SOCIAL STUDIES LESSON PLAN OUTLINE o o o o TOPIC: Importance of the Constitution and Deceleration of Independence GRADE LEVEL: 3rd Grade STATE STANDARD: 3.C.1.3 ESSENTIAL QUESTION: Why were the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence important to our country? o LESSON OBJECTIVE: Students will be able to recognize the meaning and importance of the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence. o TYPES OF ASSESSMENT USED: formative assessment by a quiz o RESOURCES NEEDED FOR LESSON: SmartBoard, Chromebook, worksheets ======================================================================== ANTICIPATORY SET: o To introduce this lesson, I would start by showing The Constitution of the United States of America. After that we would discuss what was shown in the video. Next, I would read The Declaration of Independence: How 13 Colonies Became the United States by Syl Sobel to the second subject we will be discussing during this lesson. I would take time during the anticipatory set to point out key words . VOCABULARY ACTIVITY: Create an activity that introduces new words in the lesson. o For the vocabulary activity, students will go to Quizlet, to the Unit Three Constitution vocabulary link provided to them. They will begin by looking up some of the various vocab words on the list. Once they have practiced the words, they will be able to play the space race game on Quizlet.. Some of the vocabulary words include constitution, articles, amendments, preamble, and ratified. PROCEDURE OF MAIN LESSON: This is the part of the lesson you teach the new concepts after introducing it in the Anticipatory set. o Following the anticipatory set, I would do a shared writing with the students over the Declaration of Independence based on what they had learned during the anticipatory set. Next, I would tell the students that we will spend our time discusses the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence. I would use the SmartBoard powerpoint, The Founding Documents, to introduce the bulk of the lesson. This is where we would go over what each document is, their parts, and what they each represent. Following this, students will have the opportunity to work in small groups (chosen by the teacher) on a WebQuest over the Declaration of Independence. If students still have time left over, they can watch Liberty Kids: We The People. DESCRIPTION OF INDEPENDENT PRACTICE – DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT o For independent practice, students will be required to do some further research on the Constitution. Based off of what they’ve learned from their own research, as well as in class, students will create their own Classroom Constitution by creating a Padlet board. They will have a little bit of class time to do research, but the majority of the work will be done outside of the classroom. On the day it’s due, students will share in small groups their ideas for a classroom Constitution. CLOSURE OF THE LESSON – ENDING ACTIVITY o For the closure of the lesson, the students will go back to Quizlet and take a quiz over the vocabulary words they have been working on. ===================================================================================== LEARNER DIVERSITY: o ELL – I would provide any extra support they may need. o Gifted – I would provide additional material for them to work on if they finish early. ISTE STUDENT TECHNOLOGY STANDARDS: Check the ones that apply to your lesson plan. Creativity and Innovation X Communication and Collaboration X Research and Information Fluency X Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making Digital Citizenship X Technology operations and Concepts