do not imply causation, only association. Furthermore,
PANDAS has shown evidence, but this is only among a small group of tic disorder
Comorbidity: ~ 10% - 20% have TS alone. High rates of co-occurring ADHD, OCD,
and sleep disorders. Furthermore, comorbid ADHD significantly increases
problems with behavior.
Four-cluster tic symptoms: no differences among TS/ADHD/OCD profiles. Cluster
membership did not predict treatment response to CBIT and did not predict
reduction in tic severity (total, motor, or vocal).
Prevalence/Onset of TS
Clinical Features
Heritability + Genetics
Risk Factors
Brain Structures
Tic Suppression
Exacerbating/Alleviating Factors
Quality of Life
Fine-motor Skills
Bloch, Sukhodolsky, Leckman, and Schultz (2006b)
32 TS children (M = 11.4 years, SD = 1.5) and 9 age-matched controls
Follow-up clinical assessment at an average of 7.4 years later
Time 1
OCD and Tic severity
Neuropsychological Tests:
Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test: short form intelligence
Beery-Buktenica Visual Motor Integration Test (VMI): visual motor integration
Rey-Osterreith Complex Figure Task (RCFT): visual memory
Purdue Pegboard: fine motor skill
Time 2
OCD and Tic severity
Results: Purdue Pegboard
‘Dominant’ (p = .012, R2 = .19), ‘non-dominant’ (p = .003, R2 = .26), and ‘bimanual’ (p =
.045, R2 = .13) were positively correlated with current tic severity at Time 1.
Poor performances on the ‘dominant’ predicted worse tic severity at Time 2 (OR = .59,
p = .04, R2 = .13).
Structural Imaging: Basal
Peterson et al. (2003)
Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) examining 154 TS and 130 control
participants (18.7 years ± 13.4 vs. 21.0 years ± 13.5; p = .14)
173 (60.9%) were children
111 (39.1%) were adults
33.1% had TS + OCD
26.6% had TS + ADHD
TS vs. Controls
Significantly smaller basal ganglia volumes for TS participants than controls (p = .04)
TS x Region (p < .001)
Relatively greater reductions in the caudate (p = .009) than in the putamen (p = .16),
and globus pallidus (p = .31) relative to controls
Children Only
Smaller volumes in the caudate (p = .06) than in the globus pallidus (p = .09), and the
putamen (p = .30) in comparison to controls
Adults Only
Smaller volumes in the caudate (p = .04), globus pallidus (p = .13), and the putamen (p
= .11) in comparison to controls
(Peterson et al., 2003)
Structural Imaging: Basal
Bloch, Leckman, Zhu, and Peterson (2005)
Prospective, longitudinal study assessing 43 TS patients at baseline and follow-up
Average age = 11.4 years, range = 8.5 – 13.9, SD = 1.6
Yale Global Tic Severity Scale (YGTSS)
Children’s Yale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Scale (CY-BOCS) [35% OCD]
Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test
Average age = 18.7 years, range = 16-23 years, SD = 1.7
Global Assessment Scale
TIME 1: Tic and OCD Severity at time of Childhood MRI
No association between caudate volume and Tic severity (p = .08) or OCD severity (p
= 0.59)
TIME 2: Tic and OCD Severity at time of Early Adulthood follow-up
Volumes of caudate correlated inversely with Tic severity
Total Caudate (χ2 = 11.3, p = .0008)
Left Caudate (χ2 = 13.2, p = .0003)
Right Caudate (χ2 = 8.8, p = .003)
Volumes of caudate correlated inversely with OCD severity
Total Caudate (χ2 = 6.9, p = .009)
Left Caudate (χ2 = 7.2, p = .007)
Right Caudate (χ2 = 6.3, p = .012)
The putamen and the globus pallidus were not correlated with Tic or OCD severity
(Bloch et al., 2005)
Functional Imaging: Tic
Peterson et al. (1998)
22 TS adults without significant head tics and who could voluntarily suppress their
11 men and 11 women (these groups did not differ significantly in tic severity).
Compared functional images during tic suppression and free expression of tics.
