United Nations Development Programme Country: Samoa PROJECT DOCUMENT Project Title: Pacific Islands Greenhouse Gas Abatement through Renewable Energy “PLUS” Project UNDAF Outcome(s): OUTCOME 1. Improved resilience of PICs, with particular focus on communities, through integrated implementation of sustainable environment management, climate change adaptation/mitigation and disaster risk management UNDP Strategic Plan Primary Outcome: Environment and Sustainable Development Expected SRPD Outcome: OUTCOME 4. Improved resilience of PICs, with particular focus on communities, through integrated implementation of sustainable environment management, climate change adaptation/mitigation and disaster risk management Responsible Party: Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP) Implementing Partner: United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Brief description The SIDS DOCK Support Program is a joint initiative of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the World Bank (WB), developed in close consultation with the Alliance of Small Island States (AOSIS). This initiative aims to support Small Island Developing States (SIDS) to transition to low carbon economies through development and deployment of renewable energy (RE) resources and promotion of greater energy efficiency (EE). In the Pacific region, it was decided that on the part of UNDP, the project concepts that were proposed by the Pacific Island Countries (PICs) will comprise a regional project that whose objective is to promote low carbon development for Pacific SIDs through the deployment of renewable energy resources and promotion of enhanced energy efficiency. This project will be implemented as part of the ongoing Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)-UNDP- Global Environment Facility (GEF) regional project PIGGAREP (Pacific Islands Greenhouse Gas Abatement through Renewable Energy Project). The selected project concepts will collectively form part of what will be called as the PIGGAREP “Plus”. In October 2011, a number of PICs submitted 11 project concepts for inclusion in said project. As agreed by the PICs, the top 4 ranked project concepts will be considered first during the first phase of the SIDS DOCK Program: Solomon Islands: Solar PV-Powered Rural Telecommunication Systems Tonga: Solar PV-Powered Well Water Pumping Systems in Haapai Islands Tuvalu: Energy Efficiency Demonstration House North Pacific Region: Sustaining Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Measures in Micronesia (SREEM) – comprised of PIGGAREP+ sub-components in FSM, RMI and Palau SIDS DOCK Program - Pacific SIDS DOCK PIGGAREP “PLUS” PROJECT 2 Programme Period: 2013-2014 Total resources required Atlas Award ID: Project ID: 00044633 00087102 Total allocated resources: PIMS # 3462 Start date: End Date Management Arrangements PAC Meeting Date o GEF TFUS$ o Other: US$ 1 July 2013 31 December 2014 In-kind contributions NEX 23rd April 2014 Agreed by (Government): Date/Month/Year Agreed by (Government): Date/Month/Year Agreed by (Government): Date/Month/Year Agreed by (Responsible Party): Date/Month/Year Agreed by (UNDP): Date/Month/Year SIDS DOCK Program - Pacific 2,000,000 2,000,000 SIDS DOCK PIGGAREP “PLUS” PROJECT 3 SIDS DOCK PROGRAM - PACIFIC PIGGAREP “PLUS” PROJECT [Addendum to PIGGAREP] SIDS DOCK Program - Pacific SIDS DOCK PIGGAREP “PLUS” PROJECT 4 TABLE OF CONTENTS BACKGROUND PROJECT DESCRIPTION ACTIVITIES Component 1: Renewable Energy Technology Applications Sub-Component 1.1: Solar PV Powered Rural Telecommunication Systems (SPVRTS) Sub-Component 1.2: Solar PV Powered Well Water Pumping Systems in Haa’pai Islands (SPWPS) Sub-Component 1.3: Solar PV Powered Well Water Pumping System and Storage in Kayangel State (PLW SREEM) Component 2: Energy Efficiency Technology Applications Sub-Component 2.1: Demonstration EE House (Tuvalu DEEF) Sub-Component 2.2: Sustaining Energy Efficiency Measures in Micronesia Sub-Component 2.3: Energy Efficiency Financing Schemes BUDGET AND WORK PLAN IMPLEMENTATION ARRANGEMENTS MONITORING & EVALUATION ANNEXES Annex 1: Project Planning Matrix (PPM) Annex 2: Total Budget & Work Plan Annex 3: Implementation Requirements SIDS DOCK Program - Pacific 5 6 10 10 10 11 12 12 12 13 14 16 17 20 22 25 29 SIDS DOCK PIGGAREP “PLUS” PROJECT 5 LIST OF ACRONYMS ACP ADMIRE AOSIS APR APRC CPC CROP DBT DEEF DRD EE EELS EERF EITT EU FSM FSMDB GEF GHG GWh HELP IUCN-ORO JPO KUA kWh Lit MCO M&E MEC MEC-PRP MIDB MLECCNR MOE MPR MRD MRV NIM North REP PACRICS PEO PGSP PICs PIGGAREP PIR PLW African, Caribbean and Pacific Action for the Development of Marshall Islands Renewable Energies [RMI] Alliance of Small Island States Annual Project Report Asia-Pacific Regional Centre [UNDP] Chuuk Public Utility Corporation [FSM] Council of Regional Organizations in the Pacific Development Bank of Tuvalu [TUV] Demonstration Energy Efficiency House (Fale) Department of Resources & Development [FSM] Energy Efficiency EE Loan Scheme [RMI] Energy Efficiency Revolving Fund [TUV] Energy, Infrastructure, Transport and Technology [UNDP] European Union Federated States of Micronesia FSM Development Bank [FSM] Global Environment Facility Greenhouse Gas Gigawatt-hour Home Energy Loan Program [FSM] International Union for Conservation of Nature – Oceania Regional Office Joint Presence Office [UNDP] Kosrae Utility Authority [FSM] Kilowatt-hour Liter Multi-Country Office Monitoring and Evaluation Marshalls Energy Company [RMI] Marshalls Energy Company - Petroleum Reform Program [RMI] Marshall Islands Development Bank [RMI] Ministry of Lands, Environment Climate Change & Natural Resources [TON] Ministry of Energy [SOI] Multi-Partite Review Ministry of Resources and Development [RMI] Monitoring, Verification and Reporting National Implementation North Pacific ACP Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency Project Pacific Community Rural Internet Connectivity System [SOI] Palau Energy Office [PLW] Provincial Governance Strengthening Programme [SOI] Pacific Island Countries Pacific Islands Greenhouse Gas Abatement through Renewable Energy Project Project Implementation Review Palau SIDS DOCK Program - Pacific SIDS DOCK PIGGAREP “PLUS” PROJECT 6 PMO PPM PPR PSWC PUC PV RE RET RMI SEDREA SFC SIDS SOI SOLGRIP SPREP SPVRTS SPWPS SREEM TEC TON TUV UNDP UNDP-POPP USD WB YSPSC Project Management Office Project Planning Matrix (Log Frame) Principal Project Representative [UNDP-Samoa MCO] Palau Sewerage & Water Corporation [PLW] Pohnpei Utility Corporation [FSM] Photovoltaic Renewable Energy Renewable Energy Technology Republic of the Marshall Islands Sustainable Economic Development through Renewable Energy Applications [PLW] Specific Fuel Consumption Small Island Developing States Solomon Islands Solomons Government Rural Internet Project [SOI] Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme Solar PV-Powered Rural Telecommunication Systems [SOI] Solar PV-Powered Well Water Pumping Systems in Haapai Islands [TON] Sustaining Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Measures in Micronesia Tuvalu Electricity Corporation [TUV] Tonga Tuvalu United Nations Development Programme UNDP Program and Operation Policy and Procedures United States Dollar World Bank Yap State Public Service Corporation [FSM] SIDS DOCK Program - Pacific SIDS DOCK PIGGAREP “PLUS” PROJECT 7 PROJECT DOCUMENT BACKGROUND The SIDS DOCK Support Program is a joint initiative of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the World Bank (WB), developed in close consultation with the Alliance of Small Island States (AOSIS). This initiative aims to support Small Island Developing States (SIDS) to transition to low carbon economies through development and deployment of renewable energy (RE) resources and promotion of greater energy efficiency (EE)1. In early 2011, an initial pipeline of project concepts was facilitated by the WB and UNDP and from this selected projects have been identified for implementation using the funds available from the program. The projects concepts, which were proposed by the various SIDS in the Caribbean, Atlantic, Indian and Pacific regions ranged from regional regulatory frameworks, inter-island grid connectivity, to geothermal and to community based Solar PV and waste-to-energy options. In the Pacific region, it was decided that on the part of UNDP, the project concepts that were proposed by the Pacific Island Countries (PICs) will comprise a regional project that whose objective is to promote low carbon development for Pacific SIDs through the deployment of renewable energy resources and promotion of enhanced energy efficiency. This project will be implemented as part of the ongoing Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)-UNDP- Global Environment Facility (GEF) regional project PIGGAREP (Pacific Islands Greenhouse Gas Abatement through Renewable Energy Project)2. The selected project concepts will collectively form part of what will be called as the PIGGAREP “Plus”3. In October 2011, a number of PICs submitted 11 project concepts for inclusion in said project. A technical evaluation was conducted which ranked the project concepts based on a set of criteria that was set by the SIDS DOCK Program, which are as follows: SIDS DOCK Eligibility – An AOSIS member country with commitment to low-carbon growth should be a signatory to SIDS DOCK4. Results Delivery - Proven ability to deliver clear headline results within the program implementation period (2012-2013) using existing human resources so as to attract further funding to the project and/or program. Innovation and Proposal Quality– Proposed project should be different from typical energy development, production and use (renewable energy, energy efficiency, or global SIDS DOCK platform building) and clearly presented. 