Slajd 1 - Jerzy Supernat

Management Process
dr hab. Jerzy Supernat
Institute of Administrative Studies
University of Wroclaw
Management Process
Father of scientific
Frederick W. Taylor
The art of management
has been defined as
knowing exactly
what you want men to do
and then
seeing that they do it
in the best and cheapest way.
dr hab. Jerzy Supernat
Management Process
Old adage
A manager does his work
by getting other people to do theirs.
dr hab. Jerzy Supernat
Management Process
Frederick W. Taylor:
The old fashioned dictator does not exist under
Scientific Management. The man at the head of
the business under Scientific Management is governed by rules and laws which have been developed through hundreds of experiments just as
much as the workman is, and the standards developed are equitable.
F.W. Taylor: A very serious objection has been made to the use of the word
‘science’ in this connection. […] I think the proper answer to this criticism is
to quote President professor McLaurin, of the Institute of Technology, of
Boston. He recently defined the word science as ‘classified or organized
knowledge of any kind’ […].
dr hab. Jerzy Supernat
Management Process
Ricky W. Griffin:
Management is a set of activities (including
planning and decision making, organizing, leading, and controlling) directed at an organization’s
resources (human, financial, physical, and information) with the aim of achieving organizational
goals in an efficient and effective manner.
dr hab. Jerzy Supernat
Management Process
The basic purpose of management: ensure
that an organization’s goals are achieved in an
efficient and effective manner.
efficient: using resources wisely and in a costeffective way
effective: making the right decisions and successfully implementing them
Successful organizations
are both efficient and effective.
dr hab. Jerzy Supernat
Management Process
Father of efficiency
Benjamin Franklin
Lose no time;
be always employed
in something useful;
cut off
all unnecessary action.
dr hab. Jerzy Supernat
Management Process
Benjamin Franklin’s thirteen virtues
TEMPERANCE. Eat not to dullness; drink not to elevation.
SILENCE. Speak not but what may benefit others or yourself; avoid trifling conversation.
ORDER. Let all your things have their places; let each part of your business have its
RESOLUTION. Resolve to perform what you ought; perform without fail what you resolve.
FRUGALITY. Make no expense but to do good to others or yourself; i.e., waste nothing.
INDUSTRY. Lose no time; be always employed in something useful; cut off all
unnecessary actions.
SINCERITY. Use no hurtful deceit; think innocently and justly, and, if you speak, speak
JUSTICE. Wrong none by doing injuries, or omitting the benefits that are your duty.
MODERATION. Avoid extremes; forbear resenting injuries so much as you think they
CLEANLINESS. Tolerate no uncleanliness in body, cloaths, or habitation.
TRANQUILITY. Be not disturbed at trifles, or at accidents common or unavoidable.
CHASTITY. Rarely use venery but for health or offspring, never to dullness, weakness,
or the injury of your own or another's peace or reputation.
HUMILITY. Imitate Jesus and Socrates.
dr hab. Jerzy Supernat
Management Process
Benjamin Franklin on the U.S. one hundred dollar bill
dr hab. Jerzy Supernat
Management Process
Anglo-Irish novelist
Maria Edgeworth
All work and no play
makes Jack a dull boy.
All play and no work
makes Jack a mere toy.
dr hab. Jerzy Supernat
Management Process
Ricky W. Griffin:
A manager is someone whose primarily responsibility is to
carry out the management process. In particular, a manager is
someone who plans and makes decisions, organizes, leads, and
controls human, financial, physical, and information resources.
The functions or stages of management do not usually occur in a tidy, stepby-step fashion. At any given time a manager is likely to be engaged in
several activities simultaneously.
Peter F. Drucker
Who is a manager can be defined only by man’s function and
by the contribution he is expected to make. And the function
which distinguishes the manager above all others is his educational one. The one contribution he is uniquely expected to
make is to give others vision and ability to perform. It is vision
and moral responsibility that […] define manager.
dr hab. Jerzy Supernat
Management Process
The first stage of the management process is
planning and decision-making. Planning means
setting an organization’s goals and deciding how
best to achieve them. Decision-making involves
selecting a course of action from a set of alternatives.
Planning and decision-making help maintain managerial effectiveness
by serving as guides for future activities / help managers allocate
their time and resources.
dr hab. Jerzy Supernat
If you want
to make God laugh,
tell Him your plans.
Management Process
The second stage of the management process
is organizing.
Once a manager has set goals and developed a
workable plan, the next management stage is to
organize the people and other resources necessary to carry out the plan. Specifically, organizing
involves how activities and resources are to be
dr hab. Jerzy Supernat
Management Process
The third stage of the management process is
leading. Leading is the set of activities used to
get people to work together to advance the interests of the organization.
Some people consider leading to be the most important and the most
challenging of all managerial functions.
dr hab. Jerzy Supernat
Management Process
The fourth and final stage of the management
process is controlling, or monitoring the organization’s progress towards its goals.
Controlling helps ensure the effectiveness and efficiency needed for
successful management.
dr hab. Jerzy Supernat
Management Process
Effective managers must be capable of moving
back and forth among the stages of the management process as circumstances warrant, and
must juggle multiple functions and activities simultaneously.
