4. Gert Lang - European Network for Mental Health Promotion




Mental Health Promotion

Experiences from the

ProMenPol Field Trials

Gert Lang

Research Institute of the Red Cross www.mentalhealthpromotion.net

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Background and Goals

Rising incidence of mental distress and disease

Availability of mental health promotion answers

Complexity of existing tools and instruments in the field of mental health promoiton (MHP)

Need for assessment and rationalisation of available tools – implementation reports

• To be able to use the potentials of positive mental health

Strenghten the links between policy, practice and science

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Tasks of ProMenPols Field Trials

• To ask for and support the practices in three settings with the implementation of

MHP tools and instruments

• To document ongoing good practice in the three settings


– to implement MHP in the course of the project

– or to report on prior/ongoing MHP

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Results so far

• In 2007 we started to find practice partners

(field pilot sites)

16 organisations offered insight in their experiences so far

Available reports from

– 6 from the schools setting,

– 7 workplaces, and

– 3 from the older peoples setting

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Results so far

Process of implmentation was mainly

(very) good, e.g.

– High acceptance/satisfaction of target group

– Positive and sustainable organisational effects,

– Tool promoted health and wellbeing

Outcomes and results were mostly achieved

• Long list of suggestions and

recommendations for practice and policy

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Experiences from Practice

• Setting: Education

FIT FOR LIFE Programme – Promotion of social competencies

Philipp Jugert, BIPP

• Setting: Workplace

Positive Mentality Programme – wellbeing & responsibility

Catherine Kilfedder, BT group

• Setting: Older people’s residences

Spiritual needs of older people

Arja Suni, Age Institute

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