God Sees the Truth, But Waits - Hatboro

The purpose of this course is to gain a better understanding of the surrounding
world through the study of its literature and culture while also focusing on four
writing modes: narrative, informative, definition and argument.
Name: ____________________________________________________________________________
World Literature
(and culture)
Making sense of the four styles of writing:
1) Narrative:
2) Informative:
3) Definition:
4) Argument:
Remembering the Elements of a Story:
1) Setting:
2) Characters:
3) Plot:
Rising action
Exposition – background info
falling action
4) Theme:
(draw picture here to illustrate what
has been written)
4. Falling Action:
Amy returns home after tiring of
living a life on the run. To do so, she
must make it appear as if she were
truly kidnapped and not framing her
husband. Instead, she frames
another man making it appear as if
she killed him in self defense while
escaping his capture.
(draw picture here to illustrate what
has been written)
1. Exposition:
Nick and Amy fall in love and marry
despite vast differences in their
upbringing. She is from NYC and a
wealthy family whereas he is from a
dysfunctional family from a small
town in Missouri.
(draw picture here to illustrate what
has been written)
5. Outcome:
Despite their bizarre relationship, the
couple remain married…headed for a
lifetime of deceit and trickery. Amy
tricked Nick into having a baby and he
wants to remain a couple for that
purpose. He presumably lives in fear
of his wife. And she presumably
knows his does not really love her.
(draw picture here to illustrate what
has been written)
2. Rising Action:
Amy has gone missing. She is
believed to have been kidnapped
from her home. Based on clues she
has left behind, the police eventually
turn their attention to Nick, believing
he murdered his wife.
(draw picture here to illustrate what
has been written)
3. Climax:
Nick works to clear his name by
attempting to solve the mystery of
the whereabouts of his wife. He
believes she has framed him and thus
faked her death to ‘get back at him’
for not loving her enough. In the
meantime, Amy returns home…she’s
Practice Makes Perfect!
Select a book you have recently read (in its entirety). Practice summarizing the plot by creating
a short comic strip with simple illustration and narrative. Use a separate sheet of paper to
complete this assignment. A sample has been done for you based on the book Gone Girl
by, Gillian Flynn
Let’s get writing by completing a ‘one-pager’!
1) Please respond to the following prompt using lots of detail in no more than
one page (front and back).
2) If you are hand writing your essay and have large print, you may extend your essay
to two pages (front and back).
3) Double space your essay!
4) This is your opportunity to demonstrate what you know…how will you organize your thoughts?
How will you add interest to your essay?
The writing prompt (narrative/descriptive):
Imagine you have unlimited funds to travel the world to see other cities, continents and islands.
Respond to the following questions in an organized, detailed and well thought-out essay.
o Where would you travel?
o How would you travel?
o What would you bring with you and why?
o What do you expect to find on your journey (think…sights, people, cultural differences, smells,
o What is one fear you have about exploring new territory…what is one danger you might
* You may add additional information as you see fit to make your essay unique!
My planning (you may use another sheet of paper if you prefer):
(blank page for notes)
Let’s begin our journey!
World Classics are stories written years ago that
continue to entertain or influence today. The tales
offer exciting plots, important themes, fascinating
characters, and powerful language. They are stories to
which many people can connect. As we continue our
journey, you will be asked to evaluate classic short
stories and make connections to the real world.
Our first destination: The Middle East
Purpose: to explore the travels of Sindbad
How: through reading the short story, The Voyages of Sindbad the Sailor from The Arabian Nights
Author: no one knows who wrote the stories or when they were first dreamed up
Background Information
This story is fictional! (fictional means ________________________________ )
This story is a folk tale (stories told by common people of a country, generation to
Existed first as oral stories
Not found in written form until the 1400’s (15th century)
The origin is unknown…perhaps from Israel, North Africa, Persia, India or Greece
Why are the tales of The Arabian Nights also referred to as The Thousand and One
o A king is betrayed by his wife.
o He kills her and claims he will never again keep a wife.
o He marries a new woman each day and kills her the next morning.
o One woman is determined to stop the murders.
o She marries the king and tells him stories throughout the night to keep him from
killing her.
o The king is fascinated by her stories and spares her life.
o She continues to tell the king stories for the next 1001 nights…by then, she has
won his love.
The Voyages of Sindbad the Sailor
Pre-reading Activity
These words are used throughout the story and knowing their meaning will help with your
comprehension of the story. Study the words and meaning shown in the box. Then complete each
sentence below by writing the correct word on the line.
adhere – stick or cling to
bartering – trading; swapping
calamity – disaster; tragedy
confounded – puzzled; bewildered
dilate – expand or swell
diverting – turning aside
obsessed – completely taken over by the thought of
populous – filled with many people
suffice – serve or suit; be enough
ventured – dared or risked
1. Li used glue to make the label _______________________________ to the folder.
2. Mrs. Chung never __________________________ into the Singhs’ yard because she was afraid
of their dog.
