Latin American Revolutions

The conquistadors from
Spain defeated the Aztecs
and the Incas.
Then what happened?
How did life change for the native
peoples of the New World?
Who filled the power vacuum left
when the major powers, the
Aztec and Inca, were conquered?
Life in the Spanish Colonies…
1. With your partner, look at the picture. What do you see in the picture? Write
what you think each of the labels means on your student handout. Write and be
prepared to tell a story about this place that includes the people and the places in
the illustration.
• Hacienda = a land grant, or an estate, given to a
conquistador by the king that might include a
plantation, mines, or factories.
• Encomienda = a grant from the king giving control
of the lives of the people on the hacienda to a
conquistador. The encomienda system is what
provides the labor for the hacienda.
The hacienda was the Spanish equivalent of a plantation. A
hacienda was a large land grant given to a conquistador by
the king. The land may also include other means of
producing wealth—i.e.—mines, cattle ranching, and
factories. The head of a hacienda was called the patrón.
Peasants, or peones, worked land that belonged to the
patrón. The campesinos worked small holdings, and owed a
portion to the patrón.
What Was The Encomienda?
Brainstorming Questions for your
In the encomienda, the Spanish crown granted a
person a specified number of natives for whom they
were to take responsibility. It was the responsibility of
the person granted the encomienda to compensate
their subjects, protect them, educate them in the
Christian faith and make sure the people could live off
the land. Spain wanted to reduce any chance of
overthrow by rebellious groups.
In return they could extract tribute from the natives in
the form of labor, gold, or other products. In practice,
the difference between encomienda and slavery could
be minimal. Many natives were forced to do hard
labor and subjected to extreme punishment and death
if they resisted.
3. As you read about the different social classes in the
Spanish colonies, label each section of the pyramid with
the appropriate class distinction.
4. Complete the cloze notes/definitions of each social
class on your student handout.
• A Spanish born Spaniard living in the New
• Peninsulares refers to the Iberian Peninsula
that contains Spain and Portugal
• At the top of the class system
• Governed the Spanish
• Many times owned large
quantities of land
• Loyalty was to Spain
• Pure Spanish blood, but born in the
Spanish colonies to two parents born in
• Not allowed to hold the same positions in
government as the
• Could inherit land from
peninsulares parents
• Became the local
• Mestizos = Mixed Spanish
and Native American
heritage. Because they had
some Spanish blood, they
were considered above any
Native American.
• Mulattos = Mixed Spanish
• and African heritage
Both above slaves
Working class of society
Lived mainly in small towns
and communities
• Aztec and other
Native Indian
• African Slaves—
at the bottom of
the social ladder
Check your work.
Mestizos and
Labor Class
Native Americans
and African slaves
5. Read Living in the Colonies: Living in the
City with your partner.
• 6. Describe the life of a wealthy city dweller.
• 7. Describe the life of the poor in a city.
Describe the life of…
Check your work.
…a wealthy city dweller
• Lived in two story houses with their
business on the first floor. Second
story held family apartments.
• House had center courtyard with
separate kitchen.
• House had decorative moldings and
carved shutters.
• Furnishings elegant. Imported
Spanish goods, silk draperies , and
New World silver.
• Arts: Portraits popular, religious
works, and decorative statues
• Drama and music from Europe
• Lavish parties to show off wealth
the poor in the city
• Lived in barrios, or neighborhoods
• Free blacks , Indians and mestizos
lived here
• Lived in one-room apartments
divided into two rooms by a blanket
• Some people had to live in shacks
• Social structure of barrios:
--new immigrants from Spain,
poorer Spanish people, and
Indian artisans at the top
--Gardeners, laborers, porters,
and merchants
--Unskilled or temporary Indian
laborers and blacks
• Cockfights a form of entertainment
• Religious holidays with parades and
prayers a break from work
• Watched the wealthy in their new
clothes and fine carriages
8. Read Living in the Colonies: Living in
the Country. and Living on a Hacienda
with your partner.
9. Categorize IT!
• You have been given pieces of paper on which are
important facts from the readings.
• --Sort the facts into groups of like material
--Label each group with a title that best categorizes the
• Create a chart:
--Number of groups = number of columns on chart
--Each column should be labeled with title
--Chart should be given a title
8. Read Living in the Colonies: Living in
the Country. and Living on a Hacienda
with your partner.
9. Categorize IT!
• You will use your computer’s Smart Notebook on which you
have been given boxes in which are important facts from the
• --Sort the facts into groups of like material by moving the
--Label each group with a title that best categorizes the
• Create a chart:
--Number of groups = number of columns on chart
--Each column should be labeled with title
--Chart should be given a title
Land owned by wealthy.
Haciendas=huge country estates.
Poor worked on estates for low
wages and little hope of
owning land.
19th and 20th century
political struggles were to
overthrow the haciendas.
Native Indians forced to work on
estates. Millions of African slaves
imported for labor on estates.
Wealth gained from
sugarcane, coffee, cacao,
rice, cotton, wheat, cattle.
Land owners attitudes kept
laborers in poverty.
Hacienda covered hundreds
of square miles of land.
Latin American countries are Patrons had lots of
still mostly agricultural.
influence in government.
Industrial develop needed.
