2015-2016 Graduate Student Organization Re

In your packet
Org ID
Free workshop ideas for your organization meetings
and professional development
Data Collection Sheet
PowerPoint slides for you to take notes – online for
sustainability purposes also at
Forms and Resources
Section 2
Objectives of Training
Update you on policies & procedures
Understand the SeaOrg Program
Notify you of free resources available
Learn how to re-register your organization for
2015-2016 academic year and update officer
RSO Re-Registration
Log onto SeaOrg
Update your organization’s information via SeaOrg at
Be sure to include:
• Include at least 5 registered students as some type of
officer with e-mail and cell phone information
• Assign 1-2 Reservation Delegates (these will be the
only members of your organization who can make
room reservations)
Deadline: Thursday, April 30th
Before Noon
“Reading Day”
RSO Re-Registration
Annual university requirement for ALL
student organizations which must be
completed each SPRING in order to
maintain active registration status with the
Deadline: Thursday, April 30th
Before Noon
“Reading Day”
Benefits of being a
Registered Student Organization
Registered student organizations have privileges
reserved for active student organizations,
including, but not limited to:
Reserving space on campus (questions for space and
Requesting funds from SGA
Accessing funds from an on-campus account
Holding fundraisers on campus
Using the universities name or logo
 Accessing technology resources (i.e. website, email,
timmy folder, etc.)
Steps to completing Re-Registration
Update information on SeaOrg
(Must have a meeting type and 5 officers listed in your Member
. Information section along with their e-mail & phone)
Update the Non-Profit Clause
(Per University requirements)
Complete and turn in your Data Sheet
(to an Involvement Specialist in CAIC or at the end of this
All standing reservations
will be cancelled and all
accounts will be frozen
until further arrangements
are made with the Campus
Activities & Involvement
Center for the organization
to complete the
reregistration process.
Deadline: Thursday, April 30th
Before Noon
“Reading Day”
What is SeaOrg??
 Social Network for your Organization for UNCW Students
 Allows students who are not members to learn about and
contact you
 Allows CAIC to contact the correct student leaders
 Allows officers to see updated information about the FREE
resources you have yet to use
 Tracks Budget Points for Operational Budget purposes
 ….. and so much more!
How to register
1. Go to uncw.edu/studentorgs
2. Put in your username and password
and Org ID (located on your folder)
3. Scroll to the “Member Information”
4. Edit or Delete as necessary
How to update officer information
Seahawk, Sammy
Officer Information
• You must have five members listed under the
officer tab –
• If you only have four officers (President, Vice
President, Secretary, Treasurer) add any other
person as an “other officer”
• If you have more than five officers, you can add
more than five
How to update meeting information
Constitution Review:
Three Mandatory Clauses
The University requires three (3)
clauses to be included in every
organization’s constitution:
 Adherence
 Non-Exclusionary Membership
 Non-Profit (new version this year)
Constitution Review: Adherence Clause
This organization will adhere to all University
rules, regulations, and policies, as well as to all
local, state, and federal laws
Constitution Review: New nonexclusionary membership clause
it is the policy of UNCW and _____________________________________ that this organization practices an open
state the official name of the organization (as stated above).
membership policy for members of the university community without regard to
age, color, disability, national origin, race, religion, military service member
or veteran status, or sexual orientation.
membership and participation in this student organization must be open to all currently registered students without regard to gender,
unless exempt under title ix.
it is the policy of UNCW and _____________________________________ that this organization practices an open
state the official name of the organization (as stated above).
membership policy for members of the university community without regard to age, color, disability, national origin, race, religion,
military service member or veteran status, or sexual orientation. membership and participation in this student organization must be
open to all currently registered students without regard to gender, unless exempt under title ix.
student groups that select their members on the basis of commitment to a set of beliefs (e.g., religious or political
beliefs) may limit membership and participation in the group to students who, upon individual inquiry, affirm that they support the
group and agree with its beliefs, so long as no student is excluded from membership or participation on the basis of his or her age,
race, color, national origin, disability, religious status or historic religious affiliation, military veteran or service member status, sexual
orientation, or, unless exempt under title ix, gender.
all fee sponsored programming must be open to the entire university community. all student organizations and their leaders must
further comply with the UNCW code of student life, university policies and applicable state, federal, and local laws
Constitution Review: Non-Profit
Non-Profit Clause (Must be VERBATIM in all constitutions and by-laws.)
is organized exclusively for charitable, religious, educational, pleasure, recreation,
or scientific purposes, including, for such purposes, similar to organizations that
qualify as exempt organizations under either section 501 (c) (3) or 501 (c) (7)
of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954.