3. Linda decided three pieces of chicken per person should ______________________ for the class
4. The scout troop is __________________________ with other troops, trying to exchange hiking
gear for camping gear.
5. Joe is so _______________________ with the idea of becoming an NBA star that he plays
basketball four hours every day.
6. The earthquake was a _______________________________ which left thousands homeless.
7. The tough math problem ______________________________ the class, and even the top
student couldn’t solve it.
8. China, with its millions of people, is the most ____________________________ country in the
9. Anna tried ______________________________ the toddler’s attention away from the candy so
he would stop crying for it.
10. Dr. Grieg put drops in Joan’s eyes to _____________________________ the pupils so he could
examine her inner eye.
Retold World Classics; The Perfection Form Company
The Voyages of Sindbad the Sailor
Pre-reading Activity
Setting the Stage
These questions will help you get ready to read The Voyages of Sindbad. Prepare to discuss the
questions by jotting down answers on the lines.
1. The hero of the story, Sindbad, is an adventurer living in a city in the ancient Middle East. These
questions will help you understand Sindbad’s time and culture.
a. “Know, O my brothers, that after I returned from my third voyage, I rejoined my friends. I
forgot all my perils and hardships in my new comfort and ease…. Soon the bad old man
within me yearned to go traveling and enjoy the sight of strange countries.”
What does the quote tell you about Sindbad’s attitude?
b. “At once I began to blame myself for what I had done. I said to myself, ‘By Allah, I deserve
all that has happened to me and all that shall happen to me!’”
What does the quote tell you about Sindbad’s beliefs?
c. “I arrived at home with a great wealth of diamonds, money and goods. There I reunited
with my friends and relations. I presented alms (gifts to the poor) and gifts to all my
What does the quote tell you about how Sindbad treats others?
Retold World Classics; The Perfection Form Company
The Voyages of Sindbad the Sailor
Post-reading Activity
It Happened Like This
Recall facts from the story by responding to each question.
1) Why does Sindbad make his voyage?
2) How does Sindbad get left behind on the island?
3) How does Sindbad escape the island?
4) What does Sindbad do to escape from the valley of the diamonds?
5) In what way do the diamond merchants help Sindbad?
6) What happens to Sindbad’s ship on the fourth voyage?
7) Why do the cannibals give the merchants strange foods?
8) Where does Sindbad travel after his escape from the cannibals?
9) How does Sindbad come to be married?
10) How does Sindbad escape from the cave of death?
The Voyages of Sindbad the Sailor
Post-reading Activity
Literary Focus: Characterization
Sindbad is an unusual man. He gets into wild adventures and then escapes just when all hope seems
lost. In part, Sindbad owes his success to his skill and cleverness. Yet, often, luck is just as important to
his success.
Read these story scenes. For each scene, give an example of how Sindbad is lucky. Then give an
example of how he is clever or skillful. The first scene is done for you.
To help in your response, you may need to define the following terms:
Scene 1 (example): Sindbad is abandoned on an island paradise. But he escapes on the leg of a rukh.
(pages 4-7)
How is Sindbad lucky? He is lucky to have stumbled onto the giant bird’s nest.
How is Sindbad clever or skillful? He unwraps his turban to use as a rope. He then ties himself to the
rukh’s leg.
Scene 2: Sindbad lands in the valley of the diamonds. Huge snakes inhabit the valley. Sindbad escapes,
carried by an eagle. (pages 7-9)
How is Sindbad lucky?
How is Sindbad clever or skillful?
continued on next page
Retold World Classics; The Perfection Form Company
Scene 3: The merchant’s ship runs into a terrible storm. The ship is wrecked. But Sindbad is able to get
to dry land. (page 13)
How is Sindbad lucky?
How is Sindbad clever or skillful?
Retold World Classics; The Perfection Form Company
The Voyages of Sindbad the Sailor
Post-reading Activity
The Reading Writing Connection: Unlocking Passages
Answer the questions about these passages taken from “The Voyages of Sindbad.”
“I had left the ease of my house in my own land, where the pleasures of good meat, drink, and clothing
had been mine. I had lacked nothing, neither money nor goods. And I repented of having left Baghdad.”
(page 5)
a. What does the passage mean as used in the story?
b. Sindbad enjoys his adventures until he runs into trouble. Then he regrets ever having left home.
Do you sympathize with Sindbad? Or do you dislike him for being a weak person? Explain your
c. Journal Writing: Describe a time when you regretted a decision or act and wished you could
return to the way things were before. Use a separate sheet of paper for your response.
“Know, O my brothers, that after I returned from my third voyage, I rejoined my friends. I forgot all my
perils and hardships in my new comfort and ease.” (page 12)
a. What does the passage mean as used in the story?
b. Why do you think “comfort and ease” make Sindbad forget the dangers of his last adventure?
Retold World Classics; The Perfection Form Company
Let’s Review!
The Voyages of Sindbad the Sailor
Can you add to the information that is provided for you??
1.Middle East
The Voyages of Sindbad the Sailor
Exposition (background info)Rising actionClimaxFalling actionOutcome-
1.Fate cannot be predicted or
2. Cleverness can help a person
to survive.