 40-second sessions of “suppression” and “free expression” of tics within the
BOLD Signal Changes “Free”
Motor Tics
“Suppression” Events and Severity of
Right Caudate Nucleus (r = - .46, p < .02)
 Putamen
Right (r = - .54, p < .009)
Globus Pallidus
Left (r = - .47, p < .03)
 Right (r = - .52, p < .03)
Left (r = - .44, p < .02)
 Right (r = - .41, p < .02)
Left Sensorimotor Cortex (r = - .36, p < .05)
 Left Inferior Parietal (r = - .43, p < .02)
Key Finding: TS participants whose signal change exhibited reduced activation between
events, had more severe symptoms.
(Peterson et al., 1998)
Structural Imaging:
Sensorimotor Cortices
Sowell et al. (2008)
 The average cortex in the
TS group was 0.45 mm thinner than
the controls.
 Age-by-diagnosis interaction where
cortices thickened with increasing age
in control children, but not in those
with TS.
Supplemental Motor Area (SMA)
Hampson, Tokoglu, King, Constable, & Leckman (2009)
GABAergic neurons and Cholinergic neurons (a.k.a., acetylcholine)
Individuals with TS showed a reduction in up to 60% of the GABAergic and
cholinergic interneurons in the caudate nucleus and putamen.
In addition, the GABAergic neurons were markedly decreased in the external
segment of the globus pallidus (GPe), while significantly increased in the globus
pallidus interna (GPi).
(Kalanithi et al., 2005; Kataoka et al., 2010)
Dopaminergic Systems
Dopamine (D2) receptor antagonist pharmaceuticals such as haloperidol have
been found to be successful at suppressing tics temporarily.
(Scahill et al., 2006)
Tetrabenazine (TBZ) acts as an inhibitor of dopamine (D2) and other monoamines
(norepinephrine and serotonin) and has demonstrated tic suppression. Also has
showed little to no reports of TBZ-induced tardive dyskinesia.
(Kenney, Hunter, & Jankovic, 2007)
Increases in tics following exposure to increased dopaminergic activity in the central
nervous system (CNS) such as L-dopa
(Anderson, Leckman, & Cohen, 1998. As cited in Leckman, Bloch, Smith, Larabi, & Hampso, 2010)
Noradrenergic System
Alpha-2 adrenergic agonists such as clonidine, have reported to reduce tic severity
Clonidine’s primary action is inhibition of norepinephrine (results in reduced
dopamine in the striatum). Fewer side effects and long term risk potential in
comparison to traditional dopamine antagonists
(Bloch, Panza, Landeros-Weisenberger, & Leckman, 2009)
Adult TS patients have showed elevated levels of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)
norepinephrine and higher levels of norepinephrine in their urine in response to
lumbar puncture stress relative to healthy controls
(Chappell et al., 1994; Leckman et al., 1995; As cited in Leckman et al., 2010)
Serotonergic System
Although serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SRIs) are effective in treating OCD, SRIs are
less effective in treating tics and tic-related OCD.
(March et al., 2007; Scahill et al., 2006)
Inconsistencies in the literature regarding abnormalities of serotonin between TS
alone subjects and healthy controls
(Leckman et al., 2010)
Prevalence/Onset of TS
Clinical Features
Heritability + Genetics
Risk Factors
Brain Structures
Tic Suppression
Exacerbating/Alleviating Factors
Quality of Life
Tic Suppression: Verbal
Instructions and Reinforcement
Woods and Himle (2004)
N = 4 (3 boys, 1 girl)
Token dispenser (“Tic detector”)
Remote controlled operant token
BL condition:
 Tic freely
VI condition:
 Verbal instructions not to tic
DRO condition:
 Verbal instructions not to tic
Told every10-secs of tic-free intervals,
token would be awarded.
 Adding reinforcement to
verbal instructions reduced tics
by 76%
 Consequences can affect tic
BL: Baseline
VI: Verbal Instruction
DRO: Reinforced Suppression
“Tic Detector”
Premonitory Urges…
Negative Reinforcement?
Premonitory Urge
Expression of TIC
Termination of URGE
Figure by Piacentini J., “New Thoughts on Behavioral Treatment of Tourette Syndrome.”