1 This is based on a Memorandum of Understanding signed in Cancun in December 2010 by the Alliance of Small Island States (AOSIS) and the Government of Denmark, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the World Bank. As part of the MOU, Denmark has contributed $14.5 Million and following the signing of an MOU in Durban, Japan will provide a further $15 Million, subject to parliamentary approval. UNDP and the World Bank (ESMAP) are providing, inter-alia, administrative, technical, fiduciary and program support. 2 PIGGAREP is an ongoing regional UNDP-GEF project with a specific objective of promoting the productive uses of renewable energy (PURE) to reduce GHG emission by removing the major barriers to the widespread and cost-effective use of commercially viable renewable energy technologies (RETs). 3 PIGGAREP+ is an expansion of the current PIGGAREP and should be comprised of feasible projects on the productive uses renewable energy (PURE) and social uses of renewable energy (SURE) that will also contribute to the achievement of the PIGGAREP objective. Nevertheless, in the context of the “plus” aspect – additional activities that will showcase feasible EE technology applications and/or EE design and operation of RET applications are included in PIGGAREP+. The “plus” aspect also is manifested by the inclusion of the three non-PIGGAREP countries, which are the 3 Micronesian countries (Republic of Marshall Islands, Federated States of Micronesia and the Republic of Palau). 4 First priority to SIDS DOCK signatories; second priority to regional projects and programs that include SIDS DOCK members; and, third priority to capacity development activities in non-SIDS DOCK members that will facilitate their joining of the SIDS DOCK initiative. SIDS DOCK Program - Pacific SIDS DOCK PIGGAREP “PLUS” PROJECT 8 Country Driven - Is demand-driven and fully integrated with national planning and development priorities and endorsed by SIDS government counterpart of UNDP or WB. Potential for Up-scaling & Replication - Demonstrated potential for sustainability and /or up-scaling. In the case of the proposed PIGGAREP “Plus” project concepts, an additional criteria - Project Budget Rationale – was applied. As agreed by the PICs, the top 4 ranked project concepts will be considered first during the first phase of the SIDS DOCK Program5. Two missions were conducted by the UNDP in the South Pacific (29 May – 16 June) and the North Pacific (10 – 20 July) to evaluate and verify the 3 national and 1 regional project concepts that were selected for inclusion in the PIGGAREP+ Project that will be funded under the First Phase of the SIDS DOCK Program. The missions involved the conduct of additional appraisalsto validate the feasibility of the proposed project concepts focusing on technical, financial, environmental, and institutional aspects and the preparation of the project profiles. During the missions, consultations were carried with the project proponents and key stakeholders to gather information that will be used in the appraisals, and in the design of the project activities. Moreover, field visits were done to the proposed project sites for more detailed data gathering and discussions with target beneficiaries. The 4 projects and the PICs that proposed them are the following: Solomon Islands: Tonga: Tuvalu: North Pacific Region: Solar PV-Powered Rural Telecommunication Systems Solar PV-Powered Well Water Pumping Systems in Haapai Islands Energy Efficiency Demonstration House Sustaining Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Measures in Micronesia (SREEM) – comprised of PIGGAREP+ sub-components in FSM, RMI and Palau The agreed final project profiles of the 4 projects that were designed by UNDP (based on the mission results and findings) are in Annexes 4 to 9. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The specific objective of the SIDS DOCK PIGGAREP+ Project is low carbon development for Pacific SIDS through the deployment of renewable energy (RE) resources and promotion of energy efficiency (EE). To realize this objective, the PIGGAREP+ Project is designed to comprise of two components: (1) Renewable Energy Technology Applications; and, (2) Energy Efficiency Technology Applications. The first component is comprised of 3 sub-componentson demonstrating cost-effective application of renewable energy technologies that will be carried out in the Solomon Islands, Tonga and Palau. These 3 renewable energy sub-components are: 5 The technical evaluation resulted in the following ranking of the proposed project concepts: (1) Tonga: Solar Water Pumping Phase 1 Project; (2) FSM-RMI-TTP: Sustaining Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Measures in Micronesia; (3) SOI: Renewable PV Energy to support Rural Telecommunications project in the SOI; (4) TUV: Energy Efficiency Show Home; (5) Cook Islands: Palmerston Island Solar System; (6) CKI-RMI-TON-TTP: Bicycles for Capitals (B4C); (7) RMI: TUV Building Integrated REE; (8) Vanuatu: Talise 75 kW Hydro – Transmission & Distribution Works; and, (9) Samoa: Samoa GHG Abatement through RE (Biogas Technology – Waste to Energy) Development Project SIDS DOCK Program - Pacific SIDS DOCK PIGGAREP “PLUS” PROJECT 9 1. Installation and operation of solar PV systems for powering rural telecommunication systems health centers/hospitals in 10 selected rural sites in the Solomon Islands. See Annex 4 for details. 2. Installation and operation of solar PV powered water pumping systems in 10 villages in the Haapai group of islands in Tonga. See Annex 5 for details. 3. Installation and operation of solar PV powered water pumping and storage system in Kayangel State in Palau. See Annex 6 for details. These 3 RE sub-componentswill demonstrate and promote the widespread application of solar PV power generation technology for the provision of social services (telecommunications and water supply), and ultimately for productive activities that will make use of such services (e.g., outer island cottage industries that require water). In this regard, these renewable energy sub-components contribute to the achievement of the PIGGAREP objective. The RE sub-component in the Solomon Islands is designed to contribute to the reduction of the growth rate of GHG emissions from fossil fuel use in the country through the removal of the barriers to the widespread and cost effective use of feasible RETs, which in this case is solar PV powered telecommunication systems. The specific objective of this PIGGAREP+ sub-component is to supply sustainable RE-based power for telecommunications in the rural areas of Solomon Islands. This subcomponent will mainly involve the provision of RE-based power supply (which in this case is solar PV) to telecommunication (VSAT) systems for health centers/hospitals in selected rural sites of the country. This sub-component will be carried out in partnership with the SPC - SOLGRIP/PACRICS6 and UNDP – PGSP7 since the project sites are those covered under these 2 ongoing projects. It is expected that the outcome of this RE sub-componentis reduced energy costs of, and reliance on, fossil fuels in the operation of telecommunication systems in rural areas in the Solomon Islands. Like in the Solomon Islands, the RE sub-componentin Tonga is aimed at reducing the growth rate of GHG emissions from fossil fuel use in the country through the removal of the barriers to the widespread and cost effective use of feasible RETs, and in particular solar PV water pumping systems. This sub-component will facilitate the use supply of sustainable solar PV power for social uses (and also some productive uses) particularly water supply in the rural areas of the Haa’pai islands group in Tonga. The project will replace the existing diesel and grid electricity-powered pumps of the well water systems in the remote islands/rural communities in Haa’pai with more cost effective, environment-friendly solar PV power units.The expected outcome of this RE subcomponent is sustainable, environment friendly and energy cost saving operation of well water pumping systems in rural areas in Tonga. The third RE sub-component, which is similar to the second one in Tonga, will be carried out in Palau. It is also aimed at contributing to the slowing down of the growth rate of GHG emissions from 6 The Solomons Government Rural Internet Project (SOLGRIP) involves the provision of broadband communications and information and communication technology (ICT) capacity building to 21 provincial government centers in the Solomon Islands, to strengthen government systems and improve government services. The Phase 1 of this project started in 2011 with technical assistance provided by the Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC). Under this Solomon Islands Government project, 17 rural hospitals and health centers are provided satellite broadband internet services. This constitutes the roll out of the Pacific Community Rural Internet Connectivity System (PACRICS) in the country, which will provide internet access to provincial hospitals and rural health centers in selected sites in the country. 