No part of the net earnings of the organization shall inure to the benefit
of its members, directors, officers, or other persons except that the organization
shall be authorized to and empowered to make payments and distributions in
furtherance of the exempt purposes of the organization.
The university has no responsibilities for the financial or fund raising activities of
the organization; the organization further agrees and accepts sole responsibility
for any tax treatment, consequences, record-keeping or filings required for its
activities pursuant to state or federal laws. In the event of dissolution, remaining
funds will be handled pursuant to established university policy.
Constitution review
New officers need to read their constitution…
 make your life easier!
 ensure you and your officers know your job
 know the rules of your organization in case there are
 Understand active member expectations and benefits
 how to problem-solve when those uncomfortable
situations occur
 estimated time < 20 minutes
 estimated time savings = hours
Samantha Sepulski, Graduate
Assistant for the Association
for Campus Entertainment
(ACE) can help! Tuesday and
Thursdays from 10a-5p with
appt. only
Call the Involvement Center at
910-962-3553 to make your
 Amend/Ratify your constitution
Finding your current constitution
 Go to the Directory of
Registered Student
 Click on your organization
 Double click on “Click to View”
next to “Constitution”
 Amendment or Ratification
Article is typically toward the
 Read that Article to find out
your organization’s process
Uploading a new constitution
 Log into SeaOrg
 Scroll down to the heading
“Organization Constitution
 Click “Delete Constitution”
 Click “Upload”
 Then upload your new
Resources in the involvement center
Have you used yours?
Campus Resources
Inside Your Folders:
Campus Resources: Career Center
Career Presentations for Student Organizations
Using LinkedIn and social media in the job
Resume assistance
Career Assessments
Career Exploration
Campus to Career
Campus to Grad School
Your idea here…
Submit program request here
Campus Resources:
Office of the Dean of Students
A member of the Community Standards Committee can
come into your meeting and help facilitate the creation of
meaningful standards that will guide membership behavior and how
you want to be perceived by the UNCW community.
Are you having problem with one particular member or “clicks” – this is the
resource for you…
Please contact Dr. Chip Phillips at
phillipsf@uncw.edu or 910-962-3119 for more
Campus Resources:
Healthy Living
UNCW Health Promotions
• Condom Bingo
• Sex on the Big Screen
• Nutrition Jeopardy
• Eat This, Not That
• Healthy is the New Skinny
• Pit Crew Nutrition
• Stressbusters
UNCW Counseling Center
• Adjustments to College
• Anxiety
• Conflict Management
• Depression
• Diversity
• Organizational Skills
• Time Management/Procrastination
• Stress & Anxiety
• Communication Skills
Requests a program for your
organization’s meeting here.
• Requests a program for your
organization’s meeting here.
Campus Resources: Healthy Living
• Become a My Stand Mentor :
you will receive training to
handle crises, intervening in
potentially difficult situations
and assisting in CARE
UNCW CARE Workshops
• Mixed Messages: Alcohol, Sex
& Consent
• Real Relationships
• How to Help a Friend
• Stalking and Internet Safety
• Bystander Intervention
• Your Idea Here
• …and much more
• Requests a program for your
organization’s meeting here.
Campus Resources:
Office of Student Leadership
and Engagement
Campus Resources
Engagement Hours Reporting System!
 Helps you track community service hours for resume and interview
 Engagement Hours Reporting System is found here:
*Log in required
 Have you completed Community Service or Philanthropy at any
point through the entire 2014-2015 academic year?
Community Service = hands-on community engagement done
outside of class/coursework
Philanthropy = raising and donating money or collecting and
donating items
Want to learn more about leadership?
1. Participate in one of our major leadership experiences
2. Complete the Leadership Development program
3. Invite us to facilitate a session for you
4. Attend a workshop
What is CAIC all about??
