Chapters 16-18 Test on Friday, January 13 IDs – please note: many of these can be found by viewing the flashcards on the AP textbook resources link. Also note, using the definitions in isolation will not be sufficient to your understanding of the material. You must read! The World Economy (16) Henry the Navigator Vasco da Gama Christopher Columbus British East India Company world economy core nations dependent economic zones coercive labor systems Vasco de Balboa Columbian Exchange Cape Colony Cape of Good Hope Calcutta Ferdinand Magellan Treaty of Paris battle of Lepanto Boers mestizos Atlantic colonies Francisco Pizarro New France The Transformation of the West (17) scientific revolution Isaac Newton absolute monarchy mercantilism Enlightenment Adam Smith deism Louis XIV Glorious Revolution social sciences Mary Wollstonecraft Copernicus René Descartes Frederick the Great The Rise of Russia (18) Ivan III Ivan IV (the Terrible) Romanov dynasty Peter I (the Great) Catherine the Great partitions of Poland Pugachev rebellion Time of Troubles Third Rome boyars Alexis Romanov St. Petersburg Radishev obruk cossacks Old Believers