7 SOLGRIP/PACRICS is also supplemented by the Provincial Governance Strengthening Programme (PGSP) of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). Under the PGSP, 5 of the 17 rural centers were provided satellite broadband Internet access. These are the first sites where the telecommunication system devices were installed. SIDS DOCK Program - Pacific SIDS DOCK PIGGAREP “PLUS” PROJECT 10 fossil fuel use in the country through the removal of the barriers to the widespread and cost effective use of solar PV water pumping systems. This sub-component will facilitate the use of sustainable renewable energy (RE)-based power for social uses (and also some productive uses) particularly water supply in the Kayangel state of Palau. It will involve the replacement of the electric motor driven pumps of the Kayangel well water system with more cost effective, environment-friendly solar PV power units.The expectedoutcome of this RE sub-component is reduced energy costs of, and reliance on, fossil fuels in the operation of telecommunication systems in rural areas in Palau. The second component of the PIGGAREP+ project is comprised of 3 sub-componentsshowcasing the application of energy efficiency technologies, techniques and strategies that will be carried out in Tuvalu, Federated States of Micronesia (FSM) and the Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI). These 3 energy efficiency sub-components are on the: 1. Design, installation and operation of a demonstration energy efficient house (Demo Fale) in Tuvalu 2. Conduct of power plant testing and identification of energy efficiency improvements in power generation units, implementation of feasible energy efficiency improvements and load dispatch optimization in the national power utility in RMI, and in the 4 state power utilities in FSM 3. Design, preparation, promotion and establishment of an energy financing scheme for supporting energy efficiency projects in the residential/commercial sector in FSM, RMI and Tuvalu The EE sub-component in Tuvalu is on the application in residential houses of sustainable RE-based power generation technologies that will be supplemented with the: (a) application of energy efficient technologies, in the form of energy efficient household appliance; and, (b) energy efficient design and operation of the RET systems that will be installed in the demonstration house (Demo Fale). This major sub-component will be in two complementary parts: (1) Design, construction and operation of the Demo Fale8; and, (2) Design, establishment and launch of an Energy Efficiency Revolving Fund (EERF)9. The Demo Fale will show the citizens of Tuvalu how an energy efficient house looks like, its features and components, and how it operates, and in so doing encourage them to build EE houses and/or retrofit their existing houses to become more energy efficient. The expected outcome from this is an increased application of EE technologies and energy savings in the residential sector of Tuvalu. The second part of the EE sub-component in Tuvalu, which is the design, promotion and establishment of an EE financing scheme, which is the EERF. The EERF will provide financial assistance to the Tuvaluan households in applying what they see and learn about energy efficient houses from the Demo Fale. The expected outcome from this is the established and operationalEERF. The EE sub-componentin RMI targets both the supply and demand sides of electricity. It will be in two parts: (a) Supplementary activities for the MEC-PRP10; and, (b) Design, establishment and launch 8 The initial design of the Demo Fale provided by the Tuvalu Electricity Corporation (TEC) will be enhanced to incorporate other demo features that were suggested by an UNDP mission in June 2012 including incorporating more features that will turn the proposed Demo Fale to a sort of a “green home” showcasing the application of some environmentally sensitive concepts and products particularly in its design, construction, and operation. 9 The EERF is based on the Green Loan Scheme for Home Energy Efficiency Project concept that TEC (on behalf of the Government of Tuvalu) have prepared and submitted to IUCN. The fund will be managed and operated by the Development Bank of Tuvalu (DBT). The SIDS DOCK project will assist in the design of the financing scheme and mechanics (including loan eligibility criteria, loan terms, etc.), various training and launch of the planned EERF. 10 The Ministry of Resources and Development (MRD) in RMI had embarked on a program to make the petroleum and power generation operations of the country’s national energy company - Marshalls Energy Company (MEC) energy efficient, environmentally safe and their SIDS DOCK Program - Pacific SIDS DOCK PIGGAREP “PLUS” PROJECT 11 of an energy efficiency revolving fund. The first part will involve the implementation of power plant performance evaluation and load management optimization at the Majuro Power Plant. The expected outcome from this is improved energy utilization performance in power generation and reduced power generation cost in the MEC.This major EE improvement sub-componentwill be carried out in two (2) phases: Phase 1: Power Plant Testing and Identification of Energy Efficiency Improvements in Power Generation; and Development of Load Management Optimization Model – This will involve theconduct of power plant testing in each power generation unit to establish to determine the energy use performance, identify and quantify energy losses and wastages, wasteful operating practices, and potential energy savings. The findings of the tests will be used in identifying and designing improvement projects that will bring about energy savings, and reduce power generation cost. Phase 2: Implementation of Feasible Energy Efficiency Improvements and Load Dispatch Optimization–This will entail theimplementation of identified feasible energy efficient improvement projects, as well as the development of computerized system for ensuring optimum load dispatch of power generation units that will result to an optimum generation cost. The second part of the EE sub-component in RMI is the design of the EE Loan Scheme (EELS)11, which will be a new loan scheme for financing the renovation/repair of existing houses to make them energy efficient or incorporate EE features in them, and for the construction of new and energy efficient houses. The expected outcome from this is the established and operationalEELS. The EE sub-component in FSM is similarto that in RMI. It will be also in two parts: (1) Improvement of Power Plant Performance; and, (2) Design, establishment and launch of an energy efficiency revolving fund. The first part will involve the implementation of power plant performance evaluation and load dispatch optimization in the 4 state power utilities in FSM. The expected outcome from this is improved energy utilization performance in power generation and reduced power generation cost in the 4 state power utilities in FSM. This will be carried out in two (2) phases: Phase 1: Power Plant Testing and Identification of Energy Efficiency Improvements in Power Generation; and Development of Load Optimization Model - This will involve only the operational power generation units in the 4 state power utilities. Phase 2: Implementation of Feasible Energy Efficiency Improvements and Load Dispatch Optimization – This will be applied in the 4 state power utilities. operation more economically viable. This is the MRD’s Petroleum Reform Program in the MEC (MEC-PRP), which is in line with the MEC strategic action plan 2012-2017. This program involves the conduct of a survey and study to develop diesel fuel and waste oil-diesel oil blend specifications; installation of the fuel test laboratory for the diesel fuels that will imported, utilized and traded by MEC; and capacity development for MEC staff in the various laboratory test procedures. With the planned activities, it is expected that the fuel utilization efficiency in the MEC power generation units will improve thereby realizing energy savings and GHG emission reductions. 11 This will be an expanded version of the existing loan scheme of the Marshall Islands Development Bank (MIDB) for supporting housing programs for raising the standard of living of people in RMI. It will be managed and operated by the MIDB. SIDS DOCK Program - Pacific SIDS DOCK PIGGAREP “PLUS” PROJECT 12 The second part of the EE sub-component in FSM is the design of the Home Energy Loan Program (HELP)12, which be a new loan scheme for financing the renovation/repair of existing houses to make them energy efficient or incorporate EE features in them, and for the construction of new and energy efficient houses.The expected outcome from this is the established and operationalHELP. Annex 1 shows the Project Planning Matrix (PPM) or logical framework (log fame) of the SIDS DOCK PIGGAREP+ Project. It shows the success indicators, means of verification and relevant critical assumptions for each of the expected outcomes of the project, and that of the project objective. The monitoring and evaluation plan that will be devised for the project will by and large be based on this project log frame. ACTIVITIES The various sub-components of the PIGGAREP+ project is comprised of activities that are aimed at delivering the necessary outputs that will contribute to the realization of the expected outcomes described earlier and summarized in the PPM in Annex 1. The following are the key activities to deliver the expected outputs: A. Component 1: Renewable Energy Technology Applications 1. Sub-Component 1.1: Solar PV Powered Rural Telecommunication Systems (SPVRTS) The expected outcome of this PIGGAREP+ sub-component is reduced energy costs of, and reliance on, fossil fuels in the operation of telecommunication systems in rural areas in the Solomon Islands. To realize this outcome, the target outputs listed below have to be delivered. o o o o o Completed solar PV-power system installation design/plan for powering telecommunication systems in selected rural sites; Competitive procurement undertaken and supplied, installed, commissioned and fully operational solar PV-powered telecommunications systems in selected rural sites; Developed and implemented monitoring, evaluation and reporting system for each installed solar PV power system; Documentation on the monitored and evaluated operational performance of each installed solar PV power system including impacts (e.g., energy and energy cost savings, GHG emission reductions, system reliability); and, Approved sustainability plan for the promotion and widespread application of solar PVpowered rural telecommunication systems There are 5 sets of activities that will be carried out to deliver the abovementioned outputs. These are the following: o o o Preparation of installation design/plan for the solar PV power systems Purchase of equipment and other necessary components/materials Installation and operation of solar PV-powered telecommunications systems 12 This will be an expanded version of the existing loan scheme of the FSMDevelopment Bank (FSMDB) for supporting for energy efficient home construction and renovation and purchase of energy efficient household appliances. It will be managed and operated by the FSMDB. SIDS DOCK Program - Pacific SIDS DOCK PIGGAREP “PLUS” PROJECT 13 o o Monitoring and evaluation Preparation of a sustainable follow-up plan for the promotion and widespread application of solar PV-powered rural telecommunication systems Please refer to Annex 4 for the description of the activities to be implemented to deliver these outputs of this PIGGAREP+ sub-component in the Solomon Islands. 