Managers cannot afford to be effective in or
enjoy performing only some of the functions and
activities, since all are important.
dr hab. Jerzy Supernat
Management Process
Peter F. Drucker
Categories of manager’s work:
setting objectives
motivating and communicating
developing people
Every one of these categories can be divided further into
sub-categories, and each of sub-categories could be discussed in a book of its own. The work of the manager, in
other words, is complex. And every one of its categories
requires different qualities and qualifications.
dr hab. Jerzy Supernat
Management Process
A manager, in the first place, sets objectives:
he determines what the objectives should be
he determines what the goals in each area of objectives
should be
he decides what has to be done to reach these objectives
he makes the objectives effective by communicating
them to the people whose performance is needed to
attain them
dr hab. Jerzy Supernat
Management Process
Secondly, a manager organizes:
he analyses the activities, decisions and relations needed
he classifies the work
he divides the work into manageable activities
he further divides the activities into manageable jobs
he groups the jobs into an organizational structure
he selects people for the jobs to be done
dr hab. Jerzy Supernat
Management Process
Andrew Carnegie - a man who knew how to enlist the service of better men than himself.
Management Process
Next a manager motivates and communicates
(makes a team out of the people that are responsible for various jobs):
he does it through the practices with which he manages
he does it in his own relation to the men he manages
he does it through incentives and rewards for successful
he does it through his promotion policy
he does it through constant communication with his subordinates and his superiors
dr hab. Jerzy Supernat
Management Process
The fourth basic element in the work of the manager is the job of measurement:
he establishes measuring yardsticks
he sees to it that each man in the organization has
measurements available to him which are focused on the
performance of the whole organization and which at the
same time focus on the work of the individual and help
him do it
he analyses performance, appraises it and interprets it
he communicates both the meaning of the measurements and their findings to his subordinates as well as to
his superiors
dr hab. Jerzy Supernat
Management Process
Finally, a manager develops people (through the
way he manages he makes it easy or difficult for
them to develop themselves):
he directs people or misdirects them
he brings out what is in them or he stifles them
he strengthens their integrity or he corrupts them
he trains them to stand upright and strong or he deforms them
dr hab. Jerzy Supernat
Management Process
Peter F. Drucker:
Setting objectives, organizing, motivating and communicating, measuring and developing people are formal, classifying categories. Only
a manager’s experience can bring them to life, concrete and meaningful. But because they are formal, they apply to every manager and
to everything he does as a manager. They can therefore be used by
every manager to appraise his own skill and performance, and to
work systematically on improving himself and his performance as a
Being able to set objectives does not make a man manager, just as
ability to tie a small knot in confined space does not make a man a
surgeon. But without ability to set objectives a man cannot be an
adequate manager, just as a man cannot do a good surgery who
cannot tie small knots. And as a surgeon becomes a better surgeon
by improving his knot-tying skill, a manager becomes a better manager by improving his skill and performance in all five categories of his
dr hab. Jerzy Supernat
Management Process
Kinds of managers by level of management
top managers (they manage the overall organization;
common titles: president and CEO)
middle managers (they bridge the upper and lower
levels of the organization; common titles: plant manager,
operations manager, and division head)
first-line managers (they supervise and coordinate the
activities of operating employees; common titles: supervisor, coordinator, and office manager)
dr hab. Jerzy Supernat
Management Process
A man of words and not of deeds
Is like a garden full of weeds.
Jack Welch
Former CEO of General Electric
My main job was developing talent. I was a gardener providing water and other nourishment to
our top 750 people. Of course, I had to pull out
some weeds, too.
dr hab. Jerzy Supernat
Management Process
Kinds of managers by area of management
They are concerned with establishing
and managing the systems that create
an organization’s products and services.
Typical responsibilities of operations
managers include production control,
inventory control, quality control, plant
layout, and site selection.
marketing managers
financial managers
operations managers
human-resource managers
administrative managers
public-relations managers
research and development managers, and so on
Administrative, or general, managers
are not associated with any particular
specialty. E.g. a hospital administrator.
dr hab. Jerzy Supernat
Management Process
The skills necessary to accomplish
or understand the specific kind of
work being done in an organization.
Managerial skills
The ability to communicate
with, understand, and motivate
individuals and groups.
The ability to think in the abstract.
The ability to visualize the most
appropriate response to a situation.
The ability to both effectively convey ideas
and information to others and effectively
receive ideas and information from others.
The ability to correctly recognize and define
problems and opportunities and then select
an appropriate course of action to solve
problems and capitalize on opportunities.
The ability to prioritize work, to work
efficiently, and to delegate appropriately.
dr hab. Jerzy Supernat
Management Process
Scope of management
Management is applicable to all organizations
(both profit-seeking, and not-for-profit). In other
words, any group of two or more persons working together to achieve a goal and having human,
financial, physical, or informational resources at
its disposal requires the practice of management.
dr hab. Jerzy Supernat
Concluding Remark
Management manages by making decisions and
by seeing that those decisions are implemented.
Harold S. Geneen (1910-1997)
dr hab. Jerzy Supernat