Hacienda was selfsufficient, producing food,
clothes, dishes, furniture
and tools. Little purchased
from the outside.
Patron of the hacienda
provided homes, land,
necessities, and protection
for the peons
Almost half the land in
South America was
Patron ruler and judge for
the peons.
Peons worked for the patron.
Patron kept peons in debt and
unable to buy their freedom.
People bought what they
needed from the hacienda
store and paid for the goods
with labor. People rarely got
out of debt.
Profit from items produced
on the hacienda went to the
Villages on the hacienda had to
pay rent for the homes, land and
grazing rights. Paid this by
working for the haciendas.
Many patrons were
absentee owners. They
put a manager in
charge and built
themselves a mansion
in the city
• Based on your knowledge of the social structure
in the Spanish colonies and the treatment of the
people, what reasons would mestizos,
mulattoes, Native Americans, and African slaves
have to revolt against Spanish rule?
• What reasons would a criollo (creole) have to
revolt against Spanish rule?
Discuss with your group. Be prepared to share
with the class.
10. Read the speech by Father Miguel Hidalgo. What was the
purpose of the speech? Who do you think Father Hidalgo was
addressing when he made his speech?
'My children: a new dispensation comes to us today. Will you
receive it? Will you free yourselves? Will you recover the lands
stolen three hundred years ago from your forefathers by the hated
Spaniards? We must act at once... Will you defend your religion and
your rights as true patriots? Long live Our Lady of Guadalupe!
Death to bad government! Death to the gachupines (or
Miguel Hidalgo
11. With your group, read
Mexico and Central America
Revolt and answer
questions 12-16. Be
prepared to discuss your
answers with the class.
12. Which groups in Mexico
supported Father Hidalgo? Which
groups did not support his fight
for independence? Why?
Flag carried by
Miguel Hidalgo and
his insurgent
Check your answer:
12. Which groups in Mexico supported Father
Hidalgo? Which groups did not support his fight
for independence? Why?
Poor mestizos and Native Americans rallied to Father Hidalgo
and joined his army. Father Hidalgo called for an end to
slavery and for reforms to improve conditions for Native
Creoles (criollos), after first supporting him (remember, only
peninsulares could hold certain powerful government
positions), rejected Father Hidalgo when they felt the
reforms he asked for would cost them power.
Check your answer:
13. Who was Jose Morelos? What social
and political reforms did he want for
Father Jose Morelos was a mestizo and a priest
who called for social and political reforms in the
Father Morelos wanted to improve conditions for
the majority of Mexicans, abolish slavery, and give
the vote to all men.
14. Why did Augustin de Iturbide move
from fighting the rebels to reaching out
to them to join him in winning
Check your answer:
14. Why did Augustin de Iturbide move
from fighting the rebels to reaching out
to them to join him in winning
Augustin de Iturbide was a
conservative creole who became
alarmed when, in 1820, liberals in
Spain forced the king to issue a
constitution. He feared that new
reforms would be forced on the
15. What type of government did
Iturbide want to set up after
independence from Spain was won?
Check your answer:
15. What type of government did
Iturbide want to set up after
independence from Spain was won?
Iturbide wanted a monarch with himself as
16. What type of government does
Mexico have today? Describe the role
the people of the country play in this
type of government?
Check your answer:
16. What type of government does Mexico
have today? Describe the role the people of the
country play in this type of government?
“I swear before
God and by my
honor never to
allow my hands
to be idle nor my
soul to rest
Until I have
broken the chains
that bind us to
July 5, 1811
Bolivar captures
Bogata, Columbia
after defeating
Spanish at Battle
of Boyaca, 1819
Bolivar defeats
Spanish at Battle
of Lastaguanes in
Venezuela 1813
Bolivia declares
Its independence
Bolivar hosts a
congress in Panama
to promote Latin
American unity.
Bolivar dies.
19. Watch the
Brainpop video,
Simon Bolivar. We
will review the quiz
questions before the
video and the
complete the quiz
after viewing.
20. Read San
Martin Joins
the Fight with
your partner.
21. Create a Flow Map showing the
sequence of events in San Martin’s
efforts to gain independence for
Argentina and other countries in South
Check your answer:
21. Create a Flow Map showing the
sequence of events in San Martin’s efforts
to gain independence for Argentina and
other countries in South America.
Creole who
went to Europe
for military training.
Moved on to Peru
To fight colonial rule.
Helped Argentina
win freedom from
Led an army across
the Andes from
Argentina into Chile.
Defeated the Spanish
In Chile.
Turned command over to
Bolivar allowing him and
his forces to win the final
victories against Spain.
22. Read Freedom Leads to Power
Struggles and Latin American
23. Simon Bolivar wanted to unite the
countries in South America into one
single nation called Gran Columbia.
Why was Bolivar not successful in
achieving this dream?
Check your answer:
23. Simon Bolivar wanted to unite the
countries in South America into one single
nation called Gran Columbia. Why was Bolivar
not successful in achieving this dream?
• World Studies; Koontz, Sidwell, Bunker; BJU
Press, Greenville, SC; 2000; pgs. 175-176, 178.
• World History: The Modern Era; Ellis, Esler;
Pearson Prentiss Hall, Boston, MA; 2007; pgs.
• Internet websites sourced on individual slides