2. Sub-Component 1.2: Solar PV Powered Well Water Pumping Systemsin Haa’pai Islands (SPWPS) The specific objective of this PIGGAREP+ sub-component is the widespread application of solarPV powered well water pumping systems in the Haa’pai island group in Tonga. The expected outcomes from this sub-component is sustainable, environment friendly and energy cost saving operation of well water pumping systems in rural areas in Tonga. To realize this outcome, the following outputs are required: o o o o o o Completed evaluation report on the water piping system flow and pressure drop, total dynamic head, and water pumping energy requirements for each of the selected wells; Completed solar water pump and solar PV power system sizing and installation designs/plans for selected wells; Installed and operational solar water pump (including the solar PV power system) in selected wells; Developed and implemented appropriate management arrangements including monitoring, evaluation and reporting system for each installed solar water pumps (inclusive of solar PV power system) in each selected well; Documentation on the monitored and evaluated operational performance of each installed solar water pumping system (inclusive of solar PV power system) including impacts (e.g., water flow, specific energy consumption and energy cost savings, GHG emission reductions, system reliability, economic impacts, etc.); and, Documentation on the sustainable follow-up plan for the promotion and widespread application of solar PV-powered well water pumping systems To deliver the specific outputs of the project, 5 sets of major activities will be carried out: o o o o o Technical evaluation and engineering design of the solar powered water pumping systems Selection and purchase of required hardware and components to be installed in the selected wells Installation, testing, commissioning and operation of the solar power water pumping system Monitoring and evaluation of the operational performance of each installed solar powered water pumping system that will be implemented by Water Management Committees Preparation of a sustainable follow-up plan for the promotion and widespread application of solar PV-powered water pumping systems Please refer Annex 5 for the description of the activities to be implemented to deliver these outputs of this PIGGAREP+ sub-component in Tonga. SIDS DOCK Program - Pacific SIDS DOCK PIGGAREP “PLUS” PROJECT 14 3. Sub-Component 1.3: Solar PV Powered Well Water PumpingSystem and Storage inKayangel State (PLW SREEM) As in sub-component 1.2, the specific objective of this PIGGAREP+ sub-component is the widespread application of solar-PV powered well water pumping systems, but this one is in the Kayangel State in Palau. The expected outcomes from this sub-component are sustainable, environment friendly and energy cost saving operation of well water supply and storage systems in the outer island states of Palau. To realize this outcome, the following outputs are required: o o o o o o Completed evaluation report on the existing Kayangel State water piping system flow and pressure drop, total dynamic head, and water pumping energy requirement Completed solar water pump and solar PV power system sizing and installation designs/plans, including that for an overhead water storage tank, and a replacement chlorinator unit. Installed and operational solar water pumping (including the solar PV power system) and water chlorinator unit and storage tank Developed and implemented appropriate management arrangements including monitoring, evaluation and reporting system for the installed solar water pump (inclusive of solar PV power system). Documentation on the monitored and evaluated operational performance of the installed solar water pumping system (inclusive of solar PV power system) including impacts (e.g., water flow, specific energy consumption and energy cost savings, GHG emission reductions, system reliability, economic impacts, etc.) Documentation on the sustainable follow-up plan for the promotion and widespread application of solar PV-powered well water pumping systems To deliver the specific outputs of the project, 5 sets of major activities will be carried out: o o o o o Technical evaluation and engineering design of the solar powered water pumping systems, including the water storage tank Selection and purchase of required hardware and components to be installed Installation, testing, commissioning and operation of the solar power water pumping system Monitoring and evaluation of the operational performance of the solar powered water pumping system Preparation of a sustainable follow-up plan for the promotion and widespread application of solar PV-powered water pumping systems Please refer Annex 6 for the description of the activities to be implemented to deliver these outputs of this PIGGAREP+ sub-component in Palau. B. Component 2: Energy Efficiency Technology Applications Sub-Component 2.1: Demonstration EE House (Tuvalu DEEF) The expected outcome from the outputs of the activities that will be carried out under this subcomponent is the increased application of EE technologies and energy savings in the residential sector of Tuvalu. The expected outputs are the following: SIDS DOCK Program - Pacific SIDS DOCK PIGGAREP “PLUS” PROJECT 15 Completed detailed design and construction plans of the Demonstration EE House (“Demo Fale”) Constructed, equipped and operational Demo Fale at the TEC compound Developed and implemented monitoring, evaluation and reporting system for Demo Fale operation and for monitoring the replication projects in the residential sector Documentation on the monitored and evaluated operational performance of the Demo Fale and the replication projects in Tuvaluan houses (e.g., energy and energy cost savings) To deliver the specific outputs of the project, 4 sets of major activities will be carried out: Preparation and approval of the detailed design of the Demo Fale and the construction plans. Purchase of equipment and other necessary components/materials required for the installation and operation of the Demo Fale Construction, commissioning and operation of the Demo Fale Monitoring and evaluation of the Demo Fale performance Please refer Annex 7 for the description of the activities to be implemented to deliver these outputs of this PIGGAREP+ sub-component in Tuvalu. Sub-Component 2.2:Sustaining Energy Efficiency Measures in Micronesia Power Plant Performance Improvement (RMI SREEM and FSM SREEM) This sub-component is comprised of activities that will be deliver outputs that will contribute to the realization of the expected outcome from this sub-component which is the improved energy utilization performance in power generation and reduced power generation cost in the national power utility in RMI, and the 4 state power utilities in FSM13. The expected outputs are the following: Documented power plant testing results and analyses (MEC, CPUC, KUA, PUC and YSPSC) Established actual energy utilization performance (heat rate or SFC) of each operational generating units Identified energy efficiency improvement opportunities in the operational power generation units; and recommended energy efficiency improvements in power plant operations Designed and engineered feasible EE improvement measures for the operational power generation units recommended for implementation; including the approved implementation plan and schedule for the EE improvement measures. Completed implementation of selected no cost/low cost energy efficiency improvements in the operational power generation units Documented results, impact analyses and recommendations of the EE improvement measures Developed and applied load dispatch optimization system for optimum loading of operational power generation units, including documentation of the results and impact analyses of the load distribution and dispatch optimization system. 13 These are the Marshalls Energy Company (MEC) in RMI; and the 4 state power utilities in FSM, which are Chuuk Public Utility Corporation (CPUC), Kosrae Utility Authority (KUA), Pohnpei Utility Corporation (PUC), and Yap State Public Service Corporation (YSPSC) SIDS DOCK Program - Pacific SIDS DOCK PIGGAREP “PLUS” PROJECT 16 Developed monitoring, verification and reporting (MRV) plans for the tracking and documentation of the results and impacts of the EE improvement and load optimization activities To achieve the abovementioned deliverables the following set of activities focusing on the performance of power plant testing, identification, design and implementation of EE improvement measures, and the design and implementation of a load dispatch optimization systemwill be carried out in the MEC power plants in RMI, and in the 4 state power plants in FSM. Preparation for the power plant testing Conduct of power plant testing to establish the actual energy utilization performance of the generating units Analysis and interpretation of the performance testing of each power generation unit of each generating unit Identification of EE improvements in the power plant operations and in each power generation unit (no cost or housekeeping measures; low to medium cost measures; capital intensive) Design of feasible EE improvement measures, including the preparation (for approval) of the implementation plan for these recommended measures. Implementation of selected no cost or housekeeping measures and low cost measures Development of a computerized load distribution and dispatch optimization system Implementation of the load distribution and dispatch optimization system Monitoring and evaluation of