February, 2006
Tic Suppression and
Premonitory Urge
Himle et al. (2007)
5 TS children (ages 8, 10, 13, 14, and 17)
Inclusion: presence of premonitory urges, tic rate at least 1/min, and no previous
behavioral treatment for tic suppression
Anxiety Disorders Interview Schedule-4th Edition (ADIS-IV)
Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL)
Yale Global Tic Severity Scale (YGTSS)
Premonitory Urge for Tics Scale (PUTS)
“Tic Detector” (established by Woods et al., 2004).
Laptop computer displayed a 9-point “urge thermometer” every 30s
Design (ABAB withdrawal) – 5-minute conditions
Baseline: “feel free to tic”
Suppression: earn a token for each 10s tic-free intervals. Interval resets if tic occurs.
10 Year Old Female
14 Year Old Male
17 Year Old Male
 4/5 children displayed a clear and reliable suppression effect
 3/4 children reported more intense premonitory urges during suppression
(DRO) in comparison to BL conditions.
 The older children (e.g., Randy) had a greater ability to suppress the tics.
(Himle et al., 2007)
Development of Premonitory
Woods et al. (2005)
Premonitory Urge for Tics Scale (PUTS): 9-item self-report
42 TS children (8 to 16 years old)
Young: 8 – 10 years old vs. Old: 11 – 16 years old
PUTS Scores: Young vs. Old
Total PUTS scores (M = 18.5 ± 6.5 vs. M = 18.6 ± 7.3, p = ns)
Frequency of urges (items 7 and 8, p = ns)
PUTS Consistency
Internal consistency: Young vs. Old (α = 0.57 vs. α = 0.89)
CONCLUSION: Researchers suggested the sensations are present and temporally
stable in Young and Old youths, but Old youths can reliable notice and describe it.
Prevalence/Onset of TS
Clinical Features
Heritability + Genetics
Risk Factors
Brain Structures
Tic Suppression
Exacerbating/Alleviating Factors
Quality of Life
Happen immediately before
tics and make them more or
less likely to occur
Events after tics that make the
frequency or intensity of tics
more or less likely to happen
Internal (e.g., premonitory
urges, anxiety, or boredom)
Internal (e.g., embarrassment,
or relief from premonitory urge)
External (e.g., sports, the
presence of other people, or
being home from school)
External (e.g., attention from
family or peers, escape from
Contextual Factors
Conelea and Woods (2008a)
(Table 6 adapted from Cohen et al., 2013)
Reinforcement and Context
Woods, Walther, Bauer, Kemp, and Conelea (2009)
10 children with TS (n = 9) or Chronic Tic Disorder (n = 1)
Mean age of 10.8 years (9-15 years old)
4 Training sessions, consisting of 3 conditions
1. Purple light (verbal instructions to suppress, reinforced suppression)
2. Orange light (verbal instructions to suppress, no reinforced suppression)
3. No light (baseline, verbal instructions to tic freely)
Each 5-min condition replicated 3 times in random order during each training session
5th session was a test of acquisition
Verbal instructions to suppress (or not suppress) were not provided
Purple light, orange, no light condition presented 3 times
No reinforcers delivered
* (Reinforcement via “Tic Detector” protocol utilized by Woods et al., 2004).
Mean Tics Per Minute (TPM):
 BL > SUP-Purple (p = .002, d = 1.10)
 63.6% reduction in TPM was found during the training phase for SUP-Purple
Mean Tics Per Minute (TPM): Training Phase
 SUP-No Reinforcement-Orange > SUP-Purple (p = .03, d = 0.47)
TEST – 5th Session
TPM: BL-Test condition > Test-Purple (p = .003, d = 0.66)
Key Finding: Situation where previous reinforcement took place can be learned and
applied to later tic expressions
Impact of Attention on Tics
Conelea and Woods (2008b)
9 TS children (M = 11.5 years, range = 9 – 15)
ADHD 4/9 (ADIS-IV ratings; 6, 4, 4, 4)
Followed protocol performed by Woods et al., 2004 (e.g., token dispenser and one-way
mirror observation).
