Microworlds Lesson Fourteen: Looking at Living Things: Vinegar Eels TUES 10/28 wk-3 OBJECTIVE: TOPIC –writing a lab report DO NOW: -homeostasis daily grade: WRAP UP: -LIST 3 limiting factors of vinegar eels -organisms ablility to maintain constant internal environment DW: -LAB research/procedures EXT: due: - AGENDA: -FAST PLANT DATA [day 27] -LAB: vinegar eel pre-lab HANDOUTS: -LAB:VINEGAR EELS COMPLETE / TURN IN: BEFORE/AFTER SCHOOL: -DW check FAST PLANTS Microworlds Lesson Fourteen: Looking at Living Things: Vinegar Eels RECORD OBSERVATIONS -quantitative – data table # plants [total] # each color stem # each color leaf # true leaves/cotyledons on a “typical” plant that represents ALL measure height of plants -qualitative – descriptions PICTURE - drawn or photo all & detailed of a “typical” plant DESCRIBE - what plants look like Microworlds Lesson Fourteen: Looking at Living Things: Vinegar Eels FastLAB: PlantSCIENTIFIC Ecology: Counting 1.3 METHODTrichomes & BLOOD TRICHOMES TRICHOMES Microworlds Lesson Fourteen: Looking at Living Things: Vinegar Eels Fast Plant Ecology: POLLINATING perianth--nectar Vinegar Eel LAB Microworlds Lesson Fourteen: Looking at Living Things: Vinegar Eels The vinegar eel -- turbatrix aceti: -harmless roundworm -live in acidic oceans and lakes -1 to 2 mm long -points at both ends -smooth, slender body is nearly transparent -is possible to see its internal organs -one of lowest animals to have digestive tract / complete with mouth and anus -made up of many cells, large enough to be seen with the naked eye in bright light as it moves continuously in its vinegar environment Vinegar Eel LAB Microworlds Lesson Fourteen: Looking at Living Things: Vinegar Eels -eels have muscles the whole length of their body and move through the vinegar with powerful whip like motions -females are larger than males -females give live birth—about 45 every 8-10 days -life cycle of a vinegar eel is about 10 months COMPLETE PRE-LAB Microworlds Lesson Fourteen: Looking at Living Things: Vinegar Eels COMPLETE pre-lab requirements READ through LAB requirements FIRST!! Use your lab write-up handout as a resource. 1-PRE-LAB PROCEDURES -SCIENTIFIC METHOD components -SELECT a variable to test IDENTIFY: 1-independent/dependent variables 2-control 3-constants 4-experimental/control groups COMPLETE PRE-LAB Microworlds Lesson Fourteen: Looking at Living Things: Vinegar Eels 2-PRE-LAB PROCEDURES -RESEARCH info for variable [find 1-2 applicable info] -COMPLETE procedures prior to LAB class period -procedures should FLOW from one step to the next -include important details -instructor should be able to perform lab based on information in the PROCEDURES COMPLETE PRE-LAB Microworlds Lesson Fourteen: Looking at Living Things: Vinegar Eels 3-MATERIALS -vinegar eels -microscope -well slides / spot plates -droppers - PRE-LAB REVIEW Microworlds Lesson Fourteen: Looking at Living Things: Vinegar Eels PROBLEM/QUESTION: DV IV Does the ________ affect the ________? HYPOTHESIS: IV If the ________ then the _________ DV IV- ___________________ Pollutants DV- ________________________ vinegar eel’s response LAB GROUPS: (5 min) COMPARE PRE-LAB information for group concesus PEER REVIEW PRE-LAB PROCEDURES PRE-LAB REVIEW Microworlds Lesson Fourteen: Looking at Living Things: Vinegar Eels CONSTANTS: amount pollutant, amount vinegar eel suspension, same eel population, time observed, microscope/power, … EXPERIMENTAL GROUP: Eels w/pollutants A & B added CONTROL GROUP: Eels w/NO pollutant added GATHER MATERIALS Microworlds Lesson Fourteen: Looking at Living Things: Vinegar Eels -1 microscope slide with well per table partner -1 microscope per table partner -----------------------------------Turn the ocular lenses to low power (short lens) -Raise the stage to its highest position -Adjust the eyepiece so you can easily see -PLUG IN / TURN ON MICROSCOPE ----------------------------------- Collecting the vinegar eel Microworlds Lesson Fourteen: Looking at Living Things: Vinegar Eels AT THE CART-1-Using a clean dropper provided at the front cart, carefully draw up a very small amount of vinegar from the jar -Place 2 drops of vinegar in the center of WELL A 3-Gently return any vinegar left in the dropper to the supply jar. – Drop it close to the surface of the water RETURN TO LAB STATION-4-Observe Eel (movement / focus) -practice time with the microscope Microworlds Lesson Fourteen: Looking at Living Things: Vinegar Eels Observing hints vinegar eels -Instead of trying to follow the vinegar eels around the well, keep the well in the same position and concentrate on focusing up and down as individuals swim into view. -If you are still having trouble, look at the edges of the well -Share tips on how you focused/better view? TIP: Try blocking some of the light with your hand EEL DRAWING- PRELAB Microworlds Lesson Fourteen: Looking at Living Things: Vinegar Eels -DRAW in circle and DESCRIBE (qualitative) -Include comments on colors, size and how the creature moves. -be DETAILED in drawing, include ENTIRE VIEWING AREA. Microworlds Lesson Fourteen: Looking at Living Things: Vinegar Eels PRACTICE TIMING: vinegar eel -Using dropper provided at the front cart, carefully draw up a very small amount of CLEANER from the jar -Place 2 drops of CLEANER in the center of WELL with eels -OBSERVE EEL movement over several minutes— do the EELS speed up or slow down -RECORD time for EEL to COIL (if they coil) CLEAN-UP Microworlds Lesson Fourteen: Looking at Living Things: Vinegar Eels 1-Rinse off slide in sink with clean water -place upside down on paper towel for drying -do NOT rub with paper towels 2-turn off and replace microscope (back of station) -wind up cord!! 3- WIPE down lab station