the EE improvement measures and load optimization activities The above project activities are anticipated to contribute to the improvement of the energy utilization efficiency power generation in the national power utility in RMI and in the 4 state power utilities in FSM. It is expected that the EE improvement measures and load distribution and dispatch optimization will deliver tangible results (i.e., energy savings and the corresponding GHG emission reductions) within a year of implementation. To ensure that tangible benefits will be sustained, the execution of the approved implementation plan and schedule for the EE improvement measures in the MEC power plants in RMI, and in the state power utilities in FSM should be ensured. Please refer Annexes8 and 9 for the description of the activities to be implemented to deliver these outputs of this PIGGAREP+ sub-component in RMI and FSM, respectively. Sub-Component 2.3: Energy Efficiency Financing Schemes Energy Efficiency Financing Schemes (Tuvalu DEEF, RMI SREEM and FSM SREEM) Operational, effective, and widely accepted energy efficiency lending schemes in Tuvalu, RMI and FSM is the expected outcome from the outputs that will be delivered under this sub-component. The expected outputs are the following: SIDS DOCK Program - Pacific SIDS DOCK PIGGAREP “PLUS” PROJECT 17 Completed and approved design of energy efficiency financing schemes in Tuvalu, RMI and FSM including the proposed financing mechanisms and terms, and fund management arrangements14. Established and launched energy efficiency financing schemes Formulated and recommended sustainable follow-up plan for up-scaling and enhancement of the current financing schemes for housing of the development banks in Tuvalu, RMI and FSM shall be prepared based on the experience and lessons learnt from this project. To achieve the abovementioned deliverables the following set of activities, which mainly focus on the design, development and establishment of the appropriate energy efficiency financing schemes in the 3 countries will be carried out under this sub-component: Review of existing financing schemes in the country, as well as the latest international literature and experience on financial mechanisms for EE housing projects (new and retrofit) as well as EE appliance/equipment loan programs. Design of the appropriate scheme based on the review of financing schemes and the financing requirements and conditions of the development bank in each country, including the definition of the loan terms, loan repayment, borrower eligibility criteria, and fund management arrangements. Conduct of technical assistance support activities in the preparations for the setting-up, and in the actual establishment, of the financing scheme. Conduct of promotional campaigns focusing mainly on educating the people not only about the benefits of utilizing EE appliances or incorporating EE features in their houses but also to be more responsible for the loans that they will avail of under the financing scheme. Formulation and approval of a sustainable follow-up plan for up-scaling and enhancement of the energy efficiency financing schemes based on the experience and lessons learnt from this project. Such plan will be formulated and recommended for funding and implementation. The planned energy efficiency financing schemes in Tuvalu, RMI and FSM are expected to contribute to reducing the electricity demand in the residential sector in these 3 countries. The sustainable follow-up plan that will be formulated and approved towards the end of the project will help realize this. The follow-up plan shall include definitive targets for the intended deliverables and outcomes; specific activities that are well-defined; and proposed project budget and financing. Please refer Annexes7, 8 and 9for the description and indicative schedule of activities to be implemented to deliver these outputs of this PIGGAREP+ sub-component in Tuvalu, RMI and FSM, respectively. The PIGGAREP+ Project is expected to commence in June 2013. While the actual implementation of the design, installation and operation of the renewable energy and energy efficiency systems that will be installed in the 6 participating countries are expected to be completed within a year, the monitoring and evaluation of the results will be carried out till the 4thquarter of 2014 (maybe till year end 2014) to come 14 Currently PIGGAREP is funding an IUCN managed consultancy in the Pacific that includes an assessment of the development banks in Tuvalu, RMI and FSM to administer such an energy loan program including a market survey on the appropriateness of the chosen energy efficiency technologies. SIDS DOCK/PIGGAREP+ will build on this initial preparatory work and follow-up support is planned for the detailed design of the EE funding scheme and implementation mechanism, training, promotion and launch of the pilot energy loan program. SIDS DOCK Program - Pacific SIDS DOCK PIGGAREP “PLUS” PROJECT 18 up with representative sets of results that will be used to evaluate and demonstrate the impacts of the project outputs. In that regard, the actual project duration will practically be 1.5 years. Table 1 shows the schedule of project activities. Table 1: Schedule of Activities ACTIVITIES JUNE 2013 3Q 2014 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q Project Inception System Design, Engineering, and Planning Equipment Purchase System Installation/Construction System Operation Monitoring and Data Gathering Scheduled Maintenance Service Energy Efficiency Financing Schemes Design EE Financing Scheme Mobilization & Launching Sustainable Follow-up Plan Preparation Results & Impact Evaluation and Documentation Project Reviews Project Closure Implementation Requirements Adequate attention to details and due diligence were rendered during the data gathering works that were done to come up with the necessary information to be used in the design of the various components of this SIDS DOCK PIGGAREP+ Project. Nonetheless, there were still some gaps in the data and information that were obtained, and certain pertinent pre-requirements to initiate some of the proposed activities were not confirmed during the data gathering and project scoping missions that were conducted in the 6 PICs that are covered by the project. In that regard, there are a number of critical items/requirements that need to be facilitated and achieved by the project proponents/stakeholders to ensure a successful and effective implementation of the project activities. Annex 3 presents the identified critical items that make the smooth, successful and effective implementation of the PIGGAREP+ activities contingent to the achievement of these requirements. BUDGET AND WORK PLAN Annex 2 presents the total budget and work plan for the PIGGAREP+ Project. Bulk of the project budget disbursements are expected to take place during the first 3 quarters of the project. These are mainly for the purchase of the pertinent equipment that will be installed (e.g., solar PV power systems in Solomon Islands, and solar water pumps in Tonga and Palau); for the engagement of consultants to carry out the review, design and engineering, equipment sizing and specification of the planned RE and EE systems to be installed; for the technical services of engineering/consulting firms in carrying out power plant testing of the power generation units in RMI and FSM; for the installation of RE systems (e.g., solar PV power systems in Solomon Islands, solar water pumping systems in Tonga and Palau and water storage system in Palau); and for the construction of the Demo Fale in Tuvalu. There are also expenses for the capacity development activities, and for the scheduled maintenance services of installed systems. Subsequent consultancy expenses are for the monitoring and evaluation the project results; preparation of the SIDS DOCK Program - Pacific SIDS DOCK PIGGAREP “PLUS” PROJECT 19 sustainable follow-up plans; and the mid-term and final evaluation of the performance of the PIGGAREP+ project. IMPLEMENTATION ARRANGEMENTS The PIGGAREP+ Project is comprised of activities that will contribute to the achievement of the objective of the UNDP-GEF funded PIGGAREP, which is on the productive and social uses of renewable energy. The RE Technology Application activities definitely contribute to Component 1.C (RE Demonstrations Projects) of the PIGGAREP. In the context of the “plus” aspect, the project also includes additional activities that will showcase feasible EE technology applications and/or EE design and operation of RE technology applications. The “plus” aspect is also manifested by the inclusion of the three non-PIGGAREP countries in Micronesia (FSM, RMI and Palau). These EE “plus” projects also contribute to Activities 1.C.6 and 1.C.7 of the PIGGAREP. The former is on the design and implementation of RET application demos that include appropriate energy efficiency measures in both the supply and consumption of RE-based energy sources. The latter is on the monitoring and evaluation of new and existing RE Demonstration Projects, evaluating the maintenance, management, administrative organization, operating and economic performances, energy efficiency opportunities, energy savings and GHG emissions reduction. Since the PIGGAREP+ activities will be integrated into, and eventually be part and parcel of, the ongoing PIGGAREP, in effect their implementation will be carried out according to the management arrangements, procedures, practices, etc. of the ongoing PIGGAREP15. In this regard, the PIGGAREP+ countries (FSM, Palau, RMI, Solomon Islands, Tonga and Tuvalu) agreed to implement the PIGGAREP+ projects through SPREP16. SPREP as the Implementing Partner for PIGGAREP will also be accountable to the UNDP Principal Project Representative (PPR), i.e., UNDP Multi-country Office (MCO) Samoa, for the achievement of the PIGGAREP+ project objectives and for all reporting, including thesubmission of work plans, progress reports, audit and financial reports including for this