What is CAIC all about??
The Campus Activities & Involvement Center (CAIC) is your
gateway to entertainment, involvement, and
leadership on campus. As part of the Division of Student
Affairs, we are creating experiences for life by providing
opportunities for students to participate actively, grow
personally, and explore new ideas and interests
through a variety of entertainment and involvement
experiences. We organize events such as the UNCWelcome,
UNCWelcome Back, and many others... Our staff, and the
students with whom we work, are committed to creating a
vibrant campus community filled with diverse activities for
all students.
Meet the CAIC Staff in the involvement
Jon Kapell & Nicole Fedders
Director & Assistant Director
Dani Roberts & Kanalyn Jackson
Graduate Assistants
Meet the involvement specialists!
May Rogers
Kristin Morris
Erin Danneker
Sarah Mayer
Shelby Johnson
Kat Washington
How do you get in touch with an Involvement Specialist??
M-W 9am-8pm, Thurs & Fri 9am-5pm
910-962-3553 activities@uncw.edu
What are Involvement Specialists?
…and what do they do??
 Inform students about the process for starting new student
 Help navigate SeaOrg
 Assist with general Involvement Center needs (i.e. copying,
printing, use of scanner, student organization forms, etc)
 Advise on marketing materials
 Support SGA Services (Legal Services)
 Setting up appointments with Nicole
 Answering student organization questions – just e-mail
• Peer educators trained to assist students develop leadership
skills and learn to effectively run their student organizations.
Meet the Office Assistants!
Stephanie Dibenedetto
Ashleigh Carroll
Daysja Phillips
Calendar Assistant
Dwayne Morgan
Sarah Carroll
Posting Assistant
Meet the Office of Student Leadership
and Engagement
Sonja Ardoin
Jaime Russell
Assistant Director
GA for Fraternity and Sorority
Michelle Kaplan
Coor. of Fraternities and
Sorority Life
Sarah Teitelbaum
Office Manager
Timothy Johnson
Meet the Campus Life Staff
Larry Wray
Sandra Jackson
Executive Director of
Campus Life
Interim Assistant
Director of Campus
Life Arts and Programs
Stefanie Mancuso
Interim Associate Director of
Campus Life Arts and
Meet the Campus Life Staff
Cynthia Hartman, Associate
Director for Facilities and
Business Operations
Cathy Murphy
Business Operations
Questions about on
campus accounts
Alan Hinton
Assistant Director of Facilities
Meet the Campus Life Staff
Amélie Brogden
Director of Conferences,
Events, and Reservations
Event Planning
Amanda Turner
Reservations Assistant
Justin Edwards
Resources in the Involvement Center
available for student organizations
Helium Balloons:
50 total (you
provide the
balloons and
In Color Poster
5 posters
*5 laminations
Buttons: 50
total (provided
in increments of
10 buttons per
Button Maker Template Here: Section 3
Resources in the Involvement Center
available for student organizations
Mac Cord
60 Black and
White or 35
Colored Flyers –
Speakers for events
and much more...
Illustrator and
programs on
office computers
for your use
You’ve Got Mail!
Mailbox Uses
Campus Activities Office
c/o Organization Name Here
CB: 5922
601 South College Road
Wilmington, NC 28403-5922
• Off Campus Bank statements should
be mailed to this address for easy
transition (even with online access)
• Tax Exempt information from the
IRS should be mailed here.
• Advertising or Inviting other
organization leaders to your events,
fundraisers, programs ….
• Departments use this to inform
organizations about their events and
• You get to stop in and see us!
• Check your mailbox directly after
this Registration Session 
Student Organization
Forms and Resource Page
• Section 1: Policies, Classifications, Rules
• Section 2: Registration Info. Section 3:
• Section 4: Financial Management
• Section 5: Event Planning
• Section 6: Advisors Info.
• Section 7: Fraternity & Sorority Life
• Section 8: Sport Club Council
• Section 9: Various Forms
Printing a T-Shirt?