3. A successful person takes
advantage of every opportunity.
4. A traveler longs for home,
while a person at home longs to
5. The world is full of marvels
and horrors.
Throughout his journeys, Sindbad proved to be clever and successful. His journeys proved
that nothing can be predicted and that it is up to the person experiencing the journey to find
a way to survive.
Make a connection with at least one of the themes listed on the previous page, or to a theme
of your own by completing the following task.
To do:
1) Identify a theme to which you can connect.
2) Think of a story in the news in which the person involved has proved to be like
Sindbad (clever, a survivor, someone who seizes the moment…).
3) Find a short article about the person you have selected that depicts his/her story.
4) Summarize the article on an index card (see below for details).
5) Identify how the person in your story is similar to Sindbad (on the index card).
6) Share the story with the class in a presentation that is no longer than 10 minutes in
What will I be graded on?
You will be expected to turn in your article and your summary which contains the connection
made to our story read in class.
You will be graded on the connection you have made between Sindbad and the person
highlighted in your presentation as well as on the quality of your summary.
Your summary should include:
1) Introduce the person being highlighted.
2) Share their story with the class in an organized fashion…an example is outlined below.
Introduce the person
Share their experience or difficulty
Explain how they overcame their difficulty
3) A conclusion that states the connection between Sindbad and the person whose story
you are summarizing. Be sure to make a connection to your chosen theme. Underline
these connections.
1) You may show a short video (fewer than 2 minutes) depicting your story to add interest to your
presentation. Your video may be shown after you make your oral presentation. Your video
must be preapproved by your teacher prior to the day of your presentation!
(An example has been provided for you on the next page…let’s take a look!)
Need to see an example?
Follow the steps as outlined on the previous page:
□ Identify a theme to which you can connect. (three are included for this example)
Fate cannot be predicted or escaped.
Cleverness can help a person survive.
A successful person takes advantage of every opportunity.
□ Think of a story in the news in which the person involved has proved to be like Sindbad.
Aron Ralston
□ Find a short article about the person you have selected that depicts his/her story.
□ Summarize the article on an index card, and…
□ Identify how the person in your story is similar to Sindbad (on the index card). Be sure
to state the connection to your selected theme.
Aron Ralston loves adventure. An avid hiker and climber, he became stuck in a canyon in
Utah when a boulder slipped, pinning his hand between the boulder and the canyon
wall. For six days he struggled, hoping another hiker would find him. While waiting for
rescue, he fought against hunger, hypothermia, and dehydration. However, he knew he
hadn’t followed the simple ‘rules’ every climber/hiker should follow on this journey. He
decided to climb alone and did not leave a copy of his itinerary including the location of
his climb and the location of his parked car with anyone at home. Because of this, he felt
certain that help would not arrive. Ultimately, he made the decision to save himself by
cutting off his hand and a portion of his lower arm using the only tool he had, a simple
multi-tool. Before doing so, he videotaped his thoughts to let his family know of his story
and also to tell them how much he loved them. In the end, Ralston was successful in
escaping the canyon. He continues to climb today with the use of a specialized
prosthetic limb. Ralston is very much like Sindbad in that he would never have predicted
this would have happened to him given his experience as a climber. When Sindbad left
for a journey, he never planned on being left behind or having danger find him as it did
time and time again. Ralston was able to use his cleverness and intelligence to survive
his ordeal, just as Sindbad found ways to escape dangerous or undesirable situations
such as escaping the cave where he was buried with his deceased wife. Ralston took
advantage of the knowledge and tools he had available to remove himself from the cave
and was successful. Today, he uses a prosthetic limb so that he can continue to climb.
Sindbad also assesses each situation he finds himself, taking advantage of every
opportunity such as taking the jewels of others for money upon his escape from the cave.
Because they sought the advantages presented to them, they both made it home.
□ Share the story with the class in a presentation that is no longer than 10 minutes in
Share the following 5 minute video after sharing the summary with the class.
Feeling lost on where to start your search?
Use the following websites to find an article…or, find one
on your own using a reputable sight!
Remember…using the outline will be of tremendous help!
Identify a theme to which you can connect.
Think of a story in the news in which the person involved has proved to be like Sindbad.
Find a short article about the person you have selected that depicts his/her story.
Summarize the article on an index card, and…
Identify how the person in your story is similar to Sindbad (on the index card). Be sure
to state the connection to your selected theme.
□ Share the story with the class in a presentation that is no longer than 10 minutes in
(blank page)
Evaluating Themes
A theme of a book or story is an idea or message that stretches through the entire story. It
may show up as a pattern throughout the story such as ‘there is beauty in simplicity’. Or it
may be the result of a buildup such as ‘tragedy of war’. Often, it is a lesson that we learn
about life or people.
1) Below are several themes of our next short story. Read through each idea listed.
2) Think of a story you have recently heard or read about in the news that contains a
similar message to one of those listed.
3) Underline the theme from the list below that you have paired with a current news topic.
