Celestial Sphere Local View • On earth objects are usually viewed in flat Euclidean geometry. • From the earth the stars appear to be fixed on a sphere that rotates. – Great distance to objects – Earth’s rotation Great Circles • Any plane through the center of a sphere intersects the sphere in a great circle. P – AXB – PAQB • Points are opposite if for any great circle that passes through one it passes through both. A O X Q B Spherical Angles • The angle APX projects onto the plane of a great circle AOX. P – Defines angle APX – PAX right angle • The distance between two points is the angle between the points. A O X Q B Triangles • Three points not on the same great circle define a spherical triangle. – Defines a plane that excludes the origin c • Each angle is less than 180°, but the sum exceeds 180°. – Triangle PAX from before A B a b C Small Circles • A parallel circles have centers on the same axis. – AB and CD – Arc AP = q – AS = AO sin(AOS) • Pick E on AB. – Great circle PEF – PE = q q y A P S E C O F Q B D Small Circle Arc • Spherical angle y is defined by APE. – Same as CPF – Matches COF q y A • AS and ES parallel CO and FO. – ASE = y – AE = y sinq P S E C O F Q B D Polar Coordinates • Spherical polar coordinates are a 3-D vector. – Reduce to q, y on unit sphere x sin q cosy y sin q sin y z cosq Z y – r, q, y R S A X B q Y O S Spherical Trigonometry • Set A at a pole and AB on a great circle. rA 0,0,1 rB sin c,0, cos c rC sin b cos A, sin b sin A, cos b cos a cos b cos c sin b sin c cos A sin A sin B sin C sin a sin b sin c A c B b a C Latitude • Orient the sphere of the earth with N, S poles. • The equator is the great circle at 90° from N. N q X f • The latitude is measured from the equator. – f = 90° – NX S E Longitude • The prime meridian is at right angles to the equator. – Defined at Greenwich Observatory, NGKS N G • Longitude is the angle l = GNX. – -180° < l < -180° X O K l S E Projection • Project the earth outward into space. – North and south celestial poles P, Q – Celestial equator E • East orientation is defined by the sun’s position ϒ at vernal equinox. – Crosses equator from S to N – March 21 P X O ϒ a Q E Declination and Right Ascension • Declination is the celestial equivalent of latitude. – d = 90° – PX P • Right ascension is the celestial equivalent of longitude. – a = ϒPX X O d ϒ a Q E Heavenly Time • Right ascension is not measured in degrees. • Degrees are converted to time. – 24 hours = 360° – 1h = 15° 1° = 4m – 1m = 15' 1' = 4s – 1s = 15'' 1'' = 1/15 s Stellar Coordinates • Stellar coordinates use right ascension and declination. P – X(a,d) X’ • Displacement is measured as a difference of coordinates. – X’(a da, d dd) X ϒ a Q E Alt-Azimuth • The alt-azimuth system is fixed to an observer on earth. • Zenith distance is measured from vertical. – z = ZX – Altitude a = 90° - z • Azimuth is measured west of north. – A = PZX Z P N X S O W Q Rising Star • Stars are visible to an observer when z > 90°. • Tables of rising and setting objects are computed for z = 90°. Hour Angle • Alt-azimuth moves with the stars. • PZ was fixed by the transformation. • Hour angle is measured from zenith and celestial north. – HA = ZPX to the west – PZSQ is the observer’s meridian Z equator P X N S O W Q Circumpolar • Declination remains the same. – d = 90° – PX Z • The small circle through X is a parallel of declination. • A small circle that does not intersect the horizon does not set – circumpolar stars. equator P X N S O W Q Relative Time • Project points from Greenwich G and an observer X onto the celestial sphere. – Hour angle at Greenwich GHA – Observer hour angle is HA = GHA + l N G X O K • Sidereal time is defined by the hour angle. l S E Sidereal Time • Sidereal time is defined by the hour angle. • Moves with the stars • LST = HA + RA • A sidereal day is shorter than a solar day. • 23 h 56 m Universal Time • The sidereal and solar time scales depend on the earth’s rotation. – Irregular on short time scales – Slowing on long time scales • Irregularities can be smoothed to get universal mean sun. • Universal time is UT = 12 h + GHA (UMS). – UTC uses leap seconds to coordinate Dynamical Time • A dynamical model of time replaced rotation based systems in 1952. – Ephemeris time ET – Defines the second based on the year 1900 – Replaced by TA1 atomic clocks in 1972 • In 1976 this was replaced by Terrestrial Dynamical Time to account for general relativity. Atomic Time • Absolute time measurement is based on the vibrational period of the hyperfine lines in cesium. • Absolute time is measured in Julian days beginning at noon Jan 1, 4713 BC. • Time is converted to earth-based time like UTC for use in astronomy.