Continuous Performance Test
Audio presentation of letters (200 single-letter trials)
‘A-L’ sequence was the target among 10 non-target letters
Completed CPT at pre- and post-experiment and SUP + DIS conditions
Baseline (BL): tic freely, told tic detector was on but would not dispense tokens
Suppression (SUP): reinforced via tokens
Suppression and Distraction (SUP + DIS): reinforced via tokens + complete
auditory CPT
Suppression findings
Tic frequencies BL > SUP (p = .02, d = 1.34) and SUP + DIS (p = .03, d = 1.29)
Tic frequencies between SUP (a.k.a. DRO) and SUP + DIS did not differ
CPT accuracy findings
Pre and post scores did not differ so they were combined
Hits: SUP + DIS < Pre/Post (p = .04, d = .77)
Errors: did not differ between Pre/Post and SUP + DIS
(Conelea et al., 2008)
Impact of Stress on Tic
Conelea, Woods, and Brandt (2011)
8 TS and 2 Persistent (Chronic) Tic Disorder (ages 9-17 years)
Followed protocol performed by Himle et al., 2007 (e.g., token dispenser, “urge
Timed mental math task
4 sets that increased in difficulty (e.g., “9 – 3 – 2” to “7y – 10 = 18”).
Baseline (BL)
Reinforced Suppression (SUP)
Reinforced Suppression plus Stress Induction (SUP + STRESS)
Stress Induction (Stress)
- Each condition was 5 minutes, each condition was performed twice
Mean Tics Per Minute
 SUP < BL (p = .01, r = -.69)
 BL = STRESS (p = .79)
 SUP + STRESS > SUP (p = .01, r = -.69)
Stress Rating
 STRESS > BL (p = .03, r = .57)
 SUP < SUP + STRESS (p = .03, r = .57)
Urge Rating
 (Try to ignore data – collected every 5-mins previous
study Himle et al., 2007 was 30-secs)
Key finding: stress might disrupt suppression, not increase tics overall
(Conelea et al., 2011)
Prevalence/Onset of TS
Clinical Features
Heritability + Genetics
Risk Factors
Brain Structures
Tic Suppression
Exacerbating/Alleviating Factors
Quality of Life
Peer Relationships
Stokes, Bawden, Camfield, Backman, & Dooley (1991)
Evaluated 29 TS youngsters (M = 11.4 years)
TS participants completed self-esteem scales and neuropsychological testing
Teachers and parents completed behavior rating scales (i.e., CBCL)
Classmates completed the Pupil Evaluation Inventory (PEI)
Provides measures of aggression, withdrawal, and likeability
Classmates served as the control group
Peer Relationships
Rated as more withdrawn (p < .02) by their classmates
Rated as less popular (p < .005) by their classmates
35% of TS sample received the lowest rating in the class on 1 or more PEI factors
Teachers rated TS children as more aggressive (p < .025) and more withdrawn (p
< .005)
Comorbid ADHD diagnosis were rated as more aggressive by their classmates
than TS children without ADHD (p < .02)
Note: these social problems were not predicted by the frequency or duration of tics.
Social Functioning
Champion, Fulton, and Shady (1988)
210 TS participants (ages 3-60+; 70% were school-aged children)
Survey examining type and frequency of tics, degree and nature of sleep disorders,
the degree and nature of associated behavior problems, the TS individual’s perceived
level of psychosocial functioning, and perceived level of support from others.
42% of respondents reported problems in forming and maintaining friendships.
~ 50% reported problems with dating as a result to having TS.
Family members, including spouses when applicable, and physicians were rated as
most supportive.
Teachers who were educated about TS were found to be more supportive than
teachers who lacked knowledge about TS.
