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Click here for Final Jeopardy Definitions 1-3 Definitions 4-7 Synonyms Antonyms Sentence Completion 10 Points 10 Point 10 Point 10 Point 10 Point 20 Points 20 Points 20 Points 20 Points 20 Points 30 Points 30 Points 30 Points 30 Points 30 Points 40 Points 40 Points 40 Points 40 Points 40 Points 50 Points 50 Points 50 Points 50 Points 50 Points 60 Points 60 Points 60 Points 60 Points 60 Points 70 Points 70 Points 70 Points 70 Points 70 Points 80 Points 80 Points 80 Points 80 Points 80 Points 90 Points 90 Points 90 Points 90 Points 90 Points 100 Points 100 Points 100 Points 100 Points 100 Points Able to get and retain ideas Taciturn Acquisitive Tenable germane acquisitive Desirous of something to the point of greed: Brackish Avid Devious Myopic avid To connect by a joint or joints Decry Cavort Articulate Evince articulate Nearsighted: Overt Myopic Perjorative Brackish myopic Wicked, depraved, devoid of moral standards: Unwonted Nefarious Piquant Viscous nefarious Uncompromising, unyielding, obdurate: Tenable Intransigent Invidious taciturn intransigent To bring to light: Evince Articulate Exhume Cavort exhume Tight lipped, uncommunicative, laconic: Tenable Taciturn Coherent Banal taciturn Dark and gloomy: Nefarious Piquant Murky Utopian murky Hackneyed, trite, commonplace: Invidious Intransigent Banal Acquisitive banal Sharpness (particularly of the mind or senses): Fiat Ignominy Acuity Figment acuity A skeptic: Moot Agnostic Derelict Neophyte agnostic A repeated or dominant figure in a design: Motif Perspicacity Surveillance Effigy motif An eccentricity, quirk, mannerism: Sophistry Penchant Idiosyncrasy Figment idiosyncrasy Stolen: Indigent Convivial Furtive Ephemeral furtive A people-hater: Misanthrope Raiment Coterie Effrontery misanthrope The wasting away of a body organ or tissue: Disarray Atrophy Grouse nettle atrophy Risible, preposterous: Recumbent Ludicrous Jocular Frenetic ludicrous Omnipresent, pervasive, universal: Mundane Depraved Ubiquitous Esoteric ubiquitous Degraded: Indubitable Plenary Abject Sylvan abject Carping lawyers Caviling Brilliant Educated Competent caviling Offense against propiety: Decorum Authority Society Democracy decorum An evening of inane sitcoms on TV Sophisticated Hilarious Vapid Childish vapid Evenings spent in convivial company: Hostile Polite Sullen Jovial jovial The intermittent nature of our friendship: Reliable Fitful Lasting Comical fitful Jocular reply: Rude Abrupt Facetious Tentative facetious A nuance of color: Splash Absence Restoration Slight variation Slight variation The illusory benefits of fad diets: Proven Nutritional Unexpected Spurious spurious Enervates his followers: Paralyzes Mesmerizes Antagonizes Inspires paralyzes a slightly viscous coating of wax: Wasteful Reserved Gummy Caviling gummy A disjointed essay on foreign policy: Indisputable Coherent Sarcastic Vicious coherent Historically treated with equity Disdain Kindness Bias carelessness bias A frenetic mob Huge Screaming Controlled Frenzied controlled Widespread credence Panic Disease Disbelief Enthusiasm disbelief Substantiated the rumors: Circulated Disproved Confirmed Ignored disproved Overt attacks Obvious vicious Concealed Pointless concealed hallowed traditions Honored Family Desecrated Empty desecrated Surprised the queen with her effrontery Knowledge Enthusiasm Diffidence Chutzpah diffidence Indubitable honesty: Indisputable Questionable Exemplary Unquestionable questionable Specifically designed to benefit the indigent: Public Affluent Unemployed Destitute affluent A film critic might explain that the ___ quality of werewolves both attracts and repels the horror movie audience. Illusory Bestial Garish Inordinate bestial It was certainly not without some passing sense of shame and regret that the onceproud master of a vibrant nation endrued the ___ of being shackled hand and foot like some common criminal. Acuity Ignominy Sophistry Fiat ignominy Law students must learn to argue a(n) ___ as if it were a real case. Perspicacity Equity Moot Travesty moot My parents ___ the obvious when they tell me not to drive with someone who’s been drinking. Emulate Belabor Eschew Substantiate belabor The term imperial presidency refers to the tendency of some presidents to ___ power that once belonged to Congress. Congeal Substantiate Arrogate Temporize arrogate A hundred years ago, ___ comments about race or ethnicity were often tolerated rather than condemned. Suppliant Avid Brackish Perjorative perjorative A newspaper editorial might ___ the lack of employment opportunities in our community. Decry Cavort Dissemble Exhume decry In Charles Dicken’s novel A Tale of Two Cities, Dr. Manette is unjustly ___ in the Bastille, a famous prison in Paris, for eighteen years. Incarcerated Consummated Gleaned Nettled incarcerated The 1968 Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia elicited ___ from Western nations. Proprieties Incendiaries Talismans animadversions animadversions The flashy clothing, ___ makeup, and flamboyant acting of the actors lent a nightmarish quality to the performance that I will never forget. Bestial Felicitous Garish Inordinate garish Make your wager You have three minutes to write a coherent short story correctly using at least five words from units 1 – 7. Students vote on the best story using five words correctly from units 1 – 7.