4) Find an article about the story you have chosen.
5) Be prepared to share with the class how one of the ideas listed below connects with
your story.
Greed can stain a person’s soul.
Knowledge can lead a person to freedom or despair.
Great expectations may turn into great disappointment.
You never know how much you have until you lose it.
Words spoken in the heat of the moment can drastically change your entire life.
The article I have chosen is:
The source of my article is:
The connection I have made is:
The reason I believe this is a connection is because:
Just in case you need a push to get started…here’s
another example:
Follow the directions as listed on the previous page:
□ Below are several themes of our next short story. Read through each idea listed.
□ Think of a story you have recently heard or read about in the news that contains a
similar message to one of those listed.
□ Underline the theme from the list below that you have paired with a current news topic.
□ Find an article about the story you have chosen.
□ Be prepared to share with the class how one of the ideas listed below connects with
your story.
Greed can stain a person’s soul.
Knowledge can lead a person to freedom or despair.
Great expectations may turn into great disappointment.
You never know how much you have until you lose it.
Words spoken in the heat of the moment can drastically change your entire life.
The article I have chosen is:
Steve Gleason Embraces New Challenges in Lou Gehrig’s Disease Battle___________________
The source of my article is:
The connection I have made is:
Gleason was a famous football player who made a lot of money and who has a newborn child.
He retired from football and learned he had an illness that is incurable…ALS. With ALS, people
maintain their mental awareness but loose all ability to move muscles in the body. It eventually
kills the person afflicted with the disease. Gleason had everything…money, a good job, a great
family…and will now loose it due to this terrible disease. He appreciates every person in his life
and makes the most of each moment of life.
The reason I believe this is a connection is because:
It’s easy to feel sorry for oneself at times. Sometimes, it takes losing what is most precious to
realize exactly how valuable it was to begin with.
As we read our next story, reflect back to your article. Are the two stories similar in any way?
Continuing our Journey…
Our second destination: Russia
Purpose: to observe the strength and willpower of others
How: through reading the short story, The Bet
Author: Anton Chekhov
Background Information
This story is fictional! (fictional means ________________________________ )
Chekov began writing to support his family after his father went bankrupt.
His first works included jokes and short sketches for which he was paid a penny per
Chekhov also wrote tales, short stories and plays.
At first, Chekhov did not use his real name to credit himself when writing…instead he
used a made up name, otherwise known as a ‘pen name’.
Chekhov was a doctor who very often treated the sick for free.
Ironically, Chekhov ignored his own symptoms of illness and died of tuberculosis (gone
Chekhov was inspired by real life experiences of which he chose to write about.
Famous works by Anton Chekhov include:
o The Sea Gull, play
o The Three Sisters, play
o The Darling, short story
o Gooseberries, short story
The Bet
Pre-reading Activity
These words are used throughout the story and knowing their meaning will help with your
comprehension of the story. Study the words and meaning shown in the box. Then complete each
sentence below by writing the correct word on the line.
assorted – various; different
emaciated – bony; very skinny
exhaustive – complete; thorough
intact – whole and undamaged
obsolete – outdated
pinnacle – height; peak
scrutinize – carefully examine; study
stringently – rightly; strictly
verified – proven or confirmed
violate – break (a rule or law)
1. Marcia read every current book on apes and then wrote an _____________________ report on
gorilla behavior.
2. Manny used to raise only goldfish, but now his fish tank is full of _______________________
types of sea creatures.
3. She was so ________________________, you could count all her ribs.
4. The “no smoking” rule at the chemical factory was ____________________________ enforced
after the fire.
5. Jose ______________________________ for the teacher that every student was present by
calling roll.
6. The biologist will ________________________ samples of pond water to check for bacteria.
7. So far the _____________________________ of Tara’s art career has been winning a
scholarship to art school.
8. The glassware from Denmark arrived at Dan’s house ___________________________ - not a
single piece was broken.
9. If you ______________________________ the speed limit, you may get a ticket.
10. The biplane is an _________________________________ aircraft that is rarely seen today.
Retold World Classics; The Perfection Form Company
The Bet
Pre-reading Activity
Setting the Stage
These questions will help you get ready to read The Bet. Prepare to discuss the questions by jotting
down answers on the lines.
1. A main character in this story – a lawyer – is imprisoned for a number of years. This lawyer does
not go outside of his cell for any reason or talk to anyone.
a. How would you react if you were imprisoned like this?
b. How do you think you might change if you were confined in one room for several years?
c. Can you think of a person in history who has spent many years of his or her life confined?
What do you know about the reasons for their confinement?
2. This story concerns a character who spends years gaining knowledge. Answer these questions
about knowledge.
a. How might having knowledge of people, history, and the world make a person bitter?
b. How might having this knowledge make a person hopeful?
c. Do you think people with knowledge have any duties to others? Explain why or why not.
Retold World Classics; The Perfection Form Company
The Bet
Post-reading Activity
It Happened Like This
Recall facts from the story by responding to each question.