• First, Send Cathy Murphy <murphyc> the graphic of
the t-shirt
• Second, Cathy will forward the design to Jon Kapell for
final approval
• Learn more about the logos you can use here
• For the list of t-shirt companies click here
Advertising on Campus
• CAIC Calendar:
Calendar that is up in the restrooms and posted around campus twice a
month click here
• Feeds into Hawk E-News that gets sent to every student’s e-mail
every week from the Career Center
• Chalking is a great way to advertise,
• Free with your student ID
• Must keep the ID with our office while you are chalking
• The buckets have where you can and cannot chalk –
under overhangs, on bricks, in the ampitheatre
Advertising on Campus Continued…
• Housing & Residence Life
• Must distribute through HRL administrative office they will
approve and post for you
• Roomers: Monthly publication distributed to all residents on
campus. Contact Danielle Ferrell (drf5657@uncw.edu).
• Banners, Posters, Fliers, etc.
• Organization name must be on ALL marketing materials; contact #
and/or email address should also be provided
• Banner spaces are reserved through CAIC; cannot be reserved in
advance; space can be reserved for up to 2 weeks at a time
• Banner Board: Bookstore loading dock
• Spirit Rock and Boulder!
• 24 hour courtesy
• Dig Permit
• Physical Plant, 910-962-3100 (permit here)
• Public Performance Rights
Film Licensing
Lumina Theater, www.uncw.edu/lumina (see
Reservations and Programming)
Sandra Jackson is the film guru!
Tax ID- Non-Profit Status
Go to:
• http://www.uncw.edu/studentorgs/taxinformati
• Drop off a copy of your letter to the CAIC office
(Takes about 6 weeks)
Freedom of Expression
Speakers/Events sponsored by RSOs
RSOs are welcome to sponsor speakers on campus.
Reserve the ampitheatre space as you would any other event.
Meet with the Assistant Director for Campus Activities
within a week of receiving funding.
• Learn about the solicitation policy.
• Understand academic mission of the university.
• Obtain placard/lanyard to wear during event.
4. Day of event:
• Student organization representatives must be present
at all times (lanyard/placard worn by primary
• Have a copy of the reservation confirmation with you.
Campus Activities and Involvement
Fisher Student Center
Room 2029
Hours of operation:
Monday-Wednesday: 9 am – 8 pm
Thursday-Friday: 9 am – 5 pm
Contact us:
910•962•3553 ~ activities@uncw.edu
SGA Funding Opportunities
• SGA gives the Counsel of Graduate Student
Organizations over $32,000 to fund programs or
travel to conferences to govern on your own.
• All other organizations go through their council
or the SGA funding process
For a complete list of SGA Financial Statutes click here
Campus Life Reservations
Submission of Space Reservation Requests :
• All UNCW registered student organization space
requests should be submitted by the reservation
delegate through the Campus Reservation System
• Each registered student organization is allowed
two reservation delegates, who will be responsible
for all reservation requests and event
communications. In order to request space, your
delegate status must be reflected on SeaOrg.
Reservation Delegate Selection
• Things to Think About…
▫ Who reserves space for meetings times?
▫ Which members are in charge of event planning?
▫ Which members are in charge of fundraising
events on campus?
▫ Whoever puts the reservation into the system is
the person who is expected to be able to answer
questions about the event.
FYI: These members will need to attend a training in
the fall!
Campus Life Reservations
Submission of Space Reservation Requests :
SeaOrg and CRS do not talk to each other!
If you make changes to your Reservation Delegates, you will not have
immediate access to reserve space:
After your update SeaOrg:
• E-mail CLReservations@uncw.edu to request a CRS user account
and include
• name of the student organization
• delegate name(s)
• phone number(s)
• E-mail (s)
If all delegates are new or changed, please request that the
existing reservations for your student organization be adjusted to
reflect a new delegate as the event contact.
Dates to Submit
• Customers may submit space requests based on the grid
Group Description
Governing Student Body Organizations
RHA, Sport Club Council, Student Media
Registered Student Organizations and
University Departments
University-Sponsored Guests
Fall 2015 Events:
Aug 19 - Dec 22
Spring 2016 Events:
Jan 1 – May 9
Request Window:
Mon, Mar 2 – Fri, Mar 6
Request Window:
Mon, Aug 3 – Fri, Aug 7
Requests Accepted Online:
Fri, Mar 13
Requests Accepted Online:
Tues, Aug 11
Requests Accepted Online:
Wed, Mar 18
Requests Accepted Online:
Tues, Aug 18
• For major event requests beyond these dates, the
Advance Reservation Request is available.
