WH Chapter 8 Section 3 TE

World History Chapter 8 Section 3 Notes
Revolts in Latin America
I. Discontent Fans the Fires
a. Social and Ethnic Structures Causes Resentment
i. The social and political structure
1. Peninsulares
a. Pure Spanish decent
b. Members of the highest social class
c. Dominated Latin America political and
social life
d. Held jobs in government and the church
2. Creoles
a. From European and Latin American
b. Owned haciendas ranches and mines
c. Resented their second class status
3. Mestizos people of Native American and
European decent
4. Mulattoes People of African and European
a. Mestizos and Mulattoes were angry at
being denied the status wealth and
power that were available to whites.
5. Native Americans suffered economically
under Spanish rule
6. In the Caribbean, enslaved African worked on
plantations who wanted their freedom.
b. The Enlightenment Inspires Latin American
i. Educated Creoles read the works of Enlightenment
1. Watched the American colonist defeat British.
2. Translated and distributed the American
Declaration of Independence and Constitution.
3. Creoles liked Enlightenment ideals but were
reluctant to act.
4. Napoleon Invades Spain
a. Latin American saw the French invasion
of Spain as an opportunity to move
against the Spanish, they saw Spain as
II. Slaves Win Freedom for Haiti
World History Chapter 8 Section 3 Notes
a. On the island of Haiti, French planters used slave labor to
produce sugar but the slaves were overworked and
i. Toussaint L’Overture Leads a Slave Revolt
1. In 1791, slaves in Haiti rose against the
French planters
2. The rebel slaves found Toussaint L’Overture,
a Self educated former slave who was a
brilliant general.
3. The British, Spanish, and French fought
against the rebels but in 1798, slavery was
ii. Haiti wins Independence
1. 1802, Napoleon sent a large army to recapture Haiti and used a truce to capture
Toussaint L’Overture, he died in a French
prison a year later.
2. In late 1803 Napoleon withdrew his troops
from Haiti due to yellow fever.
III. Mexico and Central America Revolt
a. Father Hidalgo Cries Out for Freedom
i. Father Miguel Hidalgo
1. Creole priest
2. Gave his voice to freedom
3. Looked over the poor rural parish of Dolores
4. Gave a speech (September 15, 1810) called
“El Grito de Dolores or The cry of Dolores,
calling for Mexicans to fight for independence
b. A ragged army of poor Mestizos and Native Americans
rallied around Father Hidalgo.
c. Creoles rejected his ideas because Father Hidalgo called
for the end of slavery and better treatment towards Native
d. Less than a year after his speech, Father Hidalgo was
captured and executed
e. Jose Morelos Continues the Fight
1. Father Jose Morelos
a. A Mestizo
b. Called for social and political reform
c. Wanted to end slavery
World History Chapter 8 Section 3 Notes
d. Universal suffrage to all men
e. Was executed in 1815 after being
ii. Mexico Win Independence
1. Liberals in Spain forced the government to
issue a constitution.
2. Austin De Iturbide
a. Conservative Creole in Mexico
b. Fought against liberal reform until Spain
issued their constitution
3. Iturbide feared that Mexico would also be
forced to issue a constitution, turned sides to
the Mexican revolutionary.
4. Backed by Creoles, Mestizos, and Native
Americans, Iturbide’s forces kicked-out the
Spanish viceroy (type of governor)
5. Iturbide tried to set himself up as an Emperor
(Augustin I) but was quickly overthrown
f. New Republics Emerge in Central America
i. When Mexico won their independence, areas in
Central America also declared their independence.
ii. Iturbide tried to add those lands to his empire but
after he was overthrown, local leaders set-up a
republic called the United Province of Central
iii. The republic did not last and smaller republics
1. Guatemala
2. Nicaragua
3. Honduras
4. El Salvador
5. Costa Rica
IV. Revolution Ignites South America
a. Bolivar Begins the Fight
i. Simon Bolivar
1. Wealthy Creole family
2. Traveled to Europe and was inspired by the
French and American Revolution.
3. Saw Napoleon’s invasion of Spain as a time to
World History Chapter 8 Section 3 Notes
ii. 1810, his forces took control of Venezuela
iii. Fought a back and forth war with Spain and
Conservative forces until his army crossed the
Andes and surprised the Spanish to take Bogota.
iv. Bolivar was given the nickname, “the liberator”
because he later freed Venezuela, Ecuador, Peru
and Bolivia.
b. San Martin Joins the Fight
i. Jose San Martin:
1. A Creole
2. Born in Argentina
3. Traveled to Europe for military training
4. Freed Argentina from Spanish rule
c. Freedom Leads to Power Struggle
i. By 1824, the war for independence ended but
Bolivar wanted to unite the lands of Columbia,
Panama, Venezuela, Ecuador and call them Gran
ii. Bolivar’s plan failed and power struggles began with
civil wars
d. Brazil Gains Independence
i. When Napoleon conquered Portugal, the royal
family fled to Brazil
ii. After Napoleon was defeated, the king of Portugal
left his son, Dom Pedro to rule.
iii. If a revolution broke out, the king told his son to
proclaim Brazilian independence.
iv. 1822, A revolution broke out and the revolutionaries
wanted Dom Pedro to leave.
v. He refused and crowned himself as emperor
vi. Dom Pedro did accept a constitution, freedom of
press, freedom of religion, and an elected