1) What do the guests talk about at the banker’s party?
2) What is the lawyer’s opinion of what is ‘better’?
3) What does the lawyer give up, because of the bet?
4) Why does the banker think the lawyer made the bet?
5) What is the lawyer not allowed to do?
6) How does the lawyer spend most of his time over the years?
7) Why does the banker decide to kill the lawyer?
8) What does the lawyer’s letter reveal (tell)?
9) What does the banker do after reading the lawyer’s letter?
10) In the end, what does the lawyer do?
(blank page)
The Bet
Post-reading Activity
Literary Focus: Conflicts
Another word for ‘conflict’ is _______________________________.
Conflict results when characters or forces oppose each other. There are five main kinds of conflict.
o character vs. character – a character opposes one or more characters
o character vs. self – a character battles with conscience or emotions
o character vs. society – a character opposes a part of society (government, law, etc.)
o character vs. nature – a character has a problem with a force of nature (cold, storm, etc.)
o character vs. fate – the character has a problem with fate, luck or God
The Bet contains several conflicts which help move the plot along. Describe the conflicts listed below by
jotting down details on the lines. Try to name the general type of conflict in each situation (from the list
1. What is conflict at the party between the lawyer and the banker? (page 34)
The banker says:
But the lawyer says:
The general type of conflict in this scenario is _____________________________________.
2. What is a conflict the banker has with himself before the lawyer is jailed? (page 35)
The banker tells the lawyer:
But the banker asks himself:
The general type of conflict in this scenario is _____________________________________.
3. What is a conflict the lawyer has with himself while he is in prison? (pages 36-37 and 40-41)
The lawyer is gaining:
But the lawyer is losing:
The general type of conflict in this scenario is _____________________________________.
Retold World Classics; The Perfection Form Company
The Bet
Post-reading Activity
The Reading Writing Connection: Unlocking Passages
Answer the questions about these passages taken from “The Bet.”
1. “’If I have the courage to carry out my plan,’ thought the old man, ‘they’ll suspect the watchman
first.” (page 38)
a. What does the passage mean as used in the story?
b. Do you think the banker is taking “the easy way out”? Why or why not?
c. Journal Writing: Describe what you would have done if you were in the banker’s situation.
Explain why you would have reacted that way.
2. “Never before – not even when he lost a fortune on the stock market – had he [the banker]
scorned himself so much.” (page 41)
a. What does the passage mean as used in the story?
b. Why do you think the banker scorns himself now?
Retold World Classics; The Perfection Form Company
Let’s Review!
The Bet
Can you add to the information that is provided for you??
2. banker
The Bet
Anton Chekhov
Exposition (background info)Rising actionClimaxFalling actionOutcome-
1.Greed can stain a person’s
2. Knowledge can lead a person
to freedom or despair.
3. Great expectations may turn
into great disappointments.
4. You never know how much
you have until you lose it.
5. Words spoken in the heat of
the moment can drastically
change your entire life.
Connections with the Real World
(Argument Writing)
Conflict occurs when two or more parties disagree. The reasons for disagreeing may
vary…there may be a misunderstanding, individual needs may vary, or each may hold different
interests. One thing holds true…the parties disagree because one or both of the parties may
feel threatened (physically, emotionally, power, status, etc). To resolve conflict, it is often
helpful to gain understanding of both ‘sides’, even though you may still hold a strong opinion of
your own on the topic.
Below are two situations that present conflict in society. Choose one to research and form an
opinion of your own. Express your opinion on one of the topics in a well thought out and
organized multi-paragraph essay.
1) Read about capital punishment. Where and in what cases is it still used? What are
some problems with using capital punishment? What are some benefits to using capital
Capital punishment is _______________________________________________.
2) Do some reading about solitary confinement. How does being alone affect a person’s
behavior, emotions, and outlook?
Solitary confinement is ______________________________________________.
Use the following links to help in your research or you may find your own…as long as they are
Additional directions will follow as to how to properly organize your essay 
(blank page)
And so, we move on…
Our third destination: Siberia (Russia)
Purpose: to understand perseverance in waiting for the truth to surface
How: through reading the short story, God Sees the Truth, But Waits
Author: Leo Tolstoy
Background Information
This story is fictional! (fictional means ________________________________ )
Tolstoy was a male chauvinist...he believed a wife should bear children, raise them,
and educate them in addition to running the household and supporting her husband.
In the mid 1800’s he was enlisted in the Russian Army where he completed his first
writing. The Czar of Russia liked it so much the Czar removed Tolstoy from the
dangerous front lines so that he would not be harmed in war.
Tolstoy did not spend a lot of money on himself, preferring to walk rather than take a
train. He sometimes walked as many as 130 miles to get to where he wanted!
Tolstoy met many interesting people on his journeys and he took notes about his
experiences as well as on the people he met.
Tolstoy started his own school that was based on non-traditional style…students did
not earn grades for their work! Instead, he felt they should be in school because they
loved learning and wanted to be there. His school did not last long…it closed after
being viewed as ‘impractical.’