Responsible Use of Facilities
• Leave meeting space in the same condition found, including moving furniture
back into its original place
• Only use sections of the facility that have been reserved by the organization
• Immediately report any incident(s) or damage(s) to the appropriate reservations
office, whether caused by the organization or not
Remove any additional trash from the facility (especially large items .
such as pizza boxes)
• A UNCW student member from the sponsoring student organization must be
present at all times during the time of the event
• Student organizations are required to inform the appropriate reservations office
should an event, meeting, etc. be canceled at least 2 business days before the
event date.
• Technology use in rooms comes with a fee (Student Organization can reserve
laptops and projectors from CAIC)
Responsible Use of Facilities
Student organizations that fail to uphold the
University’s facility policies may be subject to penalty
which include, but not limited to:
• Loss of reservation privileges
• Charges for damages
• Charges for clean-up
CL Policies & Procedures at a Glance
Recurring Reservations:
Campus Life space is available for the entire University community to share. To
provide availability for other campus constituents and programs, please note:
• Reservation requests should be limited to three days per week and may not
exceed four hours per booking.
• No more than a total of 12 hours may be reserved per week by any one
organization or program.
Solicitation Tables:
Campus Life solicitation tables are located in the Fisher Student Center lobby,
Fisher University Union lobby, the Courtyard and at the Randall Library
• Only one solicitation table per program/group may be reserved per day.
• Tables should be reserved no more than three consecutive dates in a week.
• Solicitation tables must be staffed at all times. Literature left on the table
without staffing present will be removed.
Philanthropy Events on Campus
• How many of you know your organization will be
planning a philanthropy event next semester?
• How many of you have been charged to have
fundraiser on campus in the last year?
• How many of you would like to avoid this fee?
Facility Fee Waiver Request form
University Facility Use Policy
Student Code of Conduct
▫ Dance Policy (Item VII-3)
• Pricing structures (Group 1 v. Group 2)
• Road Races
Accounts and Billing
• To confirm a reservation, a
signed facility use agreement
must be returned to our office
and should always include your
organization’s account code or
fund number.
• Those organizations without an
on-campus account will need to
fill out and submit this form to
the Controller’s Office in order to
receive an 850 number used for
billing external accounts.
If you have questions, contact the Campus Life Reservation & Event Services Office by
visiting us in the Fisher University Union, Suite 2041; by phone at 910-962-4150; or by
email at CLReservations@uncw.edu.
Academic and Other Facilities
• Madeline Suite and Wise House
Request online: http://events.uncw.edu/virtualemscampus/
Delores Hansley (hansleyd@uncw.edu)
• Classrooms
Request online: http://events.uncw.edu/virtualemscampus/
Tina Strickland (stricklandt@uncw.edu)
Academic facilities are available from 7am – 10pm (everyday of the week)
Closed on state holidays
If classroom set-ups are re-configured to accommodate a meeting, the room
must be reset to its original configuration
No access to AV equipment
Hover over Browse &
Search for available
Campus Life Reservations:
Things to Remember
 Reservation delegates should request space from
http://events.uncw.edu/virtualemscampus/ and allow 2 business days for requests to be
 By submitting a request online the space will be tentatively held until you return a signed
facility use agreement. If you do not sign and return your agreement within 5 business days
of the event, your event may be cancelled.
 Some rooms have a setup and breakdown time incorporated into their information. When
you browse for availability, although a space may appear to be vacant, setup and
breakdown times might prevent you from reserving that specific room.
 Due to scheduling, technical needs should be requested at least seven days in advance.
*additional fees may be encumbered so plan ahead.
 Some rooms have static setups, meaning the furniture is not to be moved. Familiarize
yourself with these spaces to avoid unnecessary fees (listed online in the terms and
Campus Life Reservations and Event
Services Office
Fisher University Union, Room 2041
Reservation requests accepted online only
through CRS (Campus Reservation System)
CRS can be found at the following link:
Questions, Comments, Concerns
Don’t forget to check your
mailbox after this Registration
Session !!!