Prevalence/Onset of TS
Clinical Features
Heritability + Genetics
Risk Factors
Brain Structures
Tic Suppression
Exacerbating/Alleviating Factors
Quality of Life
Habit Reversal Training (HRT)
Arzin and Nunn (1973)
Introduced “Habit-Reversal” treatment
Treated 12 individuals with habits or tics
90% symptom reduction after 1 session
99% symptom reduction at 3 month follow-up
Awareness Training
 Detect pre-tic warning signs (e.g., premonitory urges)
Competing Response Training
 Blocks tics and sustainable
 Ex: crossing arms so that a certain motor tic cannot take place or breathing a
certain way that is incompatible with a vocal tic
 Perform CRT for 1-3 minutes following temptation to perform tic
Motivational and/or Ancillary Techniques – includes social support and
behavioral reward system
 Ex: praise from family, friends, or teachers for successful effort
Comprehensive Behavioral
Intervention for Tics (CBIT)
Habit Reversal Training
Functional Intervention
Reward System
Relaxation Training
CBIT Study
Piacentini et al. (2010)
126 TS or CTD children (age range: 9 -17 years) studied at 3 sites (UCLA, Johns
Hopkins University, and U. of Wisconsin – Milwaukee)
Study Treatments
2. Psychoeducation/Supportive Therapy – Therapists were prohibited from providing
direct instructions about tic management.
At 10 weeks  evaluation + positive responders continued treatment to 3 months
At 3 months  evaluation + treatment sessions discontinued
At 6 months  follow-up evaluation
Primary Outcome Measures
YGTSS - Total Tic Score [0-50]
YGTSS - Impairment [0-50]
Clinical Global Impressions (CGI) - Improvement Scale [1-8]: determined by clinician
10 Weeks YGTSS Total Tic Score
CBIT > PST reduction in tics (p < .001, d = .68)
10 Weeks CGI Improvement (Very Much Improved “1” or Much Improved “2”)
CBIT > PST positive treatment response (52.5% vs. 18.5%, p < .001)
CBIT = 32/61 participants
PST = 12/65 participants
10 Weeks YGTSS Impairment
CBIT > PST reduction in impairment from tics (51% vs. 30%, p < .01, d = 0.57)
Continued “Positive Responders” Evaluated at 3 months
CBIT: 24/28 (85.7%)
PST: 11/12 (91.7%)
Continued “Positive Responders” Evaluated at 6 months
CBIT: 20/23 (86.9%)
PST: 6/8 (75.0%)
Available Treatments
CBIT RCT: YGTSS - ES = 0.57 – 0.68
(Piacentini et al., 2010)
Dopamine Antagonists: ES = 0.58
Averse effects: sedation, cognitive dulling, weight gain, and metabolic
No significant differences on the efficacy of 4 antipsychotics tested
(haloperidol, pimozide, risperidone and ziprasidone)
Alpha-2 agonists: ES = 0.31
(ES = 0.68 w/ADHD; ES = 0.15 w/o ADHD)
Averse effects: sedation and low blood pressure
(Weisman, Qureshi, Leckman, Scahill, & Bloch, 2013)
DSM-5 Model of Tourette
Genetic & Physiological
o Risk alleles
o Older paternal age
o Lower birth weight
o Obstetrical complications
o Maternal smoking during
Exacerbating Factors
o Anxiety
o Excitement
o Exhaustion
o Stressful events
Alleviating Factors
o Focused activities
Core Features
o Motor Tics &
o Vocal Tics
Environmental Factors
o Perception by others
Functional Consequences
o Social isolation
o Interpersonal conflict
o Peer victimization
o Inability to work/ go to school
o Physical injury
Secondary Features
o Premonitory Urges
New Model of Tourette Syndrome
Genetic & Physiological Factors
o Risk alleles
o Lower birth weight
o Maternal smoking during
Exacerbating Factors
o Anxiety
o Excitement
o Exhaustion
o Stressful events
Alleviating Factors
o Focused activities
Complex Phonic
Impulse Control
Complex Motor
o DA
o NE
Core Features
o Motor Tics &
o Vocal Tics
o Cortico-striatalthalamic-circuit
o Sensorimotor
Premonitory Urges
Simple Head Motor/
Simple Motor
Functional Consequences
o Social isolation (e.g., dating)
o Interpersonal conflict
o Peer victimization
o Inability to work/ go to school
o Physical injury
o Perception by others
Sleep Disorders
o Attention
o Aggression
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