intervention. National, regional or international experts are expected to be involved in the implementation of the planned activities. The PIGGAREP Project Management Office (PMO)at SPREP shall effectively coordinatewith the PIGGAREP Country Teamsin the Solomon Islands, Tonga and Tuvalu the planning and implementation of all activities, including engaging of experts that will work on the project and in the procurement of necessary goods and services. In this regard, as part of his/her responsibilities, the PIGGAREP National Coordinator will facilitate implementation of the planned inclusive on-the-ground activities, purchase, design/engineering, installation, testing and commissioning of the following installations utilizing national and/or foreign experts and involving local communities: 15The Project Document and other information on PIGGAREP is available in this URL: http://www.sprep.org/Pacific-IslandsGreenhouse-Gas-Abatement-through-Renewable-Energy-Project/about-piggarep 16 This was unanimously agreed in a meeting organized and facilitated by SPC at the SPC Office in Suva, Fiji on 30-31 January. Other PIGGAREP countries (Cook Islands, Kiribati, Samoa and Vanuatu) represented in the meeting also endorsed the decision. To facilitate this, SPREP will create two new positions for the management of PIGGAREP+ activities, one based at SPREP Head Quarters and one based in the North Pacific (probably with the SPC Office). TORs for the new posts will be developed and circulated. As agreed in the meeting, the costs for these new posts will not be deducted from the PIGGAREP+ country allocations. SIDS DOCK Program - Pacific SIDS DOCK PIGGAREP “PLUS” PROJECT 20 Solar PV power units for the rural telecommunication systems in the 10 selected project sites in Solomon Islands Solar PV-powered water pumping units in the 10 selected villages in Tonga (Haa’pai Group) Demonstration EE House (Demo Fale) in Tuvalu Design and promotion of an energy efficiency lending scheme in Tuvalu This is to ensure maximum impacts and visibility, maximum local participation, particularly of theprivate sector, civil servants, and the local communities.The PIGGAREP+ implementing partners in these 3 countries shall also work in partnership with other entities as shown below: Country PIGGAREP+ Implementing Partner Solomon Islands Ministry of Energy Tonga Ministry of Lands, Environment Climate Change & Natural Resources Tuvalu Tuvalu Electricity Corporation Additional Implementing Partners SPC SOLGRIP/PACRICS PMO Solomon Islands Health Dept. UNDP PGSP PMO/Honiara Office UNDP Fiji MCO/UN Joint Presence Office (Tonga) UNDP Fiji MCO/UN Joint Presence Office (Tuvalu) As to the 3 Micronesian countries that are not part of the original PIGGAREP, suitable implementing partner in each of these countrieshave been identified to carry out the country PIGGAREP+ activities. The implementing partners in each country will also carry out theUNDP required project management duties and responsibilities and do the reporting to the PIGGAREP PMO.SPREP will deploy one staff member in the North Pacific (to be detailed in the SPC North Pacific Sub-Regional Office in Pohnpei, FSM) to carry outsuch reporting and coordination with the implementing partners the implementation in the 3 countries of the following PIGGAREP+ activities: Power plant performance improvements in the power generation units of the national and state power utilities in RMI and FSM Design, engineering and installation of solar PV powered water pumping and storage systems in Palau Design and promotion of energy efficiency financing schemes in RMI and FSM The PIGGAREP PMO through its appointed personnel in the North Pacific shall effectively coordinate with the following partners: Country PIGGAREP+ Implementing Partner FSM Department of Resources & Development Palau Palau Energy Office (Ministry of Infrastructure, Industries & Commerce) RMI Ministry of Resources & Development Additional Implementing Partners SPC/EU North REP Project PMO SPC N. Pacific Sub-Regional Office UN Joint Presence Office (FSM) UNDP-GEF SEDREA Project PMO Palau Sewerage & Water Corp UN Joint Presence Office (Palau) UNDP-GEF ADMIRE Project PMO Marshalls Energy Company SIDS DOCK Program - Pacific SIDS DOCK PIGGAREP “PLUS” PROJECT 21 UN Joint Presence Office (RMI) The PIGGAREP PMO (through the SPREP person detailed in the SPC North Pacific Sub-Regional Office) will coordinate with the implementing partners in these countries the planning and implementation of theirPIGGAREP+ activities, including engaging of experts that will work on the project and in the procurement of necessary goods and services. The overall implementation arrangement for PIGGAREP+ is shown in Fig. 1. This is mainly in line with the current overall PIGGAREP implementation arrangements17. Fig. 1: Overall PIGGAREP+ Implementation Arrangements UNDP Samoa MCO UNDP-GEF SPREP PIGGAREP Project Board PIGGAREP PMO SIDS DOCK PIGGAREP+ Project Components PIGGAREP Project Components PIGGAREP+ Project Implementing Partners National, Regional and/or International Experts Target Beneficiaries PIGGAREP+ Project Activities 17 This is in line with the agreed regional implementation arrangements during the PIGGAREP+ meeting in Suva, Fiji on 30-31 Jan 2013. This will be formalized and agreed by all concerned parties (PIGGAREP PMO, designated implementing partners in the 6 countries, SPREP, and UNDP-Samoa MCO) during the project inception. SIDS DOCK Program - Pacific SIDS DOCK PIGGAREP “PLUS” PROJECT 22 MONITORING & EVALUATION As part and parcel of the ongoing PIGGAREP, the implementation of the PIGGAREP+ activities in the 6 participating countries will be monitored and evaluated periodically in line with the UNDP and UNDP/GEF rules and procedures. The project activities will be subject to a Multipartite Review (MPR), which is a joint review by representatives of participating governments, SPREP, CROP members, and the UNDP) during the time of the PIGGAREP MPR meeting that is organized by the UNDP Samoa MCO. The accomplishments of PIGGAREP+ activities will also be reported in the annual GEF Project Implementation Review (PIR) of PIGGAREP. Starting 2013, SPREP will prepare and submit to UNDP MCO Samoa an Annual Project Report (APR) of PIGGAREP that includes the results and status of the PIGGAREP+ activities,two months prior to the MPR meeting. As in PIGGAREP, the UNDPSamoa MCO may request, as necessary, additional monitoring activities during the implementation of the PIGGAREP+ activities. UNDP will also undertake annual monitoring and evaluation (M&E) visits to project sites, as it deems necessary to view project developments in accordance with UNDP procedures for M&E. The monitoring and evaluation plan for the PIGGAREP+ activities will be prepared (and approved during project inception) based on the PPM shown in Annex 1. The parameters that will be used will be based on the specific indicators of each expected outcome of the project, and that of the project objective. Project monitoring will be provided in accordance with UNDP established procedures and will be provided by the UNDP Samoa MCO with support from UNDP-GEF Energy, Infrastructure, Transport and Technology (EITT) Team at the UNDP Asia-Pacific Regional Centre (APRC) in Bangkok, Thailand. The designated implementing partners in each country will carry out continuous, self-monitoring using the objectively verifiable indicators (success indicators) specified in the PPM shown in Annex 1. These performance indicators will be assessed continuously by the PIGGAREP PMO in coordination with the designated implementing partners in the 6 countries. Reporting and Dissemination - The PIGGAREP Project Manager will prepare and submit through SPREP Management quarterly progress reports of the PIGGAREP that includes the results and status of the PIGGAREP+ activities, to the UNDP Samoa MCO. The designated implementing partners in each country will prepare and submit quarterly accomplishment reports of their PIGGAREP+ activities to the PIGGAREP PMO18. The PMO will prepare and submit through SPREP Management to the UNDP Samoa MCO an Annual Project Report (APR) that covers both PIGGAREP and PIGGAREP+ activities. The progress reports shall be concise describing activities undertaken, issues confronting the project and the progress of work with respect to work accomplished and budgets expended. Financial Monitoring - Financial Reports on the expenditures/disbursements of the PIGGAREP+ Project will be prepared by the PIGGAREP PMO and submitted to the UNDP Samoa MCO on a quarterly basis in accordance with the UNDP Program and Operation Policy and Procedures (UNDP-POPP). 