Sonya, Tolstoy’s wife, copied his writings into legible and complete form while he
slept at night.
Famous works by Leo Tolstoy include:
o War and Peace, book
o Anna Karenina, book
o Confession, book
o The Death of Ivan Ilych, short story
God Sees the Truth, But Waits
Pre-reading Activity
These words are used throughout the story and knowing their meaning will help with your
comprehension of the story. Study the words and meaning shown in the box. Then complete each
sentence below by writing the correct word on the line.
adequate – enough; satisfactory
congregated – gathered; assembled
despondent – despairing; sad
incessantly – continually; never stopping
merriment – lightheartedness; glee
premature – too early
reiterated – repeated
swooned – fainted
tribulation – great distress or trouble
vivacious – lively; free-spirited
1. “Don’t be so ____________________________________; cheer up!” Emma urged.
2. The accident victim ________________________________ because she had lost so much
3. Rick is a happy, __________________________ person who enjoys life to the fullest.
4. “Though I’d like new uniforms for the team, the old ones are still
________________________,” said the coach.
5. The concert came to a _______________________________ end when a sudden electrical fire
destroyed the sound system.
6. The rowdy people at the theatre were told to leave because they talked
__________________________ and disturbed others.
7. The teacher ___________________________________ the directions for those who didn’t
understand the first time.
8. We celebrated the holiday with great ___________________________.
9. The soldiers ___________________________________ on the parade grounds to hear the
captain’s speech.
10. Lee’s luck finally began to improve after he’d suffered months of hardship and
Retold World Classics; The Perfection Form Company
God Sees the Truth, But Waits
Pre-reading Activity
Setting the Stage
These questions will help you get ready to read God Sees the Truth, But Waits. Prepare to discuss the
questions by jotting down answers on the lines.
1. Ivan, the main character, is accused of something he did not do. But all the evidence is against
him. In fact, the case seems so solid that even his wife doubts him.
Think of a time you were accused unjustly. Answer the questions about your experience.
a. Why do you think you were accused?
b. How did you feel?
c. What did you do and what was the outcome?
2. Ivan goes to prison and suffers for many long years. This must have been difficult for him since
he was an innocent man.
Now think of a time when you “kept your cool” in a tough situation. Answer these questions
about your experience.
a. How did you stay calm in the face of your problem(s)?
b. Did staying calm help you or harm you? Explain.
Retold World Classics; The Perfection Form Company
God Sees the Truth, But Waits
Post-reading Activity
It Happened Like This
Recall facts from the story by responding to each question.
1) What does Ivan’s wife say to him before he leaves for the fair?
2) What does the policeman suspect Ivan did?
3) While conducting a search, what does the policeman find in Ivan’s bag?
4) What do the police learn about Ivan’s past?
5) What does Ivan learn about his wife that makes him cry?
6) Describe Ivan’s personality during his long imprisonment.
7) What does Makar, the new prisoner, say that makes Ivan suspicious?
8) What does Ivan suspect Makar did?
9) Who does Ivan tell the Governor is digging the tunnel ?
10) What happens to Ivan by the time the release order is received?
God Sees the Truth, But Waits
Post-reading Activity
Literary Focus: Character Changes
A character’s personality is shown through his or her thoughts, feelings, actions, and words. This way of
revealing traits is called characterization. Ivan, the main character in “God Sees the Truth, But Waits,”
goes through five stages of change. Some of those stages are listed below. Conclusions about Ivan’s
character are given. Write down two facts or phrases from the story that back up each conclusion. Use
Ivan’s feelings, thoughts, actions, or words as evidence. The first one is done for you.
Stage 1: from the time Ivan marries to the time he goes to Nizhny Fair (pages 63-64)
Conclusion: Ivan is happy and carefree.
a. Ivan laughs when his wife tells him her nightmare.
b. Ivan promises to bring gifts from the fair.
Stage 2: from the time the police officer begins questioning Ivan to the moment Ivan is accused
of murder (pages 64-66)
Conclusion: Ivan is overcome with fear and appears guilty.
a. ________________________________________________________________________
b. ________________________________________________________________________
Stage 3: from the time Ivan’s wife leaves the prison to the time Ivan is sent to Siberia (page 67)
Conclusion: Ivan becomes calm and accepts his fate.
a. _________________________________________________________________________
b. _________________________________________________________________________
Retold World Classics; The Perfection Form Company
God Sees the Truth, But Waits
Post-reading Activity
The Reading Writing Connection: Unlocking Passages
Answer the questions about these passages taken from “God Sees the Truth, But Waits.”
1. “ ‘That dream about your hair turning grey meant something after all. Do you remember? You
should not have left that day.’” (page 67)
a. What does the passage mean as used in the story?
b. Is Ivan’s wife criticizing him? Or is she sorry she didn’t convince Ivan to stay home? Give story
evidence to support your choice.
2. “ ‘It seems that only God knows the truth. We must petition God alone. Only from Him can we
expect mercy.’ ” (page 67)
a. What does the passage mean as used in the story?
b. What is mercy? (You may need to look it up in a dictionary.) Why do you think Ivan expects
mercy only from God?
