Digestive System Exam Study Review Guide

Digestive System Exam Study Review Guide
Textbook: pages 370 – 394
Nutrition and Digestive System Class Notes
Study Guide: Digestive System
Nutrition Review
R&R 11-1
Nutrition and Digestive System Quiz
Once Upon a Swallow
Concepts: Digestion and Nutrition
R&R 11-2/11-3
1. Identify the six nutrients necessary for good health in the human body. Know the function and
sources of each of these nutrients.
2. Be able to read and analyze a food label.
3. Identify the organs of the digestive system and describe the functions of each organ.
4. Distinguish between mechanical and chemical digestion and describe where each takes place
in the digestive system.
5. Describe how the structure of various organs in the digestive system is related to the function.
Digestive System Exam Study Review Guide
Textbook: pages 370 – 394
Nutrition and Digestive System Class Notes:
Study Guide: Digestive System
Nutrition Review
R&R 11-1
Nutrition and Digestive System Quiz
Once Upon a Swallow
Concepts: Digestion and Nutrition
R&R 11-2/11-3
1. Identify the six nutrients necessary for good health in the human body. Know the function and
sources of each of these nutrients.
2. Be able to read and analyze a food label.
3. Identify the organs of the digestive system and describe the functions of each organ.
4. Distinguish between mechanical and chemical digestion and describe where each takes place
in the digestive system.
5. Describe how the structure of various organs in the digestive system is related to the function.