18This will be as follows: SOI SPVRTS – through SOI PIGGAREP National Country Coordinator; TON SPWPS – through TON PIGGAREP National Country Coordinator; TUV DEEF – through TUV PIGGAREP National Country Coordinator; and, North Pacific SREEM (FSM, PLW & RMI) – through SPREP Staff (detailed in SPC North Pacific Office). In RMI, the UNDP-GEF SEDREA PM agreed to provide the reporting inputs to the PIGGAREP PMO. SIDS DOCK Program - Pacific SIDS DOCK PIGGAREP “PLUS” PROJECT 23 Multipartite Reviews - The PIGGAREP+ Project will be subject to reviews by representatives of the PIGGAREP implementing partner (SPREP), UNDP Samoa MCO and the 6 participating countries. The review will be in conjunction with that of PIGGAREP. During these review meetings, the project performance will be measured against established work plans, expenditures will be reviewed and the overall technical performance will be discussed. Project Evaluation - The PIGGAREP+ project is subject to two in-depth independent reviews. One will be conducted in the mid-term (3rd Quarter 2013) and the other (final) will be scheduled upon project termination. For each of these evaluations, an independent consultant will be engaged by the UNDP Samoa MCO to do the evaluation. Evaluation reportsdetailing the project achievements (mid-term and final) and lessons learned will be prepared and action plans prepared accordingly to address the evaluation findings and recommendations. In addition monitoring visits by UNDP and/or by SPREP and the implementing partners will also be carried out to find out and addressed any implementation issue that, if not attended to, may impact negatively on the realization of the PIGGAREP+ project outcomes and objective. SIDS DOCK Program - Pacific Annex 1: Project Planning Matrix (Log Frame) Objectively Verifiable Indicators Strategy Means of Verification Indicator Baseline % share of RE in the energy mix in the PIGGAREP+ countries by end 2014, % No. of RE & EE projects implemented in the Pacific SIDS that replicated, or were designed based on, the PIGGAREP+ pilot projects by end 2014 Average specific fuel consumption of the national power utilities in the PIGGAREP+ countries by end 2014, lit diesel/kWh No. of implemented residential EE projects that were supported by EE financing schemes in PIGGAREP+ countries by end 2014 Component 1: Renewable Energy Technology Applications Average monthly energy cost of Outcome 1.1: the operation of telecom systems Reduced energy in the pilot rural health centers and costs for hospitals by mid-2014, US$ telecommunication Average monthly electricity usage systems equipment, of telecom systems in the pilot and reduced reliance rural health centers and hospitals on fossil fuels to by mid-2014, kWh operate rural Average monthly no. of hours of telecommunication operation of telecom systems in all systems in the pilot rural health centers and Solomon Islands hospitals by mid-2014, hrs. Objective: Low carbon development for Pacific SIDS through the deployment of renewable energy (RE) resources and promotion of energy efficiency (EE). 19 Critical Assumptions Target 0.0419 0.1 0 EE 0 RE 5 EE 5 RE 0.265 0.252 0 30 9,200 0 11,400 0 0 7,200 Project activity and progress reports; Project monitoring reports; Survey of PIC RE projects; Project M&E reports; North-REP project reports Current RE policy of PICs improves or at least remain the same PICs can secure own and supplementary funding for their EE/RE projects Power utility performance reports; Project activity and progress reports; PPA reports Survey of PIC RE projects; Project M&E reports Power plant testing & load dispatch optimization is regularly practiced Established financing schemes are funded by development banks Project activity and progress reports; Project monitoring reports; PGSP & PACRICS reports Project activity and progress reports; Project monitoring reports; PGSP & PACRICS reports Project activity and progress reports; Project monitoring reports; PGSP & PACRICS reports PACRICS install the required telecom peripheral equipment Actual daily solar hours =at least equal to the assumed 5 hrs. in the solar PV sizing Telecom system operation permits are secured Baseline 2009 figure for the 6 PIGGAREP+ countries (Ref: Regional Indicators 2009 – Economic Development Division, SPC – Suva Regional Office). SIDS DOCK Program - Pacific SIDS DOCK PIGGAREP “PLUS” PROJECT 25 Objectively Verifiable Indicators Strategy Means of Verification Indicator Outcome 1.2: Sustainable, environment friendly and energy cost saving operation of well water pumping systems in rural areas in Tonga Outcome 1.3: Sustainable, environment friendly and energy cost saving operation of well water pumping systems in rural areas in Palau Baseline Average monthly energy cost of the operation of well water pumping systems in the pilot rural villages by mid-2014, US$ Average monthly energy consumption of well water pumping systems in the pilot rural villages by mid-2014, kWh Average monthly no. of hours of operation of RE powered well water pumping systems in pilot rural villages by mid-2014, hrs. Average monthly energy cost of the operation of the Kayangel water supply system by mid-2014. Average monthly energy consumption of the Kayangel water supply system by mid-2014 Average monthly no. of hours of operation of RE powered water supply system in Kayangel by mid2014. Critical Assumptions Target 1,220 780 Project activity and monitoring reports; Water Management Committee reports Project activity and monitoring reports; Water Management Committee reports Project activity and monitoring reports; Water Management Committee reports Project activity and monitoring reports; PWSC water service reports Project activity and monitoring reports; PWSC water service reports Project activity and monitoring reports; PWSC water service reports Water Management Committees charge reasonable water tariffs Water Management Committees manage the operation of installed systems Actual daily solar hours =at least equal to the assumed 5 hrs. in the solar PV sizing PWSC charge reasonable water tariffs PWSC monitors energy consumption 2,175 1,080 90 150 278 26 2780 255 0 150 0 1 Project activity and progress reports; Project monitoring reports TEC provide technical assistance to interested clients 0 3 DBT EERF financing reports; Project monitoring reports EERF of the DBT is operational 0 100,000 Project activity and Actual daily solar hours =at least equal to the assumed 5 hrs. in the solar PV sizing Component 2: Energy Efficiency Technology Applications Outcome 2.1: Increased application of EE technologies and energy savings in the residential sector of Tuvalu No. of planned EE improvement projects based on EE concepts featured in the Demo Fale by end 2013 No. of implemented EE improvement projects based on EE concepts featured in the Demo Fale by mid-2014. Cumulative energy savings from SIDS DOCK Program - Pacific SIDS DOCK PIGGAREP “PLUS” PROJECT 26 Objectively Verifiable Indicators Strategy Means of Verification Indicator Outcome 2.2.A: Improved energy use performance in power generation and reduced power generation cost in the national power utility in RMI Outcome 2.2.B: Improved energy use performance in power generation and reduced power generation cost in the 4 state power utilities in FSM Outcome 2.3: Operational, effective and widely accepted energy efficiency lending schemes in FSM, RMI and Tuvalu Baseline implemented new EE improvement projects by mid-2014, kWh Cumulative energy financing provided by DBT EERF and other commercial banks for EE improvement projects by mid-2014, US$ Average specific fuel consumption of the power generation units of MEC by mid-2014, liters diesel oil/kWh Average specific fuel consumption of the power generation units of the state power utilities by mid2014, liters diesel oil/kWh CPUC KUA PUC YSPSC No. of EE financing schemes established and operational by mid-2014. No. of EE financing applications approved by mid-2014 0 200,000 0.265 0.251 progress reports; Project monitoring reports Project activity and progress reports; Project monitoring reports Power utility performance reports; Project activity and progress reports; PPA reports Project activity and progress reports; Power utility production reports 0.263 0.270 0.268 0.274 0 0 Critical Assumptions Target 0.250 0.253 0.252 0.255 3 10 SIDS DOCK Program - Pacific CPUC Reports KUA Reports PUC Reports YSPSC Report Project activity and progress reports; Project monitoring reports Project activity reports; FSMDB, MIDB and DBT reports EERF of the DBT is operational MEC approves and implements the plan for EE improvements in their power plants MEC-PRP activities are implemented 4 state power utilities approve and implement the formulated plan for EE improvements in their respective power plants IUCN Study endorsed EE financing schemes for FSM, RMI & TUV Funds for the financing schemes are made available by FSMDB, MIDB and DBT SIDS DOCK PIGGAREP “PLUS” PROJECT 27 Annex 2: Total Budget and Work Plan Award ID: Award Title: Business Unit: Project Title: Project ID: Implementing Partner (Executing Agency) Outcome/Atlas Activity Responsi ble Party Fund ID Donor Name Component 1: RE Technology Application Outcome 1.1: Reduced energy costs for telecommunication systems equipment, and SIDS NIM reduced reliance DOCK on fossil fuels to operate rural telecommunication systems in the Solomon Islands Sub-Total NIM 20General 00044633 Pacific Islands Greenhouse Gas Abatement through Renewable Energy Project (PIGGAREP) WSM10 Pacific Islands Greenhouse Gas Abatement through Renewable Energy Project (PIGGAREP) 00087102 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environmental Programme (SPREP) SIDS DOCK Atlas Budgetary Account Code 71200 71300 72100 72200 ATLAS Budget Description International Consultants Local Consultants Contractual Services Companies Equipment & Furniture Amt Qtr 1 (USD) Amt Qtr 2 (USD) Amt Qtr 3 (USD) Amt Qtr 4 (USD) Amt Qtr 5 (USD) Amt Qtr 6 (USD) Total (USD) 16,000 16,000 9,000 0 0 5,000 46,000 0 0 0 0 0 6,000 6,000 0 42,500 37,500 0 0 5,000 85,000 34,700 104100 34,700 0 0 0 173,500 71600 Travel 3,600 2,300 2,400 0 700 1,000 10,000 75100 20 3,801 11,543 5,852 0 49 1,190 22,435 58,101 176,443 89,452 0 749 18,190 342,935 22,000 25,000 0 0 3,000 5,000 55,000 71200 GMS International Consultants Management Support (GMS) GMS encompasses general oversight and management functions of UNDP at the HQ, Regional and CO levels. SIDS DOCK Program - Pacific SIDS DOCK PIGGAREP “PLUS” PROJECT 28 Outcome/Atlas Activity Responsi ble Party Outcome 1.2: Sustainable, environment friendly and energy cost saving operation of well water pumping systems in rural areas in Tonga Sub-Total Outcome 1.3:Sustainable, environment friendly and energy cost saving operation of well water pumping systems in Kayangel State in Palau Fund ID Donor Name Atlas Budgetary Account Code 71300 72100 72200 Amt Qtr 2 (USD) Amt Qtr 3 (USD) Amt Qtr 4 (USD) Amt Qtr 5 (USD) Amt Qtr 6 (USD) Total (USD) 0 0 0 0 0 5,000 5,000 0 40,000 39,000 39,000 0 0 118,000 40,400 121,200 40,400 0 0 0 202,000 Travel 1,500 1,250 1,000 0 0 1,000 4,750 75100 GMS 4,473 13,121 5,628 2,730 210 770 26,932 68,373 200,571 86,028 41,730 3,210 11,770 411,682 11,800 8,400 0 0 0 4,000 24,200 0 0 0 0 0 3,000 3,000 0 17,640 9,760 0 0 0 27,400 23,180 69,540 23,180 0 0 0 115,900 71300 SIDS DOCK Local Consultants Contractual Services Companies Equipment & Furniture Amt Qtr 1 (USD) 71600 71200 