Retold World Classics; The Perfection Form Company
Let’s Review!
God Sees the Truth, But Waits
Can you add to the information that is provided for you??
1.Russia (Siberia)
God Sees the Truth, But Waits
Leo Tolstoy
Exposition (background info)Rising actionClimaxFalling actionOutcome-
1.Innocence does not protect
you from harm.
2. Facing problems can make a
person morally stronger.
3. Vengeance is self-defeating
and destructive.
4. The truth is not always
immediately apparent.
5. Faith can help a person face
(blank page)
Definition Essay
What is a Definition Essay?
A definition essay is writing that explains what a term means. Some terms have definite, concrete
meanings, such as glass, book, or tree. Terms such as honesty, honor, or love are abstract and
depend more on a person's point of view.
Three Steps to Effective Definition
1. Tell readers what term is being defined.
2. Present clear and basic information.
3. Use facts, examples, or anecdotes that readers will understand.
Choosing a Definition
Choosing a definition is a key step in writing a definition essay. You need to understand the term
before you can define it for others. Read the dictionary, but don't just copy the definition. Explain the
term briefly in your own words. Also, it's important to limit your term before you start defining it. For
example, you could write forever on the term "love." To limit it, you would write about either
"romantic love," "platonic love," or "first love."
Thesis Statement of a Definition Essay
The thesis statement usually identifies the term being defined and provides a brief, basic definition.
(term) (basic definition)
Ex: Assertiveness is standing up for your rights.
How To Write an Effective Definition
1. Create a definition. There are several ways to define a term. Here are a few options.
Define by function. Explain what something does or how something works.
Define by structure. Tell how something is organized or put together.
Define by analysis. Compare the term to other members of its class and then
illustrate the differences. These differences are special characteristics that
make the term stand out. For example, compare a Siberian husky to other
dogs, such as lap dogs, mutts, or sporting dogs.
(term) (precise definition)
Ex: A Siberian husky is a dog reputed for its ability to tolerate cold, its
distinctive features, and its keen strength and stamina.
Define by what the term does not mean. This distinction can sometimes clarify
a definition and help a reader to better understand it.
2. Use understandable facts, examples, or anecdotes. Select facts, examples, or anecdotes
to fully explain your definition. Ask yourself, "Which examples will best help readers
understand the term? What examples would most appeal to my readers? Will a brief story
reveal the term's meaning?" Do not use any examples that will not support the definition.
Remember: A definition essay is writing that explains what a term means. When writing a definition
essay, remember to tell readers what term is being defined, to present a clear and basic definition,
and to use facts, examples, or anecdotes that readers will understand.
Each of the terms below are connected to our story “God Sees The Truth, But Waits”. Choose
one term from the list to further define in a multi-paragraph essay. In this essay, you will
define the term (using your own words) and provide support as to why you believe this to be
an appropriate and accurate definition of the term. You may use ideas from the story to
support your definition as well facts or examples from life.
What is mercy? Define it here:
What is innocence? Define it here:
What are morals? Define it here:
What is vengeance? Define it here:
What is truth? Define it here:
What is faith? Define it here:
Continuing our journey…
Our fourth destination: China
Purpose: to realize true beauty
How: through reading the short story, The Nightingale
Author: Hans Christian Andersen
Background Information
This story is a fairy tale and is fictional!
Andersen was born in Denmark into extreme poverty.
At the age of 6, Andersen visited the insane asylum where his grandmother worked.
He told stories to the patients who, in turn, told him stories of witches, ghosts, disease
and death. His imagination was sparked!
Always confident he would be famous, Andersen left home at the age of 14 to pursue
his dream of obtaining fame.
Andersen was frequently teased and tormented by others as his body was long and
awkward…people thought he resembled a stork!
The teasing and taunting from others is what inspired Andersen to write his fairy tale
“The Ugly Duckling.” The title character was actually himself, a duckling who grows
into a beautiful swan.
Andersen believed “Life itself is the most wonderful fairy tale of all.”
Famous works by Hans Christian Andersen include:
o The Emperor’s New Clothes, short story
o The Little Match Girl, short story
o The Princess and the Pea, short story
o Thumbelina, short story
The Nightingale
Pre-reading Activity
These words are used throughout the story and knowing their meaning will help with your
comprehension of the story. Study the words and meaning shown in the box. Then complete each
sentence below by writing the correct word on the line.
august – lordly and grand
denounced – criticized; blamed
dispersed – scattered
embedded – firmly stuck in an object
exquisite – rare and delicately beautiful
inscription – marking printed or carved on a surface
plebeian – lowborn; common
predetermined – settled and fixed in advance
regale – entertain in rich fashion
renowned – famous
1. The wind _____________________________ the mass of clouds, and soon the sun was shining.
2. Ivan took a breath-taking picture of a rare, ________________________________ butterfly
darting among flowers.
