
Innovative Program Presentation – RUBRIC – Learning Team Assignment
Due Week 6, February 5, 2014
Resources: University Library; Access the College of Education Technology Resource Library link from your course website.
Prepare a 15- to 20-minute presentation about the innovative program that is appropriate for a professional conference, such as multimedia, roundtable
discussion, or poster session.
As a team present your innovative program and at the same time describe what facilitative techniques you would use to present your program at a professional
conference to engage the audience.
Include the following in the presentation:
Describe the program and historical context leading to the innovative program.
Determine which aspects of andragogical theory are supported by the program.
Predict the potential or future effects of the team’s selected innovative program.
Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment; should include some form of multimedia presentation – PowerPoint, Prezi, to name a few possibilities
– and a supporting visual aid to be distributed to the audience – a brochure, handout, informative graphic organizer or the like; when presenting include
supporting citations when and where applicable orally and on supporting resources; in turn, re-submit the annotated bibliography from week 5 to include any
recent updates since the first submission.
Assignment criteria:
Content (50%); Organization & Development (15%); and, Style &
Mechanics (15%)
Points and comments below will use the following criteria
100%– Expectations were met
85% - Expectations were mostly met
75% - Expectations were somewhat met
50% - Expectations were hardly met
0% - Not Covered
Points & Comments
Key elements of the assignment were included:
Prepared a 15- to 20-minute presentation about the innovative program
appropriate for a professional conference, such as multimedia,
roundtable discussion, or poster session.
Presented innovative program and at the same time described what
facilitative techniques would be used to present program at a
professional conference to engage the audience.
Described the program and historical context leading to the
innovative program.
Determined which aspects of andragogical theory are supported by
the program.
Predicted the potential or future effects of the team’s selected
innovative program.
Organization & Development
 The assignment was organized well and appropriately detailed; the
information was presented in a clear manner.
The presentation included, appropriate visual aids, multimedia as
well as some form of handout or brochure – a take-away – the
audience can refer to later. Citations used throughout connect to
the annotated bibliography.
Style & Mechanics
 Formatting and any graphics/visual aids were professional and
pleasing to the eye (font, colors, spacing); consistent with APA
Points & Comments
Points & Comments
Rules of grammar, usage, and punctuation were followed, and
spelling was correct.
Total Score from above
Overall Score from Presentation Feedback Form, below, 10 points
Team Presentation Feedback Form
2 = Meets Requirement; 1 = Needs Improvement; 0 = Requirement was not attempted or evident
Element Description
Needs Improvement
Meets Requirement
Demonstrates HigherLevel Thinking:
Demonstrates higher order
thinking skills and
addresses key elements of
the assignment (above)
Some of the elements
above have been addressed
All of the elements above
have been addressed; the
team explains how they
would engage the audience
at a professional
conference to ponder
deeper issues on the topic.
ELEMENT 2/Manages
the Mechanics:
Creates & delivers an
engaging and interactive
presentation appropriate
for the time allotted.
Lectures without
explanation of how team
would facilitate a
discussion at a
professional conference.
Does not engage audience.
Does not finish on time.
Explains various
techniques the team would
use to facilitate learning
and to engage the audience
when presenting
innovative program.
Interacts well with
audience. Finishes
presentation on time.
Does not integrate
personal professional
experience. No reference
to current event or
Integrates practitioner
perspective and experience
where appropriate. Can
adequately discuss topicappropriate personal
experience and current
events in response to open
NOTE: Use a role play
scenario to act out a
professional conference
setting demonstrating
some techniques to engage
the audience and/or
explain how your team
would achieve this
element and demonstrate a
few examples
ELEMENT 3/Maintains
Focus on Presentation
Objectives and Adds
Integrates personal
professional expertise and
current events or research
Demonstrates Exemplary
All of the elements above have been
addressed; the team explains how
they would engage the audience at a
professional conference to ponder
deeper issues on the topic. In turn,
the team demonstrates some of the
strategies they would use to engage
an audience at a professional
Has clear and stated agenda and
follows that agenda. Explains and
demonstrates a variety of teaching
approaches to inform and engage an
audience at a potential professional
conference. Completes presentation
on time, while allowing appropriate
time for questions and answers.
Interacts well with audience.
Integrates personal professional
experience, current events, and
research into presentation and
discussion. Responds well to openended questions.
into presentation
Professional Appearance
& Language: Dresses in
professional attire. Written
and spoken language skills
demonstrate higher
education standards and
career achievement.
ELEMENT 5/ Technical
Demonstrates proficient
knowledge of technology
resources used during the
Appearance of presenters
is informal and
inappropriate for the
audience and presentation.
Language is inappropriate
for higher education
settings. Written materials
contain spelling or
grammatical errors.
Demonstrates poor
working knowledge of
technology used during the
ended questions.
Appearance of team
presenting is formal and
appropriate for
professional presentation
standards (as the topic
allows). Spoken and
written language skills
satisfy higher education
Demonstrates proficiency
with technology used
during the presentation.
Overall appearance is exemplary for
the topic and audience. The team, as
a whole, is highly articulate and
communicates well verbally and in
Demonstrates mastery of technology
used during the presentation.