NIM ATLAS Budget Description 72100 72200 International Consultants Local Consultants Contractual Services Companies Equipment & Furniture 71600 Travel 2500 250 250 0 0 250 3,250 75100 GMS 2624 6708 2323 0 0 507 12,162 40,104 102,538 35,513 0 0 7,757 185,912 166,578 479,553 210,993 41,730 3,959 37,717 940,530 14,800 5,000 0 0 0 5,000 24,800 Sub-Total Sub-Total Outcome 1: Component 2: EE Technology Application NIM SIDS DOCK 71200 International Consultants SIDS DOCK Program - Pacific SIDS DOCK PIGGAREP “PLUS” PROJECT 29 Outcome/Atlas Activity Outcome 2.1: Increased application of EE technologies and energy savings in the residential sector of Tuvalu Sub-Total Outcome 2.2.A: Improved energy use performance in power generation and reduced power generation cost in the national power utility in RMI Sub-Total Outcome 2.2.B: Improved energy use performance in power generation and reduced power generation cost in the 4 state power utilities in FSM Sub-Total Responsi ble Party Fund ID Donor Name Atlas Budgetary Account Code 72100 72200 75100 71200 NIM SIDS DOCK 72100 72200 75100 71200 NIM SIDS DOCK 72100 72200 75100 ATLAS Budget Description Contractual Services Companies Equipment & Furniture GMS International Consultants Contractual Services Companies Equipment & Furniture GMS International Consultants Contractual Services Companies Equipment & Furniture GMS Amt Qtr 1 (USD) Amt Qtr 2 (USD) Amt Qtr 3 (USD) Amt Qtr 4 (USD) Amt Qtr 5 (USD) Amt Qtr 6 (USD) Total (USD) 0 0 9,600 9,600 9,600 7,200 36,000 28,680 86,040 28,680 0 0 0 143,400 3,044 6,373 2,680 672 672 854 14,294 46,524 97,413 40,960 10,272 10,272 13,054 218,494 8,000 30,000 15,000 12,500 12,500 5,000 83,000 0 35,500 32,000 10,000 0 0 77,500 0 0 0 20,000 20,000 0 40,000 560 4585 3290 2975 2275 350 14,035 8,560 70,085 50,290 45,475 34,775 5,350 214,535 28,250 45,000 44,000 33,500 25,000 15,000 190,750 0 65,000 68,750 33,500 0 0 167,250 0 0 0 37,720 37,720 0 75,440 1977 7700 7892 7330 4390 1050 30,341 30,227 117,700 120,642 112,050 67,110 16,050 463,781 SIDS DOCK Program - Pacific SIDS DOCK PIGGAREP “PLUS” PROJECT 30 Outcome/Atlas Activity Responsi ble Party Outcome 2.3: Operational, effective and widely accepted energy efficiency lending schemes in FSM, RMI and Tuvalu Sub-Total Fund ID Donor Name Atlas Budgetary Account Code 71200 SIDS DOCK NIM 72100 75100 ATLAS Budget Description International Consultants Contractual Services Companies GMS Sub-Total Outcome 2 Project Management Outcome: Successful project implementation and management SIDS DOCK NIM 71200 International Consultants 75100 GMS Sub-Total Project Management GRAND TOTAL Amt Qtr 1 (USD) Amt Qtr 2 (USD) Amt Qtr 3 (USD) Amt Qtr 4 (USD) Amt Qtr 5 (USD) Amt Qtr 6 (USD) Total (USD) 0 0 15,000 15,000 0 15,000 45,000 0 0 39,000 0 0 9,000 48,000 0 0 3780 1050 0 1680 6,510 0 0 57,780 16,050 0 25,680 99,510 85,311 285,198 269,672 183,847 112,157 60,134 996,320 5,115 8,263 12,197 8,263 8,263 16,919 59,020 358 578 853 578 578 1,184 4,130 5,473 257,362 8,841 773,592 13,050 493,715 8,841 234,419 8,841 124,958 18,103 115,955 63,150 2,000,000 SUMMARY Source Qtr1 Qtr2 Qtr3 Qtr4 Qtr5 Qtr6 Total SIDS DOCK 257,362 773,592 493,715 234,419 124,958 115,955 2,000,000 Total 257,362 773,592 493,715 234,419 124,958 115,955 2,000,000 SIDS DOCK Program - Pacific SIDS DOCK PIGGAREP “PLUS” PROJECT 31 Annex 3: Implementation Requirements Adequate attention to details and due diligence were rendered during the data gathering works that were done to come up with the necessary information to be used in the design of the various components of this SIDS DOCK PIGGAREP+ Project. Nonetheless, there were still some gaps in the data and information that were obtained, and certain pertinent pre-requirements to initiate some of the proposed activities were not confirmed during the data gathering and project scoping missions that were conducted in the 6 PICs that are covered by the project. In that regard, there are a number of requirements that need to be facilitated and achieved by the project proponents/stakeholders to ensure a successful and effective implementation of the project activities. Hence, the implementation of the PIGGAREP+ activities is contingent to the assurance that the following are done: Component 1.1 (Solomon Islands SPVRTS)See Annex 4 Securing of the required telecommunications permit from the relevant Government of Solomon Islands entity that is responsible for telecommunications (Telecommunications Commission of Solomon Islands - Ministry of Communication & Aviation). SPC has already initiated work toward the acquisition of the telecommunications permit. Installation of the required telecommunication equipment at the selected sites (by SOLGRIPPACRICs) – It is the understanding that these will be provided as soon as the solar PV power systems become available. Strict compliance by the Government centers with the restrictions on the maximum load that can be supported by the solar PV power system. Hiring and appointing of the technician that will operate and maintain the installed telecom system including the solar PV power system as well as salary of such post. Components 1.2 (Tonga SPWPS)and (Palau SREEM)See Annexes 5 & 6 Further assessment and verification of the well water supply system in each selected wells in the Haa’pai group of islands in Tonga and in the well water system of Kayangel State in Palau should be carried out. The important pieces of information to be gathered and calculated from these assessments are necessary for the proper sizing of the solar water pumps, and the solar PV panels/controllers that will be installed in each well21. Tonga: Hiring and appointment of a person (from the villages) that will be responsible for the upkeep and maintenance of the pump houses inclusive of the installed solar water pump and solar PV power system during and after the project. The project will help facilitate this by the provision of capacity 21 While some of the data about the wells were obtained during the UNDP mission in June 2012, there are still many important system data/information that were not gathered (due to absence of data; corroded nameplates of installed equipment like pumps, diesel engines and electric motors; missing installation drawings, plot plans and elevation drawings of the water system pipeline and distribution system, actual pipe diameters and lengths, pipeline elevations, overhead tank capacities, diesel fuel consumption of pumps, electricity consumption of electric motor-driven pumps, water flow rates, etc.). In coming up with the preliminary sizing of these major equipment/components there were several assumptions used, in particular the water flow rate. The preliminary equipment sizing exercise that was done using gathered data and several assumptions (e.g., water flow rates, pipeline length, etc.) was for the purpose of establishing the budget for this proposed project. SIDS DOCK Program - Pacific SIDS DOCK PIGGAREP “PLUS” PROJECT 32 building to the village people (i.e., community water management committees) who will operate, maintain and manage the well water pumping sites. Palau: The Palau Water and Sewerage Company (PWSC) shall ensure the hiring and appointment of a person (from the villages) that will be responsible for the upkeep and maintenance of the water pumping system inclusive of the installed solar water pump and solar PV power system during and after the project, including the supply of chlorine (or hypochlorite solutions) for the water treatment. Component 2.1 (Tuvalu DEEF)See Annex 7 TEC will manage and operate the Demo Fale. The operational costs of the Demo Fale will be borne by the TEC. Component 2.2 (RMI SREEM and FSM SREEM)See Annexes 8 & 9 RMI SREEM: The power generator sets at the Majuro Power Plant should be operational. It was noted that Engine Nos. 2, 3, 4 of the Power Station 1 are not operational due to fire damage. Engine No. 7 of Power Station 2 will soon be undergoing repair and maintenance. MEC should approve the proposed EE improvement measures (particularly the no cost/good housekeeping and at least some of the low cost measures that will be implemented under the project. The MEC is expected to follow-up on the monitoring and evaluation of the implemented EE improvement measures and load optimization system, preferably investing at least the generated energy savings from the no cost/good housekeeping measures in order to carry out the remaining prioritized measures in the EE improvement implementation plan. FSM SREEM: Only the operational power generator sets of the 4 state power utilities will be covered by the power plant testing and EE improvement activities under this project. The state power utilities should approve the proposed EE improvement measures (particularly the no cost/good housekeeping and at least some of the low cost measures) that will be implemented in their power plants/stations under the project. Each of the 4 state power utilities is expected to follow-up on the monitoring and evaluation of the implemented EE improvement measures and load optimization system, preferably investing at least the generated energy savings from the no cost/good housekeeping measures in order to carry out the remaining prioritized measures in the EE improvement implementation plan. Component 2.3 (Tuvalu DEEF, RMI SREEM and FSM SREEM)See Annexes 7, 8 & 9 The design of the energy efficiency financing schemes in Tuvalu (EERF), RMI (EELS) and FSM (HELP) is contingent on positive findings from the IUCN managed consultancy in the South Pacific that includes an assessment of the development banks in these 3 PICs (DBT, MIDB and FSMDB) to administer such financing schemes (including a market survey on the appropriateness of the chosen EE technologies). Subsequent approval and funding of the designed EE financing schemes by the government and development banks of these 3 countries. In the case of Tuvalu, this is also contingent to the expected approval of its proposal to IUCN-ORA for its Green Loan Scheme for Home Energy Efficiency Project. SIDS DOCK Program - Pacific