3. The ________________________________ on the gravestone read “Rest in peace.”
4. Two lion statues grandly guarded the gateway of the huge, ____________________________
5. The mechanic agreed to a ___________________________ price before he began work on Mr.
Garcia’s car.
6. In the center of the crown was _________________________________ a huge ruby.
7. The President will ________________________________ his guests tonight with a huge dinner
and fine concert.
8. The newspaper __________________________________ the mayor for allowing the price of
subway tickets to soar.
9. Though he wore sunglasses and a low hat, fans recognized the __________________________
rock star.
10. I enjoy wrestling, and my father enjoys opera, so he says I have __________________________
tastes in entertainment.
Retold World Classics; The Perfection Form Company
The Nightingale
Pre-reading Activity
Setting the Stage
These questions will help you get ready to read The Nightingale. Prepare to discuss the questions by
jotting down answers on the lines.
1. The main character in this story, the Emperor, becomes very ill and is in danger of dying. But
something happens to life his spirits, and he begins to feel better.
Remember a time when you made someone feel better or you lifted someone’s spirits (do not
name this person). Answer the following questions.
a. Briefly describe the person’s illness or troubles.
b. What did you do to help this person feel better?
c. How did you feel about yourself afterwards?
2. The nightingale in this story sings very beautifully for the Emperor. Yet she is replaced by a
mechanical bird that also sings sweetly.
a. List two reasons a real bird might be preferred over a mechanical one.
c. List two reasons a mechanical bird might be preferred over a real bird.
*As you read the story, compare your reactions to those of the characters in the story.
Retold World Classics; The Perfection Form Company
The Nightingale
Post-reading Activity
It Happened Like This
Recall facts from the story by responding to each question.
1) Why must visitors to the Emperor’s palace be careful?
2) What does the Emperor do when he learns that a nightingale lives nearby?
3) How does the maid react to the nightingale?
4) Why is the top aide surprised by the nightingale?
5) What does the nightingale do after singing for the Emperor?
6) Describe the artificial bird sent by the Japanese Emperor.
7) Why does the music master like the artificial bird?
8) Explain what happens when the Emperor becomes ill.
9) When does ‘death’ vanish from the palace?
10) What does the nightingale value most about the Emperor?
The Nightingale
Post-reading Activity
Literary Focus: Theme
Writers often express common truths in their works. These truths are not usually stated. Instead they
are revealed through characters’ words and actions and by plot events. These truths are really the
story’s main ideas. They are called themes. “The Nightingale” features several themes. Some are listed
below. For each theme listed, give an example from the story to illustrate that theme and indicate the
page number the example can be found. Refer back to the text if necessary. The first one is done for
Theme: The greatest kind of beauty is beauty of the soul.
Example: “…the poor fisherman who had heard the real nightingale said, ‘It [artificial bird] does
sound quite nice-it’s almost like the real bird. But there’s something missing. I don’t know
what.’” (page 54)
Theme: A bad deed is sometimes repaid with a good one.
Theme: A real artist creates not for gain but to please others.
Retold World Classics; The Perfection Form Company
The Nightingale
Post-reading Activity
The Reading Writing Connection: Unlocking Passages
Answer the questions about these passages taken from “The Nightingale.”
1) “ ‘Your Imperial Majesty must not believe all that is written. Books are just inventions, even
though they can’t really be called black magic.’” (page 49)
a. What does the passage mean as used in the story?
b. Why do you think the top aide tells the Emperor this?
2) “ The music master wrote twenty-five volumes about the artificial bird. The work was very dull
and was full of the most difficult Chinese words. But everybody said they had read and
understood it. ” (page 55)
a. What does the passage mean as used in the story?
b. What do you think the narrator is saying about human behavior?
c. Journal writing: Describe a time when you did something simply because everybody seemed to
be doing it. Would you do this again? Why or why not?
Retold World Classics; The Perfection Form Company
Let’s Review!
The Nightingale
Can you add to the information that is provided for you??
1.The Emperor
The Nightingale
Hans Christian Andersen
Exposition (background info)Rising actionClimaxFalling actionOutcome-
1. The greatest kind of beauty is
beauty of the soul.
2. A bad deed is sometimes
repaid with a good one.
3. A real artist creates not for
gain but to please others.
4. Music brings joy to the heart.
appearance over substance.
(blank page)
Informative Writing
When working on an informative essay, you are the expert on the topic. Avoid stating your
opinion…only state the facts. An informative essay can define a difficult topic, share new
information on something, compare and contrast ideas, explain a cause and effect relationship
or explain something to the reader.
In your informative essay, educate the reader on your understanding of the writing process,
your personal strengths and weaknesses regarding writing, and identify the improvements you
have made over the course of the semester. Support your ideas with facts from the work you
have produced over the semester…this will serve as the research component necessary for
proper informative writing.
Explain the writing process and all that it includes:
Identify your strengths in regard to writing:
Identify your weaknesses in regard to writing:
Identify the improvements you have made this semester. List facts to support
these ideas…in other words, where is the proof that you have made the
improvements you have listed?