representing and navigating space

Thinking about space
Bridgewater State College
Spring 2005
Thinking about space
Brooks once claimed unnecessary
But for complex tasks found necessary.
Can't go from here to your car without
thinking about the space and obstacles in
No planning done without thinking about space
Representing Space
Easiest way of internal representation
Use a map.
Needed for
Knowing where to go/navigation
“free space”
Recognize regions or locations in environment
Recognize objects in environment
How does robot represent environment?
Let environment represent itself.
All planning and manipulation of environment
take place on real environment at given time.
Plans only based on instantaneous immediate
sensor input.
If internal representation
What are the primitives?
Objects? Features? Symbolic entities? Spacial
occupancy? etc?
Decomposing space.
Simple method:
Divide the space into equal sized squares
Decide for every square, is this square free or
Could implement with 2d array.
bitmap/occupancy grid
Space considerations (how much?)
Plus side- General
Can also add other information like confidence, terrain
info etc.
Occupancy grid storage
Cells that are all the same still represented
Wastes lots of space
Can't similar pixels be compressed?
Quad Tree
Recursive data structure.
Represents square 2-D region
May reduce storage
Large spaces of occupied or unoccupied space
Scattered spaces – storage no better than occupancy grid.
Worst case worse than occupancy since extra
Base-2 nice for decisions.
Binary Space Partitioning trees.
Usually in computer graphics.
Useful for 2d spaces
Free space divided into regions by lines parallel to
outside edge.
Each boundary divide cell into two – but not
necessarily evenly.
Arbitrary division point
No unique BSP-tree for a given space.
Exact division
Subdivide space into several nonoverlapping regions.
Union of parts is exactly the whole space.
Non-overlapping not necessary, but
End spatial decomposition methods.
Geometric modelling
Spatial decomposition can use a lot of
Geometric maps one answer
Describe world in terms of simple geometric
shapes, points, line, polygons and circles.
Will assume 2d representation since we don't
have manipulators
Key components
Set of primitives for describing objects
Set of composition and deformation operators to
manipulate objects
Lack of stability
Representation changes a lot from small input
Lack of expressive power
Different environments map to same
Difficult (impossible) to represent salient features
in modelling system.
Lack of uniqueness
Models may approximate input
Express single set of observations more than
one way.
Minimal descriptive length
Associate cost with each model and attempt to find
single model that minimizes cost.
Minimize problems by adding stabilizer
Discard outlying data points
Prefer longer line segments.
And parallel to other directions.
Prefer models that are more compact possible
for set of data points.
Prefer models with uniform curvature.
Topological Representations
Noisy data -> hard to make good geometry
Humans seem to use more topological
So how about for robots
Cognitive science approach
Key to topological:
Some explicit representation of connectivity between
two places
May have no “metric data” at all.
Topological Reps II
Abstract the environment
Descrete spaces connected by edges
Represent as graph
G = (V, E)
V: Set of nodes; E: set of edges that connect them.
Book example of ceiling mounted landmarks
Airplane travel.
Part II
Representing the robot in space
Up to now,
just concerned with representing the world
But need to represent the robot in the world.
Now let's represent the robot.
Configuration Space
Configuration space formalism
Specification for physical state of robot relating
to fixed environmental frame
For simple rigid robot that can move and turn on
flat surface but has no limbs
Configuration q=[x,y,
What does this remind you of from mobility?
C-Space constraints
Contraints prohibit robot from entering some
Circular robot with radius r can't go closer to any
object than distance r
Written as G(q)=0 where q is the pose
Holonomic constraint
Any constraint that does not involve velocity
For any real world obstical – can expand to set of
points and solve to keep the robot's pose correct.
Non-holinomic Contraints
Non-holinomic Contraints
Contraints on what velocities are allowed
Much more difficult to calculate.
Getting from point A to point B without complete
pose control
Parallel parking
Backing a tractor trailor truck.
Free flying robots (conservation of angular
C-space Search path can get large.
Point-robot assumption
Assume robot is a point capable of omnidirectional movement
Physics jokes?
But robotics: so have to make up for this
Do so with object dilation
Show on board.
Path Planning
Now we've covered
representing space
Representing robot in space
Now plan motion
Big field – entire book written just on path
planning for robots
Skim surface.
Path Planning Summary
Want to get from point A to point B
Often want minimum length path.
Sometimes minimum cost path
Not always the same
Rochester NY example.
Path curvature
Anytime algorithms
“safe paths”
Standard Path Planning
“standard” planning basic assumptions:
Rigid robot A
Static, known environment W
Robot domain is euclidean (we'll use 2-d space)
Known set of obsticles in W: B1 B2 ... Bq
Robot travels in straight line segments perfectly
Evaluating Planning Techniques
Environment and robot
Different techniques are needed for different robot
Soundness: is the planned path guaranteed to
be collision free?
Complete: if a path exists is is guaranteed to be
Optomality: cost of path found vs. best path
Space and time complexity.
Graph Search
Basic graph search learned in most CS
If you have a topological graph
Start from initial node, expand that node
Add adjacent nodes to OPEN list
Found goal? If not, choose one of the nodes on OPEN and
put start node on CLOSED list.
Depth-first / Breadth-first / A* search
Optimizing Search
Evaluation function f(n)
n is a node on the graph
Smaller values of f(n) means n more likely to be
on optimal path.
Choose node with smallest value of f(n)
Assume no 0 or negative values for f(n) (every
move costs something)
F(n) = g(n)+h(n)
G(n) is estimated cost from start to n
H(n) is estimated cost from n to goal
GraphSearch Procedure
Procedure GraphSearch(s, goal)
OPEN := {s}.
CLOSED :={}.
Found := false.
While (OPEN ≠ Ø) and (not found) do
OPEN := OPEN – {n}.
If n ∈ goal then
found := true
OPEN := OPEN  M. (where M is set of all nodes
directly accessible from n)
A* search
Use G(n) as upper bound on cost thus far
Use h(n) as lower bound on cost of time to
maximize g(n)
Underestimate cost remaining
Will find optimal path to goal.
Dynamic Programming
Solution must adhere to Bellman's principle
Given points A, B, C
Optimal path from A to B through C found by
optimal path from A to C and optimal path from C
to B
Create “cost table” for moving from place to place
till have a good solution to end point.
Use heuristics to not create entire cost table.
Visibility Graph planning.
Technique produces minimum length path
Through graph traversal.
G=(V, E) such that V is made up of union of all
verticies of polygonal obsticles as well as start and
end points of path.
Edges of graph connect all vertices that are visible to
one another.
V-Graph planning II
Once V-Graph setup
Have graph whose edges can be traversed w/out
hitting anything
Start and goal nodes are included in verticies
So can travel from start to goal w/out hitting
Can search graph in time O(N2) on the number
of verticies.
To Be continued
More Navigation next time.