Quiz: Cells & Cellular Transport Metabolic Processes Name

Quiz: Cells & Cellular Transport
Multiple Choice: Circle the best possible answer. (10 marks) [K/U]
1. Which of these is part of the cell membrane?
a. Triglycerides
b. Phospholipids
c. ATP
d. Vacuole
2. How do fat-soluble molecules normally get into a cell
a. They dissolve in the fat layers of the membrane and enter the cell by diffusion
b. They pass through protein pores in the cell membrane
c. They are absorbed by phagocytosis
d. They must be transferred by a protein pump
3. The movement of chloride ions from an area where chloride is concentrated to an area
where chloride is less concentrated is which of the following:
a. Diffusion
c. Osmosis
b. Active transport
d. Exocytosis
4. If a cell has a solute concentration of 0.07%, which of the following extracellular solutions
would be hypotonic to the cell?
a. 0.01% solute
c. 1% solute
b. 0.1% solute
d. 10% solute
5. The sodium-potassium pump (which carries sodium out of a cell and potassium into a cell) is
an example of:
a. Active transport
c. Exocytosis
b. Endocytosis
d. Passive transport
6. What form of membrane-assisted transport would a white blood cell use to ingest a bacterial
a. Phagocytosis
c. Pinocytosis
b. Exocytosis
d. secretion
7. Which is the function of rough endoplasmic reticulum?
a. Synthesis of lipids
c. Production of estrogen
b. Detoxification of alcohol
d. Protein synthesis
8. Which structure is typically found in plant cells but not animal cells?
a. Cell membrane
d. Nuclear envelope
b. Mitrochondria
e. Large central vacuole
c. Peroxisome
9. Why do plant cells behave differently to animal cells when placed in a hypotonic solution?
a. Plant cells are permeable to water
c. Plant cells contain a vacuole
b. Plant cells do not carry out active
d. Plant cells have a cell wall
10. Which of these equations is correct?
a. ATP + inorganic phosphate  ADP
b. ADP + inorganic phosphate  ATP
c. ATP + ADP  inorganic phosphate
Short Answer: (marks)
1. List the four main components of the cell membrane: (2 marks) [K/U]
2. How does passive transport differ from active transport? (2 marks) [K/U]
3. Paramecia are unicellular organisms that live in fresh water. They contain contractile
vacuoles, which squeeze water out of the cell. Explain why paramecia need contractile
vacuoles. Use appropriate terminology with respect to osmotic concentrations (2 marks) [A]
4. Explain why the fluid mosaic model is used to describe the appearance of the cell
membrane. (2 marks) [C]
5. Should a hypertonic, hypotonic, or an isotonic solution be used to produce a wet raisin from
a graph? Justify your selection and predict any potential problems with this procedure. (4
marks) [T/I]
6. Most cell membrane receptor proteins bind a signal molecule on the exterior side of the cell
membrane and then after a change in their shape some other molecules is able to bind the
cytosolic side of the receptor protein. Are these types of receptor proteins peripheral or
integral? How do you know? Make sure you explain the difference between both integral
and peripheral proteins is your response. (3 marks) [A]
7. Biochemical compounds play important structural and functional roles in cells of all
organisms. Vesicles were constructed in the lab using only a single type of phospholipid in
the presence or absence of cholesterol. Vesicle batch A contained vesicles with lipid
bilayers composed only of the phospholipid. Vesicle batch B contained vesicles with both
the phospholipid and cholesterol. The membrane fluidity of the two different batches of
vesicles was examined at a high temperature and at a low temperature. [A]
a. Which vesicle batch would you expect to exhibit the greatest membrane fluidity at
the high temperature? Why? (2 marks)
b. Which vesicle batch would you expect to exhibit the lowest membrane fluidity at the
low temperature? Why? (2 marks)
8. a) Draw and label a simple diagram of a section of cell membrane that illustrates the types
of cellular transport that are possible across the membrane. (4 marks) [T/I] [C]
b) Indicate on your diagram the types of substances that can cross the cell membrane at
various points. (4 marks) [T/I]
c) Indicate on your diagram whether the substances cross the membrane via active or
passive transport. (2 marks -1/2 mark each) [K/U]
9. The prefix hydro- refers to water, and the suffix –lysis refers to splitting something. Explain how
active transport depends on the hydrolysis of a certain molecule. (2 marks) [T/I]