Chapter 14 Exam REview

Name: ___________________________
Marine Science
Chapter 14 Exam Review
1. What is primary production? What are the different kinds?
2. What are the reactants and products of photosynthesis?
3. Name and describe the different methods of measuring primary productivity.
4. What process do bacteria undergo to obtain energy from chemical compounds without the use of sunlight
5. What is the difference between gross and net primary productivity?
6. What are some limiting factors to photosynthesis?
7. What are some materials that would be considered “nutrients”?
8. The organism that is responsible for red tides and paralytic shellfish poisoning belongs to the Division:
9. An important marine autotroph that has silica incorporated in the cell walls are:
10. What is a HAB?
11. What is eutrophication? What causes this?
12. The relative productivity in the world's oceans from most productive to least productive is:
13. Describe the productivity in temperate oceans during the 4 different seasons. What are the limiting factors for each?
14. Although primary productivity in tropical areas is generally low, what tropical locations have unusually high primary
productivity rates?
15. What is the efficiency rate of energy from one trophic level to another. (be able to calculate using real numbers)
16. Compare nutrient flow to energy flow.
17. What is a biomass pyramid? What does it explain?
18. Compare and contrast autotrophs and heterotrophs.
19. Compare gross and net primary production. How is each calculated?
20. What phylum to dinoflagellates belong to? What phylum do diatoms belong to?
21. What is a trophic level?
22. What species of dinoflagellate causes Florida’s Red Tides?
23. What color do deep se organisms usually display in order to blend into their surroundings?
24. What tool is used to measure visibility of water column?
25. Be able to recreate the food web that includes the steller’s sea cow from your notes (sea cow, sea urchin, sea otter,
kelp). Explain how the sea cow went extinct just 27 years after it was discovered due to multiple pressures (POSSIBLE
26. Print out the temperate ocean primary productivity chart and study. Be able to explain what is happening each season
and use terms such as thermocline, solar radiation, primary productivity, nutrients, upwelling and isopycnal where
27. Study the HAB article (posted online) be able to identify the organism and species that causes red tides and the reason
for their name HAB/Red Tide. Discuss the effects of HAB’s on humans and Marine Organisms.